During our lifetime we travel many roads. Some big roads, some little
roads, rocky roads and smooth roads, dirt highways and improved
highways. - Barney Fife

Barney, this is a rocky road for your admirers.

I want to give a word of encouragement also to Betty Lynn.  She is kind
of the social secretary that keeps all the remaining cast members
connected.  She too has lost a great friend.

Thanks to Sam from Knoxville and others who supplied to word to  "the
Vacant Chair".  It seems so appropriate right now.

Here ya go Bill (Bob Hope Song)

Thanks for the Memories ....
A Deputy named Fife, Thelma Lou his future wife, it doesn't matter that
he caught just a few crooks in his life...We'll miss him so much

Another hapless Jailbreak... A confident smirk and shake...  another
messed up fishing trip for Andy at the lake.... We'll miss our Bar-ney

It seems he's doomed to fail, nothin' but good guys locked in  jail, but
somehow his pal Andy will get him a commendation in the mail...That's
our De--puty  Fife

His deputy recruits are a joke, everyone knows he'll go for broke, he'll
make a federal case out of a harmless little poke, but that's just...

That God we've got TV, VHS and DVD for years to come, generations won't
be glum...cause we'll laugh and love  our Bar--ney!!

He's really is a live wire,  Many-a-shot he will misfire,  but in the
end, our singing friend is finally in the Heavenly Choir!!!!...We will
miss him so much.

The Untrained Voice

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