Gossip in'

2017-07-25 Thread panderson431
Oh yes how about the trail the news of the gold truck coming took, all over
John 3:16 Thelma Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-07-25 Thread panderson431
A memorable one for me is from the flower show episode and Aunt Bee is talking 
to Andy in the back yard and Tilley is listening over the fence she can hardly 
wait to run to Clara's to tell her Bee said she was " Upity" 

John 3:16 Thelma Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list

"Gossip" and the new book.

2016-01-17 Thread Patricia Haley
Gossip and the new book.
With all due respect to Jim and Nancy. I do not conclude Don and Andy have
to defend themselves. In this case anyway. We all sin, don't we?  Even Jesus
lost his temper and threw the tables over at the temple.
There are usually many sides to a story. Even though having their dirty
laundry hung out in public is not pleasant, it still doesn't take away from
how well intentioned  Andy and Don strived to be all their lives. And
succeeded. Sometimes it's even beneficial to take a look at that laundry, so
the rest can avoid the same pitfalls.
 Andy and Don were so spiritual, I bet they would have took the book in
stride. Especially if others could learn from them. From all my
observations, and even before I read the book, it doesn't seem like much of
it was a well kept secret anyway.
In CA.
WBMUTBB mailing list

gas, guys and gossip

2013-08-08 Thread Victor Friskey
..There is one lowly gas station to serve all the residentsKen Anderson

Ken, Didn't Joe Larson have a gas station that Ed Sawyer wanted to buy...and 
wasn't there talk about a gas station
being built somewhere else in town, (not sure about that one)...but like you 
Ken,  the closest town to where i lived had 
a population of 500 and two gas stations and school bus drivers own both of 
them...with six school buses running every
 day and the stations being at a major intersection of two state highways I 
think they probably did pretty well although there
 was a town 2 miles across the river that had 4 gas stations

On another note maybe I notice too much but in the episode where Roger Hanover 
writes to Aunt Bee..Andy asks her if
Roger was marriedshe is holding the one page letter and says, I think he 
said he never married. Now if that information 
was in the one page letter why would she say..I think he said...rather than 
quote from the letter. And she hadn't heard from
him in 20 years so how would she know either way if it weren't in the letter.

secondly when the shoe salesman comes to town, Wilbur Finch, he introduces 
himself to Aunt Bee and Emma Watson and 
gives them his business card...Andy comes in and ask the ladies who the man was 
and they tell him he is a shoe sales man.
Now if Andy had seen him leave the drugstore he had to have seen him carrying 
16 boxes what appeared to be shoes...then 
when Wilbur comes down the stairs in the hotel he is carrying the shoes and 
Andy had to see them. Finally if he were a talent 
scout why in the world would he masquerade as a shoe salesman.  Curious to say 
the least.

Vic Friskey 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Introducing a Tribute to Joe Hamilton --on Mayberry Gossip Club website

2008-10-20 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
With the help of Allan (Floyd) Newsome, and Richard Veit (true kin of
Joe Hamilton), we now have a page that I just finished that honors this
memorable background actor Joe Hamilton..check it out. 


WBMUTBB mailing list

Mr. Schwamp at Mayberry Gossip Club

2006-09-19 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey Folks,

Thanks to Joe, we're working on a site of information about Mr. Schwamp 
over at the Mayberry Gossip Club. There's a list of episodes he is in 
and I've added a photo of Mr. Schwamp to go along with it. SO, head over 
there and get your dose of Schwamp and add information that you may know 
about Mayberry's mystery man.


Feel free to help us with Odd Facts Known by Few to any of the 
episodes on the Episode Guide

Or add information about cast or characters at the Character List

We have a good start but we can really make this special if we try but 
it's gonna take work from you folks so join in where you can and hang on.


WBMUTBB mailing list

The Mayberry Gossip Club Project

2006-06-02 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey Folks,

I wanted to ask again for your help.

We have created The Mayberry Gossip Club Project and we've done a LOT of 
work over there. Gossip Club member Howard Sprague has entered episode 
information for every episode which was a lot of work but now we need 
other folks to add information to those episode descriptions.

Every episode has an Odd Facts Known by Few section into which we 
would love to see more odd facts entered and the way the Club 
works...YOU can enter that information directly.

We have a Plot Summary but maybe folks would like to add more 
information about the story by adding to our summary?

Drop by for a visit and help us out.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Gossip Club Project update

2006-04-08 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey Folks,

I wanted to report that things are moving along at the Mayberry Gossip 
Club Project.  We currently have 57 episodes with the information so 
we're on our way.  A user named Howard Sprague has done much of the 
work so far and I'm thankful to him!  I'd love to see some of the rest 
of you contribute to the project. I think this is something WBMUTBB will 
be proud of as we continue to grow the information on the site.

If you aren't sure about how to do things at the new project, check out 
the Community Portal section as well as the Help link. 

I have fixed it so you must sign up to be able to edit the site so click 
the create an account or log in in the top right hand corner to sign 
up or sign back in.


WBMUTBB mailing list

The Mayberry Gossip Club Project revisited

2006-04-05 Thread Allan Newsome

The Mayberry Gossip Club Project is getting off to a start, but like 
Mayberry...it's easy and slow which is fine. This will be a long term 

Here's what I was hoping we might do.  Tonight (actually tomorrow but 
it'll be tonight when you read this) TV Land will be showing The County 
Clerk so why don't we may it our project to watch that episode closely 
and then take a few minutes to add information about that episode to the 
Gossip Club? 

May we could take that as Miss Crump's assignment for the next several 
months, whatever episode TV Land shows that day...that could be the 
episode that folks focus on for the day and add info to our project.

I'm just trying to find a good way for all of us to work on the same 
thing together.  Friday night would be The Foster Lady.

If you aren't sure about how to do things at the new project, check out 
the Community Portal section as well as the Help link.  It's not too 
hard and if we get involved I really think this could be fun for 

PLEASE click the create an account or log in in the top right hand 
side of the site.  It will help to know who is doing the editing AND I 
need volunteers to help me make sure things are correct when they're 
entered and you can't do that unless you have an account. So far only 5 
users are listed and 2 of them are me (GossipSysop - the administrator, 
and Anewsome)



WBMUTBB mailing list

Gossip Club

2006-04-03 Thread Ellen M. Kuber
I LOVE the idea of the Mayberry Gossip Club projects.  But I was 
wondering.do we have the capacity to also add favorite quotes from each 
episode?  For me, that would be one of the most valuable elements to include.  
I know that for some episodes, there would be quite a few.  And ALL episodes 
would have SOME.  Can we do that?  Huh?  Can we?
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