Re: [web2py] how to use this ajax upload script with web2py?

2011-06-11 Thread Dr Schmulge
Take a slice )

2011/6/11 danto

 It's supposed to be a ready-to-use asyncronous upload (could be a widget,
 later) with load indicator, but I don't know how to integrate with my form.
 In fact, I get no errors on console (as the author say after set debug:
 true) but still my upload fails. I can tested with rocket and
 apache+mod_wsgi, but probably should blame my implementation:

 def post():
     form = SQLFORM.factory(

     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
     response.flash = 'ok'
     elif form.errors:
     response.flash = 'no'
     return locals()

 ### VIEW:

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 div id=fileuploader
     pPlease enable JavaScript to use file uploader./p
     !-- or put a simple form for upload here --


 var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
     // pass the dom node (ex. $(selector)[0] for jQuery users)
     element: document.getElementById('fileuploader'),
     // path to server-side upload scripts
     action: 'post',
     debug: true,

 thank you for your time

Re: [web2py] vps hosting: or linode?

2011-05-21 Thread Dr Schmulge
I happy 2y. with linode.

2011/5/19 Carlos
 What do you recommend for vps hosting?.
 I was pretty sure going with, but there have been several bad
 experiences out there that make me nervous.
 For reference:
 I am now undecided: which is better vps?, or linode?.

 My main market will be Mexico, if it helps to make a decision.
 Thanks for all your input.

Re: [web2py] Multiple forms grouped as one (django formset equivalent) with jquery plugin allowing clients to add and remove forms on the client-side

2011-03-08 Thread Dr Schmulge
2011/3/4 ChrisT
 Hello everyone,

 I am in the process of evaluating web2py and django to decide which
 one I am going to use for a project of mine.
 I am new to both frameworks and web frameworks in general (although I
 did experiment with Ruby on Rails a while back)
 I must say I am learning web2py much faster than Django which has a
 much steeper learning curve I think.
 For the past few days however I am trying to figure out the best way
 to do a (relatively) simple thing with both frameworks that I guess
 many people did before me.
 I wanted to have multiple forms grouped as one on a sigle page and a
 jquery plugin allowing clients to add and remove forms on the client-
 This would be very useful in many situations in my application.
 One example would be:
   * Creating an invoice (table invoice with fields such as
 reference_no , issue_date, customer_name, etc.) with multiple invoice
 lines (table invoice_line with fields such as description, amount,
 So I need to create a single form for the invoice creation and the
 client must be able to add or remove from the form as many
 invoice_lines as needed each time.
 The fact is that I was able to figure the best way to do it in Django
 would be using formsets:
 and this: jQuery
 I am troubled I didn't find anything similar implemented in web2py, I
 am sure many people before me did the same thing using both
 frameworks. I found some pieces of code here and there that enabled me
 to come close to doing it using web2py but I consider my efforts a
 hack (and an incomplete one so far :-))
 I would like to know your opinions on how this should be done in
 web2py or how someone already did this.
 Please forgive my ignorance if I am missing the obvious here as I am
 new to all this. In fact this is my first post so go easy on me...

Hi, Chris
This is a briljant Jquery  plugin, to clone form elements dynamically.
 I hope it's useful to you.

Re: [web2py] Re: Upload form in web2py component

2010-11-07 Thread Dr Schmulge
Its work

2010/11/8 Luther Goh Lu Feng
 Just found this

 On Nov 8, 5:43 am, Luther Goh Lu Feng wrote:
 I have an upload form that is rendered in a web2py component view.
 Unfortunately this does not work likely because of the limitations of
 javascript as suggested 
 I believe this is still valid but am more than happy to be proven

 I have since moved the upload form to a non component related view and
 this works once again. However, on submit, the entire page refreshes.
 To improve elegance, I am wondering if anyone has any generic advice
 on preventing the page from refreshing during form submission? Thanks
 in advance.

Re: [web2py] Re: auth.has_membership syntax erron

2010-10-03 Thread Dr Schmulge
Thank you , sorry , this is my fault, stupid copy past error  .

2010/10/3 mdipierro
 more likely there is an incomplete line before and it expects an
 indented block

 On Oct 3, 9:41 am, Dr Schmulge wrote:
 Hi all

  Missing  import ??

 File /home/john/web2py/applications/testapp/models/, line 32
     if auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('Administrator')):
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 in file

 if auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('Administrator')):[
      [T('Our company'),False,URL('index')],

 Thanks in advance.