[web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Kiran Subbaraman
I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I noticed this issue recently related to user session data. 
 In my application I store some user specific session data, so that I do 
 not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking at using 
 the cache for that, instead of session). 
 If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth session 
 expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is performed with 
 userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still available, and 
 is displayed on userB's screen. 

 I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I see. Also 
 take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata variable's 
 Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8. 

 This is my controller code: 
 def index(): 

  if session['userdata'] is None: 
  session.userdata = auth.user.first_name 

 I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm? 
 This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of a session, 
 or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to clear all 
 cookies data when it is closed) 


 Kiran Subbaraman 

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[web2py] Best way to use a standalone DAL

2014-03-03 Thread Gwayne aka Mike Veltman
I will actually call dal from within some scripts and from the webgui. What 
would be the best and cleanest way to do that ?

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[web2py] virtual field ordered on grid

2014-03-03 Thread 黄祥

just wondering why the virtual field ordered on grid is not follow as 
defined in the models.
Field('beginning_cost', 'integer'), 
Field('beginning_quantity', 'integer'), 
Field.Virtual('beginning_inventory', lambda row: row.product.beginning_cost 
* row.product.beginning_quantity),
Field('final_cost', 'integer'), 
Field('actual_quantity', 'integer'), 
Field.Virtual('actual_inventory', lambda row: row.product.final_cost * 
format = '%(name)s')

def product():
fields = dict(product = [db.product.id,db.product.name, 
db.product.beginning_cost, db.product.beginning_quantity, 
 db.product.beginning_inventory, db.product.final_cost, 
  purchase_detail = None, sale_detail = None)
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.product)
#grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.product)
return locals()

in order to get the same order like on the define table, i must explicit 
tell it on the fields grid signature. is this normal or i did something 

thanks and best regards,

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[web2py] sqlform.grid - is there a way to set a column to certain value when entering new rows?

2014-03-03 Thread Dragan Matic
I have a grid and would like to show only rows where mytable.my_column == 
certain value

 form = SQLFORM.grid(db.my_table.my_column == my_value)

and I would also like that every new row has the same predefined value. Is 
there a way to say to a grid that every new row should have my_value in 

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[web2py] Re: field inheritance

2014-03-03 Thread mcamel
It works fine!

Just one thing: label attribute seems to be precalculated when you define 
the field (sure this is the reason it has not been internationalized), so 
if you change the name, you'd probably want to change its label too:

db.mytable.myfield.clone(name='newname', label='newlabel')


El viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014 15:32:09 UTC+1, Anthony escribió:

 db.mytable.myfield.clone(name='newname', ...)

 The .clone() method makes a copy of the Field object, and if you want to 
 alter any of the attributes, they can be passed as keyword args (e.g., the 
 above example changes the field name to newname).


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 4:04:59 AM UTC-5, mcamel wrote:

 Has field inheritance been implemented?. I'd swear it was, but i cannot 
 find it...

 Now i use dummy tables for this, but i have to define different dummies 
 to get different combinations of names and amount of fields of these types 
 on each table.


 El miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011 17:55:05 UTC+2, DenesL escribió:

 @ Andrew: thanks, yes that is the idea. 

 @ Bruno: thank you, but I would like to be able to template also from 
 existing tables (legacy mostly) not just from explicit template 
 definitions, the sample function above does that I believe. 

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[web2py] Re: sqlform.grid - is there a way to set a column to certain value when entering new rows?

2014-03-03 Thread 黄祥
just a suggestion, why not using default in table field constructor?



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[web2py] Re: run web2y scheduler instances on 2 or more servers

2014-03-03 Thread Andrey K
Wow, what an answer! Niphlod, thanks a lot for such a detailed info with 
examples - now it is crystal clear for me. Very great help, really 
appreciate it!!!

You answer make me clarify the future architecture for my app. Before I 
thought to use amazon internal tools for  task distribution now I think I 
can use w2p scheduler at least for the first stage or maybe permanently.

I have several additional question if you allow me. Hope it helps to other 
members of the w2p club.
The plan is to start amazon servers (with web2py preinstalled) 
 programmatically when I need it with the purpose to run  w2p scheduler on 
Could you give me your point of your on the following  questions that I 
need to address in order to build such a service:
1)Can I set up and cancel workers under web2py programmatically  which 
to' python web2py.py -K myapp:fast,myapp:fast,myapp:fast'?
2) What is the best way to monitor load of the server to make a decision to 
start new worker or new server depends on the resources left?

Looking forward to your answer.
Thank you in advance.

On Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:30:32 PM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:04:59 PM UTC+1, Andrey K wrote:

 Thank Niphlod for your answer. it is already great if it is possible even 

 it does even in the real world :-P

 Regarding implementation. Correct me please if I am wrong in following 
 understanding - am I right that I need to:
 1)copy the whole web2py and myapp with necessary libs to another server .
 2)set up db connection in the 2nd box's web2py myapp to remote DB (first 
 server) like:
 db= DAL('postgres://postgres:a...@196.xx.xx.xx/test', lazy_tables=False, 
 migrate=True, fake_migrate=False)

 I'd say that migrate must be False here the original one is doing 
 already the migrations. Also, after the scheduler tables have been created, 
 from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
 mysched = Scheduler(db, migrate=False)

 3) run web2py scheduler on the second box as: 
 web2py.py -K appname 


 Is that all???It is sounds like magic
 How the second server job scheduler get understanding of calling task?

 exactly as the one in the original server. All needed informations are 
 right on the scheduler_* tables, nothing else is required.

 If it works I wonder how to control what server (not worker) get next 
 task - like what should I put in the model to force job be assigned to the 
 the box I want?

 The workers will coordinate themselves and pick up a new task whenever 
 it's ready to be processed. The whole point of the scheduler is having a 
 task processed ASAP, no matter who processes it: the first available worker 
 will do the job.
 Usually given that a task is queued and is ready to be processed, you 
 don't even want to know who processes it, as long as it is processed: 
 that's how scheduler works with default settings.

 That being said, if you want to send a specific task to a worker that 
 exists only in a specific server, you can do so with group_name(s).
 The concept is having different group of tasks to be processed from 
 schedulers being able to do so (i.e. one has all the libs, other one has 
 only a few, or first one is more powerful, other one is less powerful, 

 You can then specify that a worker has to process only one group of tasks 
 and the other one only another group of tasks.

 As specified in the book, the syntax to launch schedulers with one or more 
 group_name is 

 python web2py.py -K myapp:group1:group2,myotherapp:group1

 in that case, you'd launch

 python web2py.py -K myapp:original

 on the original server and

 python web2py.py -K myapp:additional

 on the additional one.

 You can then queue tasks to be processed from the original box as
 mysched.queue_task(.., group_name='original')
 and tasks to be processed from the additional one as
 mysched.queue_task(.., group_name='additional')

 PS: all combinations of scheduler and group_names are allowedlet's say 
 the additional box will need to help the original one too , then 
 you'll have
 - 1 worker from the original box processing original
 - 1 worker from the additional box processing additional AND original
 then if you launch

 python web2py.py -K myapp:original 
 on the first box and
 python web2py.py -K myapp:original:additional
 on the additional

 the workers will coordinate to let BOTH workers process tasks with 
 original group_name and only the additional box to process tasks with the 
 additional group.

 Another example (more complicated): you have a set of tasks that needs 
 precedence (i.e. near real-time execution) and a set of tasks that can be 
 executed with more relax, and 3 boxesyou can do some serious math :-P

 box1) python web2py.py -K myapp:fast,myapp:fast,myapp:fast
 box2) python web2py.py -K myapp:relax
 box3) python web2py.py -K myapp:fast,myapp:fast,myapp:fast:relax

 now you have
 fast) 3 workers from box1, 2.5 

[web2py] Re: Date format and date picker

2014-03-03 Thread mcamel
I'm not sure to understand your problem, but just in case it helps: have 
you tried to use this in your language file:

'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',

Default date validator will do inner convertions between both formats, so 
you'll have no problems with DAL and database backend.


El sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014 17:49:36 UTC+1, Gael Princivalle escribió:

 Hello all.

 I'm a little bit disappointed by the date format and datepicker.

 First my field was like that:

 Field('concert_date', type='date'),

 On Firefox no problem. It give me automaticly the possibility to put in 
 the field the local %d/m/%Y format, and this format was accepted by the 
 DAL. When I open this row, date is ok.

 As Firefox 27 for Windows is incredibly slow, I'm still using Chrome from 
 this morning.

 With Chrome if I open again this row date it's ok but with the US format 
 %Y-%m-%d. For example 12/03/2014 change in 2014-03-12. It's the default SQL 
 Lite date format, why not.

 But if I open datepicker, it shows me on the calendar September 4 2017.

 What I want to do is:
 Choose with datepicker the date format always like %d/m/%Y.
 Saving the date in DAL as US format %Y-%m-%d
 Showing in the row the date format as local (%Y-%m-%d or %d/m/%Y)

 Can you help me ?

 Thanks, regards.

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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid pagination and messed up URL

2014-03-03 Thread mcamel

Would you mind to make a patch to the manual to clarify this thing?.

Actual explanation is quite obscure and i'm not sure to understand 
completely what it means:

the args argument of the grid specifies which request.args should be passed 
 along and ignored by the object


El sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014 02:24:47 UTC+1, Anthony escribió:

 If the base URL for the grid includes args, you have to tell the grid to 
 preserve those args when it generates its own URLs. For example:

 grid = SQLFORM.grid(..., args=request.args[:2])


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:18:04 PM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:

 I have a SQLFORM.grid with pagination. It's in a webpage with the 
 following URL:


 When you go to the next page of the grid, the URL becomes:


 However, this is patently wrong! The URL should preserve the two 
 arguments (auth_user/3). By removing those two arguments, my app croaks.

 Is there a sensible workaround?

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[web2py] Re: sqlform.grid - is there a way to set a column to certain value when entering new rows?

2014-03-03 Thread Dragan Matic
It shouldn't always be the same value, but is based on a certain condition. 
If for instance user chooses to view rows where value is '1', then every 
new row inserted should also have the value of '1'.

On Monday, March 3, 2014 12:29:08 PM UTC+1, 黄祥 wrote:

 just a suggestion, why not using default in table field constructor?




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Re: [web2py] pg8000 driver that comes with web2py 2.8.2 is not supporting JSON field type?

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I agree with Niphlod. I do not like packages that need to be installed to 
work and explicit relative imports is better than absolute imports.
Yet, this is not the only package we had to tweak to include in contrib. So 
this may come up again. Any objection to include contrib in sys.path?

On Sunday, 2 March 2014 18:29:45 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:

 as long as you can use it without installing it in sys.path, then it's 
 fine. If not, it can't be shipped with web2py, just supported as a module.
 I don't like packages that needs a complete install to work. It's true 
 that we have venvs for quite some time now, but a module with less than 10 
 files can accomodate for relative imports quite finely without impairing 
 the code-reader in everyone of us :P

 BTW, search for explicit relative imports in that doc :-P

 On Sunday, March 2, 2014 7:24:58 PM UTC+1, Tony Locke wrote:

 Hi, I'm a contributor to pg8000 and if there are any changes you need to 
 get pg8000 working with web2py, let me know. Looking at the absolute import 
 problem, PEP8 seems to think absolute imports are the way to go:


 (search for 'relative' in the text) but I'm open to persuasion :-)



 On Saturday, 1 March 2014 11:18:43 UTC, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 Hi Mariano --

 I'd like to encourage you to keep making pg8000 a viable alternative for 
 web2py.  I started with it but had to change to psycopg2 because of some 
 issues that postgres handled better under the psy driver.  But I think pypy 
 could be the future of python and it won't support a driver like psycopg2 
 -- but it could support pg8000 since it is all python.

 It's just good to have an alternative because no driver does it all.

 -- Joe B.

 On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:55:17 PM UTC-8, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 Hi Horst:

 Sadly there have been a lot of changes in pg8000, so it is not backward 
 compatible with the current custom version in web2py. 

 First, you need to delete the pg8000 folder in contrib, and put the new 
 pg8000 folder (the one with __init__.py) directly in the web2py top level 
 folder (at the same level as gluon).
 Note that the new pg8000 uses absolute imports that will not work if 
 pg8000 is in contrib folder (or it should be added to the PYTHONPATH)

 Second, you need to apply the attached patch to gluon/dal.py to:
  * change the import (and add a missing __version__ attribute)
  * change connection to pass individual parameters (dsn string is not 
 supported anymore)
  * change after_connection set_client_encoding to execute SQL
  * change server_version to _server_version

 I'll propose (again) to the pg8000 group the changes I've introduced 
 for web2py, so the latest version could be used as a direct drop-in 
 replacement for psycopg2
 IIRC, at some stage the author gave me commit access, but I didn't have 
 time to pull my changes and missed some discussions about the project 

 Best regards

 Mariano Reingart

 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Horst Horst spamf...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've tried the latest pg8000 as a drop-in replacement, but it seems 
 web2py can't import it:

 type 'exceptions.RuntimeError' Failure to connect, tried 5 times: 
 Traceback (most recent call last): File 
 /Users/sfx/dev/mdb/web2py.app/Contents/Resources/gluon/dal.py, line 
 in __init__ File 
 /Users/sfx/dev/mdb/web2py.app/Contents/Resources/gluon/dal.py, line 
 in __init__ File 
 /Users/sfx/dev/mdb/web2py.app/Contents/Resources/gluon/dal.py, line 
 in find_driver RuntimeError: no driver available ('psycopg2', 'pg8000')

 I didn't step through it in the debugger, but the module's 
 __init__.pyc got compiled, so I know web2py attempted an import.

 The latest pg8000/__init__.py contains a section which matches the 
 former interface

 # For compatibility with 1.8
 import pg8000 as dbapi
 DBAPI = dbapi
 pg8000_dbapi = DBAPI

 so I'd guess it's a minor problem, nonetheless I'm lost at this point.

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 9:32:05 PM UTC+1, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 You could try to update pg8000 from the official:


 Let us know if that works, so we could update the one distributed 
 with web2py
 The one currently distributed in contrib is an older version with 
 custom patches (as it was not being mantained at the time it was 
 to web2py), but now the official site has updates that could help you in 
 this case.

 Best regards

 Mariano Reingart

 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Horst Horst spamf...@gmail.comwrote:

  I'm getting a:

   class 'gluon.contrib.pg8000.errors.NotSupportedError' type oid 
 114 not mapped to py type

 I'm wondering what's the best 

[web2py] Re: sqlform.grid - is there a way to set a column to certain value when entering new rows?

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony
You can dynamically change the default value of a field at any time:

db.my_table.my_column.default = 'my default'


On Monday, March 3, 2014 8:07:57 AM UTC-5, Dragan Matic wrote:

 It shouldn't always be the same value, but is based on a certain 
 condition. If for instance user chooses to view rows where value is '1', 
 then every new row inserted should also have the value of '1'.

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 12:29:08 PM UTC+1, 黄祥 wrote:

 just a suggestion, why not using default in table field constructor?




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[web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I will check and release a patch soon. Please do not discuss possible 
security issues on this mailing list. Report them to the developers 

On Monday, 3 March 2014 02:06:05 UTC-6, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I noticed this issue recently related to user session data. 
 In my application I store some user specific session data, so that I do 
 not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking at using 
 the cache for that, instead of session). 
 If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth session 
 expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is performed with 
 userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still available, and 
 is displayed on userB's screen. 

 I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I see. Also 
 take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata variable's 
 Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8. 

 This is my controller code: 
 def index(): 

  if session['userdata'] is None: 
  session.userdata = auth.user.first_name 

 I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm? 
 This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of a session, 
 or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to clear all 
 cookies data when it is closed) 


 Kiran Subbaraman 

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Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Marin Pranjić
Isn't this why session.renew() was added?

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Massimo Di Pierro 
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:

 I will check and release a patch soon. Please do not discuss possible
 security issues on this mailing list. Report them to the developers

 On Monday, 3 March 2014 02:06:05 UTC-6, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I noticed this issue recently related to user session data.
 In my application I store some user specific session data, so that I do
 not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking at using
 the cache for that, instead of session).
 If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth session
 expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is performed with
 userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still available, and
 is displayed on userB's screen.

 I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I see. Also
 take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata variable's
 Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8.

 This is my controller code:
 def index():

  if session['userdata'] is None:
  session.userdata = auth.user.first_name

 I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm?
 This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of a session,
 or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to clear all
 cookies data when it is closed)


 Kiran Subbaraman

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[web2py] Implementing search function in web2py

2014-03-03 Thread Avik Chatterjee
Disclaimer: I know this question has been asked a lot, and I am fairly new 
to programming. I have searched for some time in this forum and in the web 
on how to create a search option in the index page where people can search 
for a keyword appearing in the title or the body of a blog post that I 
created by following Massimo's video tutorial. 
I need some help here... I'll try to post my models, views and controllers 
code here. 


# auth.signature does all of the stuff below
#Field('created_by','reference auth_user'),
#Field('modified_by','reference auth_user'),

Field('blog_post','reference blog_post'),


import web2py_utils

def index():
if len(request.args): page=int(request.args[0])
else: page=0
rows = db(db.blog_post).select(db.blog_post.ALL, 
orderby=~db.blog_post.created_on, limitby=limitby)
return dict(rows=rows, page=page,items_per_page=items_per_page)
#rows = db(db.blog_post).select(orderby=db.blog_post.title.upper())
#return locals()


# a controller for searching the post body



{{extend 'layout.html'}}
!-- Code below has been commented out--
iSearch Posts/i
!--form action= method=getinput name=keywords/input/form--

h2All Posts/h2
table Class=table
{{for row in rows:}}
  table style=width:100%
col width=100
col width=250
col width=25
col width=25  
tda href={{=URL('show', args=row.id)}}{{=row.title}}/a/td

Thanks in advance for your help. 

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Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
This is a tricky issue.

Consider the case of amazon.com, you can add stuff to cart before you login 
and after you login it remembers your cart. Even if it logs you out, you 
can still add items to your cart. In a sense that information leaks 
(although the term leak is not appropriate here) .  web2py works the same.

Logically there are two sessions. One is associated to the client (where 
you would store the cart) and one is associated to the user (contains user 
specific info). In web2py one is stored in session and one in session.auth.

So anything that should be reset on logout should be stores in session.auth 
and stuff that should not be reset should be in session. Things have 
changed at one point and we decided that (unless specified otherwise in 
auth.settings.renew_onlogout) the entire session should be wiped out on 
logout. The problem is that if the user is automatically logged out, that 
happens before the flag auth.settings.renew_onlogout is set.

We are investigating and will have a solution shortly.


On Monday, 3 March 2014 08:26:09 UTC-6, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Isn't this why session.renew() was added?

 On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Massimo Di Pierro 

 I will check and release a patch soon. Please do not discuss possible 
 security issues on this mailing list. Report them to the developers 

 On Monday, 3 March 2014 02:06:05 UTC-6, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I noticed this issue recently related to user session data. 
 In my application I store some user specific session data, so that I do 
 not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking at using 
 the cache for that, instead of session). 
 If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth session 
 expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is performed with 
 userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still available, 
 is displayed on userB's screen. 

 I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I see. Also 
 take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata variable's 
 Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8. 

 This is my controller code: 
 def index(): 

  if session['userdata'] is None: 
  session.userdata = auth.user.first_name 

 I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm? 
 This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of a 
 or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to clear all 
 cookies data when it is closed) 


 Kiran Subbaraman 

 - http://web2py.com
 - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
 - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
 - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
There is a solution in trunk which consists of ignoring the user 
preferences (auth.settings.renew_onlogout) and always reset all session 
variables (not only those associated to the user) when the user is 
automatically logged out. I believe this is how most users expect this to 
work. I will post 2.9.3 as soon as other developers had a chance to review 

On Monday, 3 March 2014 08:35:40 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 This is a tricky issue.

 Consider the case of amazon.com, you can add stuff to cart before you 
 login and after you login it remembers your cart. Even if it logs you out, 
 you can still add items to your cart. In a sense that information leaks 
 (although the term leak is not appropriate here) .  web2py works the same.

 Logically there are two sessions. One is associated to the client (where 
 you would store the cart) and one is associated to the user (contains user 
 specific info). In web2py one is stored in session and one in session.auth.

 So anything that should be reset on logout should be stores in 
 session.auth and stuff that should not be reset should be in session. 
 Things have changed at one point and we decided that (unless specified 
 otherwise in auth.settings.renew_onlogout) the entire session should be 
 wiped out on logout. The problem is that if the user is automatically 
 logged out, that happens before the flag auth.settings.renew_onlogout is 

 We are investigating and will have a solution shortly.


 On Monday, 3 March 2014 08:26:09 UTC-6, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Isn't this why session.renew() was added?

 On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Massimo Di Pierro 

 I will check and release a patch soon. Please do not discuss possible 
 security issues on this mailing list. Report them to the developers 

 On Monday, 3 March 2014 02:06:05 UTC-6, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I noticed this issue recently related to user session data. 
 In my application I store some user specific session data, so that I 
 not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking at using 
 the cache for that, instead of session). 
 If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth session 
 expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is performed with 
 userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still available, 
 is displayed on userB's screen. 

 I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I see. Also 
 take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata variable's 
 Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8. 

 This is my controller code: 
 def index(): 

  if session['userdata'] is None: 
  session.userdata = auth.user.first_name 

 I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm? 
 This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of a 
 or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to clear all 
 cookies data when it is closed) 


 Kiran Subbaraman 

 - http://web2py.com
 - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
 - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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[web2py] web2py-mini-conference, May 4, 2014

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
We have a date, a location, and a web site:


Please register if you plan to attend.
The more the merrier. We are looking for sponsors.


- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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[web2py] Re: Best way to use a standalone DAL

2014-03-03 Thread Jim S
Have you checked this out?



On Monday, March 3, 2014 2:58:39 AM UTC-6, Gwayne aka Mike Veltman wrote:

 I will actually call dal from within some scripts and from the webgui. 
 What would be the best and cleanest way to do that ?

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid pagination and messed up URL

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony
OK, I've tried to clarify a bit.


On Monday, March 3, 2014 7:31:42 AM UTC-5, mcamel wrote:


 Would you mind to make a patch to the manual to clarify this thing?.

 Actual explanation is quite obscure and i'm not sure to understand 
 completely what it means:

 the args argument of the grid specifies which request.args should be 
 passed along and ignored by the object


 El sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014 02:24:47 UTC+1, Anthony escribió:

 If the base URL for the grid includes args, you have to tell the grid to 
 preserve those args when it generates its own URLs. For example:

 grid = SQLFORM.grid(..., args=request.args[:2])


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:18:04 PM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:

 I have a SQLFORM.grid with pagination. It's in a webpage with the 
 following URL:


 When you go to the next page of the grid, the URL becomes:


 However, this is patently wrong! The URL should preserve the two 
 arguments (auth_user/3). By removing those two arguments, my app croaks.

 Is there a sensible workaround?

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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[web2py] Re: Best way to use a standalone DAL

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony
In a script, you can just import it like any other Python module. Not sure 
what you mean by calling it from the webgui.


On Monday, March 3, 2014 3:58:39 AM UTC-5, Gwayne aka Mike Veltman wrote:

 I will actually call dal from within some scripts and from the webgui. 
 What would be the best and cleanest way to do that ?

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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[web2py] using requests library ques

2014-03-03 Thread Avi A
I need some help with implementing requests library.
What I did:
I have cloned the requests library to my app modules app. (didn't install 
I tried these both options I found, one at a time:
requests = local_import('requests')
from modules import requests
And in both cases I got:

ImportError: No module named modules


- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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[web2py] Re: using requests library ques

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony
Try just doing:

import requests


On Monday, March 3, 2014 11:15:33 AM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:

 I need some help with implementing requests library.
 What I did:
 I have cloned the requests library to my app modules app. (didn't 
 install anything)
 I tried these both options I found, one at a time:
 requests = local_import('requests')
 from modules import requests
 And in both cases I got:

 ImportError: No module named modules


- http://web2py.com
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[web2py] Re: using requests library ques

2014-03-03 Thread Avi A
Lol, that works. thanks.

On Monday, March 3, 2014 6:20:55 PM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:

 Try just doing:

 import requests


 On Monday, March 3, 2014 11:15:33 AM UTC-5, Avi A wrote:

 I need some help with implementing requests library.
 What I did:
 I have cloned the requests library to my app modules app. (didn't 
 install anything)
 I tried these both options I found, one at a time:
 requests = local_import('requests')
 from modules import requests
 And in both cases I got:

 ImportError: No module named modules


- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
This is now posted in web2py 2.9.3-stable

On Monday, 3 March 2014 09:30:28 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 There is a solution in trunk which consists of ignoring the user 
 preferences (auth.settings.renew_onlogout) and always reset all session 
 variables (not only those associated to the user) when the user is 
 automatically logged out. I believe this is how most users expect this to 
 work. I will post 2.9.3 as soon as other developers had a chance to review 

 On Monday, 3 March 2014 08:35:40 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 This is a tricky issue.

 Consider the case of amazon.com, you can add stuff to cart before you 
 login and after you login it remembers your cart. Even if it logs you out, 
 you can still add items to your cart. In a sense that information leaks 
 (although the term leak is not appropriate here) .  web2py works the same.

 Logically there are two sessions. One is associated to the client (where 
 you would store the cart) and one is associated to the user (contains user 
 specific info). In web2py one is stored in session and one in session.auth.

 So anything that should be reset on logout should be stores in 
 session.auth and stuff that should not be reset should be in session. 
 Things have changed at one point and we decided that (unless specified 
 otherwise in auth.settings.renew_onlogout) the entire session should be 
 wiped out on logout. The problem is that if the user is automatically 
 logged out, that happens before the flag auth.settings.renew_onlogout is 

 We are investigating and will have a solution shortly.


 On Monday, 3 March 2014 08:26:09 UTC-6, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Isn't this why session.renew() was added?

 On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Massimo Di Pierro massimo@gmail.com

 I will check and release a patch soon. Please do not discuss possible 
 security issues on this mailing list. Report them to the developers 

 On Monday, 3 March 2014 02:06:05 UTC-6, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 I noticed this issue recently related to user session data. 
 In my application I store some user specific session data, so that I 
 not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking at using 
 the cache for that, instead of session). 
 If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth session 
 expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is performed with 
 userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still available, 
 is displayed on userB's screen. 

 I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I see. 
 take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata 
 Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8. 

 This is my controller code: 
 def index(): 

  if session['userdata'] is None: 
  session.userdata = auth.user.first_name 

 I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm? 
 This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of a 
 or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to clear all 
 cookies data when it is closed) 


 Kiran Subbaraman 

 - http://web2py.com
 - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
 - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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Re: [web2py] web2py 2.9.2 is OUT

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
fixed in web2py 2.9.3

On Sunday, 2 March 2014 20:59:51 UTC-6, Ovidio Marinho wrote:

 Ops, Button Administrative interface ins welcome.w2p, not work!!!

 button id=w2padmin-btn class=btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block
 i class=glyphicon glyphicon-cog/i {{=T(Administrative 

 In the previous version is working well:

 {{block right_sidebar}}
 {{=A(T(Administrative Interface), _href=URL('admin','default','index'), 
  _style='margin-top: 1em;')}}

 Missing Link??

  Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
  ovid...@gmail.com javascript:
  itjp@gmail.com javascript:

 2014-03-02 21:31 GMT-03:00 Massimo Di Pierro 

 web2py 2.9.2 is out! 


 - jquery 1.11
 - codemirror 3.21, thanks Paolo Valleri
 - fixed a security issue with sessions in database
 - fixed security issue with redirect after expired login, thanks André 
 - cleaner DAL and rname integration, thanks niphlod and Michele
 - added mongodb and imap tests for dal, thanks Alan
 - NoSQL dal tests, thanks Alan
 - better docstrings, thanks Niphlod
 - allow URL(...,language=...) with parametric router, thanks Jonathan
 - allow non-expiration of gae-memcache, thanks crimsoncantab
 - MARKMIN(...,_class='...'), thanks Luca
 - better transliteration in building slugs
 - autolink emails
 - new Janrain API, thanks PeterQ2
 - enable admin app for GAE (experimental), thanks Alan
 - many bug fixes
 - invalidate function in web2py.js, thanks Paolo
 - DAL(...,adapter_args=dict(engine='MyISAM'))
 - todolist panel in admin editor, thanks Paolo Valleri
 - enable killing processed in windows, thanks Yair

 Thanks to all those who have contributed!


 - http://web2py.com
 - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
 - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
 - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 web2py-users group.
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[web2py] web2py 2.9.3 is OUT - INPORTANT SECURITY WARNING

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
web2py 2.9.3 is OUT. 

As you can see from the changelog we fixed three issues with security of 
sessions. One of those issues is pretty serious (if you use sessions in DB).
So, if you use sessions in DB (or GAE) you should upgrade immediately.

- jquery 1.11
- codemirror 3.21, thanks Paolo Valleri
- fixed security issue with sessions in database, thanks Nathan Humphreys
- fixed security issue with persistant data in session, thanks Kiran
- fixed security issue with redirect after expired login, thanks André Kablu
- cleaner DAL and rname integration, thanks niphlod and Michele
- added mongodb and imap tests for dal, thanks Alan
- NoSQL dal tests, thanks Alan
- better docstrings, thanks Niphlod
- allow URL(...,language=...) with parametric router, thanks Jonathan
- allow non-expiration of gae-memcache, thanks crimsoncantab
- MARKMIN(...,_class='...'), thanks Luca
- better transliteration in building slugs
- autolink emails
- new Janrain API, thanks PeterQ2
- enable admin app for GAE (experimental), thanks Alan
- many bug fixes
- invalidate function in web2py.js, thanks Paolo
- DAL(...,adapter_args=dict(engine='MyISAM'))
- todolist panel in admin editor, thanks Paolo Valleri
- enable killing processed in windows, thanks Yair

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

[web2py] ticket2db is not working

2014-03-03 Thread Rémy Reche

  according to the documentation, I am trying to upload the error tickets 
in my database (MySQL) with this script:

nohup python web2py.py -S myapp -M -R scripts/tickets2db.py 

But I always obtain this error:

Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2014
Version 2.8.2-stable+timestamp.2013.
Database drivers available: SQLite(sqlite3), MySQL(pymysql), MySQL(MySQLdb), 
PostgreSQL(pg8000), IMAP(imaplib)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/shell.py, line 266, in run
execfile(startfile, _env)
  File scripts/tickets2db.py, line 27, in module
db=tk_db, tablename=ts.tablename, app=request.application)
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/restricted.py, line 88, in _get_table
db.Field('created_datetime', 'datetime'))
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 8139, in define_table
table = self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 8176, in lazy_define_table
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1058, in create_table
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1899, in 
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1916, in execute
return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
  File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1910, in log_execute
ret = self.cursor.execute(command, *a[1:], **b)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py, line 174, in 
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py, line 36, in 
raise errorclass, errorvalue
OperationalError: (1050, Table 'web2py_ticket_api' already exists)

I can modify it with fake_migrate or migrate_enabled in the DAL, but I thought 
that script should run fine out of the box.

- http://web2py.com
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- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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Re: [web2py] web2py-mini-conference, May 4, 2014

2014-03-03 Thread Nwachukwu Martin
Cool, I wish I could attend. It'll be fun, I know.

On 3 March 2014 16:36, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:

 We have a date, a location, and a web site:


 Please register if you plan to attend.
 The more the merrier. We are looking for sponsors.


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[web2py] Re: web2py-mini-conference, May 4, 2014

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony

Is that the menu, or just subliminal messaging? ;-)

On Monday, March 3, 2014 10:36:29 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 We have a date, a location, and a web site:


 Please register if you plan to attend.
 The more the merrier. We are looking for sponsors.


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[web2py] Re: sqlform.grid - is there a way to set a column to certain value when entering new rows?

2014-03-03 Thread Dragan Matic
I did not know that. Thanks. 

On Monday, March 3, 2014 2:24:49 PM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:

 You can dynamically change the default value of a field at any time:

 db.my_table.my_column.default = 'my default'


 On Monday, March 3, 2014 8:07:57 AM UTC-5, Dragan Matic wrote:

 It shouldn't always be the same value, but is based on a certain 
 condition. If for instance user chooses to view rows where value is '1', 
 then every new row inserted should also have the value of '1'.

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 12:29:08 PM UTC+1, 黄祥 wrote:

 just a suggestion, why not using default in table field constructor?




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[web2py] Re: web2py-mini-conference, May 4, 2014

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Subliminal messages. Now they are gone. Or perhaps there are more somewhere 

On Monday, 3 March 2014 11:00:01 UTC-6, Anthony wrote:


 Is that the menu, or just subliminal messaging? ;-)

 On Monday, March 3, 2014 10:36:29 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 We have a date, a location, and a web site:


 Please register if you plan to attend.
 The more the merrier. We are looking for sponsors.


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.9.3 is OUT - INPORTANT SECURITY WARNING

2014-03-03 Thread 黄祥
can't start web2py windows binary on new version. the command prompt is 
appear and suddenly gone, and i can't access the web2py admin interface too.

best regards,

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Re: [web2py] help with jsonrpc

2014-03-03 Thread Dave S

On Saturday, March 1, 2014 4:34:42 PM UTC-8, Trevor Overman wrote:

 Finally got things working. For anyone out there reading this, I fixed the 
 problem by utilizing urlfetch in GAE.

Works with curl, or works with your Android app? 

In either case, thanks for the update!


 def test_add(a,b):
 number_sum = a+b
 return a+b

 def test():
 from gluon.contrib.simplejsonrpc import ServerProxy
 from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
 URL = http://www.conex.us/conexus/default/call/jsonrpc;
 service = ServerProxy(URL, verbose=True)
 test = service.test_add(1, 2)
 return test

 Anyway, thanks for the help! :)

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[web2py] virtual field ordered on grid

2014-03-03 Thread Tim Richardson
Virtual fields are placed after real fields by default on the grids because 
they are not sortable (can't click on the field names at the top of the grid to 

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[web2py] MySQL and OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

2014-03-03 Thread jc

I have a low volume application running on a shared host. All seems ok 
except I am getting a lot - 260 in a week - of OperationalError's like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/tgaa/web2py/gluon/main.py, line 543, in wsgibase
  File /home/tgaa/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 599, in close_all_instances
  File /home/tgaa/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 579, in close
getattr(self, action)()
  File /home/tgaa/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1872, in rollback
return self.connection.rollback()
OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

I'm using the default pymysql with a connection pool of 0, because when I 
ran with a connection pool of 5 I was getting hundreds of these errors per 
day. I thought with a connection pool of 0, web2py would attempt to make a 
new connection each time. I know that the ISP has set the wait_timeout 
value in MySQL to 45 seconds, but I am getting the ticket much more quickly 
than that.

I have tried to wrap my DB call in a try: except: OperationalError block to 
at least try to catch the error and put out something sensible when the 
database isn't there, but that doesn't work.

My questions are:
- how do I investigate why web2py is losing its database connection
- what can I do when that happens to protect the user from the error ticket.

Thanks for any assistance.

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[web2py] Re: Bootstrap3 package - help to test

2014-03-03 Thread Dmitry Rodetsky
Just set it up on my system. Found that the web2py logo was not showing up 
correctly in the corner.
It had wrong top padding and a blue instead of white color when loading the 
default page.

To fix this problem - you can go to the models/menu.py, and change the 
following from:

response.logo = A(B('web',SPAN(2),'py'),XML('trade;nbsp;'), 

to this:

response.logo = A(B('web',SPAN(2),'py'),XML('trade;nbsp;'), 

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[web2py] Re: ticket2db is not working

2014-03-03 Thread Niphlod
do you have .table files inside the databases/ folder ?

On Monday, March 3, 2014 5:27:10 PM UTC+1, Rémy Reche wrote:


   according to the documentation, I am trying to upload the error tickets 
 in my database (MySQL) with this script:

 nohup python web2py.py -S myapp -M -R scripts/tickets2db.py 

 But I always obtain this error:

 Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2014
 Version 2.8.2-stable+timestamp.2013.
 Database drivers available: SQLite(sqlite3), MySQL(pymysql), MySQL(MySQLdb), 
 PostgreSQL(pg8000), IMAP(imaplib)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/shell.py, line 266, in run
 execfile(startfile, _env)
   File scripts/tickets2db.py, line 27, in module
 db=tk_db, tablename=ts.tablename, app=request.application)
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/restricted.py, line 88, in _get_table
 db.Field('created_datetime', 'datetime'))
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 8139, in define_table
 table = self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 8176, in lazy_define_table
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1058, in create_table
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1899, in 
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1916, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /srv/http/batisense/gluon/dal.py, line 1910, in log_execute
 ret = self.cursor.execute(command, *a[1:], **b)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py, line 174, in 
 self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py, line 36, in 
 raise errorclass, errorvalue
 OperationalError: (1050, Table 'web2py_ticket_api' already exists)

 I can modify it with fake_migrate or migrate_enabled in the DAL, but I 
 thought that script should run fine out of the box.

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Re: [web2py] pg8000 driver that comes with web2py 2.8.2 is not supporting JSON field type?

2014-03-03 Thread Niphlod
just be sure that the same sys.path is then in scheduler, shell, tests, and 
so on ^_^

from gluon.contrib import something

should be the recommended way to import something from contrib
let's not forget all the hassle we've been into dealing with

from gluon import module


import module

and be smart about it ^___^

BTW2: Isn't including contrib in sys.path just the same thing as shipping 
pg8000 and all the nifty importers in site-packages ?!?!?

On Monday, March 3, 2014 2:23:59 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I agree with Niphlod. I do not like packages that need to be installed to 
 work and explicit relative imports is better than absolute imports.
 Yet, this is not the only package we had to tweak to include in contrib. 
 So this may come up again. Any objection to include contrib in sys.path?

 On Sunday, 2 March 2014 18:29:45 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:

 as long as you can use it without installing it in sys.path, then it's 
 fine. If not, it can't be shipped with web2py, just supported as a module.
 I don't like packages that needs a complete install to work. It's true 
 that we have venvs for quite some time now, but a module with less than 10 
 files can accomodate for relative imports quite finely without impairing 
 the code-reader in everyone of us :P

 BTW, search for explicit relative imports in that doc :-P

 On Sunday, March 2, 2014 7:24:58 PM UTC+1, Tony Locke wrote:

 Hi, I'm a contributor to pg8000 and if there are any changes you need to 
 get pg8000 working with web2py, let me know. Looking at the absolute import 
 problem, PEP8 seems to think absolute imports are the way to go:


 (search for 'relative' in the text) but I'm open to persuasion :-)



 On Saturday, 1 March 2014 11:18:43 UTC, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 Hi Mariano --

 I'd like to encourage you to keep making pg8000 a viable alternative 
 for web2py.  I started with it but had to change to psycopg2 because of 
 some issues that postgres handled better under the psy driver.  But I 
 pypy could be the future of python and it won't support a driver like 
 psycopg2 -- but it could support pg8000 since it is all python.

 It's just good to have an alternative because no driver does it all.

 -- Joe B.

 On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:55:17 PM UTC-8, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 Hi Horst:

 Sadly there have been a lot of changes in pg8000, so it is not 
 backward compatible with the current custom version in web2py. 

 First, you need to delete the pg8000 folder in contrib, and put the 
 new pg8000 folder (the one with __init__.py) directly in the web2py top 
 level folder (at the same level as gluon).
 Note that the new pg8000 uses absolute imports that will not work if 
 pg8000 is in contrib folder (or it should be added to the PYTHONPATH)

 Second, you need to apply the attached patch to gluon/dal.py to:
  * change the import (and add a missing __version__ attribute)
  * change connection to pass individual parameters (dsn string is not 
 supported anymore)
  * change after_connection set_client_encoding to execute SQL
  * change server_version to _server_version

 I'll propose (again) to the pg8000 group the changes I've introduced 
 for web2py, so the latest version could be used as a direct drop-in 
 replacement for psycopg2
 IIRC, at some stage the author gave me commit access, but I didn't 
 have time to pull my changes and missed some discussions about the 

 Best regards

 Mariano Reingart

 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Horst Horst spamf...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've tried the latest pg8000 as a drop-in replacement, but it seems 
 web2py can't import it:

 type 'exceptions.RuntimeError' Failure to connect, tried 5 times: 
 Traceback (most recent call last): File 
 /Users/sfx/dev/mdb/web2py.app/Contents/Resources/gluon/dal.py, line 
 in __init__ File 
 /Users/sfx/dev/mdb/web2py.app/Contents/Resources/gluon/dal.py, line 
 in __init__ File 
 /Users/sfx/dev/mdb/web2py.app/Contents/Resources/gluon/dal.py, line 
 in find_driver RuntimeError: no driver available ('psycopg2', 'pg8000')

 I didn't step through it in the debugger, but the module's 
 __init__.pyc got compiled, so I know web2py attempted an import.

 The latest pg8000/__init__.py contains a section which matches the 
 former interface

 # For compatibility with 1.8
 import pg8000 as dbapi
 DBAPI = dbapi
 pg8000_dbapi = DBAPI

 so I'd guess it's a minor problem, nonetheless I'm lost at this point.

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 9:32:05 PM UTC+1, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 You could try to update pg8000 from the official:


 Let us know if that works, so we could update the one distributed 
 with web2py
 The one 

Re: [web2py] pg8000 driver that comes with web2py 2.8.2 is not supporting JSON field type?

2014-03-03 Thread Mariano Reingart
Including contrib in sys.path would be interesting but there could be
collisions (for example, in this case, witch pg8000 will be imported: the
one installed or the one in gluon.contrib?)

Tony: there are other changes needed for web2py (see the diff for web2py
DAL I've attached earlier), the most important are:

 * missing __version__ attribute (now it is on setup.py, web2py need it to
differentiate drivers capabilities)
 * connect doesn't suppor dsn string anymore (you need to pass keyword
 * set_client_encoding is not present anymore (you need to execute SQL SET
 * server_version attribute has a leading underscore (_server_version),
this is need to detect server capabilities like JSON

Also, for the pg8000 driver currently in web2py, I'd applied many bugfixes
reported in github / launchpad for the original project (mainly data types,
unicode, importing, etc.)
Also, I'd improved the psycopg2 compatibility (i.e. set_client_encoding,
autocommit, set_isolation_level), implementing the simple query protocol
(the one that uses psycopg2, and to avoid overhead of non-prepared
statements) and two-phase commit support.

The last would be important for web2py distributed_transaction_commit, but
currently gluon.dal is sending raw SQL PREPARE TRANSACTION / COMMIT
PREPARED / ROLLBACK PREPARED without using dbapi proposed methods TPC
Connection Methods (tpc_begin, tpc_prepare, tpc_commit, tpc_rollback,

You can see the detail of the changes applied to the web2py contrib pg8000



If this kind of changes could be accepted (psycopg2 compatibility, simple
query protocol, dbapi 2.0 two-pass commit, etc.), I could help to make the
pull requests (note that some could depend on each other).
Sorry I couldn't keep track of pg8000 due lack of time, so I don't know
what direction the project has taken.

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Massimo Di Pierro 
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:

 I agree with Niphlod. I do not like packages that need to be installed to
 work and explicit relative imports is better than absolute imports.
 Yet, this is not the only package we had to tweak to include in contrib.
 So this may come up again. Any objection to include contrib in sys.path?

 On Sunday, 2 March 2014 18:29:45 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:

 as long as you can use it without installing it in sys.path, then it's
 fine. If not, it can't be shipped with web2py, just supported as a module.
 I don't like packages that needs a complete install to work. It's true
 that we have venvs for quite some time now, but a module with less than 10
 files can accomodate for relative imports quite finely without impairing
 the code-reader in everyone of us :P

 BTW, search for explicit relative imports in that doc :-P

 On Sunday, March 2, 2014 7:24:58 PM UTC+1, Tony Locke wrote:

 Hi, I'm a contributor to pg8000 and if there are any changes you need to
 get pg8000 working with web2py, let me know. Looking at the absolute import
 problem, PEP8 seems to think absolute imports are the way to go:


 (search for 'relative' in the text) but I'm open to persuasion :-)



 On Saturday, 1 March 2014 11:18:43 UTC, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 Hi Mariano --

 I'd like to encourage you to keep making pg8000 a viable alternative
 for web2py.  I started with it but had to change to psycopg2 because of
 some issues that postgres handled better under the psy driver.  But I think
 pypy could be the future of python and it won't support a driver like
 psycopg2 -- but it could support pg8000 since it is all python.

 It's just good to have an alternative because no driver does it all.

 -- Joe B.

 On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:55:17 PM UTC-8, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 Hi Horst:

 Sadly there have been a lot of changes in pg8000, so it is not
 backward compatible with the current custom version in web2py.

 First, you need to delete the pg8000 folder in contrib, and put the
 new pg8000 folder (the one with __init__.py) directly in the web2py top
 level folder (at the same level as gluon).
 Note that the new pg8000 uses absolute imports that will not work if
 pg8000 is in contrib folder (or it should be added to the PYTHONPATH)

 Second, you need to apply the attached patch to gluon/dal.py to:
  * change the import (and add a missing __version__ attribute)
  * change connection to pass individual parameters (dsn string is not
 supported anymore)
  * change after_connection set_client_encoding to execute SQL
  * change server_version to _server_version

 I'll propose (again) to the pg8000 group the changes I've introduced
 for web2py, so the latest version could be 

[web2py] Re: run web2y scheduler instances on 2 or more servers

2014-03-03 Thread Niphlod

On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:10:08 PM UTC+1, Andrey K wrote:

 Wow, what an answer! Niphlod, thanks a lot for such a detailed info with 
 examples - now it is crystal clear for me. Very great help, really 
 appreciate it!!!

 You answer make me clarify the future architecture for my app. Before I 
 thought to use amazon internal tools for  task distribution now I think I 
 can use w2p scheduler at least for the first stage or maybe permanently.

 I have several additional question if you allow me. Hope it helps to 
 other members of the w2p club.
 The plan is to start amazon servers (with web2py preinstalled) 
  programmatically when I need it with the purpose to run  w2p scheduler on 
 Could you give me your point of your on the following  questions that I 
 need to address in order to build such a service:
 1)Can I set up and cancel workers under web2py programmatically  which 
 to' python web2py.py -K myapp:fast,myapp:fast,myapp:fast'?

you can put them to sleep, terminate or kill them (read the book or use 
w2p_scheduler_tests to get comfortable with the terms) but there's no 
included way to start them on demand. That job is left to various pieces 
of software that are built from the ground-up to manage external 
processesupstart, systemd, circus, gaffer, supervisord, foreman, etc 
are all good matches but each one with a particular design in mind and 
totally outside the scope of web2py. Coordinating processes among a set of 
servers just needs a more complicated solution than web2py itself.

 2) What is the best way to monitor load of the server to make a decision 
 to start new worker or new server depends on the resources left?

depends of what you mean by load. Just looking at your question, I see that 
you never had to manage such architecture :-P..usually you don't want 
to monitor the load of the server to ADD additional workers... you want 
to monitor the load of the server to KILL additional workers or ADD 
servers to process the jobs, watching at the load of the infrastructure. 
Again usually - because basically every app has its own priorities - you'd 
want to set an estimate (KPI) on how much the queue can grow before jobs 
are actually processed, and if the queue is growing faster than the 
processed items, start either a new worker or a new virtual machine. 

 3)Is it possible to set up folder on dedicated server for web2py file 
 upload and make it accessible to all web2py instances = job workers

 linux has all kinds of support for that: either an smb share or an nfs 
share is the simplest thing to do. a Ceph cluster is probably more 
complicated, but again we're outside of the scope of web2py 

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[web2py] Re: virtual field ordered on grid

2014-03-03 Thread 黄祥
yes, got it, but the virtual field is not in correct order yet. like in 
example above the result i got from the grid is (bold are virtual field) :
id | name | beginning_cost | beginning_quantity | final_cost | 
actual_quantity | *actual_inventory *| *beginning_inventory*

my expectation is (because i define virtual field *beginning_inventory *first 
and then *actual_inventory*):
id | name | beginning_cost | beginning_quantity | final_cost | 
actual_quantity | *beginning_inventory *| *actual_inventory*

best regards,

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Re: [web2py] pg8000 driver that comes with web2py 2.8.2 is not supporting JSON field type?

2014-03-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

On Monday, 3 March 2014 14:26:15 UTC-6, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 Including contrib in sys.path would be interesting but there could be 
 collisions (for example, in this case, witch pg8000 will be imported: the 
 one installed or the one in gluon.contrib?)

That depends on the order in sys.path. We always put gluon first. 
gluon.contrib could be second.
Anyway, I agree that unless your other issues are addressed we will stick 
with your fork.



 Tony: there are other changes needed for web2py (see the diff for web2py 
 DAL I've attached earlier), the most important are:

  * missing __version__ attribute (now it is on setup.py, web2py need it to 
 differentiate drivers capabilities)
  * connect doesn't suppor dsn string anymore (you need to pass keyword 
  * set_client_encoding is not present anymore (you need to execute SQL SET 
  * server_version attribute has a leading underscore (_server_version), 
 this is need to detect server capabilities like JSON

 Also, for the pg8000 driver currently in web2py, I'd applied many bugfixes 
 reported in github / launchpad for the original project (mainly data types, 
 unicode, importing, etc.)
 Also, I'd improved the psycopg2 compatibility (i.e. set_client_encoding, 
 autocommit, set_isolation_level), implementing the simple query protocol 
 (the one that uses psycopg2, and to avoid overhead of non-prepared 
 statements) and two-phase commit support.

 The last would be important for web2py distributed_transaction_commit, but 
 currently gluon.dal is sending raw SQL PREPARE TRANSACTION / COMMIT 
 PREPARED / ROLLBACK PREPARED without using dbapi proposed methods TPC 
 Connection Methods (tpc_begin, tpc_prepare, tpc_commit, tpc_rollback, 

 You can see the detail of the changes applied to the web2py contrib pg8000 



 If this kind of changes could be accepted (psycopg2 compatibility, simple 
 query protocol, dbapi 2.0 two-pass commit, etc.), I could help to make the 
 pull requests (note that some could depend on each other). 
 Sorry I couldn't keep track of pg8000 due lack of time, so I don't know 
 what direction the project has taken.

 Best regards,

 Mariano Reingart

 On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Massimo Di Pierro 

 I agree with Niphlod. I do not like packages that need to be installed to 
 work and explicit relative imports is better than absolute imports.
 Yet, this is not the only package we had to tweak to include in contrib. 
 So this may come up again. Any objection to include contrib in sys.path?

 On Sunday, 2 March 2014 18:29:45 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:

 as long as you can use it without installing it in sys.path, then it's 
 fine. If not, it can't be shipped with web2py, just supported as a module.
 I don't like packages that needs a complete install to work. It's true 
 that we have venvs for quite some time now, but a module with less than 10 
 files can accomodate for relative imports quite finely without impairing 
 the code-reader in everyone of us :P

 BTW, search for explicit relative imports in that doc :-P

 On Sunday, March 2, 2014 7:24:58 PM UTC+1, Tony Locke wrote:

 Hi, I'm a contributor to pg8000 and if there are any changes you need 
 to get pg8000 working with web2py, let me know. Looking at the absolute 
 import problem, PEP8 seems to think absolute imports are the way to go:


 (search for 'relative' in the text) but I'm open to persuasion :-)



 On Saturday, 1 March 2014 11:18:43 UTC, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 Hi Mariano --

 I'd like to encourage you to keep making pg8000 a viable alternative 
 for web2py.  I started with it but had to change to psycopg2 because of 
 some issues that postgres handled better under the psy driver.  But I 
 pypy could be the future of python and it won't support a driver like 
 psycopg2 -- but it could support pg8000 since it is all python.

 It's just good to have an alternative because no driver does it all.

 -- Joe B.

 On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:55:17 PM UTC-8, Mariano Reingart wrote:

 Hi Horst:

 Sadly there have been a lot of changes in pg8000, so it is not 
 backward compatible with the current custom version in web2py. 

 First, you need to delete the pg8000 folder in contrib, and put the 
 new pg8000 folder (the one with __init__.py) directly in the web2py top 
 level folder (at the same level as gluon).
 Note that the new pg8000 uses absolute imports that will not work if 
 pg8000 is in contrib folder (or it should be added to the PYTHONPATH)

 Second, you need to apply the attached patch to gluon/dal.py to:
  * change the 

[web2py] Re: virtual field ordered on grid

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony
I don't think the table stores information about the order of definition of 
virtual fields, so they will probably be displayed in arbitrary order 
unless you provide the fields argument.


On Monday, March 3, 2014 3:42:59 PM UTC-5, 黄祥 wrote:

 yes, got it, but the virtual field is not in correct order yet. like in 
 example above the result i got from the grid is (bold are virtual field) :
 id | name | beginning_cost | beginning_quantity | final_cost | 
 actual_quantity | *actual_inventory *| *beginning_inventory*

 my expectation is (because i define virtual field *beginning_inventory *first 
 and then *actual_inventory*):
 id | name | beginning_cost | beginning_quantity | final_cost | 
 actual_quantity | *beginning_inventory *| *actual_inventory*

 best regards,

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[web2py] Re: current trunk using memdb results in crash

2014-03-03 Thread Sebastian Cambeo
This error persists in the current stable version 2.9.3:

If you want to reproduce it just uncomment the three memcache session lines:

from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))

and the whole application will crash:
TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'unique_key'

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[web2py] Re: current trunk using memdb results in crash

2014-03-03 Thread David Manns
Its worse. If the memcache lines are commented out and the alternative line 
to connect and put tickets and sessions in the database, it still fails 
with both GAE SDK and production, this time with error

ProtocolBufferEncodeError: int64 too big

when executing 

session.connect(request, response, db=db)

So 2.9.3 wont work with GAE at all!

On Monday, March 3, 2014 5:01:34 PM UTC-5, Sebastian Cambeo wrote:

 This error persists in the current stable version 2.9.3:

 If you want to reproduce it just take the welcome app and uncomment the 
 three memcache session lines:

 from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
 from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
 session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))

 and the whole application will crash:
 TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'unique_key'

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Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Kiran Subbaraman

Point noted; will henceforth report to dev-list, if I come across such 

Thanks for fixing this one.

Kiran Subbaraman

On Mon, 03-03-2014 6:59 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
I will check and release a patch soon. Please do not discuss possible 
security issues on this mailing list. Report them to the developers 

On Monday, 3 March 2014 02:06:05 UTC-6, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

I see this in 2.9.2 too (Just tested with the latest release)

On Monday, March 3, 2014 1:25:14 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

I noticed this issue recently related to user session data.
In my application I store some user specific session data, so
that I do
not have to hit the database everytime (now, am also looking
at using
the cache for that, instead of session).
If userA is logged into the application, and then userA auth
expires, a login screen is presented. In case login is
performed with
userB's credentials, the session data from userA is still
available, and
is displayed on userB's screen.

I have created a minimal app to demonstrate the issue that I
see. Also
take a look at the screenshots. Notice the session.userdata
Tested this on web2py 2.8.2, on Windows 8.

This is my controller code:
def index():

 if session['userdata'] is None:
 session.userdata = auth.user.first_name

I am suspecting this is an issue / bug. Can anyone confirm?
This issue does not arise, if the user explicitly logs out of
a session,
or the browser window is closed (I have set my browser to
clear all
cookies data when it is closed)


Kiran Subbaraman

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[web2py] Web2Py and custom modules (strange behavior and ValueError)

2014-03-03 Thread Remco K
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to work with modules in Web2Py to define my objects/classes. 
First i used to use the models folder for this so i don't have to restart 
my project over and over again.
From a first point of view it's working and i can import my objects by 
adding an import statement to my controllers.


I do get some strange behaviors:

First of all; I added the:

from gluon.custom_import import track_changes; track_changes(True)

statement before importing my modules, but is still need to restart Web2Py 
for every change in development mode. I don't know what I'm doing wrong 

Second; after i submit a SQLFORM with data and store the data in the DB i 
normally do an automatic redirect to the index-page to show the inserted 
data. The problem that i have is that Web2Py crashes on a ValueError:

type 'exceptions.ValueError' SELECT [...]

When i execute the SQL-statement in my MySQL-client i do get the results 
that Web2Py should give me, so i don't know what is going wrong... Now i 
have to stop Web2Py, start it again and refresh the page in order to see my 
new data.

I also get this ValueError on inserting data into the DB from a Modal 
posted via AJAX. When i turn on the debugger and watch the process step by 
step it just breaks on a very normal insert statement.

The Exception gives me the following output:

Error on inserting Overtime!: INSERT INTO overtime(startDate,employee_id,
endDate,description) VALUES ('2014-03-02 00:00:00',114,'2014-03-21 00:00:00'

I can put this SQL-statement manually to the MySQL-client and insert the 
data without any problems.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong with using modules for my 
objects. Maybe i forgot something?

I hope someone can help me out on this! I'm using the latest stable: 
( http://www.web2py.com/init/default/downloadLGPLv3 

Thanks in advance!

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[web2py] Re: Web2Py and custom modules (strange behavior and ValueError)

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony

 from gluon.custom_import import track_changes; track_changes(True)

 statement before importing my modules, but is still need to restart Web2Py 
 for every change in development mode. I don't know what I'm doing wrong 

This is reportedly not working any more, though hasn't been investigated or 
fixed yet.

As for the rest, it's hard to say without seeing some code.


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Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Anthony
On Monday, March 3, 2014 6:41:52 PM UTC-5, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

 Point noted; will henceforth report to dev-list, if I come across such 

Better to email Massimo or another dev directly rather than post on any 
public list.



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Re: [web2py] Re: session security issue?

2014-03-03 Thread Kiran Subbaraman

Thanks Anthony. Will bear that in mind.

Kiran Subbaraman

On Tue, 04-03-2014 6:34 AM, Anthony wrote:

On Monday, March 3, 2014 6:41:52 PM UTC-5, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:

Point noted; will henceforth report to dev-list, if I come across
such issues.

Better to email Massimo or another dev directly rather than post on 
any public list.


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[web2py] auth.define_tables(...signature=False): what is signature?

2014-03-03 Thread Tim Richardson
Hi. What does the signature parameter do in auth.define_tables? 

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[web2py] Re: Best way to use a standalone DAL

2014-03-03 Thread Gwayne aka Mike Veltman

O well the situation is as follows, I have a database and created a web2py 
webinterface with it. But I also have create some commandline tools that 
reverence the database. 

So I wondered if there was a easy way to include dal in the scripts and 
talk to the database. 

So webgui is the webinterface of the deployment application.

Jim I want to use the database so I guess I need the define tables

I tried to to it as explained in the ebook but I got a error (with mongodb)

Btw is the path_to_application_databases relative to web2py path or 
absolute ?

On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 00:03:10 UTC+8, Anthony wrote:

 In a script, you can just import it like any other Python module. Not sure 
 what you mean by calling it from the webgui.


 On Monday, March 3, 2014 3:58:39 AM UTC-5, Gwayne aka Mike Veltman wrote:

 I will actually call dal from within some scripts and from the webgui. 
 What would be the best and cleanest way to do that ?

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Re: [web2py] Re: Scheduler: new plugin cs_plugin_monitor

2014-03-03 Thread Andrey K
similar thing http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/webhelp/remote-debugging.html

On Saturday, March 16, 2013 7:25:14 PM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:

 a little offtopic but http://pydev.org/manual_adv_remote_debugger.html

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[web2py] Voting system without users.

2014-03-03 Thread Jason (spot) Brower
I was thinking of a voting system without users, but I wanted to get your
opinions on what would be the best practice with this.
In melodigram.com I have grams that each have their one unique id's and
urls.  They will be voted on by anyone.
I imagine something like this:

gram_id = request.args(0)
if session.__dict__[gram_id]:
return dict(success = False)
session.__dict__[gram_id] = True
return dict(success = success)

What do you think?  Good idea?
Jason Brower

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