Digest problems
>>>The boys down at the lab will continue to work on the problem until we can completely clear things up. --Floyd<<< What boys at what lab? Thelma Lou (Janet) ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Digest problems.
Hey Folks, I'm hearing a lot of hurt feelings related to the problems the WBMUTBB Digest has been having lately. Some of you may wonder "what problems?" and I'm glad you aren't having issues receiving the Digest. The problem is that folks on rr.com, comcast.net, cox.net, charter.net, roadrunner.com, windstream.net, embarqmail.com, centurytel.net, insightbb.com, mchsi.com, wowway.com, and maybe others are NOT getting the Digest each day. The problem is the ISP's are blocking the delivery of the WBMUTBB Digest to their domains. There is NOTHING I can do to fix this problem but the members who are being impacted seem to think that I have black balled them. I can only do so much from my end to *TRY* and fix this but this is the second time in about 6 months where several ISPs just decided that the location the digest is coming from is some kind of spammer and has blocked us. I don't know if everyone realizes it or not but I don't, and never have, charge for the WBMUTBB Digest. I do it for free but it is NOT free for me. I pay for the cost of the Digest and the websites associated with iMayberry, WBMUTBB, TAGSRWC and others. The ONLY way to correct the Digest issue so it never happens again would cost way yonder too much for me to cover or to even ask you guys to help cover. (Somewhere near $60 might cover it *if* I could find the right type service for us to use on the WBMUTBB Digest.) I'm still working this issue but PLEASE, if you know anyone impacted...let them know that they were not "black balled" by Howard Spargue. There is a problem and I'm *trying* to solve the problem. They may want to contact their ISP and demand they "whitelist" the wbmutbb-requ...@wbmutbb.com and wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com e-mail addresses. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Re: Digest Problems
Hey Folks, I'm sooo happy to hear the reports from so many of the 240 folks that had been missing the WBMUTBB Digest, as I reported in the last issue, are now receiving them! That is GREAT news.especially since this month is the 20th Anniversary of the WBMUTBB Chapter! 20 YEARS Wow. If we have any folks that are artist, I'd love to get some submissions for a 20th anniversary logo for WBMUTBB. Our 15th Anniversary design can been seen by going to: http://www.cafepress.com/wbmutbb My memory is going but I'm pretty sure that Sam White did that design for us. (I did the design on the back of the tee myself but that was just using the computer to make the image. I can't draw.) If you want one of the 15th Anniversary items over there at cafepress.com, get it soon because I'll be updating it soon...one way or another. I'm working on an update to the WBMUTBB.com web site, too. The Digest has been very good to us over the years and I expect it to continue to be the focus of the chapter but perhaps we need a place on the web where I can get news out to you if/when we have problems like the one that caused so many to stop getting the Digest in their mailbox. Whatever the case, I'm very grateful for the 20 years of friendship our little corner of Mayberry has brought to me. --Allan Newsome http://www.wbmutbb.com ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Digest Problems
Hey folks, I mentioned this about two weeks ago but I have been fighting with the...wellbasically the Internet as a whole to try and fix the problem many of you have had in not receiving the WBMUTBB Digest. Many Internet Service Providers (ISP) are, for some reason, blocking the WBMTUBB Digest from ever getting to users e-mail inboxes. I guess that means that people using that ISP must have marked the Digest as spam and eventually the ISP just blocks it. In October over 240 of our members were unsubscribed from the WBMUTBB Digest mailing list because of bounces coming from their ISP rejecting delivery of the Digest. As I said, I've been working on this from my end and I've had (so far as I know) no luck in getting the problem corrected. This morning I re-subscribed the 240 members who have e-mail addressed ending with one of these 36 ISPs: amchurch.net insightbb.com austin.rr.com kc.rr.com bham.rr.com mchsi.com bresnan.netmindspring.com carolina.rr.comnc.rr.com centurytel.netneighborsenterprises.com cfl.rr.comneo.rr.com charter.net newwavecomm.net chartertn.net nyc.rr.com cinci.rr.comoptonline.net columbus.rr.com roadrunner.com comcast.net rochester.rr.com cox.net satx.rr.com earthlink.net sc.rr.com ec.rr.com tampabay.rr.com embarqmail.com triad.rr.com imagine-2.com windstream.net indy.rr.comwowway.com If you use one of these ISPs AND you get today's WBMUTBB Digest I'd be grateful if you'd let me know (email me: fl...@imayberry.com). If you have WBMTUBB friends you communicate with by e-mail or other means and THEY use these ISPs, please let them know about the problem. Some of our members have created Gmail.com accounts so they could continue to receive the WBMUTBB Digest during this problem. That is an option. Users of those ISPs could also call or write their ISPs support desk to ask for assistance in resolving this problem. I'm very sorry for this continuing problem but I'm currently at a loss as to what to do. It cost a LOT to host a mailing list like ours on a "for service" e-mail list provider so I don't think I can go there. (They tend to charge on a several cents per recipient basis...we have 1600 recipients PER DAY. 10 cents X 1600 = $160 per day even a penny a day would be $16.) I'll keep working on the problem so please hang in there with us. --Allan Newsome "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster http://www.iMayberry.com/ ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Digest problems *seem* to be fixed.
Folks, Sorry about the issues we were having the last few days with the Digest not coming out at it's "normal" time each day. There were some problems but I *THINK* they're fixed now! --Allan ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
WBMUTBB Digest problems
Hey folks, Several have e-mailed or in some way contacted me about the Digest not going out the last two days. I'm checking on it now. I put in a trouble ticket with my provider and hopefully they'll get 'er working. Things are flowing because I can see the messages showing up on the WBMUTBB Archive site located at the following URL: http://www.mail-archive.com/wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com/maillist.html I know you won't see this message until the Digest is fixed but I thought I could at least update those of you that are able to see it now. --Allan Newsome "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster http://www.mayberry.com/ ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
RE: Digest Problems
>Sorry to hear that Don is having digest problems. It's probably just the light As I told Ken, I'm hoping Miss Ellie (Pharmacy Gal) will give me one of them miracle drugs. I've got my dime ready. Don Good (Oh good, another turkey leg...) ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Don's Digest Problems
Sorry to hear that Don is having digest problems. Probably too much spicy food or too many rootbeer floats. I had digest problems once and my wife kept me in bed for three days with a hot water bottle and told me to take as many fluids as I could hold. Only thing worse than digest problems is a bad back ache. Ken Anderson 2906 May Street Eau Claire, Wisconsin 715-839-8470 kanderson8...@charter.net www.mayberryreflections.com E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor ( Database version: 6.13320 http://www.pctools.com/en/spyware-doctor-antivirus/ ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
re: Digest Problems
>>Today I received about 110 "bounce" notices from WBMUTBB members who use >>Bellsouth computer systems (swbell.net, bellsouth.net and >>sbcglobal.net).? Prodigy.net, att.net and snet.net were also bouncing >>but by far bellsouth.net was the highest number. I bet this wouldn't have happened if the government hadn't busted up Sarah "Ma" Bell's network. Soak it Sarah. Sam Drucker Drucker's General Store Hooterville ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Digest problems again...but seem to be fixed
Folks, Over the weekend the Digest got "stuck" again and didn't receive any e-mails from any of us. It was fixed on Monday at some point but there isn't going to be too much in today's issue (Tuesday's). Good thing Mayberry is all about "living easy and slow." :) --Allan ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Re: Digest Problems
I too was not receiving the digest and got the "bounce" message and had no idea what it meant. I did send Allen and e-mail and he was kind enough to respond to it. He explained that it was a problem that many of us were having and reminded me that I could keep up by reading the archives and that the problem was being worked on. I have been receiving the digest again and am so thrilled. I really missed all of you co-fans and feel at home again on Andy's front porch. I would really like to thank Allen for all his help in getting this problem fixed. It is very much appreciated and enjoyed by so many. Have a Mayberry kinda' Day All !! Lisa, Bea in Iowa ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
Digest Problems
Hey Folks, I'm sorry I've been so silent on this issue. The reason I haven't spoken up is because I've been working to figure out HOW to fix the problem. I didn't have an answer to tell you and I've been busy enough with other things that I had to choose between sending y'all an e-mail that said I don't know anything or working to *try* and understand the problem. This has been a HARD one and I *still* do not have this one licked. We have gone from having 1500+ folks subscribed to only about 875 or so because they are being unsubscribed automatically because their e-mails are bouncing back to the mailing list software (mailman is its name). If/when I get this problem fixed, I will be able to resubscribe pretty much everybody and get things right in the world again. I truly am sorry that I haven't been actively keeping y'all informed but the real issue is that those that aren't getting this e-mail are the ones that need to see it. They are the ones that are really having a problem. Hopefully they realize they can read the Archives and see what's happening. Y'all hang in there and know that I am hard at work with this. It's been almost a month since it started and SURELY we are getting close to finding the problem. --Allan ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/
I had the same problem about a month or so ago with not getting the digest, Never got the to many bounce message, I sent a e-mail to allan and the problem was solved the next day. Maybe this will help...Mike ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/