tv sets

2010-10-05 Thread Daniel Santos

Does anyone know if the "Rimshaw house"  in the haunted house episode is the 
same house used in the "Munsters"?
Fayetteville AR   
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Re: Mayberry's TV sets

2009-05-03 Thread Dixonhayes
As I've gone through the series with a fine tooth comb lately, I've noticed 
 something else about our favorite fictional town.  We've often commented  
about how much of Mayberry seems to come from a different 
in  general, commerce based in agriculture, its telecom system ("Sarah? Get 
me the  diner"), Aunt Bee listening to radio soaps two years after the last 
real ones  were cancelled from network radio, even specific prices of grocery 
 products.  But I would add one other thing to the list: Mayberry's  
television sets.  They all, but the Taylors' in particular, seem  rather 
even by 1960s standards.  They appear to date back to the  very earliest days 
of television, the late 1940s and early fact even  the local TV 
repair service has sets in his window that are obsolete even in the  1960s.  
One of them even has a round screen!  
What's amazing is, when Aunt Bee appears on TV, we still manage to see her  
in living color on sets that predate regular color TV.  That TV repair man  
must do amazing things with those old sets.
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Re: Mayberry's TV sets

2009-05-17 Thread Dixonhayes
I sent out a post last week about how all the TV sets you see in Mayberry  
appear to be so old and obsolete even by 1960s standards.  Sure enough, I  
noticed about halfway through the final (1967-68) season, the Taylors got a  
brand new TV.   They used it to watch Aunt Bee's cooking show and that  
travelogue which inspired Howard to move away to the island.  It got a  
beautiful picture.  My family would've bragged about getting a set like  that 
then but the Taylors apparently didn't want to make a big  moulage out of it. 
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