[web2py] Re: DB Insert Variable Names

2013-03-04 Thread Anthony Bond
I've fixed the issue with the variable names by prefixing a letter to the 
variable.  However, the insert still does not function.  Here's the error:
class 'gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.InternalError' (1048, uColumn 'Q4_3A' 
cannot be null)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
 line 84, in module
  File gluon/globals.py, line 193, in lambda
  File gluon/tools.py, line 2929, in f
 line 28, in Take_Eval
  File gluon/dal.py, line 7918, in insert
  File gluon/dal.py, line 1176, in insert
InternalError: (1048, uColumn 'Q4_3A' cannot be null)

line 28, in Take_Eval refers to the insert method.  Just a thought - do I need 
to append something extra to form.vars.Q4_3A to get the value of that 
particular drop down list?

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 2:34:29 PM UTC-5, Alan Etkin wrote:

  My attempts at resolving this issue have made the implementation of the 
 form much simpler, but I'm still unable to get the code to 
  compile after I put the insert in.  I would appreciate and assistance 
 you could provide in enlightening me as to why that insert 
  statement would not compile.

 Could you post the relevant part of the error ticket?


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[web2py] Re: Creating a form using a for loop

2013-03-04 Thread Anthony Bond
I figured this out later on - I've adjusted all the variables and field 
names to start with a Q.  Thanks.

On Saturday, March 2, 2013 5:57:30 PM UTC-5, Arglanir wrote:

 I think your compilation error comes from the fact that in Python you 
 cannot have a variable name starting with a number. Try changing the field 
 names of Evaluation table to letter_1_1A... 

 Then remember that only one form can be submitted in HTML, so your 
 controler will be called only for one submitted form, not all. 

 Le samedi 2 mars 2013 07:26:18 UTC+1, Anthony Bond a écrit : 
  I've been working with web2py for about two months now.  I've figured 
 out how to do a lot of awesome things with it; however, the problem I'm 
 having now has me stumped. 
  I'm working on an application that allows a user to submit a 
 self-evaluation, based on criteria that the user will find on a page.  I 
 have a table with 33 rows of of criteria.  The table contains a column 
 which hosts the criteria, pre-formatted in HTML.  Each HTML section 
 contains a table the gives the users the criteria for each of six levels - 
 these individual tables are almost large enough to take up the entire 
 content section of the webpage, so I've placed them all in a jQuery 
 accordion.  Below each table, I've placed a drop down list, where the user 
 can select what criteria they feel as though they've met.  I've added a 
 small screenshot to show the look and feel I'm trying to achieve (and 
 currently have). 
  The problem I'm having is getting the values of those drop down lists 
 back from the database.  Currently, I iterate through the table containing 
 the HTML using a for loop, tacking a drop down list at the end of each. 
  Right now, I'm unable to get the data back from the page.  Here is my 
  def Take_Eval():  
  user = db(db.Person.auth_userUserId == 

  table = db(db.PageContent.ContentId  0).select() 
  submit = INPUT(_name='submit', _type='submit') 
  formlist = [] 
  for row in table: 
  newForm = FORM(H2(row['ContentDescription'], 
 _style=padding-left: 10px;), 
 not Attempt', _value=0), OPTION('Developing', _value=1), 
 OPTION('Progressing', _value=2), OPTION('Established', _value=3), 
 OPTION('Advanced', _value=4), OPTION('Master', _value=5)), 
 _id=row['QuestionNumber']), _style='text-align: center;'))) 
  for form in formlist: 
  if form.accepts(request, session): 
 response.flash = 'Profile Saved Successfully on  ' + 
 str(time.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, time.localtime())) 
 #db.Evaluation.insert(PersonBeingEvaluated, PersonEvaluating, 
 EvalDate ,1_1A ,1_1B ,1_2 ,1_3 ,1_4 , 1_5, 1_6, 2_1, 2_2A , 2_2B, 2_3A 
 ,2_3B ,2_4 ,2_5 ,3_1 , 3_2 , 3_3, 3_4, 3_5A, 3_5B, 3_6, 3_7, 3_8, 3_9A, 
 3_9B, 3_9C, 4_1, 4_2, 4_3A, 4_3B, 4_4, BeliefsScore, CharacterScore) 
 redirect(URL('default', 'index')) 
  elif form.errors: 
 response.flash = 'Profile could not be submitted.  Please try 
 again later. ' 
  db.Evaluation.insert(PersonBeingEvaluated=user, PersonEvaluating=0, 
 EvalDate=datetime.now(), 1_1A = formlist[0].vars.1_1A, 1_1B = 
 formlist[1].vars.1_1B, 1_2 = formlist[2].vars.1_2, 1_3 = 
 formlist[3].vars.1_3, 1_4 = formlist[4].vars.1_4, 1_5 = 
 formlist[5].vars.1_5, 1_6 = formlist[6].vars.1_6, 2_1 = 
 formlist[7].vars.2_1, 2_2A = formlist[8].vars.2_2A, 2_2B = 
 formlist[9].vars.2_2B, 2_3A = formlist[10].vars.2_3A, 2_3B = 
 formlist[11].vars.2_3B, 2_4 = formlist[12].vars.2_4, 2_5 = 
 formlist[13].vars.2_5, 3_1 = formlist[14].vars.3_1, 3_2 = 
 formlist[15].vars.3_2, 3_3 = formlist[16].vars.3_3, 3_4 = 
 formlist[17].vars.3_4, 3_5A = formlist[18].vars.3_5A, 3_5B = 
 formlist[19].vars.3_5B, 3_6 = formlist[20].vars.3_6, 3_7 = 
 formlist[21].vars.3_7, 3_8 = formlist[22].vars.3_8, 3_9A = 
 formlist[23].vars.3_9A, 3_9B = formlist[24].vars.3_9B, 3_9C = 
 formlist[25].vars.3_9C, 4_1 = formlist[26].vars.4_1, 4_2 = 
 formlist[27].vars.4_2, 4_3A = formlist[28].vars.4_3A, 4_3B = 
 formlist[29].vars.4_3B, 4_4 = formlist[30].vars.4_4, BeliefsScore = 
 formlist[31].vars.BeliefsScore, CharacterScore = 
  return locals() 
  The code is not letting me compile due to a syntax error on the area 
 I've highlighted above.  I'm okay with not using a form, or a bunch of 
 forms, as long as I can get the values from the drop down list back to the 
 controller when the submit button is clicked.  I originally looped through 
 the table in the view to make the display.  Each drop down has a unique 
 name that I'd be able to access in the controller, but I haven't been able 
 to figure out how to do that only after post back.  I appreciate

[web2py] Re: DB Insert Variable Names

2013-03-04 Thread Anthony Bond
The values shouldn't be null - it should be a int value from between 0 and 
5.  Even if the user didn't select any items, the default value will still 
be 0 from the drop down list.

On Monday, March 4, 2013 11:51:01 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:

 Did you previously define that column with notnull=True? If so, you may 
 need to alter that column directly in MySQL so it allows null values.


 On Monday, March 4, 2013 11:41:05 AM UTC-5, Anthony Bond wrote:

 I've fixed the issue with the variable names by prefixing a letter to the 
 variable.  However, the insert still does not function.  Here's the error:
 class 'gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.InternalError' (1048, uColumn 'Q4_3A' 
 cannot be null)

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
  line 84, in module
   File gluon/globals.py, line 193, in lambda
   File gluon/tools.py, line 2929, in f
  line 28, in Take_Eval
   File gluon/dal.py, line 7918, in insert
   File gluon/dal.py, line 1176, in insert
 InternalError: (1048, uColumn 'Q4_3A' cannot be null)

 line 28, in Take_Eval refers to the insert method.  Just a thought - do I 
 need to append something extra to form.vars.Q4_3A to get the value of that 
 particular drop down list?

 On Sunday, March 3, 2013 2:34:29 PM UTC-5, Alan Etkin wrote:

  My attempts at resolving this issue have made the implementation of 
 the form much simpler, but I'm still unable to get the code to 
  compile after I put the insert in.  I would appreciate and assistance 
 you could provide in enlightening me as to why that insert 
  statement would not compile.

 Could you post the relevant part of the error ticket?


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[web2py] Re: DB Insert Variable Names

2013-03-04 Thread Anthony Bond
Whoops - true sign of a neophyte.

Is there a reason why web2py uses names as opposed to IDs?

On Monday, March 4, 2013 3:20:15 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:

 Looks like you don't assign names to any of the selects, so their values 
 are not passed via request.post_vars (and therefore don't make it into 

 On Monday, March 4, 2013 11:54:23 AM UTC-5, Anthony Bond wrote:

 The values shouldn't be null - it should be a int value from between 0 
 and 5.  Even if the user didn't select any items, the default value will 
 still be 0 from the drop down list.

 On Monday, March 4, 2013 11:51:01 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:

 Did you previously define that column with notnull=True? If so, you may 
 need to alter that column directly in MySQL so it allows null values.


 On Monday, March 4, 2013 11:41:05 AM UTC-5, Anthony Bond wrote:

 I've fixed the issue with the variable names by prefixing a letter to 
 the variable.  However, the insert still does not function.  Here's the 
 class 'gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.InternalError' (1048, uColumn 
 'Q4_3A' cannot be null)

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
  line 84, in module
   File gluon/globals.py, line 193, in lambda
   File gluon/tools.py, line 2929, in f
  line 28, in Take_Eval
   File gluon/dal.py, line 7918, in insert
   File gluon/dal.py, line 1176, in insert
 InternalError: (1048, uColumn 'Q4_3A' cannot be null)

 line 28, in Take_Eval refers to the insert method.  Just a thought - do I 
 need to append something extra to form.vars.Q4_3A to get the value of 
 that particular drop down list?

 On Sunday, March 3, 2013 2:34:29 PM UTC-5, Alan Etkin wrote:

  My attempts at resolving this issue have made the implementation of 
 the form much simpler, but I'm still unable to get the code to 
  compile after I put the insert in.  I would appreciate and 
 assistance you could provide in enlightening me as to why that insert 
  statement would not compile.

 Could you post the relevant part of the error ticket?


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web2py-users group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

[web2py] Creating a form using a for loop

2013-03-02 Thread Anthony Bond
I've been working with web2py for about two months now.  I've figured out 
how to do a lot of awesome things with it; however, the problem I'm having 
now has me stumped.

I'm working on an application that allows a user to submit a 
self-evaluation, based on criteria that the user will find on a page.  I 
have a table with 33 rows of of criteria.  The table contains a column 
which hosts the criteria, pre-formatted in HTML.  Each HTML section 
contains a table the gives the users the criteria for each of six levels - 
these individual tables are almost large enough to take up the entire 
content section of the webpage, so I've placed them all in a jQuery 
accordion.  Below each table, I've placed a drop down list, where the user 
can select what criteria they feel as though they've met.  I've added a 
small screenshot to show the look and feel I'm trying to achieve (and 
currently have).

The problem I'm having is getting the values of those drop down lists back 
from the database.  Currently, I iterate through the table containing the 
HTML using a for loop, tacking a drop down list at the end of each.  Right 
now, I'm unable to get the data back from the page.  Here is my code:

def Take_Eval(): 
user = db(db.Person.auth_userUserId == 
table = db(db.PageContent.ContentId  0).select()
submit = INPUT(_name='submit', _type='submit')
formlist = []

for row in table:
newForm = FORM(H2(row['ContentDescription'], _style=padding-left: 
Attempt', _value=0), OPTION('Developing', _value=1), OPTION('Progressing', 
_value=2), OPTION('Established', _value=3), OPTION('Advanced', _value=4), 
OPTION('Master', _value=5)), _id=row['QuestionNumber']), 
_style='text-align: center;')))

for form in formlist:
if form.accepts(request, session):
   response.flash = 'Profile Saved Successfully on  ' + 
str(time.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, time.localtime()))
   #db.Evaluation.insert(PersonBeingEvaluated, PersonEvaluating, 
EvalDate ,1_1A ,1_1B ,1_2 ,1_3 ,1_4 , 1_5, 1_6, 2_1, 2_2A , 2_2B, 2_3A 
,2_3B ,2_4 ,2_5 ,3_1 , 3_2 , 3_3, 3_4, 3_5A, 3_5B, 3_6, 3_7, 3_8, 3_9A, 
3_9B, 3_9C, 4_1, 4_2, 4_3A, 4_3B, 4_4, BeliefsScore, CharacterScore)
   redirect(URL('default', 'index'))
elif form.errors:
   response.flash = 'Profile could not be submitted.  Please try 
again later. '

db.Evaluation.insert(PersonBeingEvaluated=user, PersonEvaluating=0, 
EvalDate=datetime.now(), 1_1A = formlist[0].vars.1_1A, 1_1B = 
formlist[1].vars.1_1B, 1_2 = formlist[2].vars.1_2, 1_3 = 
formlist[3].vars.1_3, 1_4 = formlist[4].vars.1_4, 1_5 = 
formlist[5].vars.1_5, 1_6 = formlist[6].vars.1_6, 2_1 = 
formlist[7].vars.2_1, 2_2A = formlist[8].vars.2_2A, 2_2B = 
formlist[9].vars.2_2B, 2_3A = formlist[10].vars.2_3A, 2_3B = 
formlist[11].vars.2_3B, 2_4 = formlist[12].vars.2_4, 2_5 = 
formlist[13].vars.2_5, 3_1 = formlist[14].vars.3_1, 3_2 = 
formlist[15].vars.3_2, 3_3 = formlist[16].vars.3_3, 3_4 = 
formlist[17].vars.3_4, 3_5A = formlist[18].vars.3_5A, 3_5B = 
formlist[19].vars.3_5B, 3_6 = formlist[20].vars.3_6, 3_7 = 
formlist[21].vars.3_7, 3_8 = formlist[22].vars.3_8, 3_9A = 
formlist[23].vars.3_9A, 3_9B = formlist[24].vars.3_9B, 3_9C = 
formlist[25].vars.3_9C, 4_1 = formlist[26].vars.4_1, 4_2 = 
formlist[27].vars.4_2, 4_3A = formlist[28].vars.4_3A, 4_3B = 
formlist[29].vars.4_3B, 4_4 = formlist[30].vars.4_4, BeliefsScore = 
formlist[31].vars.BeliefsScore, CharacterScore = 
return locals()

The code is not letting me compile due to a syntax error on the area I've 
highlighted above.  I'm okay with not using a form, or a bunch of forms, as 
long as I can get the values from the drop down list back to the controller 
when the submit button is clicked.  I originally looped through the table 
in the view to make the display.  Each drop down has a unique name that I'd 
be able to access in the controller, but I haven't been able to figure out 
how to do that only after post back.  I appreciate any guidance that could 
be given.  Thanks!


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attachment: tesscreenshot.png