I just got back from New York, where I visited my daughter, a UNC grad who is 
studying musical theatre, and verified that they do wear earrings just as Aunt 
Bee pictured them.
  We saw several shows, and in one we heard a TAGS cast member's name 
mentioned.  The show is "The Drowsy Chaperone," and it's a good 'un.  
  The character known as "The Man in the Chair" narrates the show as a glitzy, 
meaningless--but fun--musical takes place in his apartment while he plays the 
cast album.  Before he puts the needle on the phonograph record, he muses (I 
paraphrase):  'I thought about playing the sound track album of Meredith 
Willson's "The Music Man" because I had a hankering for a young Ronnie Howard.'
  I wanted to shout, "Thata boy, Opie," but I didn't because I am 'way yonder 
too sophisticated.  
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