[web2py] Re: json to request.vars

2018-02-04 Thread Anthony
In jQuery, if you do:

data: {json1: JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3])},
contentType: 'application/json'

Then in the controller, request.post_vars.json1 will be the Python list, [1, 
2, 3] -- no need to do any JSON conversion on the server side. Note, the 
JSON must be an object with keys, not simply an array -- otherwise web2py 
will not treat it as JSON and convert it to a Python data structure. If the 
JSON has keys, the keys will become the keys of request.post_vars.


On Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 9:41:48 PM UTC-5, lucas wrote:
> hey all and anthony,
> i've tried a bunch of things, including your suggestion above.  here are 
> my results and this is using web2py 2.16.1.  on the client side, under the 
> view's header, i have:
> a = getArray();
> //displays the grabbed array
> //jQuery('div#snapshot_matrix').html(snapshot_table+''+JSON.stringify(a,
> null, '\t')+'').css('display', 'block');
> jQuery.post({url:"{{=URL(c='main321911', 
> f='ajaxAnalysesSummary1')}}", data:{ 'json1':JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) } 
> }).done(function (t) {
> //jQuery('div#snapshot_matrix').html('server_return:\n'+JSON.stringify(t,
> null, '\t')+'').css('display', 'block');
> jQuery('div#snapshot_matrix').html('server_return:\n'+t+'').css('display',
> 'block');
> where a or getArray() just reads the values of various inputs and slams 
> them into a javascript/json object with the declaration "var a = { };" 
> which to me is similar to a python dict.  the jQuery.post is the method i 
> used to transfer the array to the server and under the post function i've 
> tried various permutations on data with and without the option 
> ..."contentType: 'application/json', "... present or not.  the various 
> permutation of data were:
> data: a, 
> data: JSON.stringify(a), 
> data: { json1:[1, 2, 3] }, 
> data: { 'json1':[1, 2, 3] }, 
> data: { json1:JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) }, 
> data: { 'json1':JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) }, 
> and many others.  on the server side, i just have:
> def ajaxAnalysesSummary1():
> #from gluon.contrib import simplejson
> dct = { 'ajaxAnalysesSummary1':True }
> get = request.vars
> dct['len1'] = len(get)
> dct['type1'] = type(get)
> dct['get1'] = get
> get = request.post_vars
> dct['len2'] = len(get)
> dct['type2'] = type(get)
> dct['get2'] = get
> get = loads(request.vars.json1)
> dct['len3'] = len(get)
> dct['type3'] = type(get)
> dct['get3'] = get
> get = request.post_vars.json1
> dct['len4'] = len(get)
> dct['type4'] = type(get)
> dct['get4'] = get
> return DIV(dct)
> where the client will display the dct of type dict passed to DIV.
> the only way that consistently works is when i use JSON.stringify(a) on 
> the client side, both 2nd and last, worked under the above data options, 
> and loads on the server side.  the loads will convert the pure "a" json 
> object, in the 2nd data option, to a proper addressable python dict, or as 
> json1 variable converted with the python dict under that variable.  the 
> values of the dict still have to be processed into int or double depending 
> on their twins on the db side.
> but in every permutation, setting the option of "contentType: 
> 'application/json'" returned no data under request.vars or 
> request.post_vars.
> so, i believe i go with the working model of JSON.stringify on the client 
> side with loads on the server side.  makes sense and i believe a solid 
> solution.
> lucas

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[web2py] About Rest API uploads (again)

2018-02-04 Thread marco mansilla
Hi everyone, this is something that has been asked several times and still 
there's no specific solution.

I need to upload files by using a Rest API, so far I know we have nice ways 
to implement our apps in web2py

http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1533/restful-api-with-web2py is one 
way, simple and clean.

the other one is 


both work perfectly fine wiith regular form data, as it comes with uploads 
they dont.

following the recipe from Bruno I can upload files by using curl like this

curl POST -F "name=myfile" -F "image=@/home/user/myimgfile.png"

and it works.

In this new project I need to upload several images and some other format 
files (csv, doc, pdf, xls), as now I'm working with Vue.js and Axios it 
would be awesome (and somehow faster) applying it.

when I try to send the request using axios in this way

   let img=e.target.files;
   let formData = new FormData();

   formData.append('file', img[0]);
name:'test from axios',
}, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } })
.then((response)=>{console.log('file uploaded');})

server returns an error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 219, in restricted
exec(ccode, environment)
  File "/home/user/web2py/applications/myapp/controllers/services.py", line 50, 
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 414, in 
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 377, in f
res = rest_action(*request.args, **request.vars)
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 309, in vars
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 280, in parse_all_vars
for key, value in iteritems(self.post_vars):
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 301, in post_vars
  File "/home/user/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 237, in parse_post_vars
dpost = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=body, environ=env, keep_blank_values=1)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/cgi.py", line 507, in __init__
self.read_multi(environ, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/cgi.py", line 621, in read_multi
raise ValueError, 'Invalid boundary in multipart form: %r' % (ib,)
ValueError: Invalid boundary in multipart form: '

couln't find much on that error but an old post in this group from 2012


Any suggestions?, meanwhile I'm still trying to make it work.


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[web2py] Re: json to request.vars

2018-02-04 Thread lucas
hey all and anthony,

i've tried a bunch of things, including your suggestion above.  here are my 
results and this is using web2py 2.16.1.  on the client side, under the 
view's header, i have:

a = getArray();
//displays the grabbed array

null, '\t')+'').css('display', 'block');
f='ajaxAnalysesSummary1')}}", data:{ 'json1':JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) } 
}).done(function (t) {

null, '\t')+'').css('display', 'block');


where a or getArray() just reads the values of various inputs and slams 
them into a javascript/json object with the declaration "var a = { };" 
which to me is similar to a python dict.  the jQuery.post is the method i 
used to transfer the array to the server and under the post function i've 
tried various permutations on data with and without the option 
..."contentType: 'application/json', "... present or not.  the various 
permutation of data were:

data: a, 
data: JSON.stringify(a), 
data: { json1:[1, 2, 3] }, 
data: { 'json1':[1, 2, 3] }, 
data: { json1:JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) }, 
data: { 'json1':JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) }, 

and many others.  on the server side, i just have:

def ajaxAnalysesSummary1():
#from gluon.contrib import simplejson
dct = { 'ajaxAnalysesSummary1':True }
get = request.vars
dct['len1'] = len(get)
dct['type1'] = type(get)
dct['get1'] = get
get = request.post_vars
dct['len2'] = len(get)
dct['type2'] = type(get)
dct['get2'] = get

get = loads(request.vars.json1)
dct['len3'] = len(get)
dct['type3'] = type(get)
dct['get3'] = get
get = request.post_vars.json1
dct['len4'] = len(get)
dct['type4'] = type(get)
dct['get4'] = get
return DIV(dct)

where the client will display the dct of type dict passed to DIV.

the only way that consistently works is when i use JSON.stringify(a) on the 
client side, both 2nd and last, worked under the above data options, and 
loads on the server side.  the loads will convert the pure "a" json object, 
in the 2nd data option, to a proper addressable python dict, or as json1 
variable converted with the python dict under that variable.  the values of 
the dict still have to be processed into int or double depending on their 
twins on the db side.

but in every permutation, setting the option of "contentType: 
'application/json'" returned no data under request.vars or 

so, i believe i go with the working model of JSON.stringify on the client 
side with loads on the server side.  makes sense and i believe a solid 


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[web2py] Re: web2py gunicorn dockerfile

2018-02-04 Thread 黄祥

best regards,

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[web2py] Re: how to hash the a users password in bash script

2018-02-04 Thread 黄祥
pls try:
*test/controllers/install.py (for running with curl)*
def index():
if db(db.auth_permission).isempty() and db(db.auth_membership).isempty():
auth_user_id_1 = db.auth_user.insert(first_name = 'Admin', last_name = 
email = 'ad...@test.com', username = 'admin', 
password = db.auth_user.password.validate("yourpassword")[0] )
session.flash = T('Installation Done') 
redirect(URL('default', 'index') )

*test/modules/test_install.py (for running with python)*
from gluon import current
from gluon.contrib.webclient import WebClient
install = WebClient('',
postbacks = True)
if current.T('Log In', lazy = False) in install.text:
print (current.T('Installation Done', lazy = False) )
print (current.T('Installation Failed', lazy = False) )

*then run in console (assumming web2py already running)*
python ~/web2py/web2py.py --nogui --no-banner -S test -M -R 

best regards,

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[web2py] Downloading ALL images in a table at once

2018-02-04 Thread mostwanted
I have a table which stores different images of different places, what i 
want is for the site users to be able to download all the images of a 
selected place
by clicking the download button without having to download the images one 
at a time. How can i achieve this??

I tried this below:

Field('Image', 'upload'),
Field('formTitle', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), 
Field('place', 'reference 

*CONTROLLER*def areas():
return dict(images=images, form=form)

*VIEW*{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{for pics in images:}}

Unfortunately the above attempts do not give me what i want, please assist.
Thank you.

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[web2py] Update Web2Py from admin page > Error - from version 2.14.6

2018-02-04 Thread Mamisoa Andriantafika


I tried to upgrade the easy way from the admin screen but now I get a 
ticket that I cannot read. At one point I get: 

Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer

I installed previously for the one step install (Linux).

I tried again but I get a 404 error from:

wget http://web2py.googlecode.com/hg/scripts/setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh

Any ideas?


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[web2py] Re: how to hash the a users password in bash script

2018-02-04 Thread Anthony
A few options:

   - Convert the bash script to a Python script.
   - From the bash script, call a Python script just to do the inserts 
   (using PyDAL in the Python script).
   - From the bash script, call a Python script just to calculate the 
   hashed password (using the web2py CRYPT validator), passing the value back 
   to a bash variable.


On Monday, January 22, 2018 at 10:10:07 AM UTC-5, lucas wrote:
> hello one and all,
> I'm creating a bash script that creates the new db with indexes, 
> functions, etc. using Postgresql 9.2 for the DAL to use in web2py 2.16.1.
> as it stands now, the script works great and even creates the tables 
> properly as setup in db.py, etc.
> I would like to insert some users into auth_user under that bash script 
> like:
> #!/bin/bash
> psql db postgres << EOF
> insert into auth_user (first_name, last_name, email, password) values 
> ('Harry', 'Truman', 'htru...@gmail.com', w2p_hash_passwd('dude man'));
> exit 1
> the w2py_hash_passwd is obviously not real, but what would I replace it 
> with so that when harry types in the 'dude man' password, web2py hashes it 
> properly and logs in old harry?
> thank you in advance, lucas

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Re: [web2py] Re: Switching database backend from sqlite to mysql

2018-02-04 Thread JONATHAN BURKERT
Adding the line `db._adapter.reconnect()` to the top of the function seems
to have solved the problem. Thanks so much for the help.

On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 4:02 AM, LoveWeb2py  wrote:

> Hi Massimo,
> Thank you for responding. Do you have an example? I am having the same
> struggle.
> Thank you again.
> On Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 12:46:08 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I believe the problem is that pydal is designed to not allow db to be
>> shared among multiple threads to avoid concurrency issues. Every thread
>> should make its own db object or, if you pass db around, you should call
>> db.reconnect in each thread.
>> On Saturday, 3 February 2018 22:14:41 UTC-6, jbu...@wgu.edu wrote:
>>> The attached file contains the code that is generating the error, line 4
>>> specifically is called out in the traceback, but if I comment this line out
>>> I get the same error from the next line that is querying the database. If I
>>> start a web2py shell, I can copy and paste the offending line into the
>>> shell and it returns the expected results, also if I switch the database
>>> back to sqlite everything works as expected.
>> --
> Resources:
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> ---
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Jonathan Burkert
Student ID: 744966
BS in Data Management and Data Analytics 2017-10-01
Mentor: Tom Grant
c 717-318-9998 Eastern

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[web2py] Re: Switching database backend from sqlite to mysql

2018-02-04 Thread LoveWeb2py
Hi Massimo,

Thank you for responding. Do you have an example? I am having the same 

Thank you again.

On Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 12:46:08 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I believe the problem is that pydal is designed to not allow db to be 
> shared among multiple threads to avoid concurrency issues. Every thread 
> should make its own db object or, if you pass db around, you should call 
> db.reconnect in each thread.
> On Saturday, 3 February 2018 22:14:41 UTC-6, jbu...@wgu.edu  
> wrote:
>> The attached file contains the code that is generating the error, line 4 
>> specifically is called out in the traceback, but if I comment this line out 
>> I get the same error from the next line that is querying the database. If I 
>> start a web2py shell, I can copy and paste the offending line into the 
>> shell and it returns the expected results, also if I switch the database 
>> back to sqlite everything works as expected.

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