Jim Lindsey guitar solo

2022-08-20 Thread eric swolgaard
My best guess on who  actually played the guitar solo  is studio/jazz great 
Barney Kessel- I followed his playingon records, still photographs and videos 
over the years and his right/left hand positions and picking style looksvery 
much like Barney Kessel--Any other guesses?Eric SwolgaardSacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list


2021-11-16 Thread eric swolgaard
I agree that the overall tone of posts should remain friendly and 
non-critical.Eric SwolgaardSacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

{Spam?} Hanky for Opie

2020-11-21 Thread eric swolgaard
My last night's episode! "A Wife for Andy" when Andy used a kleenex for Opie 
after his fight.Eric SwolgaardSacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Cow Thief

2020-10-29 Thread eric swolgaard
Last night's TAGS viewing was the episode "The Cow Thief" in which Barney  Fife 
complains to Andy
about the State official who is coming to Mayberry to head up the 
investigation, calling Mr. Upchurch
an "interloper" and, a new term I was unfamiliar with.
So...today my curiosity got the best of me and I consulted my Random House 
"Nosy Parker: a nosy, prying person; busybody" 
You learn something new every day! ha
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

name being repeated

2020-06-22 Thread eric swolgaard
Late Entry: On the subject of a character's name being spoken repeatedly, I 
just watched "The Return of Barney Fife"
and Barney's name is spoken 3 times by a very glamorous Thelma Lou when she 
spots him at the class reunion!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

{Spam?} Future Predictors

2020-06-02 Thread eric swolgaard
The walkie-talkies used by Opie and friend  on "A Man's Best Friend" might be 
seen as an early predictor of today's cell phones!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's repetitions

2020-05-28 Thread eric swolgaard
Great responses! ones that I overlooked- 2 more: "Ed Crumpacker, Ed 
Crumpacker!!" - and (looking quizzical ) -
"Al Becker.Al Becker...."
Fun stuff!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney repeating names

2020-05-26 Thread eric swolgaard
I can think of 3 episodes where Barney recited a character's name repeatedly- 
once in a state of puzzlement
and twice in exasperation at Andy- any guesses??
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

more spider references

2020-05-15 Thread eric swolgaard
Wow - those were some spider references I hadn't thought of! (Beside the 
obvious one of Gomer's spider bite)
I also remember Barney calling Andy "Mr. Daddy Longlegs" and Aunt Nora telling 
Andy that he has been 
a wandering spider for too long and it is time he got entangled in the silken 
web of matrimony! 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-05-09 Thread eric swolgaard
How many references to spiders can you remember from TAG episodes? I can think 
of three!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

For the gentleman......beer....

2020-03-04 Thread eric swolgaard
One of my favorite parts of  TAGS is the recurring gems of humor in the 
A good example is found in Andy's Rich Girlfriend, and Andy and Barney in the 
Big City.
Andy and dinner companion are seated at the table of an expensive restaurant 
and are waiting 
their drink orders when they are served.
French Waiter: (brightly) For the lady - Sazarac!
Waiter: And for the gentleman-(darkly dubious with raised eyebrow) 
These are the parts that I wait for and enjoy time after time!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Doris Parker

2020-02-22 Thread eric swolgaard
I seem to  remember an episode of The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis in which Doris 
Parker portrayed the
mother of spoiled rich kid Chatsworth Osborne Jr. and spoke the  line: "I don't 
own a television machine"
in a haughty, aristocratic manner. 
A few years later that line got repeated on the episode "I'm No Henry Walden" 
of the Dick Van Dyke show-
with Doris Parker playing a society matron party hostess- I thought that was a 
clever in-joke - does anyone
remember this?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS character actors

2020-02-16 Thread eric swolgaard
A bit of good news- On YouTube I have discovered some  informational videos on 
the many great character actors
appearing on TAGS- Allan Melvin, Reta Shaw, Burt Mustin and Hal Smith. Done 
with much respect 
and appreciation by "LandumC" - they are fun and informative!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sound effects

2019-12-01 Thread eric swolgaard
One of my favorite sound effects on TAGS was the militaristic drum roll 
preceding Howard Sprague's bowling delivery 
on Howard the Bowler. Another great Earle Hagen creation!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni alert

2019-07-22 Thread eric swolgaard
Watching a 1952 little known or remembered cop show "Racket Squad" I was happy 
to see Frances Bavier 
as a gullible housewife and as an added bonus Hugh Beaumont played the 
flim-flam man eventually 
captured by the Squad!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

hair necktie

2018-11-20 Thread eric swolgaard
Thanks, Thelma Lou, for clarifying my issue around skinny wires/bigger wires 
for my stereo- works fine now!
New question: on the episode "The Mayberry Band" Andy tells one of the 
musicians with a goatee that
people might think it was a "hair necktie" - what in tarnation is a hair 
necktie!! ha
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

bigger wires

2018-11-15 Thread eric swolgaard
Recently my home stereo was repeatedly turning off due to faulty wiring to the 
speakers - so I replaced the skinny wires with
16 gauge pro speaker cable- not only does the stereo work again, but the sound 
is crisp and louder.
Was Barney onto something with his theory of "bigger wires" ??

WBMUTBB mailing list

William Christopher

2018-11-15 Thread eric swolgaard
Has anyone mentioned William Christopher "The New Doctor" and the IRS agent- 
later in MASH?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Healing through TAGS

2018-11-04 Thread eric swolgaard
Ken - I also understand the great need to turn back to Mayberry every night as 
a way of healing 
from life's tragedies and problems- I send my condolences to the families of 
those victims-
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: versitis

2018-10-08 Thread eric swolgaard
Thanks for all the great info on "versitis" - another mystery solved!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-10-06 Thread eric swolgaard
Is there anyone with medical knowledge who is familiar with the mystery ailment 
known as "versitus" (sp) ?
That term shows up once in awhile on b&w episodes - recently seen on "Andy and 
Opie- Housekeepers"
I'm thinking the term might be made up! Any thoughts?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Trios

2018-02-15 Thread eric swolgaard
With regard to musical trios - I believe old Ben Weaver was seen harmonizing 
with Andy and Ellie in "The Christmas Story"

WBMUTBB mailing list

4 Alumni

2017-10-19 Thread eric swolgaard
That Gunsmoke episode  with four alumni was excellent- George Lindsey, Denver 
Pyle, Dub Taylor and Hoke Howard (Dud Wash)
only one missing was Howard McNear for a perfect TAGS group!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-08-25 Thread eric swolgaard
How about a countdown of how many times "magic" was used in the episodes? I can 
think of several!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober the ventriloquist

2017-08-18 Thread eric swolgaard
I also have found it strangely unsettling in the scene where Goober verbally 
responds to Andy without moving his lips-
a definite oversight of some kind!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober's Contest

2017-04-27 Thread eric swolgaard
Every time the TAGS episode "Goober's Contest" rolls around in my nightly 
viewing  schedule, I am 
thanking Howard McNear for his courage and tenacity in portraying his beloved 
character Floyd the Barber right 
up through the final decline of his health. A dedicated and brilliant comedic 
actor---and what a trooper!
Hail to Thee, Floyd of Mayberry!!!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-04-23 Thread eric swolgaard
The three I can think of are Floyd the barber, Wally from the filling station, 
and Ben Weaver.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

camera use in TAGS

2017-04-19 Thread eric swolgaard
The obvious one is of Barney taking his own picture while opening up the door 
to the filling station-
A nice smile and wave!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Alumni sighting

2017-04-12 Thread eric swolgaard
On the "Clown of Death" episode of Streets of San Francisco I caught the name 
Parley Baer at the
ending credits- unfortunately, I did not recognize this alumni as he was in 
full clown makeup!!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Josie Lloyd

2017-04-06 Thread eric swolgaard
If I remember correctly, Josie Lloyd's given first name is Suzanna - I read 
that in her father's biography.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

J.D. Salinger's favorite tv show

2017-02-17 Thread eric swolgaard
Just finished a documentary of "Catcher in the Rye" author J.D. Salinger. His 
former wife said that
during his reclusive years, Salinger's favorite TV program was The Andy 
Griffith Show- describing
it as a "portrait of innocence."
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

episodes without Barney

2017-02-17 Thread eric swolgaard
Although I am not citing specific episodes without Barney (there are many 
excellent ones!) I would like
to give honorable mention to the writers (and probably Andy Griffith) for 
keeping Barney's name in
memory with the wonderful letters from Barney on vacation Andy would read out 
loud to the amusement
and enjoyment of Goober, Floyd, and Opie. I thought that was a very considerate 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
Opie: "Is peek-a-boo something like ha ha ?"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Bob McQuain: An Appreciation

2016-12-08 Thread eric swolgaard
Appreciating the work of major utility player Bob McQuain - character actor in 
many episodes- as the outraged honeymooner,
the pickup driving tormentor of Barney Fife, the moonshining Gordon brother, 
and one of the old boys sitting around
the filling station laughing at Barney being "the mean one?!" 
Does anyone have any favorite characterizations by this talented and versatile 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Norman Lloyd

2016-11-21 Thread eric swolgaard
Happy to hear of Norman Lloyd's health and vigor at his advanced age. Always 
thought it was a shame that daughter
Josie has chosen a reclusive life - would like to know how she is doing.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2016-11-16 Thread eric swolgaard
Although we no doubt agree the classic episodes reside in the B&W period, I 
feel there are many good to
excellent color episodes. My favorite is titled "The Wedding" when Howard 
Sprague inherits his mother's house
and promptly converts it into his idea of a swinging bachelor's pad! Howard's 
futile attempt to explain abstract art to Goober
is a hoot, and one has to sympathize with poor Helen being dragged into service 
for dance after dance-
the surprise capper being Emmett displaying his vaudeville era dance skills!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
" a bit of the bubbly"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Facebook in Mayberry

2016-11-15 Thread eric swolgaard
A good selfie might be the close-up of Ellie displaying her deputy's badge on 
"The Christmas Story" - classic shot!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

squad car siren

2016-11-11 Thread eric swolgaard
Recently enjoyed re-watching "Barney's Replacement" during the part where 
Barney high-handedly
demonstrates, with hyper-extended index finger, the proper toggle switch 
technique to activating the squad car siren
to the "rookie deputy". 
Got me to thinking - anyone have any favorite scenes involving the squad car 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mystery solved

2016-10-19 Thread eric swolgaard
To paraphrase from Barney- "I am all humbled up with humbleness" at the 
outstanding scholarship demonstrated
on the Bulletin Board concerning John Alden and his part in a much celebrated 
love triangle.
Thanks for clearing this up!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Cyrano Andy

2016-10-17 Thread eric swolgaard
I just got done re-watching the episode "Cyrano Andy" and am puzzled by a 
reference Thelma Lou made while Andy
was visiting her and speaking up for a girl-shy Barney. Thelma Lou asked if 
Andy was "playing John Alden(sp)" .
The only John Alden I found was a crew member of the Mayflower!
Any guesses?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another smell - late entry

2016-10-13 Thread eric swolgaard
Floyd the Barber referring to Barney's picture on the election poster as a 
"bloodhound sniffing out crime" !

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry smells

2016-10-11 Thread eric swolgaard
The smell of Witch Hazel! (Morrison Sister)
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Animals in Mayberry

2016-10-08 Thread eric swolgaard
We can hardly forget the loaded goat!!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fw: dance sequences

2016-07-21 Thread eric swolgaard

--- On Sat, 7/16/16, eric swolgaard  wrote:

> From: eric swolgaard 
> Subject: dance sequences
> To: "wbmutbb" 
> Date: Saturday, July 16, 2016, 10:33 AM
> Lately I've been thinking of funny
> dance sequences on TAGS, such as Helen Crump letting her
> hair down on the dance floor while Andy stands 
> there dumbfounded (Look Paw, I'm Dancing!) - Warren the
> Deputy dancing while asleep with a perplexed Aunt Bee (Girl
> Shy)- 
> or Andy getting stuck with Mrs. Srague for dance after dance
> (The County Clerk)
> Can anyone think of any others?
> Eric Swolgaard
> Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry's shoplifter

2016-06-21 Thread eric swolgaard
Apparently Mayberry's shoplifter Lurene Tuttle did not benefit from a 
successful rehabilitation after being nabbed by Andy and Barney with her 
concealed goods outside of Weaver's Department Store. 
Last seen portraying the infamous Ma Barker in the low rent movie "Ma Barker's 
Killer Brood"!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Otis Arrest

2016-05-31 Thread eric swolgaard
I caught an apparent contradiction concerning Otis being arrested. On 'The 
Rehabilitation of Otis" he indignantly protested to Barney that he had never 
been arrested while Barney was slapping on handcuffs.
On a few episodes later, "The Punch in the Nose" Andy finds a file in the 
courthouse that states "Sept 23, 1941 2 p.m. Otis Campbell booked for 
intoxication at the Mayberry Garden Flower Show". 
convenient memory, right, Otis?? ha ha
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Funny line

2016-04-22 Thread eric swolgaard
I came across a clever repetition of a line used in both "Barney's first Car" 
and " Barney's Sidecar" - first from Barney to Mrs. Lesh and again from Andy to 
Barney. Can anyone guess?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

That's the time!

2016-04-12 Thread eric swolgaard
I was always puzzled by Andy's saying of "That's the time!" - then recently 
read Charles Dickens' "The Pickwick Papers" in which Mr. Pickwick's servant 
said encouragingly to a carriage driver - "That's the time o'day!" -- 
Interesting connection!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

least favorite episode

2016-04-02 Thread eric swolgaard
As far as a least favorite B&W episode, I would have to submit "Andy and Opie- 
Housekeepers" as the premise of the episode was rather thin
and overplayed. Especially, the alternate cleaning up/dirtying up of the house 
seemed vaguely irritating.
The payoff, though was funny when Clara Edwards stormed out of the house in 
indignation after her cleaning efforts were discounted!
Glad to be back on WBMUTBB after a long period of not receiving the newsletter.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

recurring lines

2015-08-03 Thread eric swolgaard
It's interesting to note the recurrence of certain lines in different TAGS 
episodes- such as "Don't look back" as spoken by Barney to Hubcaps Lesh in 
"Barney's First Car" and in a later episode when Andy tells the same to a 
forlorn Barney when he gives up his motorcycle in "Barney's Sidecar".  Can 
anyone think of other lines that showed up in different episodes?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy Smoking

2015-06-26 Thread eric swolgaard
One thing I have observed in the early episodes when Andy is smoking- he always 
puts it out after one or 2 drags-never smokes it completely. A good health tip 
for those who still smoke??!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

possible inconsistency

2015-05-26 Thread eric swolgaard
I am offering the following possible inconsistency from the episode "The 
Clubmen" - Andy and Roger Courtney return to the courthouse after a days worth 
of fishing. As Andy leaves the car, Roger remarks "They sure were biting!" 
however Andy is seen taking his pole and tackle box, but no fish creel or other 
evidence of their day's catch. Andy later tells Floyd they caught a "mess of 
trout and a couple catfish" - seem kind of peculiar? Where are the fish?!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Hunting Trivia

2015-03-17 Thread eric swolgaard
I recall something about the Notary Public being out of town, hunting Black 
Bear at Great Dismal Swamp.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Thing that Doesn't Make Sense

2015-03-12 Thread eric swolgaard
I just recently came across another Thing that Doesn't Make Sense that has been 
the source of puzzlement for years. In the episode "Opie's Most Unforgettable 
Character" Andy, Howard and Goober are seen sitting and talking in front of the 
courthouse. At 11:40 Andy says "Well, I guess I've done a little living in my 
time!" at which Goober is shown as a close-up and is heard to mumble "You can 
say that again..."
As he is saying this his mouth is shown to be slightly open with absolutely no 
sign of movement of mouth or lips, as though he were now a practicing 
Anyone else ever catch this??
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Welcome to Mayberry

2015-02-27 Thread eric swolgaard
Hello Allan Newsome - Regarding the post concerning your oversight on the 
Welcome to Mayberry, I just want to express my appreciation for your diligence, 
hard work and commitment in creating this wonderful forum for TAGS fans to keep 
in touch and share our love of this, the greatest show ever to air on 
television. Your work is vital and again, much appreciated.
Best Regards-
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Radios in TAGS

2015-02-25 Thread eric swolgaard
On the subject of radios in TAGS, one that comes to mind is the weather station 
radio that the Gypsies use to foretell the Mayberry weather. Very funny episode!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Things that just don't make sense

2015-02-18 Thread eric swolgaard
Speaking of "Things that just don't make sense" I am still puzzling over the 
scene in "Aunt Bee Takes a Job" where, before the fact was established that the 
printers were in fact counterfeiters, they respond with irony to Aunt Bee's 
references to "Honesty" and "surrounded by four walls" and the audience laughs 
knowingly. Does this make sense? 
Maybe it's just me!  ha
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

percussion: late entry

2015-02-15 Thread eric swolgaard
I don't think this percussion example has been mentioned yet, if so pardon the 
redundancy but on "Howard's New Life" Howard Sprague tries his hand on a few 
bongo licks over there in the Caribbean Islands!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

suitcase scene

2015-02-11 Thread eric swolgaard
My favorite suitcase scene is when Barney is trying to spirit away in his 
suitcase jars of Kerosene Cucumbers in front of Aunt Bee and rambling on about 
leaving town and he "pickled" a few things for his trip. Those clanging sounds 
from the suitcase were most likely after-shave lotion!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Clyde short

2014-12-19 Thread eric swolgaard
That was a fun short movie of Andy Clyde with a couple of TAGS references: Andy 
Clyde's sidekick getting his foot stuck in the barrel and a mule suspected of 
eating the dynamite. Plus a cameo of the great Voice- Mel Blanc! Worth 16 mins 
of your time!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Whistling:Late Entry

2014-12-03 Thread eric swolgaard
I watched Hot Rod Otis last night and Andy and Barney were heard to whistle 
Camptown Ladies during strategic parts of their card playing. Don't remember if 
this one had been mentioned...
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramewnto, CA
Otis: "Gin?-Don't mind if I do!!"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Possible Contradiction?

2014-08-09 Thread eric swolgaard
While watching the episode "Goober goes to the Auto Show" I heard Andy ask 
Goober if his friend/rival at the auto show was "an old Army buddy"- then I 
seemed to recall in the "Fun Girls" that Gomer told Andy that Goober
learned to say "Yo!" from when he was in the National Guard. 
Had anyone ever caught this before? 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Quotable Episodes

2014-07-12 Thread eric swolgaard
I think my favorite quote is the one concerning the weather that Floyd the 
Barber attributes to the 
usually taciturn Calvin Coolidge- Floyd's delivery is hysterically funny!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

flubbed line?

2014-07-07 Thread eric swolgaard
In the episode "Don't Miss a Good Bet" Andy goes into to the diner to talk with 
hidden treasure con man
George Jones and starts a conversation. George Jones tells Andy that he needs a 
little extra money to
do the job right, but "that's the way the CROOKIE crumbles" then shuts his eyes 
momentarily in 
embarrasment over his botched line. Andy then looks supportive at Jones and 
says " Yeah, that's the
way the cookie crumbles" with an understanding smile. I've read that in older 
episodes Andy and Barney would
sometimes deviate from the script and improvise lines with each other but this 
is the first time I recall an
apparantly flubbed line was left inIntreresting!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry Trivia

2014-05-12 Thread eric swolgaard
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the three TAGS actresses --never 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another bug?

2014-04-22 Thread eric swolgaard
The Green Eyed Monster that fell on Gomer might qualify as a "bug"!?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Gold Reference

2014-04-05 Thread eric swolgaard
In the episode "Aunt Bee the Crusader" Barney accuses the county employees of 
being "Nothing but
goldbrickers and deadheads!"
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Tied Up in Knotts

2014-03-24 Thread eric swolgaard
Yesterday I had the great pleasure of seeing Karen Knotts in her presentation 
"Tied Up in Knotts", not far
from Sacramento CA where I live. She put on a wonderful series of skits and 
informal descriptions of 
what is was like to grow up as the daughter of Don Knotts-filled with humor, 
insight and aided by a 
audio-visual background. Her description of the last moments of Don Knott's 
life was done with poignancy
and grace. What a show!  Highly recommended...
Eric Swolgaard
WBMUTBB mailing list

Earle Hagen, Bob McQuain

2014-02-09 Thread eric swolgaard
The recent question concerning favorite Earle Hagen musical contributions was a 
good one. Last night I
got a real chuckle during "Aunt Bee the Warden" when a drunken Otis Campbell 
emerged from Andy's guest
bedroom holding onto the flower vase to the comical sounds of the Tuba/Bassoon 
music-added a great touch!
Also, another  brief moment during "The Jinx" when Barney quickly rubs Opie's 
hair one last time
just for luck, there is a magical "twinkling" sound effect as he does this- 
funny stuff!
The postings of Allan Melvin's many contributions to TAGS put me in mind of 
another fine all-purpose
utility player who showed up regularly on episodes- Bob McQuain. He would drive 
by in his old pickup
truck and taunt Barney for skipping rope or having lipstick smeared on his 
face, or in one episode played 
the outraged honeymooner whose privacy was violated by Barney. Last night he 
served duty as one of the 
notorious Gordon boys in lockup.Fine contributions!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
Otis: "It will be my pleasure, dear lady,to be incarcerated in your domicile!"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Outstanding Single Performance

2014-01-25 Thread eric swolgaard
Referring to an "Outstanding Single Performance" I would have to highlight Dick 
Elliot's performance on
The Woman Speeder during Mayor's  Court when the female defendant charms the 
socks  off the Mayor.
At one point during Andy's witness interrogation Barney stage whispers "Aren't 
we making too much of this?" to
which the Mayor asks Barney to repeat the question, then says "Yes! I think 
you're making too much of this!",
banging his gavel decisively. A great hilarious moment!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mystery Expression

2013-12-15 Thread eric swolgaard
Recently re-watched the episode "Andy's Trip to Raleigh" in which he told a 
disappointed Helen Crump
that he would not be able to attend the upcoming dance with her but suggested 
she go with Howard
Sprague as he's a "terrific dancer - he'll have you on the floor every second!" 
To which Helen responds sarcastically " Sow- Wee" anyone familiar with that 
Does it come from Kansas City
Just curious.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Inconsistency?

2013-10-29 Thread eric swolgaard
Thelma Lou's recent post concerning the plot inconsistency of the unnecessary 
$5.00 loan request
by Barney to Andy made me think of another possible inconsistency in the 
episode "Aunt Bee Takes
a Job". 
At the time when Aunt Bee is interviewing with the two supposed stationary 
printers she 
makes a comment on "Honesty is the best policy" and the printers agree 
hesitantly, prompting 
a knowing laugh from the audience. Then Aunt Bee mentions she is tired of 
looking at the 
same four walls and again the audience laughs at the printers who gave each 
other a meaningful
In re-watching this episode I find that there are no references made yet that 
reveal the printers to
be counterfeiters instead of legitimate printers, so the audience seems to be 
in on a private joke not
yet made known to the home viewers..Inconsistency??? Help! ha
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS trivia

2013-10-11 Thread eric swolgaard
Well, that trivia question regarding the Meredith Willson/TAGS song was a real 
So, I cheated and looked it up on Wikipedia and the only reference to a #1 song 
by Glenn Miller was 
a 1941 recording titled "You and I" - don't remember that one on the show
A nice bonus, though, was discovering one of my fave Beatles ballads- "Til 
there was You" was penned
by Meredith Willson.
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

changes in Andy

2013-08-28 Thread eric swolgaard
I also see a change in Andy after the B&W epidodes- I think without Don Knotts 
playing a complemenary role, Andy seemed to
feel a sense of frusration and lack of character fulfillment.
Someone on the bulletin board once characterized the changes in Andy as 1. hick 
Andy 2. the calm voice of reason, and in the 
color episodes 3. angry Andy. I think that sums it up pretty well...
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

identical intros

2013-08-25 Thread eric swolgaard
I had been meaning to post for a long time about the identical intro with Tom 
Jacobs and woman (Nice Dress Nellie?)
walking past Floyd's barber shop- we'll probably never know why this was done!!
Eric Swolgaard
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's headgear

2013-08-03 Thread eric swolgaard
My vote for interesting headgear for Andy Taylor would be the old-fashioned 
sleeping cap he wore on
" A Feud is a Feud".
Speaking of stage props and such, anyone ever figure out what that limp-handled 
feather duster was that John Dehner
was waving around during his sales pitch of Colonel Harvey's Indian Elixer??? 
Seeing him do that tap dance/shuffle while waving 
that thing is one of he funniest sequences I can remember on TAGS!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
HOPE! in the human heart.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Laugh Tracks

2013-05-25 Thread eric swolgaard
I have a question that I don't believe has been asked on WBMUTBB before- at 
least I haven't seen it in my 4 years on board. That concerns the quality and 
individuality of the laugh tracks. Each laugh track seems uniquely composed to 
fit the situation or punch line- unlike other comedies of this era the laugh 
track doesn't seem canned or generic.
Does anyone know if these laugh sequences were each built up from the ground,or 
does there exist a huge inventory of these tracks that the director or producer 
combs through to find the right one for the situation?
Been on my mind lately!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Howard McNear find

2013-04-28 Thread eric swolgaard
Stumbled upon a major Howard McNear find on a YouTube Gunsmoke episode entitled 
"Festus Aunt Thede" - he portrays a fidgety,befuddled shop owner named 
Howard-playing the Floyd role to perfection!
As a bonus, Frank Cady ( Otis' cellmate in "The Rehabilitation of Otis") plays 
the role of a mean old man.
Highly Recommended!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

another het up sighting

2013-03-27 Thread eric swolgaard

Here's a double whammy - In the movie "Yuma" I just watched TAGS Alumni Edgar 
Buchanan talking to Clint Walker, saying " I guess folks just don't want to get 
het up over what might be..." 
Interesting to hear the earliest record of the expression. Thanks.Harriet!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
I just may want to start a one-man campaign to popularize that saying over here 
in California! ha
WBMUTBB mailing list

fiddle tune

2013-03-24 Thread eric swolgaard

I appreciate Paul Mulik's explanation of those two pieces of program music 
recurring through the episodes of TAGS. I've often wondered about 
them-especially the fiddle tune- it had the sense of an in-house compostion 
that was used for certain cues in the plot. And the dramatic sounding march 
used when Barney is in his official capacity ready to pounce on a lawbreaker 
really does bring a "Dragnet" association!
BTW, I am reading Ken Kesey's "Sometimes a Great Notion" and came across the 
following excerpt: "...we don't want to get our good friends and neighbors all 
het up over nothing, do we?" Anyone know the origins of this phrase that Andy 
liked to use occasionally? 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

pet names

2013-03-16 Thread eric swolgaard
Speaking of TAGS related pet names, my previous parakeet was named Andy - both 
for Andy Griffith of course and for an old neighborhood pal. Now I have one 
named Barney- for the famous deputy and for Barney Kessel- the great jazz 
guitarist who also played for Jim Lindsey's hot takeoffs!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's resemblance

2012-12-02 Thread eric swolgaard
While on the subject of Barney Fife resembling other celebrities, I always 
thought that in serious roles or dialoque, Barney showed a more than passing 
resemblance to Humphrey Bogart, such as in his sincere defense of Andy Taylor, 
in "Andy on Trial". Anyone catch that?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

funny scenes

2012-11-15 Thread eric swolgaard
Two scenes that always get me laughing are the following:
Barney getting fitted for shoes in the hotel room and saying to Wilbur Finch 
something like " I don't know why, but getting fitted for shoes always makes me 
want to play the harmonica", whereupon the camera shoots in for a close up at 
an odd angle as Wilbur says incredulously "...REALLY?" Just so off the wall!
Another sure fire one is a drunken Otis Campbell being led into Andy's house 
and saying to Aunt Bee"It's my great pleasure, dear lady, to be incarcerated in 
your domicile!" Dipsy Doodle!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

random noticing

2012-11-03 Thread eric swolgaard
Has anyone noticed the opening scenes for  "The Manicurist" and "The Jinx" are 
Both show the backsides of a couple (Looks like Tom Jacobs and a lady) walking 
past Floyd's barber shop with the sign and pole prominently displayed and with 
that same generic music cue. 
I think that qualifies as curious!!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: drink

2012-08-23 Thread eric swolgaard
According to the Mr.Boston Official Bartender's Guide - Sazerac is a cocktail 
consisting of Pernod, Bourbon, Sugar Syrup and Bitters. Probably not allowed in 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-07-03 Thread eric swolgaard
Re: the passing of a friend-
I think Andy left us a message and a lesson in this paraphrase: "The cage sure 
is empty...but doesn't the sky look nice and full."
Rest in Peace, Andy Griffith
In sadness and gratitude,
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: unattractiveness

2012-05-12 Thread eric swolgaard
Aunt Bee, I agree that the recent demeaning references to a person's appearance 
are not in keeping with the higher standards of the WBMUTBB web site. 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2012-05-06 Thread eric swolgaard
My appreciation goes out to all the heartfelt and eloquent posts on this site 
concerning the passing of our beloved Goober - Mr. George Lindsey.
Thank You,
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

More Alumni

2011-10-06 Thread eric swolgaard

For an enjoyable glimpse of 3 TAGS Alumni, I recommend the 1968 Peter Sellers 
comedy "The Party" where we are treated to fine performances by Al Checco ("If 
I had a Quarter Million"), Gavin MacLeod ("TV or not TV") and Fun Girl Jean 
Carson. Funny stuff!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Frances Bavier sighting

2011-07-11 Thread eric swolgaard
For a different take on Frances Bavier's distinctive dramatic persona, check 
out the movie "Man in the Attic" on YouTube, as she portrays a landlady who 
gradually suspects her boarder (Jack the Ripper) of harboring a dark secret!
Happy Viewing
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

another song

2011-06-10 Thread eric swolgaard
Here is a late entry for songs heard in Mayberry - Andy and Barney alternately 
whistling "Camptown Ladies" during their card game of Rummy at the beginning of 
"Hot Rod Otis"!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
Otis: "Gin? Thank you-don't mind if I do!!"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Moments

2011-04-27 Thread eric swolgaard
In response to the query about our favorite non-dialogue moments, I would have 
to give honorable mention to the great, inventive camera angles that added so 
much to the comedic value of TAGS- the use of sudden close-ups, side angles 
(like when Barney Fife grabs Thelma Lou to spirit her out of the living room 
and they rush past a stationary camera) and "looking down" or "looking up" 
shots of TAGS characters. The camera positioning and editing really enhanced 
the quality of fun and humor in our favorite show!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

More Brand Concealment

2010-12-15 Thread eric swolgaard

A couple of recent cases of brand concealment just came to my attention from 
watching early episodes of TAGS- "Guitar Player" featured Jim Lindsey picking 
some hot licks on an old guitar that had it's name covered over with black tape 
on the headstock- was that an old Kay or Harmony?
Also, on 'Irresistable Andy" Ellie Walker fixes Andy's wagon with a special 
witches brew of Castor Oil, Coleman's Dry Mustard, and Milk of Magnesia- all 
with hidden brands.
Interesting, no?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

2 items

2010-12-09 Thread eric swolgaard
Am currently reading John Steinbeck's novel "The Wayward Bus" and in it he 
describes an apprentice mechanic who wore on his head "the crown of a felt hat 
cut in saw teeth around the edge". I wonder where this practice originated- the 
only other example I can think of besides Goober is Jughead from the Archie 
Also, in regard to brand name concealement, the episode comes to mind in which 
Otis Campbell is being served a hangover remedy from Andy that included Tobasco 
sauce and Worchestershire sauce with the brand names taped over. I always 
thought that part was funny without trying to be!
Best Wishes,
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney line

2010-10-24 Thread eric swolgaard
Just got done watching the 1950 B movie "D.O.A." in which a gangland torpedo is 
about ready to take his victim Frank Bigelow out into the country for his "last 
ride". He assures his boss that everything will turn out right because "There's 
just Bigelow and me...(pointing to his gun)..and baby makes three!!"
In what episode did Barney make that same reference?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-09-29 Thread eric swolgaard
Ken, I too watched Picnic on YouTube out of curiosity and it was great. True to 
Helen Crump's correction, not once did William Holden say - "Judy, Judy, Judy!" 
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

missing laugh tracks

2010-07-14 Thread eric swolgaard

Am happy to finally receive from Paramount pictures the 2 discs from Season 4 
that had several missing laugh tracks. It was kind of unsettling watching these 
comedy shows with no laughter- felt sort of starngely serious like I was 
watching a drama or soap opera instead of a comedy! 
They require proof of purchase so I sent a photocopy of the dvd box. Address is 
Paramount pictures,  Melrose Ave, Hollywood CA 90038
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bugged in Mayberry

2010-06-07 Thread eric swolgaard
The only bug that stands out for me is the unlucky fly that lighted on one of 
Aunt Bee's Kerosine Cucumbers!!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite part of an episode

2010-05-27 Thread eric swolgaard
Folks, this entry may be a little late for our recent sharing of episode faves, 
but I just gotta sneak this one in.
Right in the middle of a top rated episode, "Aunt Bee's Romance", resides an 
example of classic comedy at it's best in any medium-radio, TV, or movie. I am 
referring to the little vignette of Floyd and Andy sitting in front of the 
barber shop making small talk about the weather (92!). Howard McNear's timing, 
delivery, diction and facial expressions are beyond anything I've seen in the 
comedic world-a one of a kind.And the writing of this dialogue is superb!
I may have to watch it again tonight.
Best to you and yours,
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Funniest Episode

2010-05-07 Thread eric swolgaard
Trying to pick the funniest TAGS episode would be a perplexing job, indeed. 
Every show has it's golden moments of humor, genuine warmth, and human 
insight-making a choice like that a fun but impossible chore!
Having said that, the episode I watched last night, "The Fun Girls" had it's 
own  moments of greatness-the wild ladies and their flirtatious antics with 
Ange and Barn, the seething indignation of their jilted girlfriends, and the 
first appearance of Goober along with cousin Gomer. Goobers spot-on impressions 
of Cary Grant and Edward G. Robinson are a treasure!! (maybe...)
Any other choices?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry on Record band

2010-04-11 Thread eric swolgaard
Although I don't exactly know the name of the band in the barbershop I know it 
is comprised of the late Clarence White on guitar and his brother Roland on 
mandolin. They were once in a group called the Kentucky Gentlemen. Clarence 
White is credited as having brought bluegrass rhythm guitar into the modern age 
with virtuosic lead picking and switcthed to electric guitar when he joined the 
country-rock version of the band, the Byrds.
Hope this helps-
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

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