Thanks, Joe

2008-10-07 Thread castone59
Thanks for resending Mr. Kessel's post.  I was really confused and kept
going back to see what I had missed.  What I didn't notice is that Number
270 was missing.  I was starting to worry about myself getting a bit tetched
in the head.  Thanks for pointing out the missing digest, Aunt Bee.  And
thanks again, Joe Gritton, for reposting Mr. Kessel's observations.  I'm
still fixated on Wallace Ford in Harvey.  I haven't had a chance to watch
the two shows yet.  I'm trying to remember when Harvey was filmed and when
Aunt Bee's Romance was filmed to see how old Mr. Ford was in each one.  If
there was a few years difference, maybe that's why I didn't recognize him.
Or maybe I'm just not a trained noticer and should drop out of trained
noticing school.
Mr. Kessel's account of Burt Mustin being so grateful for being remembered
and so anxious to not be forgotten brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you, Mr.
Kessel, for giving us a glimpse of the real personalities behind the
characters we loved.  I am in awe of you for your tireless work at getting
to know these people and for your wonderful memory so you can recount your
experiences to us.  Because of this, you'll never be forgotten either.

Kind behind the eyes
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Thanks Joe!

2009-08-07 Thread Bob James

Thanks Joe for the mention of Tom Kessel's friend, Mr. Schwamp's Brother, in 
yet another black & white episode. Below is a link to a screen shot from 
"Barney and the Cave Rescue" from Season Four. Just double click on the photo 
to enlarge it.  Bob



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Thanks Joe and Paul

2009-04-21 Thread Doug Johnson

Hey Joe, I did indeed see your post regarding the confusing sign and believe 
me, it elicited more than a small chuckle.  Thanks to both you and Paul for 
responding.  Great to know that in this little corner of Mayberry, you can find 
both insight and humor.  Keep up the good work Joe, Paul, Allan, Ken, Janet, 
Marcel, Udell, Eugene, Newgene, Clovis, Uncle Versey...(any Jerry Clower fans 
out there?)  Seriously, I enjoy EVERYONE who takes the time to post.  Always 
look forward to receiving the Digest.


Doug Johnson

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thanks Joe and Janet and Robert BUT>>>>>>

2008-09-29 Thread tom kessel
part one was thevwrong psrt one published. ill try one last time difficult
as it is. if you nread mondays dogest e mail from me the stort on Reta Shaw
runs unto the story on Enid Markey/It makes little reads like Reta
was original Jane in 1914 in films no it Enid of course.I met Alan Hale
twice and all i had to do in the 70s was call from my hotel like you fans
could, call the lobster barel anbd ask if Alan Hale will be there for diner
greeting fans coming in to eat.they always said Come on in..Its that easy. i
had been writing to him 3 years prior because tv brought back tv specials on
Gilligans Island.I loved his father
father Alan Hale Sr the great supporting character actor who was as BIG a
star first rate as Reta Shaw Vincent Barnett Anita Cosaut Burt Mustin George
Cisar Hope Summers Herbie Faye Milton From and other Mayberry perrformers.
How odd that Alan Hale died exactly 40 years to the day as his father
in 1990 at about the very same age. But my God was he friendly outgoing very
appreciated. He was touched by my praise of his role as Jeff on
Andy Griffith and other television roles or his picture debut in !950s West
Point Story with Jimmy Cagney who by the way was very good friends with Alan
Sr in scores of pictures. Alan and he insisted i call him by his first name
privately told me he appreciated it when people complimented him on other
roles be it stage film or tv than just the obvious such as Gilligans Island.
He loved his picture bring taking and brother was he the spitting image of
his gifted father. He actually said he didnt realize i would remember him
from the Andy show but i did. There wasnt a mean bone in his body. This
leads me to reply to Janet who i personally thanked today by e mail. i just
want to clear the air so there is no misunderstand. When Reta Shaw floored
by my phonecall said to me she cthought of herself as secondrate actori can
tell you she said thst in all humility. shes trying to tell me asdidAnita
Corsaut in 1977 and many others that these supporting character actors dont
consider themselves having performed on an upper higher level of say a
academy award winning performance.these tv guest shots were done matter of
factly in a routine way another days work done to pay the rent.sad but thats
the way it is in their eyes.HOLD IT> not in my eyes. Reta Shaw like all the
others i met called or wrote to were and told them so, were every inch as
BIG POWERFUL GIFTED as any Betty Davis Joan Crawford or CARY GRANT out
there. SHe was merely being modest and like all these fine performers they
are indeed all the better actors.her humility makes her a better performer.
i applaud these supporting character actoirs.we had a ton of them doing walk
ons cameos full blown guest roles on the ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW.To me they sre
the STARS and thank God friends I made it va point to come to their defence
and argue with them by telling them how much they meant to me.i always had a
headful of warm memories to try out on them to remind them of unforgettable
tv and film roles they performed in. Ive seen these performers that you fans
talk about upclose on my own by call or letter or in person.To bolster my
case how grateful these anything but second rate actors are let me say in
passing a sad story. its thev1970s autograph book signing session in my
hometown. a big i mean big legendary tv star who has the number one tv
program of all time EVER in the world was there. i was in line a long
line.he signed my book.he smiled. but i was SICK TO MY STOMACH> What do you
think i saw ?sitting by the desk on the floor but a six pack of beer and
inbetween signings he'd take a sip out of the can.i was disgusted. WRONG
WRONG WRONG> To me these Reta Shaws are the finest ever. And we Mayberry
fans can rest knowing they were sober humble appreciated.and i know because
i made it my buisness to know. Only two great STARS disappointed me. HIM and
Kstherine Hepburn who wrote to me thru her secretary that Miss Hepburns
frowns on giving out autographs. All the others Walter Brennen, Jack Haley 3
Stooges Moe Larry Bud Abbott, Joan Crawford (DId she appreciate her fans. )
Betty Davis Bob Hope Bing Crosby. Pinky Lee Lon Chaney Vincent Price, Jack
Benny, REd Skelton they and 900 more, were kind and decent and
appreciated.they were a class act everyone of them.So Janet I know where
Reta was coming from when she said what she did but its my job to defend the
wrong she said by telling her and all Mayberry actors and beyond that they
are SUPERB in the HIGHEST CALIBER> Dont be surprised if tomorrow in error
thr part one with my footenote shows up a date after the todays part one,.i
cant control that. ill sit back now and wait til another mystery pops up
that hopefully if i have the answer will my age breaking in my
first ever computer after 4 years of 7 blackberrys in one year alone is a
big task.forgive my typing errors.i still type  60 words a minute with one
left finger for 40 years..thanking you for your ti

RE: thanks Joe and Janet and Robert ...

2008-09-30 Thread Good, Don
>... Alan Hale...appreciated it when people complimented him on other
roles be it stage film or tv than just the obvious such as Gilligans

Tom, much thanks for the first-hand insights.  One of my favorite Alan
Hale roles was in "Thunder in Carolina" which had to do with early
NASCAR/stock car racing.  As a Carolina boy myself, I appreciate that
ol' Jeff Pruitt had some of the same ties.  I always wondered if they
couldn't have made that car go even faster with Goober's help.  If he
can make a boat go 80 on water...that's fast!

Don Good
("speed, speed, speed")  

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