One guy who had debt problem was Jim Lindsey.  I think it's a great example of 
trying to live up to a life style (a selfish/ego problem) when your employment 
status or income status is raised above what you're used to.  He didn't need a 
little red car as most of what we need isn't really a need, just a perception 
what we need.  When it gets down to it, we have very few needs and I'm sure 
Mulik can tell ya what's a need and what isn't...

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot
Lubbock, near Kelsey's Woods, TX

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 20:53:25 -0600
From: Ken Anderson <>
Subject: No Credit Cards in Mayberry

As I sit here tonight once again preparing for a Mayberry Presentation
tomorrow I can't help but think about one very distinct difference between
the lives of our beloved Mayberry folks and our lives here in 2011.  I
think one reason the folks of Mayberry were so happy and content was
because they were not consumed by the enormous debts that families of today
have.  Folks in Mayberry paid for items they needed in one way.  They used
cash.  It wasn't until 1986 and the movie "Return to Mayberry" did we ever
see or hear anyone use a credit card in Mayberry.  Barney put the dinner
bill at the restaurant on his credit card in the movie.  You may have
noticed that I said people paid for things they "needed" with cash.  Back
in the days of TAGS people were not so materialistic minded.  If they
really needed something or wanted something, they waited until they saved
the money.  Barney used his entire nest egg to buy his first car.  Even
Otis took a second job to earn enough money to buy his car. I think the
only time we saw anyone borrowing the money to buy something was when
Goober went to the bank to get a loan to buy the gas station, and that was
the way real estate is bought. Quite a few of the good citizens of Mayberry
didn't even own a car.  I recall many folks in our small town who likewise
did not have cars.  Their lives centered around the town in which they
lived and all their needs were usually found right there.  While there were
those like Frank Myers and the Scobies who had financial difficulties, it
was not due to their excessive debts because of unnecessary spending.  How
great for all those good folks in Mayberry to be able to go to bed at night
without worrying about all those credit card payments that would be due at
the end of the month.
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