re:[wdvltalk] What are they doing here?

2005-11-30 Thread Trusz, Andrew
The key to understanding this page is in the doctype. The doctype tells us that 
the document root element is html and it is public. This means it is 
validated using html and that the dtd being public (well-known) can be found in 
numerous locations. It also tells us that the dtd is SoftQuad Software//DTD 
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN. Unlike a system 
doctype a public doctype need not have a specific uri for the dtd since it is 
well known and therefore easily referencable.

That helped didn't it? 

What is means is we have a page written using the HotMetal Pro ver6 system. A 
system which contains extension to html 4.0. A proprietary set of extensions 
which suggests an ide of some kind, like Dreamweaver or Front Page. Google 
HotMetal Pro and sure enough it's The most versitile Website development 

See it did help.

The postings you are concerned about are nothing more than rss feeds from what 
seems to be a publisher marketing outfit. I expect HotMetal Pro contains the 
extensions to include the feeds and some other features on the page. On a quick 
look it seems to be just another wysiwyg editor. You could, in other words, 
roll your own.
Poke around that sit and and you'll get a better feel for what it 

That help?


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Re: [wdvltalk] What are they doing here?

2005-11-30 Thread Portman

Thanks!  I guess it is time to wade into the world of RSS feeds.


Trusz, Andrew wrote:

The key to understanding this page is in the doctype. The doctype tells us that the document root element is 
html and it is public. This means it is validated using html and that the dtd being public 
(well-known) can be found in numerous locations. It also tells us that the dtd is SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL 
PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN. Unlike a system doctype a public doctype need not have 
a specific uri for the dtd since it is well known and therefore easily referencable.

That helped didn't it? 

What is means is we have a page written using the HotMetal Pro ver6 system. A system which contains extension to html 4.0. A proprietary set of extensions which suggests an ide of some kind, like Dreamweaver or Front Page. Google HotMetal Pro and sure enough it's The most versitile Website development tool. 

See it did help.

The postings you are concerned about are nothing more than rss feeds from what 
seems to be a publisher marketing outfit. I expect HotMetal Pro contains the 
extensions to include the feeds and some other features on the page. On a quick 
look it seems to be just another wysiwyg editor. You could, in other words, 
roll your own.
Poke around that sit and and you'll get a better feel for what it 

That help?


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Re:[wdvltalk] What are they doing here?

2005-11-30 Thread Trusz, Andrew
You might not have to look deeply into rss. If you use something like HotMetal 
Pro, you can probably pick up the feeds easily enough. Writing your own 
aggregator to pick up the feeds would require a detailed look. The good news 
there is that it's really xml so if you know xml you'll be ok with a 
specialized version in the form of rss.

The other postings aren't even that esoteric. Looks like a bulletin board or 
blog based on php. There are a number of those around if you want to put that 
into your page. webdesign-l and wsg archives would have a lot of threads on the 
subject. As usual some are easy to configure and some monsters. If Shelia 
Fenelon is still reading this list she might have a php suggestion or two.

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Re: [wdvltalk] What are they doing here?

2005-11-30 Thread John Hughes
Rudy would make a great stand-up comedian. 

That is if he isn't one already.


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Re: [wdvltalk] What are they doing here?

2005-11-30 Thread rudy

 Rudy would make a great stand-up comedian. 

thank you, thank you, i'll be here all week, please
don't forget to tip your waitress


was it anything in particular that prompted this high accolade?

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Re: [wdvltalk] What are they doing here?

2005-11-29 Thread rudy
 I was sent to a website to try and figure out 
 how they are doing what they are doing 

how?  i think they are using html

crappy, tag soup html, with, for example, two HEAD

the first line in the source says it all --

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//SoftQuad Software//DTD
HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML
4.0//EN hmpro6.dtd

that's how they're doing it

was that your question?

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