-----Original Message-----
  1. TV or not TV (rblan...@aol.com)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 18:38:42 -0500
From: rblan...@aol.com
To: wbmu...@tagsrwc.com
Subject: TV or not TV
Message-ID: <683374.76f08b26.43daa...@aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Watching the episode, "TV or not TV" and noticed something I hadn't really
seen before.   When Barney comes in to the courthouse, he puts his  rifle
into the gun rack.   On that rack, is a bar to prevent weapons  from being
removed when it's locked up, but when Barney puts the rifle in the rack, the
bar is closed, and locked.  What good is it if you can put the  gun in it
without opening the bar?  Curious, curious.

Emmett Clark
Them Timers are Tricky Chapter

I think I have a perfectly good explanation to this question. You see, Barney is a small arms expert, a real deadeye; not only with the old persuader, but more sophisticated firearms. So it stands to reason he can defy seemingly logical restrictions when handling them. His whole body is a weapon, so it makes sense that he is "one with the gun."

However, it doesn't explain the bar switching in the scenes from locked to unlocked and back again. Cuuurious, curious!

Ron **Barn McLendon

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