I grew up wishing Andy were my father.  More than anything, I wanted Andy for a 
dad.  He was always loving
to Opie and fair and proud of him, and was just about the exact opposite of the 
one I got, though I love my
father and know he did his best under hard circumstances.  
So, please, excuse me, Dana, but me and the girls at the Dime Store never once 
said (or even implied) that
Andy was brutal with Opie or anyone else in our last post. It is simply not in 
the nature of the man to be brutal with anyone. 
  What we meant was that when you compared the
Andy in the black and white episodes to the Andy in the colored episodes there 
is a clear change in his demeanor--much like during the first season Andy has 
more of a hillbilly-kind of talking character and then he changed that part of 
him.  He is Southern, just not so hillbilly, and frankly, I'm glad this change 
was made.
If you'll notice, when the colored season first starts, Andy is not nearly so 
laid back.  It may be because he's missing his friend Barney.  But for whatever 
reason, Andy does seem grumpy and this is more apparent with Opie, I think.   
When Opie  is taking care of Dolly the horse,  Andy shows a remarkable lack of 
tenderness  toward his child that I think the old Andy would have shown.   This 
is my opinion.  You are welcomed to disagree.

But I never said he was a bad parent or that he mistreated anyone.  I said he 
often tried to play the nice guy
to help those he loved, and his anger got shown to Opie more often than anyone 
else because Opie was the one who would take it.  I never said he mistreated 
Opie.  Big difference.  And I do think there are several shows where Andy is 
just clearly more annoyed with Opie than maybe he should be, but that's my 
But can anyone explain to me why Andy did not tell Helen about the mix-up on 
"Dinner at Eight."  I think the
episode would have been better if Andy had gone to Helen's house  first, then 
to Howard's.  It would have been
easier to understand his eating the third dinner without any explanation at all 
to Howard and his scary mother.  For heaven sake's, Helen was his girlfriend!  
Just my feeling.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and the one thing 
everybody knows is that Andy
is a good father
"But I do believe in Opie."
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