[web2py] Re: Web3py

2019-04-26 Thread 黄祥

> $ ./web3py-start applications/
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./web3py-start", line 3, in 
> from web3py.core import main
>   File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/__init__.py", line 1, in 
> from . core import render, DAL, Field, action, request, response, 
> redirect, abort, HTTP, Session, Cache, user_in, Translator
>   File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/core.py", line 39, in 
> import jwt   # pip import PyJWT
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jwt'

latest commit still have the same error from previous commit
git clone https://github.com/web2py/web3py
cd web3py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ ./web3py-start applications/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./web3py-start", line 3, in 
from web3py.core import main
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/__init__.py", line 1, in 

from . core import (
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/core.py", line 40, in 

import jwt   # pip import PyJWT
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jwt'

best regards,

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[web2py] Re: postgres unix_sock

2019-04-26 Thread xgp . latino
db = DAL( 'postgres://***:@localhost/dbname', 
'unix_socket:/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432', migrate=True, lazy_tables=False, )

For those who needed.


El viernes, 26 de abril de 2019, 18:31:42 (UTC-5), xgp@gmail.com 
> Hi,
> Someone please share the correct DAL string when using a unix sock with 
> postgres.
> Thanks,

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[web2py] Re: Radio Buttons basic inline editing in SQLFORM.grid

2019-04-26 Thread Jacob
Thank you for the response it appears that they do have the same name . I'm 
sorry I'm still new to programming in general, I've read around about how 
to use append but I'm failing to understand how it can be applied to the 
radio widget function which looks like this

- def radio_widget(field,value,**kwargs):
- return SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget(field,value,**kwargs)

Please if you are able to help guide me further I'll be very grateful. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 9:58:22 PM UTC+1, Dave S wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 4:16:56 PM UTC-7, Jacob wrote:
>> Hello I'm still new to web2py and I'm currently working on an a grid 
>> which utilises basic inline editing using the example from 
>> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1928/basic-inline-editing-in-sqlformgrid-no-plugin-no-javascript
>> When I change the options widget to a radio widget for some reason only 
>> one value for a whole set of seperate records can be selected rather than 
>> each record having only 1 radio button field selected. In other words a 
>> record has 4 possible values and they are displayed in a grid and can be 
>> edited there is a field with a set which I'm trying to use radio buttons 
>> for instead of a drop down menu. When I press a value for the first record 
>> this is fine when I move onto the record beneath it the radio button value 
>> is selected however the first one becomes empty and this carries on 
>> throughout all the records on the grid only 1 field can be selected at a 
>> time. If someone could help me please I would be very grateful.  
> My first thought is that you've got a bunch of buttons with the same 
> name.  You can check this fairly easily by using your browser's inspect 
> tool, and looking at the buttons for name=.  If that's the case, then you 
> need to work out a way for each item's buttons to get a unique name; 
> perhaps append item.id on the end of the name.
> /dps

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[web2py] Re: How to build onvalidation routine for unique within location

2019-04-26 Thread jcrmatos
Replace you model with this

Field('site', 'reference site',
  requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'site',
'%(siteNumber)s - %(name)s',
Field('mixer_tech', 'reference mixerTech',
  requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'mixerTech', '%(name)s', zero='..')),
Field('sampled', 'datetime', requires=IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p')),
Field('sample_id', length=20, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('source', length=50, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('water_weight', 'integer', requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(100, 300)))

And show me your controller.

sexta-feira, 26 de Abril de 2019 às 23:00:39 UTC+1, Jim S escreveu:
> Regarding the 'id' field.  I create the id field myself so I can set 
> readable = False
> Thanks for field_id recommendation.  However, that didn't help either, the 
> field still didn't show up in the onvalidation function.
> -Jim
> On Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 4:51:20 PM UTC-5, João Matos wrote:
>> You shouldn't create a field called id. Check the recommendations on the 
>> docs. web2py creates an id (auto-increment) field automatically.
>> Anyway, form.vars.* are only available on onvalidation if the field is 
>> editable.
>> Check your grid config. Maybe adding field_id=db.brix_test.id would help.
>> Check request.vars.id.
>> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 00:50:22 UTC+1, Jim S escreveu:
>>> Give the following table:
>>> db.define_table('brix_test',
>>> Field('id', 'id', readable=False),
>>> Field('site', 'reference site',
>>>   requires=IS_IN_DB(self.db, 'site',
>>> '%(siteNumber)s - %(name)s',
>>> zero='..')),
>>> Field('mixer_tech', 'reference mixerTech',
>>>   requires=IS_IN_DB(self.db, 'mixerTech', '%(name)s', 
>>> zero='..')),
>>> Field('sampled', 'datetime', requires=IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p')),
>>> Field('sample_id', length=20, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('source', length=50, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>> Field('water_weight', 'integer', requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(100, 300)))
>>> I want to create an onvalidation function to be run when saving from by 
>>> SQLFORM.grid that will ensure that the 'source' field is unique within each 
>>> site.  
>>> Ex:
>>> A record for Site 1 can have a sample_id of 'Tank 1'
>>> A record for Site 2 can have a sample_id of 'Tank 1'
>>> But you cannot have more than 1 record for Site 1 where sample_id is 
>>> 'Tank 1'
>>> My problem is that I can't get my 'id' field to be recognized in my 
>>> onvalidation function:
>>> def validate_brix_test(form):
>>> brix_test_id = form.vars.id
>>> site_id = form.vars.site
>>> mixer_tech_id = form.vars.mixer_tech
>>> sample_id = form.vars.sample_id
>>> site = db.site(site_id)
>>> #  mixer tech must belong to the site specified
>>> mt = db.mixerTech(mixer_tech_id)
>>> if not mt:
>>> form.errors.mixer_tech = 'Mixer Tech was not found'
>>> else:
>>> if mt.siteId != site_id:
>>> form.errors.mixer_tech = 'Mixer Tech does not belong to %s.' 
>>> % site.name
>>> #  sample id must be unique within the site
>>> if brix_test_id and brix_test_id > 0:
>>> sample_id_count = db((db.brix_test.id != brix_test_id) &
>>>  (db.brix_test.sample_id == sample_id) &
>>>  (db.brix_test.site == site_id)).count()
>>> else:
>>> sample_id_count = db((db.brix_test.sample_id == sample_id) &
>>>  (db.brix_test.site == site_id)).count()
>>> if sample_id_count > 0:
>>> form.errors.sample_id = 'This sample ID has already been used 
>>> at %s.' % site.name
>>> return
>>> The problem is that form.vars.id is always None regardless of whether 
>>> or not I have db.brix_test.id.readable = db.brix_test.id.writable = True or 
>>> False
>>> Any idea how I can get the ID of the record in the form into the 
>>> onvalidation function?
>>> -Jim

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[web2py] Re: Is it possible to write a virtual method field that modifies the row?

2019-04-26 Thread Anthony
def change_name(row, name):

The above will update the database and the local Row object.


On Friday, April 26, 2019 at 5:00:34 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
> Hi Anthony, thank you for your time.
> I tried the method you suggested, but here is my problem: after calling 
> the method, the row object isn't updated.
> row = db.person(1)
> row.change_name('Lisandro')
> print(row.name)
> This doesn't print "Lisandro". 
> Instead, it prints the name the person had before the call.
> If I want to print the new name, I have to retrieve the row again like 
> this:
> row = db.person(1)
> row.change_name('Lisandro')
> row = db.person(1)
> print(row.name)
> I was wondering if it was possible to avoid having to retrieve the record 
> again.
> El viernes, 26 de abril de 2019, 17:16:10 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
>> def change_name(row, name):
>> db(db.person.id == row.person.id).update(name=name)
>> db.define_table('person',
>> Field('name'),
>> Field.Method('change_name', change_name))
>> row = db.person(1)
>> row.change_name('Lisandro')
>> Anthony
>> On Friday, April 26, 2019 at 12:21:28 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>>> I've been working with Virtual Fields for a while, but now I'm 
>>> wondering, how could I write a Virtual Field method that modifies the row 
>>> itself?
>>> I mean, I would like to do something similar that what the 
>>> .update_record() method does. When you call row.update_record(), the row 
>>> object is updated with the new values. 
>>> I've tried returning the row object in the method definition function 
>>> but it doesn't work.
>>> I'm wondering, is it even possible to implement something like that? Any 
>>> comment or suggestion will be much appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Lisandro.

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[web2py] postgres unix_sock

2019-04-26 Thread xgp . latino

Someone please share the correct DAL string when using a unix sock with 


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[web2py] Re: How to build onvalidation routine for unique within location

2019-04-26 Thread Jim S
Regarding the 'id' field.  I create the id field myself so I can set 
readable = False

Thanks for field_id recommendation.  However, that didn't help either, the 
field still didn't show up in the onvalidation function.


On Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 4:51:20 PM UTC-5, João Matos wrote:
> You shouldn't create a field called id. Check the recommendations on the 
> docs. web2py creates an id (auto-increment) field automatically.
> Anyway, form.vars.* are only available on onvalidation if the field is 
> editable.
> Check your grid config. Maybe adding field_id=db.brix_test.id would help.
> Check request.vars.id.
> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 00:50:22 UTC+1, Jim S escreveu:
>> Give the following table:
>> db.define_table('brix_test',
>> Field('id', 'id', readable=False),
>> Field('site', 'reference site',
>>   requires=IS_IN_DB(self.db, 'site',
>> '%(siteNumber)s - %(name)s',
>> zero='..')),
>> Field('mixer_tech', 'reference mixerTech',
>>   requires=IS_IN_DB(self.db, 'mixerTech', '%(name)s', zero='..')),
>> Field('sampled', 'datetime', requires=IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p')),
>> Field('sample_id', length=20, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>> Field('source', length=50, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>> Field('water_weight', 'integer', requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(100, 300)))
>> I want to create an onvalidation function to be run when saving from by 
>> SQLFORM.grid that will ensure that the 'source' field is unique within each 
>> site.  
>> Ex:
>> A record for Site 1 can have a sample_id of 'Tank 1'
>> A record for Site 2 can have a sample_id of 'Tank 1'
>> But you cannot have more than 1 record for Site 1 where sample_id is 
>> 'Tank 1'
>> My problem is that I can't get my 'id' field to be recognized in my 
>> onvalidation function:
>> def validate_brix_test(form):
>> brix_test_id = form.vars.id
>> site_id = form.vars.site
>> mixer_tech_id = form.vars.mixer_tech
>> sample_id = form.vars.sample_id
>> site = db.site(site_id)
>> #  mixer tech must belong to the site specified
>> mt = db.mixerTech(mixer_tech_id)
>> if not mt:
>> form.errors.mixer_tech = 'Mixer Tech was not found'
>> else:
>> if mt.siteId != site_id:
>> form.errors.mixer_tech = 'Mixer Tech does not belong to %s.' 
>> % site.name
>> #  sample id must be unique within the site
>> if brix_test_id and brix_test_id > 0:
>> sample_id_count = db((db.brix_test.id != brix_test_id) &
>>  (db.brix_test.sample_id == sample_id) &
>>  (db.brix_test.site == site_id)).count()
>> else:
>> sample_id_count = db((db.brix_test.sample_id == sample_id) &
>>  (db.brix_test.site == site_id)).count()
>> if sample_id_count > 0:
>> form.errors.sample_id = 'This sample ID has already been used at 
>> %s.' % site.name
>> return
>> The problem is that form.vars.id is always None regardless of whether or 
>> not I have db.brix_test.id.readable = db.brix_test.id.writable = True or 
>> False
>> Any idea how I can get the ID of the record in the form into the 
>> onvalidation function?
>> -Jim

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Re: [web2py] Web2py Windows edition with 3.x Interpreter

2019-04-26 Thread Nico Zanferrari
Hi rāma,

you're right, the console in the new experimental binaries is not working
fine - even the 'help' command gives errors ;-(

web2py -M -S my_app

web2py Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2019
Version 2.18.5-stable+timestamp.2019.
Database drivers available: sqlite3, psycopg2, pyodbc, pymysql
application my_app does not exist, create (y/n)?y
WARNING:web2py:import IPython error; use default python shell
Python 2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:25:58) [MSC v.1500 64
bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'help' is not defined
>>> import pandas
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:\Users\nico\Desktop\web2py_win\web2py\gluon\custom_import.py",
line 80, in custom_importer
raise ImportError("No module named %s" % modules_prefix)
ImportError: No module named applications.my_app.modules.pandas
>>> quit()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'quit' is not defined

The official binaries are fine, and the sources, too.


Il giorno ven 26 apr 2019 alle ore 09:31 Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Yes. The plan is to provide the following executable from the official web
> page:
> OS web2py for py2.7, web2py for py3.7, web3py for py3.7 (WIP)
> WINDOWS web2py for py2.7, web2py for py3.7, web3py for py3.7 (WIP)
> On Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:02:37 UTC-7, rāma wrote:
>> This is wonderful. And, something I would love to be adopted to the
>> official repo.
>> Thanks for this!
>> On Sunday, 3 March 2019 19:24:38 UTC+8, Nico Zanferrari wrote:
>>> Good morning!
>>> I'm proud to say that I've succeeded in building the Windows 64 bit
>>> binary with python 3.7.2 using pyinstaller !  Grab it from
>>> https://github.com/nicozanf/web2py-pyinstaller
>>> There are some little gothas, but it seems to work fine:
>>> - in the console I've got many errors like
>>> 'ERROR:Rocket.Errors.Thread-2:Tried to send "500 Server Error" to client
>>> but received socket error'. They disappear as soon as I've disabled IPv6
>>> and rebooted. There are users that report also to fix similar problems by
>>> adding the hostname on the hosts file
>>> - psycopg2 is placed in a folder by itself, instead than in the root
>>> folder
>>> - in the currently official binary build (with pyhton 2.7) there are
>>> also two binaries: web2py_no_console.exe and web2py_on_gevent.exe. They
>>> don't run correctly, and don't seem to be so important for me so I've
>>> decided to skip their generation.
>>> - Macintosh compatibility is needed, but I cannot work on it
>>> Please, help with testing it! I'll make a PR on the official web2py
>>> repository after some feedback.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nico
>>> Il giorno mer 27 feb 2019 alle ore 12:03 Nico Zanferrari <
>>> nico...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

 this is a big problem also from my point of view and I've already
 opened issue 2027  .
 However it's not so easy to achieve this goal, because you've to switch to
 3.x + go 64 bit + change the *freezer* program (py2exe and bbfreeze do
 not work with python >= 3.5). I'm playing with pyinstaller, but I'm not
 promising anything. And also a binary Mac version is needed (I only have a
 Win box), plus testing everything.


 Il giorno mer 27 feb 2019 alle ore 11:45 elisha bere <
 elish...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hie,
> Is it possible to change from 2.7 to 3.x in my web2py app
> On 17 Feb 2019 20:57, "Jitun John"  wrote:
>> "It requires Python 2.6 (no more supported), Python 2.7 (stable) or
>> Python 3.5+ (*recommended for new projects*) already installed on
>> your system.
>> There are also *binary packages for Windows* and Mac OS X.* They
>> include the Python 2.7 interpreter* so you do not need to have it
>> pre-installed."
>> Sorry for my ignorance, I am assuming "Python 2.7 interpreter" as
>> "python27.dll" and "pywintypes27.dll" files.
>> I recently moved my app from 2.x to 3.x using PyCharm IDE and the app
>> works fine when using IDE on 3.7 python.
>> But when I try to compile it to .exe (using .iss file + hstart.exe),
>> I cant use the existing web2py_win.zip file.
>> Gives me " unsupported pickle protocol:
>> 3"
>> As we are recommending new projects on 3.x, Is it possible for the
>> next version to have a 3.x interpreter ?
>> or if we have a workaround, I am happy to try it.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Resources:
>> - http://web2py.com
>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py 

[web2py] Re: Is it possible to write a virtual method field that modifies the row?

2019-04-26 Thread Lisandro
Hi Anthony, thank you for your time.
I tried the method you suggested, but here is my problem: after calling the 
method, the row object isn't updated.

row = db.person(1)

This doesn't print "Lisandro". 
Instead, it prints the name the person had before the call.
If I want to print the new name, I have to retrieve the row again like this:

row = db.person(1)
row = db.person(1)

I was wondering if it was possible to avoid having to retrieve the record 

El viernes, 26 de abril de 2019, 17:16:10 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> def change_name(row, name):
> db(db.person.id == row.person.id).update(name=name)
> db.define_table('person',
> Field('name'),
> Field.Method('change_name', change_name))
> row = db.person(1)
> row.change_name('Lisandro')
> Anthony
> On Friday, April 26, 2019 at 12:21:28 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> I've been working with Virtual Fields for a while, but now I'm wondering, 
>> how could I write a Virtual Field method that modifies the row itself?
>> I mean, I would like to do something similar that what the 
>> .update_record() method does. When you call row.update_record(), the row 
>> object is updated with the new values. 
>> I've tried returning the row object in the method definition function but 
>> it doesn't work.
>> I'm wondering, is it even possible to implement something like that? Any 
>> comment or suggestion will be much appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>> Warm regards,
>> Lisandro.

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[web2py] Re: URL with link to anchor tag

2019-04-26 Thread Anthony
On Friday, April 26, 2019 at 2:25:10 PM UTC-4, Jörg Schneider wrote:
> Is it possible to have request args and link like 
> www.domain.org/a/c/index.html#anchor/args ?

The "#anchor/args" part of the URL does not get sent to the server. What 
are you trying to achieve? 

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[web2py] Re: Is it possible to write a virtual method field that modifies the row?

2019-04-26 Thread Anthony
def change_name(row, name):
db(db.person.id == row.person.id).update(name=name)

Field.Method('change_name', change_name))

row = db.person(1)


On Friday, April 26, 2019 at 12:21:28 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
> I've been working with Virtual Fields for a while, but now I'm wondering, 
> how could I write a Virtual Field method that modifies the row itself?
> I mean, I would like to do something similar that what the 
> .update_record() method does. When you call row.update_record(), the row 
> object is updated with the new values. 
> I've tried returning the row object in the method definition function but 
> it doesn't work.
> I'm wondering, is it even possible to implement something like that? Any 
> comment or suggestion will be much appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Warm regards,
> Lisandro.

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[web2py] Re: datepicker preserve selecred date after postback

2019-04-26 Thread jcrmatos
I don't know much js, but where is the submit/save button/function?

sexta-feira, 26 de Abril de 2019 às 11:19:19 UTC+1, Andrea Fae' escreveu:
> Thank you for your answer, but I do not understand the code you wrote...
> the 2 fields are only filtering fields, no a db field.
> The filtering fields are working well, but I want that the dates selected 
> will be preserved after postback. Do I have to read them from the 
> querystring? In which way?
> This is my code
> var srchI, srchF, srch;
> // funzione che consente di impostare la ricerca Dalla Data
> function datainizioSrch(){
> var dataDa = 
> moment($('#datepickerI').datepicker("getDate")).format('-MM-DD');
> srchI ='evento.inizio >= ' + '"' + dataDa + '"';
> if (srchF != undefined) {
>srch = srchI + ' and ' + srchF;
> } else {
> srch = srchI;
> }
> // console.log(srch);
> $("#w2p_keywords").val(srch);
> }
> // funzione che consente di impostare la ricerca Alla Data
> function datafineSrch(){
> // aggiunge 1 giorno per includere anche l'ultimo giorno della 
> data di ricerca dataA
> var dataA = moment($('#datepickerF').datepicker("getDate")).add(1, 
> 'days').format('-MM-DD');
> srchF ='evento.fine <= ' + '"' + dataA + '"';
> if (srchI != undefined) {
>srch = srchI + ' and ' + srchF;
> } else {
> srch = srchF;
> }
> // console.log(srch);
> $("#w2p_keywords").val(srch);
> }
> $(document).ready(function(){
> // la funzione di ricerca standard della grid viene nascosta  
> $("#w2p_keywords").prop("type", "hidden");
> // Inserire gli elementi della ricerca custom dopo la ricerca 
> standard ("#w2p_keywords").
> // Questo consente di non farla vedere sulle pagine edit e view
> // inserire i campi di ricerca nell'ordine inverso con i quali 
> appaiono nella pagina
> var inputStr  = '
class="form-group" style="padding-bottom:5px;">Dalla Data: type="text" id="datepickerI" class="datepicker" readonly="true" > onchange="datainizioSrch()">
style="padding-bottom:5px;">Alla Data: class="datepicker" readonly="true" onchange="datafineSrch()">
'; > $(inputStr).insertAfter("#w2p_keywords"); > > // definisco il datepicker > $("#datepickerI").datepicker({ > dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", > autoSize: true, > firstDay: 1, > dayNamesMin: ["Do", "Lu", "Ma", "Me", "Gi", "Ve", "Sa"], > monthNames: [ "Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", > "Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", > "Dicembre" ], > }); > $("#datepickerF").datepicker({ > dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", > autoSize: true, > firstDay: 1, > dayNamesMin: ["Do", "Lu", "Ma", "Me", "Gi", "Ve", "Sa"], > monthNames: [ "Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", > "Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", > "Dicembre" ], > }); > }); > > thank you > > Il giorno venerdì 26 aprile 2019 00:04:39 UTC+2, João Matos ha scritto: >> >> Is the selected date in a db field? Then when editing the same field, the >> date picker should show the selected date. >> >> If the date is still not saved to a db field but only in js, then you can >> send it using something similar to this >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 20:40:25 UTC+1, Andrea Fae' escreveu: >>> >>> How to preserve datepicker selected date after postback using web2py in >>> a javascript view... I think it's a javascript problem but I don't know how >>> to fix it. >>> thank you >>> >> -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- You received this message because

[web2py] Re: datepicker preserve selecred date after postback

2019-04-26 Thread Andrea Fae'

Il giorno giovedì 25 aprile 2019 21:40:25 UTC+2, Andrea Fae' ha scritto:
> How to preserve datepicker selected date after postback using web2py in a 
> javascript view... I think it's a javascript problem but I don't know how 
> to fix it.
> thank you

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[web2py] URL with link to anchor tag

2019-04-26 Thread Jörg Schneider
Is it possible to have request args and link like 
www.domain.org/a/c/index.html#anchor/args ?

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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.18.5 is OUT

2019-04-26 Thread Web2_3py

2.18.5 under python 2:

  File "C:\Python27\lib\pickle.py", line 892, in load_proto
raise ValueError, "unsupported pickle protocol: %d" % proto
ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3

2.18.5 under python 3:

*import_from_csv_file error*

 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 
46: character maps to 

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[web2py] Is it possible to write a virtual method field that modifies the row?

2019-04-26 Thread Lisandro
I've been working with Virtual Fields for a while, but now I'm wondering, 
how could I write a Virtual Field method that modifies the row itself?

I mean, I would like to do something similar that what the .update_record() 
method does. When you call row.update_record(), the row object is updated 
with the new values. 

I've tried returning the row object in the method definition function but 
it doesn't work.

I'm wondering, is it even possible to implement something like that? Any 
comment or suggestion will be much appreciated.

Warm regards,

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Re: [web2py] Re: custom search

2019-04-26 Thread andfae
Hello I will give you the codeok? This evening...

Il ven 26 apr 2019, 12:31 Massimiliano  ha scritto:

> Is difficult to understand how you intend to trigger the search without
> some infos.
> Anyway just to give you an hint:
> jQuery("#your_custom_widget").closest('form').trigger('submit');
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:22 PM Andrea Fae'  wrote:
>> They are the standard buttons "Search" and "Reset". I'd like from
>> javascript in the html view to execute "Search" by code.
>> Thank you
>> Il giorno venerdì 26 aprile 2019 00:05:39 UTC+2, João Matos ha scritto:
>>> You don't have the standard buttons, but have a search button created by
>>> you?
>>> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 15:21:41 UTC+1, Andrea Fae'
>>> escreveu:

 I create a custom search, so not standard field with "Search" and
 "reset" button standard. How to click the button "Search" programmatically?
 thank you

>>> --
>> Resources:
>> - http://web2py.com
>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
>> ---
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>> email to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> --
> Massimiliano
> --
> Resources:
> - http://web2py.com
> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
> ---
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[web2py] Video tutorial about web2py

2019-04-26 Thread António Ramos
Found it on youtube

maybe it should be added to

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Re: [web2py] Re: custom search

2019-04-26 Thread Massimiliano
Is difficult to understand how you intend to trigger the search without
some infos.
Anyway just to give you an hint:


On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:22 PM Andrea Fae'  wrote:

> They are the standard buttons "Search" and "Reset". I'd like from
> javascript in the html view to execute "Search" by code.
> Thank you
> Il giorno venerdì 26 aprile 2019 00:05:39 UTC+2, João Matos ha scritto:
>> You don't have the standard buttons, but have a search button created by
>> you?
>> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 15:21:41 UTC+1, Andrea Fae' escreveu:
>>> I create a custom search, so not standard field with "Search" and
>>> "reset" button standard. How to click the button "Search" programmatically?
>>> thank you
>> --
> Resources:
> - http://web2py.com
> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
> ---
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[web2py] How to intercept the click to the button "search"

2019-04-26 Thread Andrea Fae'
Hello, is it possible to intercept the event regarding click to the 
standard button search?
thank you

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[web2py] Re: custom search

2019-04-26 Thread Andrea Fae'
They are the standard buttons "Search" and "Reset". I'd like from 
javascript in the html view to execute "Search" by code.
Thank you

Il giorno venerdì 26 aprile 2019 00:05:39 UTC+2, João Matos ha scritto:
> You don't have the standard buttons, but have a search button created by 
> you?
> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 15:21:41 UTC+1, Andrea Fae' escreveu:
>> I create a custom search, so not standard field with "Search" and "reset" 
>> button standard. How to click the button "Search" programmatically?
>> thank you

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[web2py] Re: datepicker preserve selecred date after postback

2019-04-26 Thread Andrea Fae'
Thank you for your answer, but I do not understand the code you wrote...
the 2 fields are only filtering fields, no a db field.

The filtering fields are working well, but I want that the dates selected 
will be preserved after postback. Do I have to read them from the 
querystring? In which way?
thank you

Il giorno venerdì 26 aprile 2019 00:04:39 UTC+2, João Matos ha scritto:
> Is the selected date in a db field? Then when editing the same field, the 
> date picker should show the selected date.
> If the date is still not saved to a db field but only in js, then you can 
> send it using something similar to this
> quinta-feira, 25 de Abril de 2019 às 20:40:25 UTC+1, Andrea Fae' escreveu:
>> How to preserve datepicker selected date after postback using web2py in a 
>> javascript view... I think it's a javascript problem but I don't know how 
>> to fix it.
>> thank you

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Re: [web2py] Web2py Windows edition with 3.x Interpreter

2019-04-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Yes. The plan is to provide the following executable from the official web 

OS web2py for py2.7, web2py for py3.7, web3py for py3.7 (WIP)
WINDOWS web2py for py2.7, web2py for py3.7, web3py for py3.7 (WIP)

On Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:02:37 UTC-7, rāma wrote:
> This is wonderful. And, something I would love to be adopted to the 
> official repo.
> Thanks for this!
> On Sunday, 3 March 2019 19:24:38 UTC+8, Nico Zanferrari wrote:
>> Good morning!
>> I'm proud to say that I've succeeded in building the Windows 64 bit 
>> binary with python 3.7.2 using pyinstaller !  Grab it from 
>> https://github.com/nicozanf/web2py-pyinstaller 
>> There are some little gothas, but it seems to work fine:
>> - in the console I've got many errors like 
>> 'ERROR:Rocket.Errors.Thread-2:Tried to send "500 Server Error" to client 
>> but received socket error'. They disappear as soon as I've disabled IPv6 
>> and rebooted. There are users that report also to fix similar problems by 
>> adding the hostname on the hosts file
>> - psycopg2 is placed in a folder by itself, instead than in the root 
>> folder
>> - in the currently official binary build (with pyhton 2.7) there are also 
>> two binaries: web2py_no_console.exe and web2py_on_gevent.exe. They don't 
>> run correctly, and don't seem to be so important for me so I've decided to 
>> skip their generation.
>> - Macintosh compatibility is needed, but I cannot work on it
>> Please, help with testing it! I'll make a PR on the official web2py 
>> repository after some feedback.
>> Cheers,
>> Nico
>> Il giorno mer 27 feb 2019 alle ore 12:03 Nico Zanferrari <
>> nico...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> this is a big problem also from my point of view and I've already opened 
>>> issue 
>>> 2027  . However it's not 
>>> so easy to achieve this goal, because you've to switch to 3.x + go 64 bit + 
>>> change the *freezer* program (py2exe and bbfreeze do not work with 
>>> python >= 3.5). I'm playing with pyinstaller, but I'm not promising 
>>> anything. And also a binary Mac version is needed (I only have a Win box), 
>>> plus testing everything.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nico 
>>> Il giorno mer 27 feb 2019 alle ore 11:45 elisha bere  
>>> ha scritto:

 Is it possible to change from 2.7 to 3.x in my web2py app

 On 17 Feb 2019 20:57, "Jitun John"  wrote:

> "It requires Python 2.6 (no more supported), Python 2.7 (stable) or 
> Python 3.5+ (*recommended for new projects*) already installed on 
> your system. 
> There are also *binary packages for Windows* and Mac OS X.* They 
> include the Python 2.7 interpreter* so you do not need to have it 
> pre-installed."
> Sorry for my ignorance, I am assuming "Python 2.7 interpreter" as 
> "python27.dll" and "pywintypes27.dll" files.
> I recently moved my app from 2.x to 3.x using PyCharm IDE and the app 
> works fine when using IDE on 3.7 python.
> But when I try to compile it to .exe (using .iss file + hstart.exe), I 
> cant use the existing web2py_win.zip file.
> Gives me " unsupported pickle protocol: 
> 3"
> As we are recommending new projects on 3.x, Is it possible for the 
> next version to have a 3.x interpreter ?
> or if we have a workaround, I am happy to try it.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Resources:
> - http://web2py.com
> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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[web2py] Re: Web3py

2019-04-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
fixed. sorry

On Friday, 26 April 2019 00:03:09 UTC-7, 黄祥 wrote:
> git clone https://github.com/web2py/web3py
> cd web3py
> $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
> Collecting pyjwt (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
>   Using cached https://
> files.pythonhosted.org/packages/87/8b/6a9f14b5f781697e51259d81657e6048fd31a113229cf346880bb7545565/PyJWT-1.7.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
> Collecting yat (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
>   Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement yat (from -r 
> requirements.txt (line 2)) (from versions: )
> No matching distribution found for yat (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
> previous commit seems using yatl not yat in requirements.txt
> best regards,
> stifan

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[web2py] Re: Web3py

2019-04-26 Thread 黄祥
$ ./web3py-start applications/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./web3py-start", line 3, in 
from web3py.core import main
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/__init__.py", line 1, in 

from . core import render, DAL, Field, action, request, response, 
redirect, abort, HTTP, Session, Cache, user_in, Translator
  File "/Users/sugizo/learn/python/web3py/web3py/core.py", line 39, in 

import jwt   # pip import PyJWT
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jwt'

best regards,

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[web2py] Re: Web3py

2019-04-26 Thread 黄祥
git clone https://github.com/web2py/web3py
cd web3py
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Collecting pyjwt (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
  Using cached https:
Collecting yat (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement yat (from -r 
requirements.txt (line 2)) (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for yat (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))

previous commit seems using yatl not yat in requirements.txt

best regards,

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