OK...time to let everyone know. We made our trip to Mayberry, had a pork chop 
sandwich, visited a few stores and mainly Mayberry on Main to visit Debbie and 
Daryl but he wasn't around....then took our 'stuff' to the Arts Council for the 
auction. The one item you should all be bidding on is not the sequel but the 
REAL movie of The Killer Shrews, co-starring James Best and Ken Curtis,"Festus" 
who also directed this classic. It is an unopened DVD so whoever gets it will 
be the first one to watch it! This dates back to 1959 so just before TAGS 
Take some cash with you and help make this auction a huge success, and Jeff, 
let us know who gets it and how much...which I'll keep to myself!!
Enjoy the Days, wish we could be with you!
Carol and TheCameraNutttttt!!!
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