1996 Andy Griffith article in Guideposts

2012-07-09 Thread ctygrl821
Hello all,

Haven't written into the digest such a long time, but I always enjoy everyone's 
I thought this1996 article that our beloved Andy Griffith submitted to this 
magazine would just be another reason we all loved him so...and continue to 
love him and his influence and strength on everyone that knew him. I think each 
of you will take quite a bit from his article about his faith and his family.


God bless Andy and his amazing way of inspiring us to keep our faith and our 
families close in our hearts always...

jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Bouncing or no bouncing

2008-05-07 Thread ctygrl821
Hi All,

Shazaam...I sure am glad to know I was not the only one that got the 'ole 
bounce...I didn't even know why!
Sure am glad, too, that my digest is back right 'chere in my email box ...nary 
a thing to be reckoned with, ya know!

Thanks to Alan for working on the machines that caused this...and I thought 
they were GOD machines... but I wonder what causes that?

Hope everyone is doing goodmissed hearing from the gang...but now we can 
all get back to our corner of Mayberry and enjoy our digest.
Sure is good to laugh!

Keep a good thought,

jaywalkin' joan in NC ( yep, saw Andy's endorsements for the governors 
race...but no mention of that parking ticket!)? :)
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-12-11 Thread ctygrl821


I've been racking my brain trying to remember in which episode this happened. 

Andy, Aunt Bee and maybe Barney or Helen were sitting around. Aunt Bee was 

knitting or darning. They were talking about some pesty person or persons. Aunt 

Bee says, "I remember a movie about World War (I or II, I don't remember), and 

they strung up wire across the road and when the bad guys came by on 

--- VVV!" and she made a cutting her throat motion. It was very 

violent for Aunt Bee but it reflected her high level of annoyance at the 


Does anyone remember the episode and at whom Aunt Bee was directing her 




Hi there Karen AKA Sharon,

The episode you're referring to is "Barney's Motorcycle" and the scene is where 
Aunt Bee is sitting at the kitchen table (trying to rest a little) after she 
and Andy get home from the store.

Barney, whizzing by on his motorcycle, almost ran into Bee who was crossing the 
street with an armful of groceries. Bee came to the courthouse and was 
complaining to Andy about Barney and the cycle, and Andy tells her he will walk 
her home.

Bee begins to tell Andy about a "war picture" she once saw with the Germans 
stringing up a wire to VVVFFFPPPTTT the enemy as they rode

past on their motorcycles.

"...yeah Barn would be a real case study."

jaywalkin' joan in NC


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more unseen characters and Barney's mother

2007-08-18 Thread ctygrl821
Hi all,

I took off my thankin' bucket and lo and behold...I have a few more that maybe 
we've not listed...!

Mrs. Van Roder ( "the beast of the 4th floor???") Ange and Barn's teacher..did 
we list her yet?

Mrs. Jones ( next door) when Aunt Bee takes little Andelina over to see her... 
"she just loves babies!"

Vickie Harms...(Barn's first true love) ...you know her Daddy was in civil 
service... "well, she'd bite off the end of my snow cone (raspberry, of course) 
sip out all the syrup, then give me back the ice, what'ya think of that?"

And, last but definitely NOT least.. no picture ever is seen of Andy's wife, 
Opie's Mom... perhaps that's the way they wanted it.

And Rob, we do see Barney's Mother once..when there's the manhunt out on the 
highway... where Barn is searching everyone (including his mother) as they 
drive past the roadblock...
"...but Barney, I'm your mother!"

Have a nice Mayberry kind of weekend, allwishing those cool breezes would 
make their way down here...

jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Unseen characters

2007-08-16 Thread ctygrl821
Hi all,

It's sweltering hot here in Charlotte (101 today), and we need some of those 
cool breezes they have up there in Mayberry!
Sure could use a nectarine crush about now.

Ok...here's a couple of names of unseen characters..

Nat Pike ...although he's only 4 years old, "he's sure been around a lot..."

Peggy's father..you know he owns that Grain Elevator Business up there In 
Raleigh...(and can afford a brand new T Bird for his daughter...)

Maude who slept wrong and her neck is in a crane with the versitis..."she 
suffers with it so..."

Clara's boy, Gale... wonder if he liked her blue ribbon pickles? 
Allspice...that makes the difference!

Doc Andrews ... who upsets Bee by telling her "we aren't spring chickens 

And, how could I forget...the appliance repairman for Bee's broken freezer in 
"...call the MAN!!!"

I'll be thanking and thanking for more unseen ones, but will have to take a 
break once in a while due to this awful heat!

Stay cool, ya'll!

jaywalkin' joan in NC

"You beat everything, you know that!!!???"

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Little Leon

2007-07-30 Thread ctygrl821

From: "weenie man" 
Subject: Little Leon
OK...this is preying on my mind. Leon ( ron howard's real life brother ), is 
often seeing roaming around Mayberry eating his sandwich. Where are his 
parents? He's just a little thing and you never see him with an 
adult. He's walking the sidewalks, in people's backyards... All the 
adults who see him just say "Hi Leon" and go about their business like 
nothing is wrong. If I don't get some good answers.I'm going to 

I'm tensed!

Weenie Man,

Not to worry...I feel Little Leon was safe as can be there on the friendly 
streets of Mayberry.
Everyone knew him, and I'm sure looked out for him..even Barn, when they 
"discussed" the Bank of Mayberry needing some "Glenn Ford" attention!

I can remember when I was a little one here in NC, we rode bikes to the local 
store to get "pop" and penny candy without anyone worrying about our safety.
We didn't even lock the doors at night. We'd never ever even think of leaving 
them like that now!
Times were so much safer, nicer then, and folks were kind and caring of one 
Sure wish we could go back to those times, our world would be a much nicer 
place to live!

So, try not to be "tensed", I'm sure Leon AKA Clint Howard, now all grown up, 
is keeping an ever watchful eye on his little ones, and knows we all need to 
back the days of Mayberry. What a wonderful world it would be if only we could 
do just that...

Take care and be safe out there, and cancel your trip to Nashville!

jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Barney the Bluebird returns

2007-06-06 Thread ctygrl821
Greetings all,

GOOD NEWS! Barney the Bluebird, along with his devoted Thelma Lou, have 
returned to our backyard, and it seems they will set up housekeeping once 
again! :)? We are delighted to have them back, and hope the newest Fifes to be 
born will be as cute as their brothers and sisters ( Winken, Blinken and Nod). 
Thel is busy as before getting that house all fixed up for the little ones' 
nest, while ole Barn patrols Checkpoint Chickee around the yard!
Last weekend, as they made their return, we did get a glimpse of Winken and 
Blinken, sitting in a tree with Mom and Dad Barn and Thel. They are adorable! 
We feel Nod was doing, well, Nod's usual, nodding off! Soon they will have new 
brothers and sisters added to the family!

More to come from our little corner of a Mayberry kind of yard...with nice and 
full trees and Barney on patrolcan't get much better than that!

jaywalkin' joan in NC

no slingshots allowed!

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leaving their nest

2007-05-21 Thread ctygrl821
 Greetings everyone!
 News flash from the Mayberry Gazette Winken told Blinken, and Winken told 
Nod and Nod told Barney and I'm tellin' you all...our little bluebird nest of 
Fifes have flown the coop! They were so cute as they grew each and every 
day...and Barney and Thelma Lou were such wonderful parents...tending to their 
little ones every need...nice juicy worms and such at every meal. I bet now 
Barn is taking Thel out to Morelli's for a fine dinner, and he'll even splurge 
with the Gypsies' music (that is if he slips them a quarter).
 My beloved and I miss watching those beautiful birds every day, tending their 
nest... Barney the Bluebird going on patrol around the bird house, keeping 
check point chickee out day and night... Thel patiently watching from her perch 
on a nearby tree limb, singing her lullabies to her little ones...
 We hope they decide to return one day soon with a new brood to raise. Thanks 
for all the input on "them fine bird names"...it was fun! :)
 We'll miss the "chirp, chirp, chirp" coming from that little house
 "But don't the trees seem nice and full"
 jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Them's fine bird names!

2007-05-08 Thread ctygrl821
 Hi all...thanks for the suggestions for bird names for my baby bluebirds out 
 Keep 'em comin'..I love the ideas!
 Sam in Knoxville, I agree...Winken, Blinken and Nod are good ones (them's fine 
bird names...) Thanks :)
 And, Kim in TX, yes, naming the chicks after Andy, Opie and Aunt Bee are also 
fine bird names! Thanks :)
 I happened to think of Mary Grace, after Thel's cousin, or even Karen, the 
other cousin that was a sharp shooter (not of birds, of course)..only CLAY 
 That is, if there are several females in the brood!
 If we are lucky enough to see the little ones as they take their first flight, 
I'll be sure and see how many there are and if we can identify males or 
females. Hopefully, I will be able to catch a glimpse of them very soon. They 
seem to be getting bigger each day, as they are chirping louder and louder as 
Dad Barney and Mom Thelma Lou make numerous trips to the house toting nice 
juicy worms or crunchy bugs in their beaks. And, after these little ones are 
raised, I think Barn should treat Thel to a nice dinner for two (no dutch 
treat) at Morelii's...steak sandwich time, with soup AND salad...after all, 
Thel has been such a good Mom.
 Or, perhaps they could even go to the Bluebird Diner!?! Wonder if bluebirds 
dine at the Bluebird Diner? I bet they do. Was the diner where Juanita worked 
called the Bluebird Diner? Did Thel ever dine there? I bet not.
 Until next time...the tale of Barney and Thelma Lou the Bluebird pair, along 
with the little Fifes, continues...in my back yardkeep the ideas comin', 
all. Thanks :)
 jaywalkin' joan in NC
 "Them's fine bird names."

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the hatching of little blue Fifes

2007-05-06 Thread ctygrl821
  Hi ya'll,
 The next chapter of Barney the Bluebird continues...with the arrival of the 
little blue Fifes!
 Yes, Barney and Thelma Lou, our beloved Bluebird pair nesting in our back 
yard...now have little Fifes.
 Each day my beloved and I sit out on the back deck watching Barney and Thel 
diligently feeding their little brood...all the while Barney continuing his 
patrolling of checkpoint Chickee!
 We've not named the new little Fifes as of yet, for we've not seen thembut 
we do hear them chirping quite loudly (bet Dad is teaching them ole 14A) as 
their dinner is lovingly brought to them.
 Barney sometimes gathers a "great big juicy worm" for his offspring, while 
Thel fetches a nice bug or caterpillar.
 Perhaps some of you out there would like to help in naming the Fife additions!
 We think there are 3 of them. They're a lively bunch...just like their father.
 Or, we could go for Winken, Blinken and Nod!?!
 Lookin' forward to seeing these little chicks take their first outing! No 
sling shots allowed within a 3 miles radius!
 Until next timeneed to go find my tweezers...especially next time I go 
tiger huntin'!
 jaywalkin' joan
 "Winken will tell Blinken, Blinken will tell Nod, Nod will tell Barney and 
Barney will tell you!"

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Piano player

2007-04-24 Thread Ctygrl821
Except for the times Andy picks out a few notes in "Barney's 
Physical"  and the rudimentary stuff from Opie's piano lessons, there's only 
one actor  who actually plays the piano onscreen in a TAGS episode.  Anybody 
know  who it is?

--Paul Mulik

Perhaps the only TAGS actor that could actually play the piano  was Reta 
Shaw, also known
as Elnora Poultice, Barn's voice teacher, but before she  reformed her 
criminal ways, known as Big Maude and AKA Ralph  Henderson?
"Me they, me they, me they...I got an A in  breathing!"
If not, then I return to my bucket!
"Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush, that's all I hear about is  Leonard Blush!!!"
jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Barney the Bluebird

2007-04-23 Thread ctygrl821
 HI fellow TAGS Fans,
 Just a little story of Barney the Bluebird out in my back yard. Our yard is a 
haven for wild birds, and on occasion we get eastern bluebirds to our feeders 
and bird boxes.
 This spring we are fortunate to have a pair of these beautiful birds nesting 
in a little ceramic house on top of a post out back. This little house was 
placed there after the estate sale of my beloved parent's home was completed. I 
found this bird house in their back yard, all dirty and full of spider webs 
(uhoh Gomer, look out).
 I brought it home, cleaned it out, and placed it out on top of that post.
 A few weeks ago, a very persistent male bluebird began soaring around my bay 
window off my kitchen. He was "attacking" the windows, darting around each of 
the three windows, chattering and scolding that "OTHER" bird in the reflection!
 I nicknamed him Barney due to his persistence and constant "patrolling" of my 
entire back yard.
 When not patrolling the windows, he's atop a branch in an old sweet gum tree 
overseeing the area. "Checkpoint chickee" perhaps? Most definitely!
 Only a day or so after the patrolling began...there appeared the female 
bluebird, now known affectionately as Thelma Lou!
 They have set up housekeeping in that ceramic house and we all await the 
arrival of little blue "Fifes".
 Wonder if Thel will let Barney have that den with the bookcases and leather 
chairs? HMMM. Bet she will if she's entertaining the girls occasionally in the 
living room. 
 Guess we'd better get a bigger post out back
 To be continued...
 jaywalkin' joan in NC (out back watchin' Barn and Thel) 

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Unseen characters

2007-03-07 Thread ctygrl821
 Regarding unseen characters on TAGS: Gotta love 'em...
 How can we EVER forget Laura Lee Hobbs at the dime store??? Is she's still 
keeping her secret about the gold truck? 
 Oh, and then there's Hogette, Ernest T.'s girlfriend (wasn't that her name?)
 And, Maude with the versitis (she suffers so), and Augusta Finch (bless her 
 And, Count S. Van Deleckiewoo hoo! Did you ever see that lamp???
 Fun tryin' to remember all of these special characters...
 'Ole Barn will never will forget that sweet Juanitefrom his head down to 
his feet.
 jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Re:Mentioned but never seen

2007-03-04 Thread ctygrl821
 "Got to wonderin' again about folks on TAGS that were mentioned in one or

more episodebut never seen." 

Hi Paul,

Oh, a great topic for us TAGS fanswe can run with this one for a 
LONNNG time, I bet!

 How about Al Becker ("well, if you don't know him then never mind"), Doc 
Andrews ( even if he does tell us we're no spring chickens anymore) Leonard 
Blush ( "that's all I hear about is Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush") .
 And the Mendlebright sisters that share the party line every Sunday discussing 
their feet swelling, among other things ("wonder what causes that?"), Mrs. Sims 
with the cherry popover recipe...
 I'm gonna thank and thank some more on this onenow where did I put my 
 I have read that quite a few of the names used on TAGS were from actual 
families from Andy Griffith's home town of Mt. Airy. Some of those names are 
familiar to me, as I'm a NC native myself.
 Off to get me a bottle of Pop, except in the south we just call 'em "cokes".
 jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Re: That Smith Brothers Institution

2007-02-10 Thread ctygrl821
 Subject: Smith Brothers Institution

To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Is there anything from The Andy Griffith Show in that

Smith Brothers Institution?  I know they have stuff

like Archie and Edith's chairs from All in the Family

and Fonzie's leather jacket.  If they don't have

anything, what would you suggest would be the item or

items from TAGS that should go in?

 Scott...how about Barney's BULLET?!
 I think Deputy Barney Fife should be recognized for his first class bullet 
maintenance in that there Smith Brothers Insitute!
 Perhaps Floyd's Barber chair, Opie's sling shot, a jar of Aunt Bee's pickles, 
Andy's guitar, just to name a few..oh, I'm going to put my bucket on my head 
and thank and thank and thank of some more!
 jaywaklin' joan in NC

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TAGS at Suppertime

2006-08-19 Thread Ctygrl821
We have a local TV Station here in Charlotte that airs TAGS,  THANKFULLY, and 
it's on at SUPPERTIME!
It's so nice to get a break from all the disheartening news  and watch Andy, 
Barney, Opie and Aunt Bee while we're preparing, and  sometimes, "having our 
And, yeah, we call it supper and we enjoy our sweet tea and we even  say 
Wonder why they never did that on TAGS?
Luckily, this channel airs TAGS every week night and once on Sunday  nights.
If it weren't for this great TV station, I would be lost without my  daily 
fix of TAGS. Yeah, we have that ONE episode of the gang at 5:30 PM on  TVLand,  
but for true diehard fans, that's not nearly  enough!
I'll keep emailing TVLand with complaints, but in the meantime, I'm  sure 
thankful for Channel 10. I'll keep telling them that, too...
"Well, bless their hearts."
jaywalkin' joan
WBMUTBB mailing list

Keeping TAGS on TVLand

2006-08-14 Thread ctygrl821
I have to say I am very disheartened that TV Land has TAGS on very early AM and 
only once at 5:30 PM. Today was nice with the 2 hour block, however, that's 
only Monday, and in the mornings when lots of folks can't watch. 
 I've written them twice now, and will continue to until hopefully, they begin 
airing more shows like TAGS, Donna Reed, Dick Van Dyke, Leave it to Beaver, Our 
Miss Brooks, Burns and Allen, and yes, even Lassie, etcthe older black and 
white shows.
 Most of the shows on TVLand now are for Nick at Nite... or at least, in my 
 And, how many hours of Good Times, Sanford and Son, Bonanza, Gunsmoke do we 
really need a day?
 I even suggested they consider a "Black & White" channel, airing all those 
type shows. I think it would really be a hit, among most all ages.
 I especially think these older, black and white shows would be in much demand 
by senior citizens. My father was in nursing home facilities for 5 years, and 
the folks there enjoyed the old shows...ones that they watched in years 
past...even the Alzheimer's patients...as they might can enjoy watching and 
bring a smile for their day. 
 Something to think about...
 jaywalkin' joan

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Re: What episode was this?

2006-08-05 Thread ctygrl821
 Hi Wendy,
 To answer your question regarding the comment by Andy to Opie, " Well, son, 
that's the actor of the man..." I believe the episode is "Up in Barney's Room" 
one of my all time faves!
 Barney has been evicted from Mrs. Mendlebright's boarding house (after being 
caught using a 100 watt bulb instead of 40 and cooking on top of her mother's 
dresser that came all the way from Ft. Lauderdale) and has to take the room in 
the back of the courthouse...and Oh my, my ...he and Thelma Lou have the lights 
out, when Andy and Opie drop by after seeing a "picture show" with Gregory 
Peck... ( the actor of the man).
 "You better get yourself a room!"
 jaywalkin joan
 Weddington, NC

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T Shirt

2006-07-28 Thread ctygrl821
Oh, I really would like a WBMUTBB t shirt!
 I have written Allan, making my request for one, maybe two!
 Our club is the BEST..we don't just talk golf and eat that concoction they 
made for Alaska being named the 49th state like that Esquire Club up there in 
 We go far beyond that!
 "You're not talkin' to a jerk, ya know..."
 jaywalkin joan 
 Weddington, NC

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RE: Lunch Counters

2006-07-26 Thread ctygrl821
  Re: Lunch Counters
 Oh, that takes me wayyy back to the Lunch Counter at Woolworth's in 
downtown Charlotte many years ago. Anyone ever get the little bag of cashews or 
peanuts from that store? As I recall, they were sold in a little case that kept 
them warm...
 I loved having a Coke or sandwich from the lunch counter. Great food...wonder 
if Olive got more than two bits for a tip there? You know she had all those 
kids to raise 
 My grandfather owned a grocery store and my brother and I loved getting the 
little bags of "penny candy". Remember those days? BB Bats, Kits, Bazooka Gum, 
to name a few...wow..great memories.
 Although there was no lunch counter at Grandad's store, he did have a 
wonderful drink box, full of cold bottles of "pop"..remember NEHI drinks and 
Upper 10? . We always kept the bottle tops, too.
 Sure wish I had one of those right nowwonder if Wally's gas station sold 
 jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Re: passing of Amzie Strickland

2006-07-06 Thread ctygrl821
So sorry to read of the passing of Amzie Strickland.
  I would imagine her family is somewhat relieved of her passing in that 
she suffered the agony of Alzheimer's. I know how horrid this disease 
is, for my precious Dad passed away in February after a 7 year long 

  I fondly remember Ms. Strickland in many roles...in TAGS as Miss 
Rosemary, then a bit later on as the wife of the couple wanting to buy 
Andy's house in "Barney the Realtor". Were there more roles she 
portrayed in TAGS?
  Wasn't she also seen in roles on "Leave it to Beaver", and perhaps 
"The Dick Van Dyke Show", and "The Twilight Zone", just to name a few?
  As a trained noticer-in-training, I'm not too sure...I'm sure all of 
you can help!

 A very special lady now shines brightly in heaven above

My deepest sympathy and prayers to the family of Ms. Strickland.

 We shall meet, but we shall miss her...

 jaywalkin' joan in NC

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Statue of Don Knotts

2006-05-18 Thread ctygrl821
Just read in the local paper today that a statue of our beloved Barney 
will be built and installed in Mt. Airy, NC, hopefully by this fall.
  I would imagine it would be near the TVLand statue of Andy and Opie? 
The town of Mt. Airy will decide.

  According to the paper (through the AP)... Neil Shelton and Tom 
Hellebrand, two fans of "The Andy Griffith Show" (and Mt. Airy 
residents)..." have commissioned a life-sized bronze statue of Barney 
Fife that they plan to donate to Mt. Airy, the model for the show's 
fictional town of Mayberry."

  Mr. Shelton stated (and our sentiments, to be sure)..."We felt 
something needed to be done about honoring Don Knotts. He was an 

  According to the Charlotte Observer, you can find more information and 
also make a donation here: www.donknottsstatue.com

  A GREAT website, with a sweet note from Don Knotts' daughter as well. 
The squad car raffle and lots more infobe sure to stop on by!

 I don't know about you, but my money's on Barney Fife...!

 A WONDERFUL idealooking forward to seeing 'ole Barn in Mt. Airy.

  jaywalkin' joan in NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Birthdays on TAGS

2006-05-14 Thread ctygrl821
I do remember the episode where Otis' birthday is celebrated, where 
Andy gets him a cake and candles.

And, who could forget the episode of Aunt Bee's birthday where Andy 
gives her the canning jars (how dare he? HAHA) and she really wants the 
bed jacket!

jaywalkin' joan in NC

"Well, now, if you don't like it, you could always trade it in for a 
baseball cap!"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sympathies to the family of Harvey Bullock

2006-04-30 Thread ctygrl821
My deepest sympathy goes out out the family of Mr. Harvey Bullock.
  His wonderful writing on TAGS touched so many of us, and will continue 
to do so.

  The world is a better place from having had such wonderful men as Mr. 
Bullock, Mr. Knotts and my precious Dad, who passed away in February 
  Their love for others showed in their lives, and we all are the 
beneficiaries of that love.

 We miss them deeply...but isn't heaven a brighter place now?

 jaywalkin' joan in NC

  "We shall meet, but we shall miss them. as we breathe our evening 

WBMUTBB mailing list

deepest sympathy to the family of Jeff Krentz

2006-03-16 Thread ctygrl821
My deepest sympathy goes out to all the family of Jeff Krentz.

I would like to think Jeff might be sharing all the sentiments we all 
share with Don Knotts up in heaven about now

God bless, Jeff.

joan in NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

TVLand schedule for tribute to Don Knotts

2006-03-03 Thread ctygrl821
To my fellow Mayberrians,

  The schedule for this weekend's Tribute to Don Knotts on TVLand is 
available on their website TVLand.com.
  Seems they will be showing TAGS episodes, then some Three's Company, 
then finishing the tribute late (into overnight) Sunday-Monday with 
more TAGS.
  Sure am missing 'ole Barn, but I know he's up in heaven with my 
precious Dad making even the angels laugh and smile

  Did anyone tape the Larry King Show Wednesday night? I missed that 
one, and would LOVE to get a copy of it!

  Please email me if you can..sure hate I missed seeing Andy Griffith 
and Don Knott's daughter.

 Thanks so much.

 Weddington, NC

  "I'm known around these parts as a very reliable person..." You 
betcha, Barn!


WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: My Dad and Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread ctygrl821
To my Mayberry pals

I know one thing...heaven shines much brighter today, for my Dad passed 
away Sunday, Feb. 19, and now Don Knotts last Fridaymy sweet and 
precious Dad even reminded me a bit of Don...both men small in stature, 
but, oh so big in heart and love for everyone...

Missing my Dad, and Don, toobut taking comfort in knowing they are 
happy and smiling once moreand we will see them again.

joan in NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Funniest TAGS Episodes

2006-01-17 Thread Ctygrl821
The funniest episode for me is definitely "Barney and the  Choir".
Cracks me up every time I watch itwhen ole Barn "sings" into  that "hot" 
microphone that Glen Cripes is bellowing his baritone voice  into!
Gotta love it!
"I got a uvula, you got a uvula, all God's children got a  uvula!"
Good 'ole 14A!
jaywalkin' joan in NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

W VA tragedy

2006-01-04 Thread Ctygrl821
Just keeping in my thoughts and prayers all the families of the  West 
Virginia miners that lost their lives this week.
Isn't the lone survivor of that tragedy hospitalized in  Morgantown, the home 
of our beloved Don Knotts?
I'm sure Don Knotts is keeping up with the folks there, and being  such a 
kind, loving man, is praying for them as well.
And, I'm sure all our fellow Mayberry fans are doing the  same.
Deepest sympathies and prayers going up tonite,
joan in NC
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