== Two Chairs No Waiting 250: Betty Lynn Interview Part 1 ==

The celebration began last episode when we matched the episode total of The Andy Griffith Show and continues this week the first part of our interview with Betty Lynn. Mayberry fans know Betty as Thelma Lou but Betty has done so much in her career.

Interviews usually focus on Betty’s experience on The Andy Griffith Show and while that is understandable, I wanted to focus a bit more on things about Betty that you may not have heard. She was very young when she started in show business. We get to hear about her time as a USO performer, early career in New York, moving to Hollywood with her mom to work for FOX, and so much more.

You will enjoy this special episode and come back next week for the conclusion of Betty’s interview.


== Mayberry Bible Study Podcast: The Great Filling Station Robbery ==

Lesson Introduction

A young man, Jimmy Morgan, is accused of breaking into Wally’s garage and stealing supplies. Andy must figure out who the real culprit really is. Barney enters the electronics age when he decides to solve a mysterious string of robberies at Wally’s Filling Station using modern police technology. Andy is more concerned with clearing the name of the young man who was given a fresh start with a job at the station and who is chief suspect in the case.

Lesson Points:

Some of the points we’ll hit during this study are below. For a complete list, download the lesson plan.

Blaming (Not Building) Better People – Barney, Mr. Carter – Zec. 7:9-10, Luke 6:37-40
Trusting in the Truth – Andy and Gomer – Job 15:31
Turning the Other Cheek – Jimmy Morgan – Luke 6:27-36
God Can Turn Troubles Around (Out of the darkness, the light is born) – Genesis 1:1-5


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