Mayberry sighting on an early Columbo episode

2020-06-29 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Recently watched a Columbo episode from 1971 called "Ransom for a Dead Man", 
and thought a face looked familiar.  The character's name was Paul Williams, 
who was quickly disposed of by his wife, played by Lee Grant during the opening 
scene of the episode.
After checking IMDB, I realized the actor, Harlan Warde, appeared in 2 TAGS 
- Barney Fife, Realtor (1965) ... Mr. Williams- Opie and the Spoiled Kid (1963) 
... Simon Winkler
Ironically he played a Mr. Williams in the episode where Barney was a realtor.  
He played Howie's father (I thought Howie's last name was Pruitt) and lived in 
the house that Andy/Bee thought they wanted (the Williams place), but it turns 
out the house had furnace problems and a foot of water in the basement.
He portrayed Arnold Winkler's father in "Opie and the Spoiled Kid" episode.  
After realizing his boy Arnold was way out of line discipline-wise, and took 
him out to the "good old fashioned" woodshed behind the Mayberry courthouse for 
some well deserved corporal punishment.
If anyone is interested, there's an excellent website dedicated to Columbo, one 
of the best characters/detective shows in history.  They really get deep into 
all things Columbo, and there are others TAGS alumni that have appeared on 
Columbo episodes.  Columbo's first run of episodes (the classics), along with 
TAGS complete episodes are both now on Amazon Prime, although the Columbo's are 
"free with commercials", which you can't fast forward through.  TAGS show the 
original episodes along with the epilogues, commercial free.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2017-06-03 Thread Ken Anderson
This morning my wife, that is the lady I am married to, was watching a
couple of episodes of "The Rifleman".  He has more than one bullet in his
gun.  Well to make a long story longer, I heard a couple of familiar
voices.  One belonged to Wally Cleaver's girlfriend Jody Foster and the
other was no other than our own Mr. Fred Goss.  He was a telegraph
operator.  Must not have made much money so that is why he moved east to
Mayberry and opened his cleaning business.

We are off to a car show at the Classic Garage Diner today and then
tomorrow we have a parade at a Broiler Festival.  "Tomorrow.  The best
day.  Why there isn't anything a person cannot do.  Tomorrow."  You know
who said that?  Calvin Coolidge.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2017-05-05 Thread Ken Anderson
I was watching a very old episode of Dragnet when I had a Mayberry
sighting.  Sergeant Joe Friday's partner was Sergeant Ed Jacobs who later
appeared in Mayberry as escaped convict Eddie Brooks.  Brooks was the man
Barney "tackled" on Main Street which led to Brook's arrest.  Now I wonder
what would cause a successful Las Angeles policeman to go bad and end up as
an escaped prisoner in Mayberry.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2016-01-01 Thread Ken Anderson
Happy New Year one and all.

My wife was watching Twilight Zone this morning and heard some familiar
voices.  I checked on it and there in one episode were three Mayberry folk.
Ralph Campbell, Fred Boone, and Mr. Meldrum from the Mayberry bank.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2015-03-22 Thread Marguerite
Reading Angel Lane by Sheila Roberts and one of the three main characters 
compares her hometown of Angel Falls, WA to Mayberry. Another compares it to 
Bedford Falls without Mr. Potter.

That started me to thinking. Did Mayberry have a Mr Potter? Somebody who truly 
didn't care about others? Even Ernest T Bass had his good moments as did Ben 
Weaver. What are your thoughts?

Sent from my iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2014-11-08 Thread Gary Muskat
On the Star Trek episode Miri, Capt. Kirk and party beam down to an
Earth-like planet to investigate a distress signal. Where they land is right
in the street of Mayberry near the courthouse. You see a good share of the
town in this episode.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2014-05-22 Thread Patricia Haley
Mayberry Sighting
I saw Ramona Wily on Gomer Pyle USMC last night. Season 4 episode 22 as a
sales clerk in The Carriage Waits.
That was pretty cool.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2014-05-09 Thread
I was watching Maverick, Dodge City or Bust and there was our little fat 
Mayor and Floyd as the sheriff. Date of episode was 1960.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2014-01-05 Thread DAVID QUINN

 This morning (Sunday), TCM played a really old B-Movie called Tear Gas 
Squad.   Ironically, there was no tear gas squad in the movie.Any hoo, our 
own Mr. Wheeler (Edgar Buchanan) was one of the policemen in the film.He 
was so young that I almost did not recognize him.   This movie was full of 
early television character actors.There was Dennis the Menace's father 
(Herbert Anderson), Perry White and Clark Kent from the Superman show,  and 
Paul Drake from Perry 
 Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Mayberry sighting

2014-01-01 Thread Greg Boe
Hello David,

Just one question begs to be asked: was she wearing a nice dress, whilst she
was out dancing?

Greg (Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2013-12-31 Thread DAVID QUINN

 I had the most wonderful Mayberry sighting tonight on New Years Eve. 
Antenna TV is running a Jack Benny/George Burns marathon, and I was watching a 
Jack Benny episode where he goes to a restaurant with Jimmy Stewart and Gloria 
Stewart.While there, Jack and his date decide to do a little dancing.
Out on the dance floor, Jack's date bumps into Rolfe Sedan (veteran character 
actor who was a regular as the postman on George Burns).Rolfe Sedan stops 
dancing and turns to Jack and his date to say Please excuse me.Well, you 
would never guess in a million tries who Rolfe Sedan was dancing with.Since 
you cannot guess, I think I will tell you, it was Nice Dress Nelly. She was 
featured in a close up shot and for a second I thought she was going to say 
something.Later in the show I spotted her sitting at a table in the 
restaurant.That is the first time I have ever found her in any show but 
TAGS.I watched the credits, but they did not post her name, shucks
 Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.Happy New Year Everyone.Eat 
more eggs.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2013-12-30 Thread DAVID QUINN

 In the early evening before bedtime, Martha is forever watching those lady 
movies on Lifetime, and me being the good husband will sit there, acting like I 
am interested, while she watches.   Anyway, last night, there was this movie 
on, and one of the actors was talking about the typical American family.   He 
said A mother and a father, and 2 1/2 kids.Martha said 2 1/2 kids? And 
then I said, ALL TOGETHER NOW, Poor 
 Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting and Mr. Meldrin

2013-10-09 Thread Ken Anderson
I was watching Green Acres last night and I spotted non other than Sarah.
 Mr. Drucker was making a call and he picked up the phone and asked Sarah
to call a number.  She was also on Petticoat Junction recently.  Now I am
going to look out for Juanita and see if I can spot her anywhere.

By the way, I went into the Mayberry bank to cash a social security check
and I spotted Mr. Meldrin.  He was wearing a black mask.  I asked him if he
was trying to be Leonard Blush.  He said no, so I asked him why he was
wearing the black mask.  He said, I have to.  I am the loan arranger.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2013-07-22 Thread DAVID QUINN

 I do the crossword puzzle in our local paper most every day.   Today while 
doing the puzzle, one of the clues was ___ in the bud.   Yep, you guessed 
it, the answer was Nip it. Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man   

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry Sighting

2013-01-16 Thread Brent Seguine

Keep watching for Gracie Gives a Baby Shower Shower For Virginia Beasley.  
The postman's daughter is played by Betty Lynn.

If AntennaTV remains on its current schedule, that episode from October 1954 
should air sometime in mid-February.


-Original Message-

From: L. Gillum
Subject: Mayberry Sighting

I am recovering from a very painful shoulder repair surgery (had to go to the 
bigger doctors in Mt. Pilot for this one), and am restricted to sleep in my 
recliner chair for awhile.   This has provided opportunity to catch some 
late-night TV shows that I didn't even know were available now.   One of these 
OLD favorites has been THE GEORGE BURNS  GRACIE ALLEN SHOW from 1950-1958.   
Two nights ago I was surprised and happy to find the show's guest star to be 
none other than Howard McNear (Floyd the Barber).  It was definitely a younger 
version of Howard, but his characteristic mannerisms were quickly apparent.  I 
must confess that it took a moment to make the absolute identification, for I 
had never seen him at this young age.   To alleviate any doubts, the rolling 
credits at show's end confirmed, Howard McNear.   Mr. McNear's website 
indicates that he appeared in two separate episodes of the Burns-Allen show, 
each time as Mr. Jansen.  Now I'll have to watch for the second ap
 pearance of McNear with George Burns.  

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-01-16 Thread L. Gillum
  Keep watching for Gracie Gives a Baby Shower Shower For Virginia Beasley. 
  The postman's daughter is played by Betty Lynn.
If AntennaTV remains on its current schedule, that episode from October 1954 
should air sometime in mid-February.

Thanks, Brent.I'll be watching for that episode.
Larry in CO

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2013-01-14 Thread L. Gillum
I am recovering from a very painful shoulder repair surgery (had to go to the 
bigger doctors in Mt. Pilot for this one), and am restricted to sleep in my 
recliner chair for awhile.   This has provided opportunity to catch some 
late-night TV shows that I didn't even know were available now.   One of these 
OLD favorites has been THE GEORGE BURNS  GRACIE ALLEN SHOW from 1950-1958.   
Two nights ago I was surprised and happy to find the show's guest star to be 
none other than Howard McNear (Floyd the Barber).  It was definitely a younger 
version of Howard, but his characteristic mannerisms were quickly apparent.  I 
must confess that it took a moment to make the absolute identification, for I 
had never seen him at this young age.   To alleviate any doubts, the rolling 
credits at show's end confirmed, Howard McNear.   Mr. McNear's website 
indicates that he appeared in two separate episodes of the Burns-Allen show, 
each time as Mr. Jansen.  Now I'll have to watch for the second appearance of 
McNear with George Burns.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting and Andy's Job

2012-11-02 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Haven't posted in a while, sorry about that.
Flipped over to one of the retro channels the other night and watched Perry 
Mason.  Who did I see on the witness stand..the lovely Jean Carson or 
Daphne from Mt. Pilot.
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but I was wondering something 
the other day.  I wonder what Andy Taylor did for a living before he became 
Sheriff of Mayberry.  I wonder if he was a deputy or worked at the pickle 
factory or at the gas works.  We know he didn't get right out of school and 
become sheriff.  Anyone have any ideas?
Harry in Salem, VA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2012-07-14 Thread Daniel Santos

Was watching an early episode of Leave it to Beaver today and before there was 
a Gus at the firehouse, there was a Pete.  Played by none other than the 
original Ben Weaver actor.  Guess he didn't always play cranky old men roles.  
On another note, I was planning on buying People magazine this week, mistakinly 
assuming they would have the passing of Andy as their cover story.  He only got 
a blurb in the corner.  Tom and Katie got the cover.  So sad.
Fayettville, Arkansas 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2012-04-24 Thread Rick
I am watching an episode titled, Sister Rita Story,  made in 1959. One of the 
nuns is played by Frances Bavier. I have never noticed that before.
Charlottesville, Va.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2012-04-24 Thread Rick
I left out the name of the show I saw Francis Bavier on which was Wagon Train.
Charlottesville, Va.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting on Alfred Hitchcock Presents

2011-10-07 Thread Ken Anderson
Today I saw Mayberry's very own lovely Joanna Moore, aka, Peggy McMillan,  on 
an old Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode entitled Post Mortem.  She had that 
same wonderful southern drawl voice and was as lovely as ever.  I was expecting 
her husband on the episode to be named Don, but he wasn't.  There were two 
scenes of her soaking in a bubble bath.  Of course that would never have made 
it to TAGS.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Mayberry sighting (sort-of)

2011-09-18 Thread Rene Solak

I've been attending a Methodist church here in Murrells Inlet, SC for the last 
few years. I grew up Catholic so most of the songs sung in church are 
unfamiliar to me. But imagine my surprise and delight this morning when one of 
the hymns was none other than Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Kinda expected 
to see Briscoe, Charlene and the boys at any moment.

Rene Bringing in the Cheese Solak
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2011-04-18 Thread tubist
Well, actually a hearing. There's a Christian comedian that I've heard on the 
radio several times. I don't know her name, but she speaks with a rather strong 
Southern accent. 

I heard one of her bits today in which she was talking about watching TV as a 
child. Her parents were careful about what the family watched, so the only 
programs she ever saw were evangelists, news documentaries and Andy Griffith. 
She went on to say that these days, the stuff on the news tends to be so 
negative that the only thing left worth watching is Andy Griffith. 

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Mayberry Sighting

2010-12-11 Thread Ken Anderson
What do you know?  Another Mayberry sighting on The Donna Reed Show.  Good old 
Quiet Sam Becker was a public relations man for the L.A. Rams.  I have a 
feeling he moved to Mayberry and took up farming after the Rams lost a big 
game.  I had lots of time to watch TV this weekend.  We received 18 inches of 
snow today.  I was right out there in it snow blowing three driveways and 
sidewalks three different times.  One good thing about winter in Wisconsin - no 

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Practical joke, and a Mayberry sighting

2010-10-23 Thread Mike Haviland
Hey Ken great topic,  My favorite practical joke is when Andy and Barney 
convince Otis he is dead. We actually went on Old plank road on our trip to 
Mayberry days.But no Otis so is was just a joke.    MAYBERRY 
SIGHTING this morning I was watching the rifleman and Stanley Adams (Ralph 
Campbell) was on, drunk as a skunk, Otis is so ashamed,,   Mike The Scamp   
Keep a good thought

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2010-08-19 Thread Harry Brewbaker
After spending the last few days talking to digest member Gary Johnson about 
our mutual respect for the old Have Gun Will Travel show, I watched the 3rd 
episode of season 3 on Youtube tonight.   Palidin traveled to a small town and 
when he went in to the lone hotel to check in, who was playing the hotel desk 
clerk  None other than Olan Soule or as we TAGS fans know him, John 
Masters, your reservations clerk.  I guess he was type cast.
Thanks for pointing me to Youtube for a Palidin fix Gary.
Harry in Salem, VA

WBMUTBB mailing list

another mayberry sighting

2010-06-01 Thread Debbie Ritter

Was watching an episode of Murder She Wrote and Howard Morris appeared playing 
Cousin Ziggy (who had a REAL SERIOUS) mother fixation.  
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
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Mayberry Sighting

2010-05-29 Thread Debbie Ritter

Was watching an episode of Hazel last night, and she is bowling in a city 
tournament that is televised. Who did the TV announcer turn out to be but our 
own Otis aka Hal Smith. 
Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your 
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Mayberry Sighting

2009-05-20 Thread DAVID QUINN


Happened to be watching Turner Classic Movies this morning, and they had 
Anatomy of a Murder showing.  Well guess who was the medical examiner who 
testified in the trial?  None other than our own Floyd.  He said a lot of 
really smart things, but he did not mention Calvin Cooledge.


Orville Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man - Gotta go, Martha has a list of 
chores for me to do.

Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Related to Mayberry Sighting?

2009-04-21 Thread Harry Brewbaker

As I mentioned before, have been recording and watching Dragnet episodes from 
the Retro channel and there are many Mayberry sightings.  Last nights episode 
had Olan Soule (John Masters) appearing as an emergency room doctor and in the 
credits I noticed the ER receptionist was played by Sydney Soule.  She appeared 
to be around 40 years old.  Does anyone know if she was related to Olan, 
possibly his wife
Harry in Salem, VA
A choir without it's tenor is like a star without it's glimmer  Elenora 
Poultice as told to Bernard Fife.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2009-04-20 Thread Harry Brewbaker

Had what I consider a rare Mayberry sighting last night.  While scanning the 
channels last night I hit upon an episode of the Mike Hammer series from 1958 
starring Darin McGavin on the Retro Network.  He interviewed a rich older lady 
who was portrayed by Lillian Bronson who was also Erma Bishop in The Beauty 
Contest episode.  I'm not sure if I have ever seen her in anything else before.
Also watched several episodes of Dragnet and Adam-12.  Two of my guilty 
pleasures.  Many Mayberry sighting in both of those series.  Burt Mustin, Olan 
Soule, etc. etc.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2008-09-08 Thread Harry Brewbaker
FirstHappy B'day Ken, hope there are many more to come.
Was watching just a snippet of a Bonanza episode on Sunday when I spotted a 
face that looked familar.  There was an inebriated gentleman in the saloon 
talking very loudly about Little Joe.  After staring at him for a few seconds I 
realized it was Ralph Haynes from the BW High School Reunion episode.  And 
yes, he appeared to be sweating.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2008-03-17 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Had a Mayberry sighting over the weekend.  Sunday on one of the HD channels 
they were showing Advise and Consent, the politcal drama from 1962.  Great 
movie with a great cast.  During several scenes shot on the U.S Senate floor, 
they showed extras who played senators not involved in the plot of the movie.  
At a desk on the back row of the senate floor was Tom Jacobs, often scene as a 
TAGS extra and brother of Danny Thomas.  Not sure if he might have been the 
junior senator from North Carolina or not.
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Mayberry sighting

2008-02-25 Thread Rick
I was watching a movie, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, made in 1973. I went 
to the kitchen and then heard this distinct voice and it was our county clerk, 
Howard. Something about him trying to talk tough with that voice just doesn't 
seem intimidating ...LOL

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Mayberry sighting

2007-01-20 Thread Greg Boe
I was watching Gunsmoke on TV Land today, and I came across an episode with
a group of nuns who were traveling from Dodge City to the Black Hills of
Dakota Territory. I noticed that one of the nuns (a nun with a bit of
spunkshe was a little bit head-strong and sure of herself, she even
won an argument with Festus!) was the one and only Aneta Corsaut (our own
Helen Crump)!!


If that don't beat all!!!


You just never know where some of our TAGS alumni will show up!


Greg B

(one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Mayberry Sighting

2006-08-10 Thread Seaholm, Dale E
I was watching The Doris Day Show season 1, from 1968, and in the
episode about Doris helping Billy and Toby (her sons) with their new
early morning egg delivery, one of the characters to greet her by his
house was a drunk.  Of all people, guess who it was.  Yes...Hal Smith,
in a very Otis-like role.  He even broke out his window with a crowbar.
(He should've used an Ernest T. rock!).  But the credits at the end only
referred to him as the drunk.  

Seeing him in that character again was like a breathalyzer of fresh air.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2006-08-09 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey to you and yer's
I recently had another Mayberry sighting. We just purchased the first  season 
of the old Hazel sitcom. It has three disk and on the very first one  Hazel 
was in the bowling alley. Who do you think was in charge of the  announcing? 
OTIS! He was clean shaven and sober as a judge! 
You'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2006-03-31 Thread John E. Saylor JOHN SAYLOR
I was watching the movie The Wild Onewith Marlon Brando and saw good old Ben 
Weaver. Two of the motorcycle gang members were Alvy Moore (Hank Kimball on 
green acres) and Jerry Paris (The Dick Van Dyke show). Here's a bit of trivia 
about that movie...Brando  most of the rest of the gang were riding 
Triumphs,not Harleys.
 John Saylor 

 I'll go out to the highway and set up a check point chickey.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2006-03-20 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Caught part of the original version of Cheaper By The Dozen (filmed in the 
'50's) on AMC Sunday and lo and behold there was Thelma Lou.  Yes, a teenage 
looking Betty Lynn played a young girl from Mississippi.  She was georgeous 
as ever.  I always thought she was prettier than Helen anyway.

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