{Spam?} Correction

2024-07-06 Thread Johnna Clarke
Darn autocorrect!  That should be "door prizes" at Barney's Birthday Bash
in Macon, Missouri on July 21.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2022-02-04 Thread Ken Anderson
In my earlier post about a sighting on Perry Mason, I think I said the
wrong name.  I should have said that the judge was TAGS's own Mr. O'Malley
and that the murderer was named Mr. O'Malley.  I think I may have typed
Mallory or something like that.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

tissue correction

2020-11-24 Thread Rick Grimsley
Information was sent to me, after the boys in the lab inspected the coat, it 
was determined not to be the coat used in TAGS. The coat was Don Knott's 
coatand maybe was used in Matlock. Since it was Don's coat, one would assume it 
was his tissue. So the tissue didn't appear in TAGS, so disregard the posting I 
made yesterday. I guess I jinxed myself.Henry
WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-07-03 Thread Joe
I meant "trained noticer", of course..

Joe from G.I.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2019-04-27 Thread Ken Anderson
I made a mistake in my posting.  The article I wrote about fishing will be
in the June publication.  The link I posted will take you to the May
edition and my article is about "Small Town Politics".
 I write for five publications and sometimes I get confused as to what I
sent where.
It comes with my age.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-06-03 Thread Ken Anderson
I just read my post and I see I said Jody Foster rather than Julie Foster.
It definitely was not Jody Foster.  Forget Jody.  I did not mean Jody.  I
mean Julie.

Oh the problems one has to deal with when you get old.  I think the fungus
of the knee I am dealing with has spread and is not fungus of the brain.
People have been known to call me a fungi.

Sorry for the error.  Now to wait and see how many others caught my mistake.

I could have said Bee Foster.  After all she was the official Foster Lady
at one time.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Correction

2014-06-08 Thread Good, Don
 ...Of course I meant O'Mally. aka Chuck.
The bigger they are, the nicer they are.

Don Bad Feet Good

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-06-07 Thread Ken Anderson
I just reread my post in the archives and I have no idea where McNally came
from.  Of course I meant O'Mally. aka Chuck.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-06-02 Thread Larry Hamrick
The Mayberry lecture at the Catawba County Library is Tuesday, June 3, not on 
the 6th. So sorry.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Gildersleeves Correction

2014-02-15 Thread Ken Anderson
I just reread my earlier post and noticed an error on my part.

The Great Gildersleeves lived in Summerfield and not Summerville as I
originally posted.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-31 Thread jlj9675
Not to belabor sort of a triviality but it is always Aunt BEE not Bea, as is 
witnessed in credits, photos and reference books on TAGS. I am Aunt Bee of 
Orlando, not Aunt Bea; a small point but it preys on my mind!

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

NATO Alphabet Correction

2012-12-06 Thread Brian Kaufman
I believe the F in the NATO Alphabet actually stands for Foxtrot.  At least I 
hope so, otherwise I have been teaching it incorrectly for the past eight years.

Hope everyone in WBMUTBB land is enjoying the Christmas season.

WBMUTBB mailing list

re; Mt. Airy Article ***Correction***

2012-07-15 Thread Tom Rusk
The July Our State North Carolina magazine has a nice long article on Mt. 
Airy. Nothing related to Andy's death but never the less a great edition. (Doc 
Watson's picture is on the cover).

Carolina Tom


 You gotta understand, this is a small town.  The sheriff is more that just a 
sheriff---he's a friend.  And the people in this town, they ain't got a 
better friend than Andy Taylor. - B. Fife  (Andy on Trial) 


 You gotta understand, this is a small town.  The sheriff is more that just a 
sheriff---he's a friend.  And the people in this town, they ain't got a 
better friend than Andy Taylor. - B. Fife  (Andy on Trial)  
WBMUTBB mailing list

CORRECTION - Suzanne Cupito

2012-07-13 Thread Jeff Koontz
My apologies to the error in the previous post. Morgan Brittany's went under 
the name Suzanne Cupito. I used to know a girl named Jane Caputo. Sorry, guess 
I wasn't thinking...

It's (still) BIG! 


WBMUTBB mailing list

Correction: No Time For Sergeants at 9:15pm on TCM July 18th

2012-07-05 Thread David Oberly
I looked it up to verify and saw an article listing 9:15 eastern as the 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Gun Belt Correction

2012-06-20 Thread Ken Anderson
A while back I posted about Barney's cartridge pouches on his gun belt
being upside down.  I have to correct myself and say I was mistaken.  While
watching The Cow Thief today there was an excellent shot of his belt.  I
froze the picture and took a good look.  He had them on so they would open
from the bottom so I must have not seen it correctly in whatever episode I
had watched before.  So I will be turning my pouches upside down today as I
am giving a Mayberry Presentation to a group of Eau Claire Retired Pastors
and their wives.  I certainly do not want to be falsifying when I am in the
presence of so many men of the cloth.  However, I am taking my two bottles
of Colonel Harvey's Elixir.  One is empty and one is full.  Might loosen up
the pastors' wives a bit.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-05-12 Thread Paul Mulik
Oops, I meant to say Disney owns ABC, not the other way around. 

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks for the Correction

2012-03-28 Thread Ken Anderson
Thank you to those who reminded me about Andy buying the house with a crack
in the ceiling.  How could I have forgotten that?  That's what happens when
you use a cheap plastic bucket on your head for thinking.  I am going to go
out and buy a waterproof, stainless steel, bucket with 5 engraved on it and
use that for my thinking.  But it sure is fun speculating on all the things
we aren't really sure of about TAGS.  I always wondered too if Aunt Bee
ever taught school.  She and Clara Edwards went to Sweetbriar Normal
School.  I myself am a graduate of a two year normal school.  They were
established to train elementary school teachers and one could teach after
two years of normal school training with the stipulation you received your
four year degree within seven years.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's correction

2012-01-16 Thread Jeff Koontz
I think it is one of the longest pieces of continuous dialog in any show and 
feel that Andy makes the one mistake and correction to his lines in the 249 
What mistake and correction are you referring to? 

You have to watch and listen at the very end of that scene and it appears to me 
that there is a moment when he is going thru the lines in his head, is about to 
say one thing then corrects him to say the scripted line - not really a flubbed 
line, but not as natural as the delivery of every line he says in any other 

tomorrow night when that microphone's on... (mental pause and rewind)... and 
you sing like that, your glorious voice will reverberate all through this 

It is the only time I can remember Andy's delivery seemed to be scripted. 
Probably too harsh to call it a mistake, but the actor of the man came 
through in that scene to me.

WBMUTBB mailing list

correction to revious post

2011-07-04 Thread Victor Friskey
OH MY..!!!  My bucket had a hole in it and some of the thought waves escaped..I 
have to correct myself concerning the four Mayberrians who appeared in award 
winning movies...
Three Mayberrians appeared together in a movie in which Estelle Parsons won 
Best Supporting Actress...The movie itself didn't win any awards
the fourth Mayberrian appeared in a movie that DID win five Oscars...
Sorry for the blunder...
Vic Friskey
WBMUTBB mailing list

Correction about Opie

2010-12-21 Thread Ken Anderson
Let it be known that Opie was never involved  in any shenanigans in the 
courthouse with Skippy and Daphne.  It was Barney and Andy.  I never was any 
good at proofreading my own writings.  Sorry about that Opie, I don't want 
little Sharon to get mad at you just because of something a third party 
wrote on the digest.  At least it wasn't dirty.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks for correction

2010-12-10 Thread jgrit1
Thanks to the poster who corrected my mis-hearing of the celebrity at a Golf 
Event on the Celebrity Apprentice.   I thought I heard Andy Griffin (instead 
of Andy Griffith)  but it was indeed Kathy Griffin.

The name of one of her books fits her status in comparison to Andy  (Life on 
the D-list).   Andy is definately an A-list, but I didn't think he would really 
appear at an event like a Golf tournament in New York.  Just wishful thinking.

Sorry about my hearing mistake  the short A sound and the  long E sound 
(Kath-EE vs And_EE) along with Griff...made my mind jump to my hero, Andy.

I should be used to the confusion...my last name starts with Gri  (Gritton) and 
in school, I was called everything from Griffin to Griffith, to 

Britton.  (kind of like Fife  Fyfe and all that) 

On the one of the current topics...I moved away from my home town..there just 
weren't enough pickle factory jobs..but I enjoy being in the same state within 
an hour of where I grew up..and I often visit family there.  No regrets based 
on where my career and family have gone, but as the red slippers girl 
said..there's no place like home.

The Untrained Voice 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Correction to Ken's ethnicity

2010-07-28 Thread hyperauntjan1

I should have known that Gustav was Swedish. I'm not stupid, just ignorant! 
However I did get my diploma!


I stay in the house too much!

WBMUTBB mailing list

One Final Apology and Correction

2010-01-29 Thread Ken Anderson
I am so sorry to do this again, but now my website is finally back up 
and running on its original domain so if want to check it out at : 
Or if you prefer to never look at it again I would certainly understand.  I 
think I should have used thicker wires when I did the upgrade.  These 
electronal marvels are a real

pain sometimes especially when you are inept such as I.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

continuity correction

2009-11-19 Thread dewey lamb

Yesterday,a digest member stated an entire episode about bowling was 
filmed.That is correct,Howard bowled a perfect game.The member said bowling was 
never mentioned again.Incorrect.Helen beat Andy in another episode.Andy said it 
was because he was not wearing his personal bowling shoes.If I am wrong about 
this,beat me with a wet noodle.


Dewey in NC

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
WBMUTBB mailing list

correction to Paul on Opie's bike riding

2009-05-02 Thread King of Mayberry
Wow. This is a rare occurrence, but I actually have a correction to Paul 
Mulik's last post. In Floyd's Barber Shop, Opie told Aunt Bee that it would 
take him 6 hours to ride his bike to Mt. Pilot, not 4. Given Mt. Pilot is 12 
miles away from Mayberry, Opie must be a slow bike rider at only 2 miles per 
hour on average. It must be those tires that are just covered with
patches.  ;-)

Mr. Schwamp

A few years later, when Aunt Bee attempts to give Opie a haircut (episode: 
Floyd's Barber Shop), he?tells her he could make
it to Mt. Pilot in four hours on his bicycle.? Perhaps he meant four hours 
round trip.

Paul Mulik

Learning Centers - Click Here.
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Jim Lindsey correction

2007-10-24 Thread weenie man

Yesterday I said that Jim was playing an acoustic guitar. I meant to say he was 
playing an electric guitar that was not plugged in. I wonder if he could get 
banjo sounds out of it like Brisco could with his jug?
Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks  Treats for You!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-10-01 Thread Janet Anderson
I prefer to think of Gomer as refreshingly na?ve and charmingly ingenuous.

I typed that as naive, but the i with the double dots over it was converted 
to a question mark in the digest.  Sorry for any confusion!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Correction from the County Clerk

2007-07-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I had the wrong month down for Maggie on tv. The date is August 
10th at 7am. The station is wfmy tv 2 in GreenesboroJeff

WBMUTBB mailing list

Correction/Winter Kill

2007-06-11 Thread doug baggett

WBMUTBB mailing list

Correction on Newlywed

2007-05-21 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)

Well  I jumped into the question too quickly about the character from
Jailbreak who was  a Newlywed  I'm kinda like Barney sometimes I fire
off my answer and then ask questions later.  Upon further investigation
Tom was asking about another favorite and frequent Guest actor.  It was
Bob McQuain.  Here are list of Bob's appearance and there are probably a
few more

28  Andy Forecloses Bill
89  Andy's English ValetFletch Roberts  
55  Aunt Bee the Warden Ike Gordon  
42  The Clubmen Jim Baker   
45  The Farmer Takes a Wife Joe Waters  
51  A Medal for OpieJoe Waters  
54  The Merchant of MayberryJoe Waters  
70  Lawman Barney   Joe Waters  
95  The Big House   lieutenant  
48  The Manicurist  manicure customer   
50  Jailbreak   newlywed man
27  Ellie Saves a Femaleone of the Jenkins men  
78  Barney and the Governor postal clerk
30  Barney Gets His Man Sgt. Johnson

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fife statue web site correction

2006-05-20 Thread John McInnis
Put me in a cell with Otis as punishment for my poor proofreading skills.  The 
site for the statue mentioned in the last post

was missing a letter.  I hope my error did not lead too many of you to 
frustration! Sorry..the correct web site is

www.donknottsstatue.comhttp://www.donknottsstatue.com/  .   The article 
mentioned that they hope to have the statue built and installed by the fall.

John McInnis
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Correction on Emmett

2006-05-14 Thread MarTim1219
I hate to be a corrector but Emmett bought his wife the mink coat for there  
25th wedding anniversary , not her birthday.  But really, the tires Goober  
suggested made more sense...
Liz ain't you got a jack Roberts..
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Forty Acres/Reel Mayberry Site CORRECTION

2006-03-07 Thread Joel Rasmussen

I apologize to everyone who went to my Reel Mayberry
Forty Acres Location Guide site and only found a link
to the 2008 Mayberry Presidential Poll.  

Apparently, the site was not appearing properly on
some browsers, but I think I've fixed the problem!

To see the COMPLETE site, with information on the
Reel Mayberry Forty Acres Location Guide (where TAGS
was filmed), just shout Shazam and click again:


Joel R. 

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