Ol' Man Kelsey here...
Y'alls been talking about sightin' aluminums from Mayberry in  other shows, 
but how abouts radiddio shows whar you ain't able to see nobody,  you jest 
hears 'em!!
Now, Here is a list I found up in the back of the attic a couple weeks back 
 so lissen up!!
Hermit Cave - radio's early years - John Dehner "Col. Harvey."
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - John Dehner
Let George Do It - 1946 - Olan Soule
The Lineup - '53 - Howard McNear, Sheldon Leonard
Little Orphan Annie - '31 - '39 - Olan Soule
Mr. President - 1953 - Howard McNear, Parley Baer, President's Secretary  
was "Miss Sarah."
Adventures of Philip Marlowe - 1950 - John Dehner, Parley Baer, Howard  
The Six Shooter - 1955 - Parley Baer, Howard McNear
Tales of The Texas Rangers - 1952 - Parley Baer
Wild Bill Hickock - 1956 - Howard McNear
Gunsmoke - 1959 - [William Conrad as Matt Dillon,] Howard McNear as  Doc, 
and Parley Baer as Chester
Now, them thar was some good lissnin' shows!! Had to use yer 'majinashun to 
 see whut 'as goin' on!! 
Don't know how many of 'em showed up on Suspense, but I loved a'lissnin' to 
 that one as well!!
I keep hearin' them chickens down in the woods. Mebbe them's got that  
chicken flu and needs some medicine. Better go check'em out and see. 
Cotched me a nice 'possum a week 'er so ago and it sure made a tasty  stew!!
Y'all come back, hear?
Ol' Man Kelsey sigiin' off.
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