Dear Fellow Watchers,   Many years ago I started taping TAGS on VHS tapes.  My 
goal was to get all 249 episods.  I prayed to God to get them all before I 
died.  I used my Mayberry reference guide to get all of them documented.  I 
have a real neat set up.  I still had 6 episodes to go when they all came out 
on DVD.  Of course I had to buy them all when they were put out for sale.  Then 
the lightbulb went off in my head- You dummy, now what are you going to do when 
you buy all of them and watch them.  Well, I talked to  God again about this 
situation that I was in and told Him I really didn't mean that prayer.  
Although sincere at the time, I didn't want to die.  Well, tonight I finally 
watched the last one, Mayberry RFD.  I know my God, and He will allow me to 
stay on this great earth as long as I;m needed to do His work.  May all of you 
enjoy your episodes too.  I think I'll start at the beginning tomorrow night, 
but of course I have to watch the marathon on TVLand.  Well,
 all is well here in Southern Illinois.  May God bless you all this day.
  Cheri Litton, a true Mayberry Nut!
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