
2009-12-17 Thread jlj9675

Just want to wish everyone a Very Mayberry Christmas to you and yours from
Aunt Bee of Orlando

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2013-12-26 Thread RBlanke1
Martha and I would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous holiday  
season.   We hope you all had a nice Christmas, and got everything you  
wanted.Now here comes the New Year celebrations.Stay safe, and have 
and we hope you all have a happy and very prosperous  2014.I hope we gain 
more wonderful friends here in Mayberry  this next year.
Ron & Linda Blankenship
aka Emmett & Martha Clark
Them Timers are Tricky Chapter
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-04-03 Thread Jim and Nancy
As this is Easter weekend, it got me to thinking ( good for the head!). 
Other than Christmas, were there references to any other holidays on TAGS?

Wishing all my TAGS friends a joyous Easter!

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WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-04-04 Thread Ken Anderson
Halloween was mentioned a number of times.  Mayberry folks were told to get
out of their Trick or Treat outfits.  Barney told Andy when Inspector Case
was coming that he was supposed to be dressed for Trick or Treat.  Barney
mentioned nabbing some kids ringing doorbells on Halloween, and Goober
mentioned guarding the cannon on Halloween.

Memorial Day aka Decoration Day was mentioned when Barney wanted to wear
his Smokey Bear uniform.

4th of July was mentioned one time when council was considering having
fireworks for Founders Day.

Andy mentioned the beer opener would make a good Mother's Day present.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-04-04 Thread BCunnin107

Barney hauled the teenage boys in for knocking on doors at Halloween not 
exactly a "holiday," but more of a custom or observance Seems I remember 
some reference to the 4th of July, like fireworks or something Then there 
was Founder's Day Also, Bastille Day  and some others mentioned to the 
Morrison sisters

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2016-11-22 Thread panderson431
Good one Harriet. I like watching holiday shows during the holidays so I dig 
out the Waltons which I am a big fan of too! I am disappointed that TAGS only 
made one holiday show in 8 years, I wonder why?

John 3:16

WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-11-23 Thread Rick
⁣I agree, I wish they had made more holiday episodes.
I often wonder what it would have been like if an episode was made of the main 
cast of characters were invited to the Darlins for Thanksgiving. And what about 
the menu?  

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2019-11-19 Thread panderson431
I was wondering if anyone knew why there was only one Christmas show in all 
those years. I’ll bet Aunt Bee would put in an exceptional Thanksgiving meal as 
well the writers should have taken advantage of that I think that would have 
been an exceptional show any input on this idea

John 3:16 Thelma Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list


2019-11-21 Thread panderson431
Thank you for the comments Janet and Ed good reasons but you know what, I would 
rather watch 
A holiday show from that era any day of the year than any junk that’s on today
John 3:16 Thelma Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list

happy holidays

2006-12-08 Thread ladynoogs45744
Happy holidays everyone 

I too wish TAGS would have done more than one holiday episode it
would have been nice to see them do a thanksgiving episode... maybe
with a play (like they did for founders day), a new years episode
(perhaps Otis could have spiked the punch at the party).  I really
would have liked to seen (but they would have had to be WAY ahead of
the times) them make homage (sp?) to ALL the holidays in nov/dec such
as Rahmadaan (guess there werent any Muslims in Mayberry), Yule,
Kwanzaa (did it even exist?), Hanakah (sp?)... but shows today dont
even do that.  I think a groundhogs day episode would have been
funny... maybe they could have lost the groundhog.  Of course a
Halloween episode would have been my favorite I just take the Haunted
House as my "Halloween TAGS".

Happy Holidays everyone they are upon us!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Holidays & Weather

2006-08-28 Thread bcq145
  Hey, Friends,

I'm a little behind times, but someone asked if Halloween was ever observed in 
Mayberry.  It was mentioned in the episode when Ed Sawyer comes into town 
wanting to make Mayberry his home  when Barney is in the barber shop telling
Andy about the time he "arrested" some twelve-year old boys for ringing door-
bells and running off at Halloween last year.  (Barney wanted permission to run
Ed Sawyer in for ringing Lucy's doorbell.)  So, I guess that provides some 
that Halloween was observed in Mayberry.
Take care of yourselves.  Man, it's hot down here.  Laura Lee Hobbs can't even
watch out for Gold Trucks it's so hot.  Now that's hot!
Lydia,   "Like Calvin Coolidge always said, 'People talk about the weather, but 
nobody can do anything about it.' "  (Floyd)
"Floyd, Calvin Coolidge didn't say that.  Mark Twain said it."  (Andy)
"Well, he must have said something.  He was the President."  (Floyd)

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Happy Holidays

2009-12-19 Thread Rick
We are experincing a record snow amount here in Charlottesville, Va. (18" so 
far). Makes for an outstandin day to watch our Mayberry DVD's by the fire.
Wishing all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Holidays?

2014-11-28 Thread Tom Ballard
Watched the Christmas Episode this morning to get me into the Christmas spirit. 
Got me to wondering just what other holidays were celebrated throughout the 
series?Merry Christmas to all!!

Tom B. 

Sent from my iPhone
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Happy Holidays

2015-12-25 Thread Jim and Nancy
We want to wish all our TAGS friends a very Merry Christmas.  I received 
the book " Andy & Don" this morning as well as the movie, "Murder in 
Coweta County" with Andy Griffith and Johnny Cash.  I have not seen this 
particular movie, but am looking forward to watching it.  I have heard a 
lot of pros and cons about "Andy & Don" so looking forward to reading it!
It is indeed wonderful that the spirit of Mayberry lives on in this 
crazy, scary world! Hope 2016 is a great year for everyone.

Lotsa seasons greeting to you and yours!
Jim & Nancy

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Re: Holidays

2019-11-20 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>I was wondering if anyone knew why there was only one Christmas show in all 
>>>those years. I?ll bet Aunt Bee would put in an exceptional Thanksgiving meal 
>>>as well the writers should have taken advantage of that I think that would 
>>>have been an exceptional show any input on this idea.<<<

Thelma, the general consensus is that holiday-themed shows were often avoided 
for syndication reasons.  Popular shows were syndicated and shown in reruns 
after initial broadcast, and since the episodes could appear anytime during the 
calendar year, a Christmas episode, for example, could be shown in July.  
Traditional thinking was that this should be avoided.  Some series never had 
holiday-themed episodes, while others did.  In addition to TAGS only having one 
Christmas episode, I believe "I Love Lucy" also only had one Christmas show, 
and that was late in the series.  A notable exception decades later was 
"Friends," which had holiday-themed episodes every year.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Holidays in Mayberry

2010-07-07 Thread hyperauntjan1

Let's not forget National Potato Week and Bastille Day as well as Founders Day 
and Barn's 5 Year Party!


" I never knew there were so many Moslems in Mayberry!"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Possible Mayberry Holidays

2010-07-07 Thread Ken Anderson

There is "National Still Smashing Day" too.

They must have had a "Seth Taylor Day" after putting up that heavy duty 
wobbly statue that the stone mason carved out of Styrofoam.

I think too a holiday was created when Barney and Andy received their medals 
for keeping Mayberry so crime free. At least the school principal declared 
one for the kids.

I definitely think they should have a "Tom Silby Day".  After all, he came 
back to life after being dead and buried for two years.  That's no small 

They certainly should hold a "Rock Fest" each year in honor of Ernest T. 
Bass.  I am sure the window manufacturing companies would help sponsor it.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Holidays in Mayberry

2014-11-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Tom, You got me to thinkin about that and all I could come up with was
birthdays. There was Arnold's and Thelma Lou's birthdays and there may have
been more. Speaking of Thelma Lou's birthday, I bought a cheap feather boa
to wear at Halloween. It molted all night. I bought it at a store but I
think Newton Monroe was their supplier.
Elizabeth in Ga
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Holidays in Mayberry

2010-07-08 Thread Good, Don
>" I never knew there were so many Moslems in Mayberry!"

Yeah, I always thought Lars Hanson was a Lutheran.

Don Good
"Happy Sir Walter Raleigh Landing Day!"

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Holidays in Mayberry

2015-04-05 Thread Harriet Browder
Don't forget the most important holiday of allit was officially verified by 
Andy and Barney.   There is a "Still Smashing Day" in response to discovering 
the sisters ran a still in their hot house, where they kept special flowers.

"The trouble I'm in with Miss Johnson, I could use special flowers."

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

 Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for the teeth..That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

2007-12-24 Thread david browning
To everyone on the WBMUTBB Patty and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas 
and the BEST New Year!!!
David Browning
The Mayberry Deputy
Share life as it happens with the new Windows Live.
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Holidays and a Platex glove

2008-12-26 Thread Lisa Ahlers
I want to wish each and everyone of you here at the message board a most 
blessed Holiday Season! You all play such an important part in bringing 
Mayberry to me. I used to feel so alone out there always wishing there was 
really a Mayberry and so much wanting to step back in time and live there. This 
past year, I found the message board and found all of you. All of you are so 
awesome! So kind and always helpful. Just like Mayberry. Allen, thank you to 
you and your family for the wonderful Christmas card. I looked back over the 
others you sent out over the years and they are all awesome. Some even brought 
tears to my eyes.
As far as the latex glove story goes. All the talk about Snails & Worms lately 
reminded me of a funny memory. Me and my children had conquered the fear of 
putting a worm on a hook, but not the fear of touching the fish to take it off 
the hook if we did catch one. So, one beautiful summer day we wanted to go 
fishing, but we had this husband was at work, so we had no one to 
to handle the caught fish for us. Finally, my son Josh, now 20, then 12 or 13, 
says "I can take the fish off the hook if you can figure out a way for me not 
to have to touch it." I turned on my thinking cap and thought of those yellow, 
platex gloves I use to do dishes. I was out of them, so my two boys went to the 
store and bought a pack of two, so off we went to the lake. There were several 
others there fishing as well, so we found our spot and started to bait hooks 
and get them in the water. We usually didn't have much luck catching anything, 
but of course today was quite the opposite. It's like the fish were under the 
water watching us fools and wanted to have some fun with us. It's like they 
were jumping on our hooks. Every time one of us caught a fish, we'd yell for 
Josh to "Get the Gloves!" He couldn't get them on fast enough, soon there was 
another fish, and then another, and then yet another. It never failed, he'd 
just take them off and we were yelling for the gloves again. We all got 
laughing so hard that our stomachs just hurt. The other people around the lake 
had quite a show that day, as we could hear others laughing at us. It was a 
wonderful day for all of us that day and we still share many laughs over it yet 
today. All it takes is someone saying "Josh, get the gloves!" 
Ben, this is the first time I seen the Night Before Christmas in Mayberry Poem. 
It was very well done, thank you for that.
Well, I had better let someone else get a word in, I just wanted to share.
Bea in Iowa ~ Lisa
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