Ice Cream

2010-05-23 Thread labspecimn

In a message dated 5/20/2010 11:00:52 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I was a  little disappointed that anyone would answer "The Simpsons" 
because from what  very little I have seen of this show (less than a full 
the standards  (children disrespecting their parents, parents drinking to 
excess) are just  not up to The Andy Griffith Show or Father Knows  Best.

Easy on us there, Orville!  "The Simpsons" may not be your cup of  tea (and 
that's okay, I fully understand if what you mentioned offends  you), but 
television's longest running comedy series does have a lot of fans on  this 
list (myself included).  And Barney Fife himself popped up on the  show a 
couple of times, in one instance even talking through the TV to Chief  Wiggum.  
Ron Howard also popped up in two other episodes, both times  voicing an 
animated version of himself.
For the record, the Simpsons do live in Springfield, and the family dynamic 
 does match, but any true Simpsons fan knows they live on Evergreen 
Terrace,  not Maple Street.
Dixon.  Thank you for chiming up with such candor and supporting information.

Orville.  Thank you for contributing your view as well.  I understand now that 
you are not 
a huge fan of one of my favorite shows.  I respect your viewpoint.

Our Mayberry society here is a collection of many numerous opinions and some 
legitimate debate is always enjoyable and inspires the day.

There is a reason they make more flavors of ice cream than just vanilla.
I restrain myself from ranting regarding my abject distaste arising from the 
injection of bible passages and heavy religious overtones that regularly 
appear in the Digest; I fairly doubt that any of those viewpoints were 
when TAGS was written and I do not adhere to those religious beliefs.  
I have loved TAGS for 50 years for None of those reasons, and I do prefer my 
TAGS without consideration of any religious connotations.  Yet, as a 
contributing Mayberry citizen
in general good standing, I must respect that for some inexplicable reason, 
some people actually...  can you even believe it... prefer butter pecan ice 
cream over the chocolate
ice cream that I adore.  
We both enjoy the ice cream, we just prefer a different flavor..

Double scoop cones on me!!  Everyone in the truck...

Oh, THAT one - from Las Vegas

WBMUTBB mailing list

Single Lady - Mayberry Mashup

2010-01-12 Thread labspecimn

I assume I am not the first to have found this very clever music video - a 
"mash up" the kids call it these days.
Fun to see.  Toe tapping music too.

Kim From Lost Wages
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Donuts all around

2009-07-31 Thread labspecimn

I guess I owe Tom a donut as I did not distinguish between live tv and sit com 
recorded tv when I made my offer of a wager.? Fair enough - Tom - enjoy a donut 
with my compliments.? ? I will also happily pay Victor a donut for throwing in 
his two cents worth in my "defense" as it were.??In fact, why doesn't everyone 
in our Mayberry community grab a donut?- treat yourself better today!

Kim from Las Vegas
WBMUTBB mailing list

Get the" H-E-Double Hockey Sticks" Out of Here

2009-07-29 Thread labspecimn

I am willing to be a dollar to a donut that on television in the early 1960s - 
no way they used the "H" word.

Kim From Las Vegas

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 9:00 am
Subject: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 218

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Legalese

2009-05-13 Thread labspecimn

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 15:06:25 -0400
Subject: TAGS Moments
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Another true story:

I am reading a report from a defense lawyer who has a complaint against our 
police department. He actually used a catch line from the episode where Otis 
sues the County. He was making an accusation against the county and said "This 
is obviously gross negligence on the part of the Sheriff's Department." I 
laughed out loud when I read it. But, I couldn't help but think "Hey- I'm Neil 
Bentley - that is supposed to be my line!!!"

Brad "Neil Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my services"

Brad/Neil -?

I saw your post and had to comment.? I am a civil attorney, and I make it 
standard practice and procedure?to incorporate at least one Mayberry reference 
in every Motion, Opposition or Reply Brief that I file.? I don't go out of my 
way to emphasize them,?I do it for my own grins and giggles.? Those of us that 
are true Mayberrites know there are an abundance of quips, quotes and 
observations just begging to be used in legal argument.? "Nip it in the bud" is 
so obviously easy to use.?(and Great for motion practice associated with 
temporary restraining orders/preliminary injunctions).??As a matter of fact - I 
also employ your catchphrase when I circulate my business card.

I learned today that I will be filing two briefs with the Nevada Supreme Court 
in the coming month.? The issues to be addressed are finer points of 
Constitutional law and Federal/State administrative law in case 1?and 
liabilities of joint tortfeasors and successors in interest?in a real estate 
transaction gone horribly wrong in case 2.? I am already considering?quotes to 
incorporate into the briefs? - and I haven't even?started drafting it yet.? 

Anyone have any suggestions?? The more the better..

Kim - the one from Las Vegas, not the one from Texas (so she doesn't have to 
write a disclaimer again).
WBMUTBB mailing list

Cheri's Mayberry room and probable cause

2008-03-17 Thread labspecimn
Relarding Cheri's Mayberry room, I write to suggest an item for the "Loaded 
Goat" episode.? May I suggest that you not try to keep a real, live goat - you 
know, the mess and such.? Instead, I can probably donate an old, unused box of 
dynamite laying around the farmstead somewhere to you.? Much neater and less 
smell than an actual goat - and it could double as an end table/coffee table.? 
You ever tried to set a cup of coffee on the back of a goat?

Regarding?Sharon's question regarding Andy opening the old lady's coat? as 
I recall, Andy first grew suspicous of probable criminal activity because an 
old lady ought not to clunk.? This would form his original "probable cause" to 
warrant a body search.? Of course, a search under the old lady's coat was 
strictly to insure the safety of the law enforcement officer - checking on the 
existence of weapons, illegal contraband, etc,? Yet, Andy did not act upon his 
first suggestion of probable cause - which is certainly not the case in today's 
law enforcement world where probable cause can be supported?from as little as a 
"guilty" look about the suspect.??Instead, Andy asked the old lady if she 
would?submit to a "weight confirmation" test.? Although perhaps unusual in this 
day and age, in pursuit of enforcement of the law, Andy was acting with 
propriety when he asked her to submit to such testing.? Given that the old lady 
voluntarily agreed to such an invasion of her privacy and agreed to be weighed, 
the result of that testing confirmed the law enforcement officer's initial 
misgivings, resulting in probable cause to conduct said invasion of privacy.?

In today's world, an old lady that clunks would be subject to a body search on 
that basis alone if a crime was suspected.
In our little world of Mayberry, Andy extended the search for probable cause in 
a way unheard in the 21st Century.

Regarding Sharon's question about the string on the camera in the "Filling 
Station Robbery," this caught my eye a number of years ago.? I agree, it 
appears to me they are one eye-hook shy of having the string actually pull to 
make the camera click when the door opens.

My two cents...

KIM?- the guy from Las Vegas
(not the Ms. Kim?from?Texas?that?writes a disclaimer after reading my posts - 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Movies

2007-06-05 Thread LabSpecimn
Dear Digest:

I have been reading about movies that Andy Griffith played in - and I don't 
believe anyone has mentioned my personal favorite - Rustler's Rhapsody.  This 
movie is a send-up of all of the "tumblin' tumbleweed" genre of movies starring 
Gene Autry, Randolph Scott, Roy Rogers, etc.  In my opinion - it is 

Andy plays the "villanous" land baron, making all of the cliche' moves 
against the town and its people.  Truly an inspired performance.

(No - not the one in Texas - just so she won't have to post to clarify)

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