Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-23 Thread Ian Bicking
Guido van Rossum wrote:
> 2007/10/22, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I redid the front page to make it more brief:
> Much better; I'll try to review it in more detail later. Right now a
> few details jump off the page to me: GET and POST are verbs and IMO
> poor names for what they represent; 

I generally agree, and initially they were named queryvars and postvars. 
  But I provided GET and POST aliases for compatibility with both Pylons 
and Django, and then I kind of decided that though they are technically 
incorrect (e.g., GET variables are really query string variables, and 
can be present in POST requests) that it wasn't worth the ambiguity of 
aliases, and I didn't want to just change the names.

> params is usually called query (isn't it?);

I'm not aware of any particular convention for this.  In Django it's 
request.REQUEST, in Werkzeug it is req.values, in Webware it was 
accessed with request.value(name), and I believe CherryPy uses 
request.params.  So there isn't any convention that I know of.

> and what's the advantage of using Request.blank() instead
> of simply Request()?

As Tres said, it creates a request from scratch, building the WSGI 
dictionary.  I use it for testing and potentially for artificial 
requests or subrequests (though subrequests usually work better with 
request.copy_get()).  When you are serving an application the WSGI 
environment will always come from the WSGI server.

>> I stopped with the example, because I couldn't think of a good example.
>>   Maybe a different evening.  Suggestions of course welcome.
 For realistic use cases, some kind of infrastructure is necessary.
>>> How realistic are we talking? I'm thinking of something that I can
>>> test by pointing my browser to localhost:8080 or similar. For CGI
>>> scripts, the standard library's CGIHTTPServer would suffice. How hard
>>> is it to create something similar for WSGI or for webob?
>> Well, some kind of WSGI adapter; the wsgiref one is fine.  The file
>> example I guess is boring, because without some kind of dispatch you can
>> only serve up one file.  A most boring server.
>> Wiki is a common example, but a little too common at this point.  WebOb
>> doesn't offer anything for HTML either, so it would be a somewhat
>> unsatisfying example anyway I suspect.
> The file-serving example has several shortcomings: the presentation
> order seems odd, some things are introduced without explanation of
> what or why. (Why is UTC imported? Why is mimetypes imported twice?
> Why bother with calculating the mime-type at all in the first
> example?) Towards the end it seems to go into too many details of
> serving up conditional responses and file ranges, which seem better
> suited for an advanced manual.
> I suggest the wiki-in-one-page would be a better example, even if you
> consider it too common (serving static files isn't common? :-).

But I love static files!  I wonder if there's an interesting piece of 
middleware I could do -- WebOb makes middleware much easier IMHO.  Of 
course, it's only interesting if you have something on the other end of 
your middleware.

Maybe a backend app that serves files and knows GET and PUT, and then 
middleware that turns it into a wiki?  Or is that too clever? 
Authentication middleware with a login page?  Maybe too meta.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-23 Thread William Dode
On 23-10-2007, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I redid the front page to make it more brief: 


I had to use it to understand what is the benefit of webob, the examples 
was not very clear in the first read.

The yaro's page was more clear to me for example.

> I stopped with the example, because I couldn't think of a good example. 
>   Maybe a different evening.  Suggestions of course welcome.

The problem will be to be practical but don't look like 'yet another 
framework' !

I liked your do-it-yourself-framework. Maybe a webob-only version ?

Each example should run alone with copy-paste and wsgiref as server.

Without webob:

import wsgiref.simple_server

def app(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
return ['Hello world!']

wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 8080, app).serve_forever()

With webob:

import wsgiref.simple_server
from webob import Response, Request

def app(environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
res = Response(content_type='text/html')
res.body = 'Hello world!'
return res(environ, start_response)

wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 8080, app).serve_forever()

With form :

import wsgiref.simple_server
from webob import Response, Request

def app(environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
res = Response(content_type='text/html')
you = req.params.get('you')
if you:
res.body_file.write('Hello %s' % you)
Who are you ? 


return res(environ, start_response)

wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 8080, app).serve_forever()

with form and cookies :

import wsgiref.simple_server
from webob import Response, Request

def app(environ, start_response):
req = Request(environ)
res = Response(content_type='text/html')
you_cookie = req.cookies.get('you')
if you_cookie:
res.body_file.write('I recognize you %s' % you_cookie)
you = req.params.get('you', you_cookie)
if you:
res.body_file.write('Hello %s' % you)
res.set_cookie('you', you)
Who are you ? 


return res(environ, start_response)

wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 8080, app).serve_forever()

William Dodé  -
Informaticien indépendant

Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-23 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> 2007/10/22, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I redid the front page to make it more brief:
> Much better; I'll try to review it in more detail later. Right now a
> few details jump off the page to me: GET and POST are verbs and IMO
> poor names for what they represent;

Just MHO:  I don't find them that confusing.  Would names like
'GET_data' and 'POST_data' be clearer?  Coming from Zope land, I'm not
used to caring about the distinction between GET and POST (for purposes
of examining the parameters passed in the request), so I'd probably use
'params' instead.

> params is usually called query (isn't it?);

Depends on what you mean by "usually":  in Zope, this is called 'form',
and it represents either the parsed query string (for GET requests) or
the parsed form data from the payload (for POST requests).

> and what's the advantage of using Request.blank() instead
> of simply Request()?

'blank' represents an unusual case:  fabricating a request object
without having a WSGI-compliant environment dict already in hand.  I
kind of like simplifying the "mainline" case (__init__ doesn't have to
sniff whether you passed an environment or not:  you get a TypeError if
you try).

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-23 Thread Guido van Rossum
2007/10/22, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I redid the front page to make it more brief:

Much better; I'll try to review it in more detail later. Right now a
few details jump off the page to me: GET and POST are verbs and IMO
poor names for what they represent; params is usually called query
(isn't it?); and what's the advantage of using Request.blank() instead
of simply Request()?

> I stopped with the example, because I couldn't think of a good example.
>   Maybe a different evening.  Suggestions of course welcome.
> >> For realistic use cases, some kind of infrastructure is necessary.
> >
> > How realistic are we talking? I'm thinking of something that I can
> > test by pointing my browser to localhost:8080 or similar. For CGI
> > scripts, the standard library's CGIHTTPServer would suffice. How hard
> > is it to create something similar for WSGI or for webob?
> Well, some kind of WSGI adapter; the wsgiref one is fine.  The file
> example I guess is boring, because without some kind of dispatch you can
> only serve up one file.  A most boring server.
> Wiki is a common example, but a little too common at this point.  WebOb
> doesn't offer anything for HTML either, so it would be a somewhat
> unsatisfying example anyway I suspect.

The file-serving example has several shortcomings: the presentation
order seems odd, some things are introduced without explanation of
what or why. (Why is UTC imported? Why is mimetypes imported twice?
Why bother with calculating the mime-type at all in the first
example?) Towards the end it seems to go into too many details of
serving up conditional responses and file ranges, which seem better
suited for an advanced manual.

I suggest the wiki-in-one-page would be a better example, even if you
consider it too common (serving static files isn't common? :-).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-23 Thread Jim Fulton
> I redid the front page to make it more brief: http:// 

I suggest a paragraph saying what WebOb is, including what problem it  
is trying to solve.  I'd find this interesting as it is not at all  
clear to me.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Ian Bicking
Guido van Rossum wrote:
> 2007/10/22, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I briefly looked at the tutorial and was put off a little by the
>>> interactive prompt style of the examples; that seems so unrealistic
>>> that I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just say "put this in a file
>>> and run it like this"?
>> The side effect of doctesting is that docs sometimes look weird :-/
> Personally, I find doctest a great tool for writing tests in certain
> situations; not so great for writing docs though.

Yeah... I really like it in a lot of ways, but I'm not quite sure what 
the right balance is.  Untested documentation is also very unfortunate; 
too much potential for drift.

>> I'm not sure what form the docs should take.  I'm open to suggestions.
>> The extracted docs are actually reasonable as a reference, I think:
> Hm, these are mostly alphabetical listings of individual methods and
> properties. I'm still hoping for something that I can read from top to
> bottom in 10 minutes and get an idea of what this is and how to use
> it.

I redid the front page to make it more brief:

I stopped with the example, because I couldn't think of a good example. 
  Maybe a different evening.  Suggestions of course welcome.

>> For realistic use cases, some kind of infrastructure is necessary.
> How realistic are we talking? I'm thinking of something that I can
> test by pointing my browser to localhost:8080 or similar. For CGI
> scripts, the standard library's CGIHTTPServer would suffice. How hard
> is it to create something similar for WSGI or for webob?

Well, some kind of WSGI adapter; the wsgiref one is fine.  The file 
example I guess is boring, because without some kind of dispatch you can 
only serve up one file.  A most boring server.

Wiki is a common example, but a little too common at this point.  WebOb 
doesn't offer anything for HTML either, so it would be a somewhat 
unsatisfying example anyway I suspect.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Ian Bicking
Adam Atlas wrote:
> On 22 Oct 2007, at 12:09, William Dode wrote:
>> So, don't you think web-sig should officialy support such library ?
>> Include it in the lib stantard or in a wsgiorg library ?
> I don't really like the idea of having something like this be part of  
> the standard library; it's sort of neither here nor there between low- 
> level WSGI and framework territory. I don't see people using  
> something like WebOb to write their applications directly (nor does  
> that seem to be the intention); just like Paste, it seems more like  
> something that full frameworks would incorporate and provide access to.

I am certainly not representative of a normal developer, but I have been 
using it quite successfully without any framework.  It also provides 
most of the functionality of WebTest, a framework-neutral functional 
testing tool, as another example.

> Given the principle of "there should be one, and preferably only one,  
> obvious way to do it", it seems like putting this in the standard  
> library would be an endorsement of it as the obvious/best way, and  
> although I like the WebOb approach, I don't think there's enough of a  
> consensus to bless it thus. For now, the multitude of web frameworks  
> and their various philosophies is a good thing.

After actually reading the APIs of the different request objects and 
summarizing the differences, I feel much less like this.  All the major 
frameworks (and almost all the minor frameworks) have request and 
response objects with a subset of the same properties, and some slightly 
different names.  The only really substantial exceptions are Zope and 
CherryPy that have a bunch of traversal-related properties and methods; 
but even these have some parallels in WebOb.

I've also tried to avoid gratuitous incompatibilities with other 
frameworks, and to allow backward compatibility through subclassing when 
there are API differences.  There's still some tricky details -- for 
instance, Django uses a different multi-value dictionary API than WebOb 
uses.  Which is the kind of thing that makes me wish *some* multi-value 
dictionary API existed in the standard library that could serve as a 
reasonable model.  But so it goes.  Even there I switched around WebOb 
some to be closer to Django (to prefer the last value over the first 
value, when getting a single value when multiple values are available).

As for actual consensus, Pylons is committed to using it and TurboGears 
by association.  Jacob Kaplan-Moss and Simon Willison have expressed 
specific interest in the idea for Django, though I don't think they've 
had the time to analyze what that would mean specifically.  Jacob 
Smullyan is also using it as we've heard, and I've heard of some other 
smaller/internal frameworks using it.  That's not consensus, but I think 
it points to the possibility of consensus.

As to the standard library, I don't know, there's a lot of issues with 
its development model.  WebOb, unlike a framework, actually *could* 
match the kind of slow and steady progress that the standard library 
has.  But the stdlib might be a bad target even so.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 : Write code, do good :
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
2007/10/22, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I briefly looked at the tutorial and was put off a little by the
> > interactive prompt style of the examples; that seems so unrealistic
> > that I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just say "put this in a file
> > and run it like this"?
> The side effect of doctesting is that docs sometimes look weird :-/

Personally, I find doctest a great tool for writing tests in certain
situations; not so great for writing docs though.

> I'm not sure what form the docs should take.  I'm open to suggestions.
> The extracted docs are actually reasonable as a reference, I think:

Hm, these are mostly alphabetical listings of individual methods and
properties. I'm still hoping for something that I can read from top to
bottom in 10 minutes and get an idea of what this is and how to use

> For realistic use cases, some kind of infrastructure is necessary.

How realistic are we talking? I'm thinking of something that I can
test by pointing my browser to localhost:8080 or similar. For CGI
scripts, the standard library's CGIHTTPServer would suffice. How hard
is it to create something similar for WSGI or for webob?

> I suppose a simple example using the wsgiref server and a plain WSGI app
> would suffice.  Even a very small framework (e.g.,
> improves that considerably, but probably isn't worth introducing.

It's hard to judge that code since it has zero documentation. I was
more looking for something that has a main() which is called when
invoked as a script.

> >> A quick summary of differences in the API and some other
> >> request/response objects out there:
> >>
> >> I'd include more frameworks, if you can point me to their
> >> request/response API documentation (e.g., I looked but couldn't find any
> >> for Zope 3).
> >
> > I'm not too familiar with other frameworks (having always hacked my
> > own, as it's so easy :-). Any chance of a summary that's not a
> > tutorial nor a reference?
> Did you look at the file serving example?

Thatr's the first thing I looked at, and that prompted my comments above. :-)

> I suppose a quick summary would also be possible, covering just the most
> important attributes and with a quick listing of others (like all the
> properties for the individual HTTP headers).

Yes please.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Jacob Smullyan
On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:01:52AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> 2007/8/15, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I may be totally behind the times here, but I've always found it odd
> to have separate request and response objects -- the functionalities
> or APIs don't really overlap, so why not have a single object? I'm
> really asking to be educated; I severely hope there's a better reason
> than "Java did it this way". :-)

I'm hardly in a position to educate you, but here are my two cents.  

The aging but pleasant framework I've used for years, SkunkWeb (which you
are free to think of as the amiable old drunk of the Python web development
world) has always had a single Connection object for that reason. However,
in skunkweb 4, I tossed it away and switched to using WebOb, because,
although I somewhat prefer the aesthetic elegance of having one object
rather than two, that preference is very slight, whereas Webob has many
other advantages -- to my mind it is superbly done and it would be pointless
to rewrite it -- and in fact I made request and response attributes of a
single context object, which I suspect many framework authors would do, so
instead of 
   CONNECTION.requestHeaders # SkunkWeb 3
I now have

   Context.request.headers # SkunkWeb 4
which is fine by me.  

And there are cases when you might want a request or response without really
needing the other.  For instance, what would be the point of having WebOb's
HTTPException classes, which are response subclasses, also be requests?  And
middleware might not be interested at all in the response -- so why should
they deal with an object larded with response-specific attributes, and
possibly requiring those attributes to undergo initialization?  (Well, there
isn't much initialization necessary, I suppose.) Not having to refer to
things at times you you don't care about them is an architectural good which
offsets to some degree the clumsiness of having two closely related things
rather than one when you care about them both.



Jacob Smullyan
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Ian Bicking
Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Anyway, I'd be interested in feedback.  We've talked a little about a
>> shared request object -- only a little, and I don't know if it is really
>> a realistic goal to even try.  But I think this request object is a
>> considerably higher quality than any other request objects out there.
>> The response object provides a nice symmetry, as well as facilitating
>> testing.  And it's also a very nice response object.
> I may be totally behind the times here, but I've always found it odd
> to have separate request and response objects -- the functionalities
> or APIs don't really overlap, so why not have a single object? I'm
> really asking to be educated; I severely hope there's a better reason
> than "Java did it this way". :-)

There are several headers that exist in both the request and the 
response.  For instance, Content-Type, Content-Length, and 
Cache-Control.  Additionally, a lot of headers aren't immediately 
obvious -- is Location a request or response header?  Well, response, 
but if all the headers are mixed together it takes a bit of thought to 
realize that.

The WebOb request and response are mostly representations of the HTTP 
messages, and there's two distinct messages which look very similar, 
which makes them hard to mix into one object.

>> They are both fairly reasonable to subclass, if there are minor naming
>> issues (if there's really missing features, I'd like to add them
>> directly -- though for the response object in particular it's likely
>> you'll want to subclass to give application defaults, like a default
>> content type).
>> It's based strictly on WSGI, with the request object an almost-stateless
>> wrapper around a WSGI environment, and the response object a WSGI
>> application that contains mutable status/headers/app_iter.
>> Almost all the defined HTTP headers are available as attributes on the
>> request and/or response.  I try to parse these in as sensible a way as
>> possible, e.g., req.if_modified_since is a datetime object (of course
>> unparsed access is also available).  Several objects like
>> response.cache_control are a bit more complex, since there's no data
>> structure that exactly represents them.  I've tried to make them as easy
>> to use as possible for realistic web tasks.
> I'm interesting in something that's as lightweight as possible. Are
> there things that take a reasonable time to parse that could be put
> off until first use? Perhaps using properties to keep the simplest
> possible API (or perhaps not to emphasize the cost of first use)?

Almost everything is a property.  This is in part because state is kept 
in the native WSGI forms (environ, status, headers, app_iter), so 
everything is calculated off of these.  It also makes instantiation 
relatively light.  Even the request body is left alone until 
request.POST is accessed.

>> I'm very interested to get any feedback, especially right now when there
>> are no backward compatibility concerns.  Right now no critique is too
>> large or small.
>> It's in svn at:
>> And there are fairly complete docs at:
> I briefly looked at the tutorial and was put off a little by the
> interactive prompt style of the examples; that seems so unrealistic
> that I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just say "put this in a file
> and run it like this"?

The side effect of doctesting is that docs sometimes look weird :-/

I'm not sure what form the docs should take.  I'm open to suggestions. 
The extracted docs are actually reasonable as a reference, I think:

For realistic use cases, some kind of infrastructure is necessary.  I 
suppose a simple example using the wsgiref server and a plain WSGI app 
would suffice.  Even a very small framework (e.g., 
improves that considerably, but probably isn't worth introducing.

>> A quick summary of differences in the API and some other
>> request/response objects out there:
>> I'd include more frameworks, if you can point me to their
>> request/response API documentation (e.g., I looked but couldn't find any
>> for Zope 3).
> I'm not too familiar with other frameworks (having always hacked my
> own, as it's so easy :-). Any chance of a summary that's not a
> tutorial nor a reference?

Did you look at the file serving example?

I suppose a quick summary would also be possible, covering just the most 
important attributes and with a quick listing of others (like all the 
properties for the individual HTTP headers).

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 : Write code, do good :

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
Thanks! I stand educated.

2007/10/22, Jacob Smullyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:01:52AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > 2007/8/15, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I may be totally behind the times here, but I've always found it odd
> > to have separate request and response objects -- the functionalities
> > or APIs don't really overlap, so why not have a single object? I'm
> > really asking to be educated; I severely hope there's a better reason
> > than "Java did it this way". :-)
> I'm hardly in a position to educate you, but here are my two cents.
> The aging but pleasant framework I've used for years, SkunkWeb (which you
> are free to think of as the amiable old drunk of the Python web development
> world) has always had a single Connection object for that reason. However,
> in skunkweb 4, I tossed it away and switched to using WebOb, because,
> although I somewhat prefer the aesthetic elegance of having one object
> rather than two, that preference is very slight, whereas Webob has many
> other advantages -- to my mind it is superbly done and it would be pointless
> to rewrite it -- and in fact I made request and response attributes of a
> single context object, which I suspect many framework authors would do, so
> instead of
>CONNECTION.requestHeaders # SkunkWeb 3
> I now have
>Context.request.headers # SkunkWeb 4
> which is fine by me.
> And there are cases when you might want a request or response without really
> needing the other.  For instance, what would be the point of having WebOb's
> HTTPException classes, which are response subclasses, also be requests?  And
> middleware might not be interested at all in the response -- so why should
> they deal with an object larded with response-specific attributes, and
> possibly requiring those attributes to undergo initialization?  (Well, there
> isn't much initialization necessary, I suppose.) Not having to refer to
> things at times you you don't care about them is an architectural good which
> offsets to some degree the clumsiness of having two closely related things
> rather than one when you care about them both.
> Cheers,
> js
> --
> Jacob Smullyan

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Cool. I already heard in the grapevibe about
>> Anyway, I'd be interested in feedback.  We've talked a little about a
>> shared request object -- only a little, and I don't know if it is really
>> a realistic goal to even try.  But I think this request object is a
>> considerably higher quality than any other request objects out there.
>> The response object provides a nice symmetry, as well as facilitating
>> testing.  And it's also a very nice response object.
> I may be totally behind the times here, but I've always found it odd
> to have separate request and response objects -- the functionalities
> or APIs don't really overlap, so why not have a single object? I'm
> really asking to be educated; I severely hope there's a better reason
> than "Java did it this way". :-)

HTTP has both headers and payload supplied by the client and returned by
the server:  not mixing them up is probably the driving reason for
keeping separate objects.  Of course, you could make one object with
'request' and 'response' attributes, but that wouldn't really be a

>> They are both fairly reasonable to subclass, if there are minor naming
>> issues (if there's really missing features, I'd like to add them
>> directly -- though for the response object in particular it's likely
>> you'll want to subclass to give application defaults, like a default
>> content type).
>> It's based strictly on WSGI, with the request object an almost-stateless
>> wrapper around a WSGI environment, and the response object a WSGI
>> application that contains mutable status/headers/app_iter.
>> Almost all the defined HTTP headers are available as attributes on the
>> request and/or response.  I try to parse these in as sensible a way as
>> possible, e.g., req.if_modified_since is a datetime object (of course
>> unparsed access is also available).  Several objects like
>> response.cache_control are a bit more complex, since there's no data
>> structure that exactly represents them.  I've tried to make them as easy
>> to use as possible for realistic web tasks.
> I'm interesting in something that's as lightweight as possible. Are
> there things that take a reasonable time to parse that could be put
> off until first use? Perhaps using properties to keep the simplest
> possible API (or perhaps not to emphasize the cost of first use)?

The only big parsing load is going to be the request payload;
processing top-level request headers is normally trivial,

I read Ian's concern as being about an API for setting / updating
cache-control response headers[1], because he found no natural mapping
for them as Python primitives.


- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Adam Atlas
On 22 Oct 2007, at 12:09, William Dode wrote:

> So, don't you think web-sig should officialy support such library ?
> Include it in the lib stantard or in a wsgiorg library ?

I don't really like the idea of having something like this be part of  
the standard library; it's sort of neither here nor there between low- 
level WSGI and framework territory. I don't see people using  
something like WebOb to write their applications directly (nor does  
that seem to be the intention); just like Paste, it seems more like  
something that full frameworks would incorporate and provide access to.

Given the principle of "there should be one, and preferably only one,  
obvious way to do it", it seems like putting this in the standard  
library would be an endorsement of it as the obvious/best way, and  
although I like the WebOb approach, I don't think there's enough of a  
consensus to bless it thus. For now, the multitude of web frameworks  
and their various philosophies is a good thing.

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Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
2007/8/15, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Lately I got on a kick and extracted/refined/reimplemented a bunch of
> stuff from Paste.  The result is the not-quite-released WebOb (I don't
> want to do a release until I think people should use it instead of
> Paste, to the degree the two overlap -- and it's not *quite* ready for
> that).

Cool. I already heard in the grapevibe about

> Anyway, I'd be interested in feedback.  We've talked a little about a
> shared request object -- only a little, and I don't know if it is really
> a realistic goal to even try.  But I think this request object is a
> considerably higher quality than any other request objects out there.
> The response object provides a nice symmetry, as well as facilitating
> testing.  And it's also a very nice response object.

I may be totally behind the times here, but I've always found it odd
to have separate request and response objects -- the functionalities
or APIs don't really overlap, so why not have a single object? I'm
really asking to be educated; I severely hope there's a better reason
than "Java did it this way". :-)

> They are both fairly reasonable to subclass, if there are minor naming
> issues (if there's really missing features, I'd like to add them
> directly -- though for the response object in particular it's likely
> you'll want to subclass to give application defaults, like a default
> content type).
> It's based strictly on WSGI, with the request object an almost-stateless
> wrapper around a WSGI environment, and the response object a WSGI
> application that contains mutable status/headers/app_iter.
> Almost all the defined HTTP headers are available as attributes on the
> request and/or response.  I try to parse these in as sensible a way as
> possible, e.g., req.if_modified_since is a datetime object (of course
> unparsed access is also available).  Several objects like
> response.cache_control are a bit more complex, since there's no data
> structure that exactly represents them.  I've tried to make them as easy
> to use as possible for realistic web tasks.

I'm interesting in something that's as lightweight as possible. Are
there things that take a reasonable time to parse that could be put
off until first use? Perhaps using properties to keep the simplest
possible API (or perhaps not to emphasize the cost of first use)?

> I'm very interested to get any feedback, especially right now when there
> are no backward compatibility concerns.  Right now no critique is too
> large or small.
> It's in svn at:
> And there are fairly complete docs at:

I briefly looked at the tutorial and was put off a little by the
interactive prompt style of the examples; that seems so unrealistic
that I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just say "put this in a file
and run it like this"?

> A quick summary of differences in the API and some other
> request/response objects out there:
> I'd include more frameworks, if you can point me to their
> request/response API documentation (e.g., I looked but couldn't find any
> for Zope 3).

I'm not too familiar with other frameworks (having always hacked my
own, as it's so easy :-). Any chance of a summary that's not a
tutorial nor a reference?

> WebOb has a lot more methods and attributes than other libraries, but
> this document points out only things where there are differing names or
> things not in WebOb.  Most other such objects also don't have the same
> WSGI-oriented scope (with the exception of Yaro and paste.wsgiwrappers).
> The Request and Response API (extracted docs):

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
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Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Fred Drake
On 10/22/07, William Dode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, don't you think web-sig should officialy support such library ?
> Include it in the lib stantard or in a wsgiorg library ?

I'm strongly against adding more non-Python-runtime batteries to the
standard library.  The plethora of packages already there makes
updating individual libraries to get bug fixes or features quite

This has nothing to do with WebOb in particular; I've not had a chance
to look at that yet.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.
"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." --Henry Miller
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread Manlio Perillo
William Dode ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Since the announce of ian about webob, i did two things with it.
> First i include it in my personal web framework, it was very easy, i had 
> just to remove all my crappy equivalent functions. It make my framework 
> a little bit more clean and i can inherit new features.
> Second, most important, i wanted to start a little project without any 
> framework to minimize the dependencies. So i started from scratch only 
> with WebOb, the wsgiref server and a part of the example in routing_args 
> specifications. It did it very quickly and the result should be 
> compatible with any wsgi compliant pieces.
> So, don't you think web-sig should officialy support such library ?
> Include it in the lib stantard or in a wsgiorg library ?
> Waiting for your view...

I think that, first of all, we should standardize the utility functions 
for headers handling (parsing and serializing).

Regards  Manlio Perillo
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG:

Re: [Web-SIG] WebOb

2007-10-22 Thread William Dode

Since the announce of ian about webob, i did two things with it.

First i include it in my personal web framework, it was very easy, i had 
just to remove all my crappy equivalent functions. It make my framework 
a little bit more clean and i can inherit new features.

Second, most important, i wanted to start a little project without any 
framework to minimize the dependencies. So i started from scratch only 
with WebOb, the wsgiref server and a part of the example in routing_args 
specifications. It did it very quickly and the result should be 
compatible with any wsgi compliant pieces.

So, don't you think web-sig should officialy support such library ?
Include it in the lib stantard or in a wsgiorg library ?

Waiting for your view...

William Dodé  -
Informaticien indépendant

I've hard to write in english language... please don't hesitate to give 
me somes advices in private !

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