[web2py] Ajax question: In a controller, how do I format data by a view so that I can return HTML from the controller back to ajax function?

2011-10-22 Thread Brent Jacobs
Hi all,

I need some help please.

I have a function/controller which is called by ajax calls.  In the
function I want to get some data from a model, format the data into
html, and then return the HTML.

It makes sense that I should be able to pass the model data to a view
and then pass the html from the view back to the ajax function.  I
cant work out how to do this.

This is what I would expect to happen:
Ajax call to controller -- Controller gets data from model --
controller passes data to view -- View does its thing and passes back
HTML to controller (rather than the browser) -- controller returns
the HTML to the ajax call.

Any help on this would be appreciated.  Thanks,

[web2py] Adding radio buttons to customised form in web2py

2011-09-17 Thread Brent Jacobs
I'm trying to display a field as a radio button group in a customised
form.  I want to place each radio button on a different row in a
table.  The problem is when I use `{{=form.custom.selection_type[0]}}
`, the widget is wrapped in unwanted `tr` and `td` tags.

Is there a way to add only the radio input field without the
additional tags? Also, is it possible to have the innerhtml different
from the value of the radio button?


My view:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
td {{=form.custom.selection_type[0]}}:/td
td {{=form.custom.widget.biller_list}}/td
td {{=form.custom.widget.selection_type[1]}}:/td
td {{=form.custom.widget.biller_code}}/td

Example of what's happening in the html source code:

td trtdinput name=selection_type type=radio
value=From my biller list /From my biller list/td/tr:/td

My model:

Field('selection_type', 'list:string'),
Field('biller_list', db.biller, notnull=True),
db.payment_bpay_step1.selection_type.requires = IS_IN_SET(('From
my biller list', 'Search by biller code', 'Search by biller name'))
db.payment_bpay_step1.selection_type.widget =