I like--and use--all of Barney's "that'd be funny, too" lines.  For example, 
  --Why don't you get yourself a wig and a dress?!  You could be another Emmy 
  --Why don't you get yourself a partner?!  You could call yourselves Frick and 
  --Why don't you go over to the old folks' home and take the bolts off the 
wheelchairs?!  That'd be real funny, too.
  --Why don't you go over to the old folks' home and wax the steps?  That'd be 
real funny, too.
  (When I was in college--long, long ago--we were looking for a service 
project, and someone actually suggested we make popcorn balls and take them to 
patients in a nursing home.  You can guess what/who I thought of.  Or we could 
was the steps and take the bolts off the wheelchairs?!  That'd be funny, too.) 
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