TAGS quotes

2020-03-11 Thread Harriet Browder
> ...list of sayings and dialogue from TAGS...

Hey to Joe.  The quality of mercy is not strained.   LOL  I should have added 
"who said it" but I got too far into it before I thought of that. I wish the 
cyber ghosts wouldn't change quotation marks for question marks. Who do they 
think they are?

I do want to give a nod to Paul Mulik, that prince of a fella, who help edit 
the list for me. A prince, that's what he is.

Harriet, the chicken thief

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TAGS Quotes

2014-08-24 Thread Cheryl Langille
Gee Harriet, I think you've named them all except for one that always makes me 
laugh: I am a duly authorized officer of the law. I OUGHT to be able to arrest 

Marietta, GA
Who just loves to take a little mulberry squeezins' from time to time. For 
medicinal purposes only. 

Sent from Cheryl's iPhone

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RE: TAGS Quotes

2014-08-23 Thread Harriet Browder
Well, it would help if I added the quotes, right?

 My favorites

“Next time I go tiger huntin', I'm gonna take my tweezers.” 

“And here, a whole town is standing still, cause two old women’s feet fall 

“I wonder what causes that?”

 “I got a hobby…….drinking!”

“Where did you gt the liquor?”

If I’d aseen you acoming I’d aknowd what I'd do, I'd a -rizzed both arms and 
I'd awoved at you.

“The cage sure looks awful empty, don’t it Pa?”

“It sure does, son. But don’t the trees seem nice and full?”

Boy, you fall down a well and you're wet!

Those who chart the course of world events, shall forever remain nameless.”

You civilians just don't know how to think on your feet.

Man gets his best suit spotted and pressed, spends two hours polishing his 
hat, and for what? Heartaches!

“Its definitely no fun when that iron door clangs shut on ya.”

I'm not standing in no stag line with Old Mister Perkins and a bunch of 
slumped-over teenaged boys!

“Take a shot at him, sheriff. You got a legal right.”

Better known as big Maude Tyler, Clarisse Tyler, Maude Clarisse Tyler, 
Annabelle Tyler, and Ralph


“How can a person pay his debt to society with all this yapping going on?”

“I don’t know where you younguns get your new fangled ideas.” 

“Well, then, can I tell you about the bugs?”

“ And quit rubbing Opie’s head.”

Winkum, bynkum, nodamus rex. Protect us all from the man with the hex.

Got time to breathe, got time for music.

“He’d kill ya.”

Don't that just clutch ya?

“He’s a pestilence, and a pestilence will find you. You just wait.”

“Stop that boy, you want your face to freeze that a-way?”

“I can’t take four dogs home. My wife just barely lets me in the house.”

Well, Bucket Mouth, do you know anybody that wants to buy a cannon?

“I can take some manners and I can take some cleaning up, and I can take a 
bossy mouth, but I ain’t about to be beat to death with no spoon.”

“Most every book on child rearin' is in favor of bud nippin'!” 

“You go read any book you want on the subject of child-rearin', and you'll find 
that every one of 'em is in favor of bud-nippin'”

“Says here, Sheriff, Sheriff, it’s time, it’s time.”

Daylight's precious when you’re a youngin'.

“Gilly, you don't run a car fast all the time, you drive her slow ever now and 

 “SPEED,SPEED,SPEED, that's all you ever think about!”

Watch your foot, I'm gonna rock forward.

“Two and two make four.”

“There’s my darling person.”

“Tall, dark, and a door prize.”

“Slack off! Slack off!”

“You’re beginning to get to me.”

“I lit into him like a windmill in a tornado.”

“You’re my youngun, and I love you more than anything or anybody in this world. 
And nothing or nobody is going to ever change that.”

“A little slower, please.”

 “And quit hollering at yourself in that looking glass.”

“See what a mess you got me in, Blackie?”

“Here at the rock……”

Well, she’s gonna need Plugs, Points, Bearin’s, Valves, Rings, Starter Switch, 
Ignition Wires, Water Pump, Fuel Pump, Oil Pump, Clutch, Clutch Bearin’s, 
Clutch Plates, Brake Linin’, Brake Shoes, Brake Drums, Radiator Hose an’ 
Radiator Hose Couplin’. An’ I’d give ’er a good wash, too. 

According to you, the Lord made two sexes--men and blabbermouths.

 That was well put, Aunt Bee. Well put.

“Well, Wynken will tell Blynken, Blynken will tell Nod, Nod will tell Barney, 
and Barney will tell you.”

 “Just like Fifi, the upstairs maid.”

Opie, stockin's is somethin' a lady WEARS!

“Aunt Bee, where you keep the soka craders?”

“Ahhh, blood brothers!”

“I’ll send your regrets to the secretary of the Navy.”

I guess that makes you sheriff now.

“She sure does kick up a fuss, don’t she?” 

 “Don’t give him my Mr. Cookie Bar, that’s for later on, when I get my sinking 

“A slender, high spirited person needs his sugar pick me up, late in the day.”

”I don’t drive on the left anymore. Course I don’t drive on the right but I’m 
half way there.”

“Aren’t you kind. Aren’t you kind.”

“Dogs, nothin' but dogs. Andy, if you flew a quail through this room, every 
woman in it would point.”

“Now, I'll drive, so I'll sit in the front seat.”

“I just seen Jeff Pruitt standing on the corner picking up girls.”

During our lifetime we travel many roads...

“First thing we do is cut our wrists with a knife.”

“Just jump in where you can and hang on.”

“Just a bed and a bible.”

“Thought about killin him, kinda hated to go that far.”

“I can't stand crowded ball rooms.”

Suck in that gut.

Opie, ask Barney again why he wants to go to the duck pond. 

“You got a uvula, I got a uvula, all God’s chill'en got a uvula!”

Sometimes in the mornin', I look down at my eggs, and I see your face right 
there in them.

“Cause like I said, you’re the cats.”

“Some of us got it, and some of us ain’t.”

“One thing about gypsies though, they’re 

Re: TAGS Quotes (WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 250)

2014-08-23 Thread Gary A. Johnson
Thanks, Harriet, for a transcript of the 249 episodes of The Andy Griffith Show.
Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves  What-not Chapter
Lubbock (near Kelsey's woods), TX

   2. RE: TAGS Quotes (Harriet Browder)

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:26:05 -0400
From: Harriet Browder h_brow...@hotmail.com
To: wbmutbb wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
Subject: RE: TAGS Quotes
Message-ID: bay179-w58fe36135ad16af2b968f283...@phx.gbl

Well, it would help if I added the quotes, right?

My favorites

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: TAGS Quotes

2014-08-22 Thread Harriet Browder
I've posted this before so it's for you newcomers.
Here's my favorite quotes (thanks to Paul, the truly, definitive, master of 
TAGS knowledge - Paul, I think this is the version you help edit).

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for the teeth..That's an old
wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married. 
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TAGS Quotes in Everyday Life

2011-02-23 Thread hyperauntjan1

My sister and I have two TAGS quotes we use frequently in conversation. Anytime 
either of us is facing a task or chore we are dreading, the other one will say 
,  Get down there with them spiders and...(whatever the chore is)

When one of us says something unusually insightful, we follow it with,  I 
learned that from my Latin teacher in Barber College!

If my son is visiting and I ask him to get me something while he's up, he will 
usually respond in Aunt Bee's tipsy voice,  I'm going that way anyway!

Sometimes I will ask my son if he needs some money and he always says,  If 
it's charity, I want no part of it as I aim to hang on to my position in 
society!  (Of course after we have a laugh - he DOES take the money)

I'm sure there are more, but my bucket just doesn't work as fast as it used to! 
Maybe I'll pour some Starbucks in it and try again!


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TAGS Quotes and Mayberry people names

2010-05-27 Thread Harriet Browder

I did not see one of my favorites


Hey Bee, You know how that bucket can slip occaionally, especially if it's been 
on someone else's head first.just add to the list as you see fit and one 
day you too can be quoted in Barney's Book of The Month Learning Club.


And speaking of coincidences like Opie's troup number 44 and the raffle number 
44 - I've often wondered why there are so many people with the same names. In a 
small town like Mayberry you'd assume you might run into more than one Mary (as 
in the two nurses - one with a last name, one without) but the stranger names 
are what throws me off: i.e. Malcolm (Tucker and Merriweather) and Juanita 
(Beasley and Pike). Just how many Malcolms and Juanitas can there be in one 
town? There was Nate Pike (Opie's philosophy friend we never see) and Mayor 
Pike. What about the Romonas (Romona/Romeena Wiley - was she related to Mrs. 
Wiley?) and Romona (without the tears that bespeak the heartache) at the 
Reunion? There was also Ellen Brown and Dave Browne (I know - with an E), there 
was Grisby and Frisby (close but very similar), Karen (Opie's girl friend) and 
Karen (Thelma Lou's cousin), Andy's uncle Ollie and his cousin Ollie (Oliver 
Gossage). How about others?  These things are just sitting and congitating 
under my bucket. 


For those of you looking for Mayberry business names - Jim Clark's book The 
Andy Griffith Show has a great Phone Directory of people and businesses. Has 
anyone mentioned Jack's Bar and Grill as seen in Ernest T. joins the Army 
episode when Barney breaks the glass pane for the courthouse? A bar in a dry 
town! Wonder what causes that.


Harriet, the chicken thief, who stays in the house too much

..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

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TAGS quotes

2007-02-13 Thread randall cofer
To Kind Behind the Eyes,
Me, too, what you said.  I have a wife and three children (all adults now), and 
only my oldest son, also a TAGS fan, knows what I'm talking about when I drop a 
TAGS quote into a conversation.  He always replies with the appropriate 
comeback, but the others just stare at me or roll their eyes.
What do they know.
Frank over at the diner
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