[web2py] Re: Bypass web2py for static maintenance page

2022-09-21 Thread Ian W. Scott
I found the answer to my own question. So in case anyone else finds it 

Instead of using the WSGIScriptAlias directive you can use 
WSGIScriptAliasMatch which allows for regular expressions. Then I used a 
negative lookahead to exclude any paths beginning with "maintenance":

WSGIScriptAliasMatch "^/(?!maintenance).*$" 

It works like a charm. Now when I activate maintenance mode apache serves 
the static html page in /var/www/html/maintenance. Otherwise, it redirects 
all other requests to the wsgi handler for web2py.

On Monday, September 19, 2022 at 6:07:18 PM UTC-4 Ian W. Scott wrote:

> I'm trying to set up a static maintenance page under apache that doesn't 
> depend on web2py. The problem is that the mod_wsgi scriptalias directive 
> seems to override the rewrite instructions to serve the static maintenance 
> page.
> My apache config includes this:
>   ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance/maintenance.html
>   RewriteEngine on
>   RewriteCond /var/www/html/maintenance/maintenance.enabled -f
>   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/maintenance/maintenance.html
>   RewriteRule ^ - [R=503,L]
> This works fine as long as I disable the mod_wsgi scriptalias directive:
> WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my/web2py/wsgihandler.py
> Basically I need web2py to handle any urls from the base of my domain. 
> Except I want to bypass that alias for paths beginning "/maintenance".
> Any suggestions for how to configure this?
> Thanks,
> Ian

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[web2py] Custom Login Decorator

2022-09-21 Thread mostwanted


I have an infinite loop problem that i don't know how to escape so i need 
help I have never used a decorator before I'm not even sure i fully 
understand how they work but i have used one & it's giving me a headache. 

I have registration form that's supposed to be protected by a one time code 
login page that i put inside a decorator trying to simulate 
*@auth.requires_login()*. The idea is that if the one time code is correct 
the user should access the registration form but *NEVER* if it's wrong and 
the user should never be able to bypass the security feature by directly 
typing the page address in the URL! But now I'm stuck in a loop with a 
page(one time code page) that keeps calling itself. How can I fix this to 
get what I want??


def subscribe():
key_exists = not db(db.regKeys.regKey == request.vars.regCode).isempty()
if request.vars.regCode is None:
if key_exists:
db(db.regKeys.regKey == request.vars.regCode).delete()
if request.vars.regCode is not None and not key_exists:
return locals()


def onetimecode(func):
def wrapper():
redirect(URL('default', 'subscribe'))
return wrapper


@onetimecodedef register_product():
 timeout = auth.settings.expiration
 if form.process().accepted:
 response.flash=T('Successfully Registered')
 return locals()


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