[web2py] Limitations in a multiuser linux environment (or Debian packaging issues)

2011-01-08 Thread Jos? L.
Hi, I'm working (much slower than what I'd like because of Real World 
issues) in the packaging of web2py.
Most of the work is done, excepting for a recurrent problem:

Trying to fullfil the FHS (
http://wiki.debian.org/FilesystemHierarchyStandard ) , I've moved the gluon 
libraries to its python place (no problem at all, it works perfectly), 
prepared a web2py launcher in /usr/bin [1] , and move some things to 
/usr/share/web2py/ :
applications  deposit  logs  site-packages  VERSION  web2py.py  welcome.w2p

making a directory applications at any place at the computer directory, an 
user can execute web2py to launch it all.
The application directory will be created by the web2py launcher, adding the 
folder option to the gluon.widget.start option.
The application contains a symbolic link to 
/usr/share/web2py/applications/admin and another 
to /usr/share/web2py/application/welcome.

But I'm fighting against permissions in the admin folder all the time. First 
for cron (I don't see why starting with cron=True needs to open the file 
with wb permissions, if not new cron is created), but this issue is solved 
using cron=False when launching the process.

Next step is with permissions in the welcome application (appart of creating 
the databases, errors, sessions, private, uploads and cache directories). 
It's clear that this application database directory must be in the user 
homeland to be able to administrate the applications he adds or creates . 
So, I'm thinking of doing a complete copy (better rsync for future updates) 
of the welcome application directory to the directory where web2py is 
launched. Anyway, I don't like this approach  as it's not very clean from my 
point of view, so I wonder if it would be possible to use a database 
directory for an application (I only need the welcome application, but maybe 
it makes sense for other cases) in a place different from 

Also, maybe I should explain the rationale behind this directories 
movements: keeping the FHS design in linux, but giving to the user the 
possibility of creating where he wants (and has permissions) the structure 
of the applications. Also, when the debian package is updated (updating the 
/usr/share/web2py, gluon libraries and web2py launcher) , the user must be 
using the latest web2py version installed, not a previous one. If anyone has 
better ideas they're welcome, as well as any help in the modification of the 
web2py routes. I'd prefer not to patch any code in the original web2py 
sources, to follow totally the web2py development, but if I have to patch 
the welcome application I'll do it. Anyway I know  I'll have to patch the 
admin application in order to remove the remote upgrade of web2py as this 
option is not allowed in Debian packages (it's removed from firefox or 
openoffice too).

José L.

[1] /usr/bin/web2py script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys

path = '/usr/share/web2py'
except NameError:
path = os.getcwd() # Seems necessary for py2exe
except ValueError:
sys.path.insert(0, path)
# import gluon.import_all # This should be uncommented for py2exe.py
import gluon.widget

# Start Web2py and Web2py cron service!

[web2py] Re: it case you missed it...

2010-12-16 Thread Jos? L.

On Sunday, December 12, 2010 7:21:52 PM UTC+1, mdipierro wrote:

 I think we should close this discussion. It is not going anywhere. The 
 license of web2py is not up for discussion. I say (and said) that the GPL 
 license applies to derivative work only. Applications built with web2py and 
 distributed with web2py (compiled or not) are not derivative work therefore 
 the license does not apply. My statement has a legal validity because I have 
 complete copyright on web2py. Having as many users as possible is not a 
 goal. The goal is to have the best web2py framework and not fragment the 
 community. The GPL license, in my view, helps to keep the community 


Just a latest question: There are some files in gluon/contrib directory 
don't have a license header , some others have a mit license, so there is a 
little mess in this files that are distributed with web2py.

Also, is there any reason to stay in gpl v2 instead of moving to v3?

José L.