[web2py] Help with project (many to many form or table)

2020-01-17 Thread Juan Gutiérrez
Hello, I'm creating a small project to test the use of web2py.
After going through some of the documentation for web2py I've found myself 
in quite a problem to deal with a many to many insert/update form.

The simplified context for the example is this:
There are people (person) and each can only have a home (home). Homes 
(home) have many types of rooms (home_room). Types of rooms (room) are 
asigned to homes (home). A person can spend an amount of minutes in a 
specific room of his home (person_room).
The table to record the amount of minutes a person spends in a room can 
have only one record for a person/room of the home.

Index. Show a list of the people in the DB.
Register minutes. Shows a list of the rooms available to the person 
according to the home and process the request to update amount of minutes 
for each room.

Index. Displays a list of records for person. Each person links to the 
register url and using the args sends the person's id.
Register minutes. Should display a table (or form) with the rooms and any 
previous minutes registered to a person so the amounts can be entered or 

So my problem is creating a table (or form) that presents the left join for 
home_rooms and person so I can enter the minutes for each room and submit 
the information. I've been thinking a solution could be to insert first any 
records from the left join into the person_room table before creating the 
table (or form), but this still leaves me the problem of showing several 
records to update the amount of minutes.


db.define_table('room', Field('name', 'string'))
db.define_table('home', Field('name', 'string'))
db.define_table('home_room', Field('description', 'string'), 
Field('home_id', 'references home'), Field('room_id', 'references room'))
db.define_table('person', Field('name', 'string'), 
Field('home_id','references home'))
db.define_table('person_room', Field('minutes', 'integer'), 
Field('person_id', 'references person'), Field('home_room_id', 'references 

home.id home.name
1 city
2 beach
3 winter

room.id room.name
1 principal
2 secundary
3 living
4 dining
5 gaming

home_room.id home_room.description home_room.home_id home_room.room_id
1 city principal 1 1
2 city secondary 1 2
3 city living 1 3
4 beach principal 2 1
5 beach living 2 3
6 beach dining 2 4
7 winter principal 3 1
8 winter living 3 3
9 winter gaming 3 5

person.id person.name person.home_id
1 David 1
2 Sara 2
3 Charles 3
4 Rose 1
5 Fred 2
6 Martin 3

Controllers (default):

def index():
ppl = db().select(db.person.id, db.person.name)
return dict(people=ppl)

def register():
aForm = None
aPerson = db(db.person.id==request.args(0,
 ).first() or redirect(URL('index'))
fields = ['person_id', 'home_room_id','minutes']
aForm = SQLFORM(db.person_room, fields=fields)
aForm.vars.person_id = aPerson.id
return dict(person=aPerson, form = aForm)


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{if len(people) == 0:}}
There's no information
{{for row in people:}}

{{=A('%s'%row.name, _href=URL("register", 


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{=form or ''}}

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[web2py] Re: Help with request.args() and SQLFORM.grid(). Error 404

2020-01-15 Thread Juan Gutiérrez
Ok... So I found the solution and it was a TOTAL noob mistake. Turns out 
that SQLFORM.grid() messes up with the requests arguments and in the 
initial examples of the book this is never mentioned.

In Chapter 7 of the book (english 6th edition) I found the answer: 

In order for the grid to work properly, I had to give it this parameter: 
*args=request.args[:1]* that way the Grid knows to preserve the first 
argument for the request.

The code in the controller ended up working like this:
def testArg():
test = db.test(request.args(0,cast=int, otherwise=URL('index'))) or 
grid = SQLFORM.grid(db(db.test.id == 2), *args=request.args[:1]*, 
deletable=False, editable=True)
return locals()

On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 1:04:00 AM UTC-5, Juan Gutiérrez wrote:
> This sounds crazy but I'm getting an error 404 when using in the same 
> function this lines together:
> test = db.test(request.args(0,cast=int, otherwise=URL('index'))) or 
> redirect(URL('index'))
> grid = SQLFORM.grid(db(db.test.id == 2), deletable=False, editable=True)
> When I comment either one of the lines, the function returns the correct 
> values for test and grid. When put together, it doesn't work and I get 
> redirected or a 404 error.
> the complete escenario is:
> Request:
> Model:
> db.define_table('test',
> Field('nombre', 'string', unique=True, label='Nombre'),
> Field('gerencia', label='Gerencia'),
> Field('equipo', label='Equipo'),
> Field('vigencia', 'date', label='Vigencia'),
> format = '%(nombre)s'
> )
> Controler:
> @auth.requires_login()
> def testArg():
> test = db.test(request.args(0,cast=int, otherwise=URL('index'))) or 
> redirect(URL('index'))
> grid = SQLFORM.grid(db(db.test.id == 2))#, deletable=False, 
> editable=True)
> return locals()
> View:
> generic.html
> Am I missing something really obvious?
> David.

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[web2py] Help with request.args() and SQLFORM.grid(). Error 404

2020-01-14 Thread Juan Gutiérrez
This sounds crazy but I'm getting an error 404 when using in the same 
function this lines together:

test = db.test(request.args(0,cast=int, otherwise=URL('index'))) or 
grid = SQLFORM.grid(db(db.test.id == 2), deletable=False, editable=True)

When I comment either one of the lines, the function returns the correct 
values for test and grid. When put together, it doesn't work and I get 
redirected or a 404 error.

the complete escenario is:

Field('nombre', 'string', unique=True, label='Nombre'),
Field('gerencia', label='Gerencia'),
Field('equipo', label='Equipo'),
Field('vigencia', 'date', label='Vigencia'),
format = '%(nombre)s'

def testArg():
test = db.test(request.args(0,cast=int, otherwise=URL('index'))) or 
grid = SQLFORM.grid(db(db.test.id == 2))#, deletable=False, 
return locals()


Am I missing something really obvious?


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