
2007-12-24 Thread CTMIDWAY58
"Don't wish me Merry X-Mas, or Happy Holiday," the old song I  
won't wish any of you a Merry XMas or Happy Holiday, but since we have a  
Christmas tree and send Christmas cards and bought Christmas Presents, I will  
Merry Christmas!! 
I hope our Jewish friends will indulge us this little  bit of merriment while 
they are celebrating Hanukkah and I wish for them a Great  time of 
I celebrated today with a steak dinner from my daughter and son in law for  
EGAD!! Where did the time go? Only yesterday Barney was making his first  
appearance on TAGS. Only yesterday did Ben Weaver become an old softie and give 
presents to his friends!  I don't remember growing older...but guess  
somewhere between 12 and 20 I skipped some years and made it all the way up  
Have a great time, everyone! 
See all of you at Mayberry Days!!
Welford and Carol Sims, leukemia  survivor!!

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2007-12-21 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Allan, you done went and did it again!! You always come up with fantastical  
greetings for the group! 
I really enjoyed reading the extra for the year ... had the filing cards.  
That is a real wake-up call for all of us, so hope everyone read that!
I have been dietingNOTso I can eat a big Christmas dinner. I  will 
eat a big dinner and diet later!
To all the ones who have been so kind in this forum and those I have met  
personally at Mayberry Days, may you all have a VERY Merry CHRISTmas!!
Remember a Christmas party without Christ is just a party!  Would HE  attend 
your Christmas party? If not, change the rules!!
See you all at Mayberry Daysonly nine more months!! 
Thanks again, Allan, not only for the card but for everything you do to  keep 
this gang together and keep us from gettin' throwed in jail by Barn for not  
getting our shots!!  Hope none o'us have the Rabies!!
welford the cameraNUT!!

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2006-12-23 Thread jlj9675
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Aunt Bee of Orlando
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2006-11-21 Thread jlj9675
Happy Thanksgiving to all fellow Mayberrians!

I have many family photographs in my home, particularly the hallway.  Folks 
tell me my house looks like a museum due to that and all the collections but I 
don't care.  It pleases me. My guest room is done entirely in Mayberry 
memorabilia and I get teased about that but you know it's my pride and joy!

Aunt Bee of Orlando
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2008-12-23 Thread Ctmidway57
TheCameraNuttt and Mrs. Nutt who puts up with me and my shenanigans wish to  
each and every one of our Mayberry family a very..
Welford and Carol  Sims
Raleigh  NC
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2010-12-23 Thread dewey lamb

It is my sincerest wish that each and everyone of you have an enjoyable 
Christmas.I consider
all my digest friends to be extended family.Too bad we can't all break bread at 
the same table.
Dewey in NC   
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-12-24 Thread Ctmidway57
Christmas greetings to the entire Mayberry community!! 
Sometime tomorrow, stop for just a few minutes and remember the Person  
whose life we celebrate! Make it a Mayberry time, which is remembering the  
Reason for the Season, a change of heart, sharing of bounty, and forgiveness. 
Also mentioning, today I have another milestone. 3/4 of a century has  
passed since my birth...
11:45 PM Dec. 24, 1936. 75 years!! Where did the time go?  The night I was 
born at home, the doctor took one look at meslapped my  daddy, sent my 
mama to the hospital and went outside and emptied both barrels of  his 12 
gauge at Santa Claus. 
I don't remember growing older but somewhere along the way I did, and for  
the past 50 years Mayberry has been a part of my  life!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-22 Thread jlj9675
I'm happy to report that Mt. Airy is listed once again in Southern Living in 
the recap of their recent best of the south feature. It is the favorite town 
for NC and has a small photo of Barn, Ange and Gomer in their director 
chairs at the bottom. It highlights Andy's birthplace as well as Mayberry 
Days; I'm always glad to see our "hometown" promoted in any way.  Meanwhile, 
Merry Christmas to all our Mayberrians!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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2014-12-24 Thread dewey lamb
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to my extended  family.If you will 
betraveling,I wish you safe passage to and from.
Dewey in NC
"I think Congressmen should wear uniforms,you know,like NASCAR drivers,so we 
could identify their corporate sponsors".
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-01-01 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Old Man Kelsey down in the woods, jes' a'settin' on my front  po'ch, 
wishin' for all'a'y'all's a Happy Noo Yearz!!  
Otis done spended a lot of time down here the past month,  so now I gotta 
head back down my woods to my cooker an' make a bit mo' corn  squeezins!! 
Can't y'all send him to rehab? I wanna give up makin shine! Gittin'  too old 
fer it now!
Y'all be kind one to another.
Ever'thing gonna be all right!
Old Man Kelsey signin'  off
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2017-12-23 Thread Vicki Pillow
M(ayb)erry Christmas to all and to all a good night! 

Sent from my iPhone

WBMUTBB mailing list

Christmas greetings

2007-12-21 Thread Kyle and Kathy Romick
RE:  Hey to all our Mayberry friends from the Newsome Family!!!

Alan, Jan, & Adam,
Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You have outdone yourselves this year with 
your Christmas card.  I want to take this opportunity to not only wish you 
and your family a Merry Christmas but to thank you for the day-to-day labor 
you do to keep the "Digest" going.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Kathy Romick
One of Cincinnati's biggest fans (hey, Anita)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Yuletide Greetings

2006-12-20 Thread Vicki Pillow
Hello Fellow Mayberrians,

Here's hoping that you and yours have a very M(ayb)erry Christmas and  
a Happy New Year

Vicki Pillow

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Christmas Greetings

2008-12-23 Thread Sandy St. Onge
To all of my new Mayberry friends out there,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Thank you too Allan, Jan and Adam for your wonderful and ept Christmas card.

I have had so much enjoyment this year being with you all on this digest.

I really enjoy the thought that when a person is watching The Andy Griffith Show

that so many of the digest are 'together' at the very same time doing what we 

love to do watching our favorite show.  I am amazed at how witty people can be

when commenting about the show.  I have missed so many years being with you all

but better late than never!

Fun Girl-Skippy from IN

WBMUTBB mailing list

Seasonal Greetings

2008-12-24 Thread dewey lamb

Hello and Merry Christmas to my extended digest family.Yes,I said the 
politically incorrect word,CHRISTMAS.If I have offended anyone,get over it.Our 
forefathers gave us the right to say it.
Wishing everyone a safe,family oriented Holy Day.If you must drink,do it in 
moderation.Hope each person traveling during the holidays returns safely.We do 
not want to lose a single digest family member.
Again,Merry Christmas,
Dewey in N.C.

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Holiday greetings

2009-12-22 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>Happy Channukah to all the Jewish fans of The Andy Griffith Show. Please
don't forget us.<<<

Glad to know you're out there, Jan!  Though our family will be celebrating 
Christmas, I wish a "Happy Channukah" to you and yours!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Holiday Greetings!

2010-12-24 Thread Albert A

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me and mine, to you and yours all 
along this WBMUTBB Digest network! And to the secret Santa who sent me that 
case of Miracle Salve... Thank you very much!!
A. Acevedo, MPk Ca.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Valentine Greetings

2013-02-14 Thread Lee Cooper
To all us love-struck Mayberrians i wish a happy valentines day today. was 
thinking this morning about my darling person and how i would just love to take 
her over to Morelli's tonight. i heard that pounded steak was the cats. just to 
hear that gypsy play would be worth the trip alone. i might even slip him fifty 
cents instead of the usual quarter. to all, keep a good thought.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Fire Dpt. greetings

2007-12-22 Thread william stocks
Merry Christmas from the Mayberry Fire Department. ( you never saw us because 
you never needed us!) P.S. Be careful 'cause we're wintering in Pell City 
Alabama. Thanks Ken and Alan--- Bill and Barb Stocks
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.
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New Year's Greetings

2008-12-31 Thread Sandy St. Onge
Wishing all the wonderful Mayberry digest,

"Happy New Year!!"

Fun Girl-Skippy of IN
WBMUTBB mailing list

Greetings and salutations

2010-12-25 Thread jlj9675

Merry Christmas to one and all in our little Mayberry corner of the world!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Greetings and salutations

2011-12-24 Thread jlj9675

Here's hoping we all have a Mayberry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

greetings and salutations

2013-05-27 Thread jlj9675
Happy Memorial Day to everyone and especially to all our veterans and active 
duty military members. Thanks for your service to our country!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Greetings and Salutations

2013-12-21 Thread jlj9675
I'm not clever like Allan, Jim, Dewey or Tom so have never been able to 
design a wonderful Mayberry Christmas card but my wishes for all Mayberrians 
is just as hearty and well-meaning: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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{Spam?} wbmutbb greetings!

2022-04-24 Thread alfredandann@gmail com

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Pre Holiday greetings, etc

2006-11-16 Thread G Stefanow
I send pre-Holiday greetings to all! May you all enjoy the best that this 
blessed season has to offer.Yes, I do enjoy this daily and miss it mightily 
when I don't read it. I somehow managed to get a confounded virus on my 
computer and it messed things up but good for several weeks. It really bothered 
me that things like this do happen in today's world. No, its not the little 
hairs that were tickling the back of my neck or anything like that. It's just 
made me appreciate all you nice folks here in this place we call Mayberry that 
much more. You know, I guess I could have called up Barney and asked for him to 
use some "electronal marvel" he may have had. Oh, well, I guess I will have to 
remember that for next time. ( IF, heaven forbid, it ever happens again!) 
  Blessings to you and yours!
  Gus Stefanow
  Enon, Ohio (My own little Mayberry!)

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Seasons' Greetings from Ben Weaver

2012-12-24 Thread Dan Goodwin
This time of the year always brings to mind those seasonal words of Ben Weaver, 
"It's public property and I'd like to see it sittin' in front of my store for a 
while, you got any objections?" Ah, such sweet sentiments.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Seasons Greetings and Yahoo Missed Digests

2012-12-21 Thread Silvia Boosten
Dear Mayberry Friends.
I wish you all blessed Seasons Greetings.  The Digest, and you all,make me feel 
like a friend, and a Mayberry friend at that!!  :)
Yahoo does not always send the Digests, which makes me sad,but I am grateful 
for the ones I do receive.
I was watching White Christmas, and there was the actorwho played the Bookie 
Barber, Herb Vigran.
Have blessed holidays.
Silvia, aka Josephine Pike

WBMUTBB mailing list

Christmas Greetings from The Mayberry Guru

2020-12-23 Thread Ken Anderson
I would like to wish all of you at the Digest a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Healthy New Year.

If there ever was a time we needed TAGS it was in 2020.  During my 74 years
on this earth, I have never experienced anything like this past year.
Between the terrible pandemic and very divisive political climate, it was
so good to be able to sit back and visit Mayberry whenever the whim hit me.

We chose not to do any events this past season.  At our ages, my wife and
decided it was best not to take any chances.  As it turned out all of the
events we normally do were all canceled.  We would normally participate in
between 80-90 car shows, parades, community festivals, and presentations,
so it was indeed a very strange summer.  I only used one tank of gas in my
squad car all summer, when normally I would fill up about every ten days.

Hopefully, 2021 will find us returning to some normalcy and we will once
again be able to enjoy our regular routines, although I have decided to cut
back some on parades.  I will not be traveling as far around the state next

Have a very wonderful Christmas, everyone, and may 2021 bring you much
happiness, good health, and lots of friendships.

Ken "Barney" Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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