Re Clint Howard, James Carroll wrote:

<< He was a hoot on My Name Is Earl. He played Crazy Rodney to the hilt. If you 
haven't seen the show, check it out. It is one of the few shows on now that is 
worth watching. I have seen all the shows. It is not TAGS but then what is. >>

My Name is Earl is the first new TV show I've watched regularly in years.  It's 
the contemporary equivalent of The Andy Griffith Show in that each episode is a 
morality play, a television show type that, regrettably, died years ago.  Its 
main character, Earl Hickey, is more Ernest T. Bass than Sheriff Taylor, but 
despite his thieving, "no account" past, he's genuinely trying to become a 
better person ... and through his exploits viewers can subtly learn a lesson.  
NBC Thursday night at 9 pm, if you haven't seen it yet.

--Michael Eury
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