[web2py] sidebar bug in 1.99.1?

2011-10-05 Thread Jonas Rundberg

Using left or right sidebars in layout.html doesn't render the page as
intended. (Using both sidebars seems ok).

layout.html sets the width of #content to 740px, but it should be
720px to handle the padding in #page.

I've tried it on OSX, Chrome+FF5

/ jonas

[web2py] changes in 1.96.1 1.96.4

2011-06-23 Thread Jonas Rundberg

Thanks all for the nice features in 1.96.
Where can I find more information about these changes?

1.96.1  - from gluon import * imports in every python module a
web2py environment...
Is this expected to have any significant performance degredation?

1.96.1  - No more need for local_import
local_import has the reload=True feature. How does this work now?

1.96.4 - better support for id fields not called id
Are we now able to define any existing integer fields as id? How would
I use this?

/ jonas

[web2py] Re: CRON doesn't work

2010-11-10 Thread Jonas Rundberg
Hi Sverre,

I have the exact same issue. (Running web2py 1.87.3)
Did you manage to get to work?

/ jonas

On Nov 4, 11:10 am, Sverre sverreodeg...@gmail.com wrote:
 My cron tab looking like this

 */2 * * * *     root  *sys/test_cron
 @hourly          root  *applications/mm/cron/expire_sessions.py

 but this doesn' work. My test cron function is

 from time import ctime
 def test_cron():
     return ready

 If I trigger this function manually it's working. Web2Py is installed
 as a Windows Service. Is someone able to help?

[web2py] Re: generic.load

2010-07-16 Thread Jonas Rundberg
Thank you,

I've been trying to find more information about LOAD,
web2py_component, web2py_ajax_page and web2py_trap_form, but I still
don't get the big picture.

What are the web2py_components?
When should I use LOAD?...
I'm using ajax, but when should I use the above instead of a
'standard' ajax(..., ..., target) request to a controller and put the
response in an existing div?
What are typical use case for LOAD, web2py_components, ...?

Reading up in this group I get the impression that more people than me
have questions.
Is there any documentation you could point at?
Could the 'Ajax Recipes' be updated in the book? (I can help if that's
needed, as soon as I understand the concept enough)

/ jonas

On Jul 13, 7:06 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 BTW since 1.80.1 welcome include a generic.load
 what is it?

 Say you have

      def someaction():
           any action 
          return dict(form=crud.create(db.mytable))

 which may or may not have a view. And you have another action

    def index(): return dict()

 with its own view

     {{extend 'layout.htm'}}

 Now you can include an ajax callback from the latter to the former

     {{extend 'layout.htm'}}

 NOTICE .load. The form will be ebedded in the view. The processing
 will not reload the page. The flash message will be displayed

 To use in old apps you need to copy views/generic.loadinto your old

[web2py] w3p_fc bug?

2010-07-16 Thread Jonas Rundberg

In sqlhtml.py, SQLFORM:
the comment field's class is w3p_fc.
Should't this be w2p_fc to be consistent with w2p_fl and w2p_fw?

/ jonas

[web2py] Re: Top 3 web2py features

2010-05-25 Thread Jonas Rundberg

I agree to all the mentioned pros for web2py.
Would you like to elaborate on your first item -scalable?
Which features in web2y fo you refer to that facilitates scalability?

/ jonas

On May 7, 12:13 am, Mengu whalb...@gmail.com wrote:
 1) scalable
 2) fast
 3) easy

[web2py] one solution to web2py+eclipse and undefined variable warnings

2010-04-22 Thread Jonas Rundberg

To get rid of the undefined variable warnings in eclipse you can
define names as globals in the preferences.
(Eg to remove the warnings for request, response, db, T, auth, etc...)

Preferences - PyDev - Editor - Code Analysis
Under the undefined tab, you find Consider the following names
global: (comma separated)

There you can add service,auth,T,response,session,request,db or
Doing this seems easier then writing global request, ... at the top
of all of your controller files.

/ jonas rundberg

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