[web2py] Re: Routing Help

2013-03-05 Thread Kory Prince
Please also note my setup:

https:nginx (load balancer with ssl) -> http:nginx -> uwsgi


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[web2py] Routing Help

2013-03-05 Thread Kory Prince
I am trying to get a somewhat complex routing scheme to work, but haven't 
been able to with either of the routing systems.

Assume I have the following applications and domains they should be mapped 

inventory -> inventory.example.com
admin -> monitor.example.com/admin
ipcheck -> monitor.example.com/ipcheck

onlineforms -> forms.example.com

I can make this work with the parameter based system like so:

routers = dict(
BASE = dict(
default_application = 'init',
default_controller = 'default',
applications = ['admin','ipcheck','init','onlineforms'],
domains = { 
'inventory.example.com' : 

'forms.example.com' : 'onlineforms'

And it works just fine, removing the application name and controller from 
the URL where possible.

Now I want to add another application into the mix:
onlineformsadmin -> forms.example.com/admin

And I have no idea how to do that.

I messed with the pattern based routing, but it just gave me more problems.
For instance a line like:

('.*:https://inventory.example.com:.* .*', 'inventory')

in routes_app wouldn't stop requests to 
https://inventory.example.com/default from trying to go to the 'default' 

In other words, unless I still specified inventory as the application, it 
wouldn't go there.

I know I could just add another subdomain with the parameter based system, 
but I would really like to avoid that and feel like I'm missing something 

Any help would be appreciated. 


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[web2py] Re: ldap login method bug - Allows any user to log in with blank password (AD)

2012-07-12 Thread Kory Prince
Alright, I used the pep8 tool: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8/

to do cleanup on the file. I fixed all the errors given by the tool except 
lines being over 79 characters when it didn't make sense to shorten them.

This was mainly fixing indentation, but I fixed some typos, and a few code 
things (changing None type checking to isinstance for example.)

I'm fairly certain the code all works correctly and I went over it several 
times, but I only have AD to test against.

File attached.

Any idea when the next stable release will come out? It seems to me this 
was a security error, and there may be vulnerable installations out there.


On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 6:11:48 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Thanks, in trunk. Any chance you could fix the indentation a little to 
> follow pep8
> I did some of it but it needs more work. This is not your fault. The pep8 
> was badly broken in the original file.
> Massimo
> On Wednesday, 11 July 2012 17:45:04 UTC-5, Kory Prince wrote:
>> I did some digging and turned up this:
>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/jndi/tutorial/ldap/security/simple.html
>> Which says a blank password causes the protocol to be changed to "none."
>> More specifically http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-5.1.2 tells 
>> us
>>  "Clients SHOULD disallow an empty password input to a Name/Password 
>> Authentication user interface."
>> Therefore I submit this patch that simply performs a check for a blank 
>> password. If you think there is a better way,
>> please let me know, but I think it would be best to follow protocol.
>> Thanks,
>> Kory
>># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# last tinkered with by korylprince at gmail.com on 2012-07-12

import sys
import logging
import ldap
import ldap.filter
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
except Exception, e:
logging.error('missing ldap, try "easy_install python-ldap"')
raise e

def ldap_auth(server='ldap', port=None,
  mode='uid', secure=False, cert_path=None, cert_file=None,
  bind_dn=None, bind_pw=None, filterstr='objectClass=*',

to use ldap login with MS Active Directory:

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
mode='ad', server='my.domain.controller',

to use ldap login with Notes Domino:


to use ldap login with OpenLDAP:

server='my.ldap.server', base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com'))

to use ldap login with OpenLDAP and subtree search and (optionally)
multiple DNs:

mode='uid_r', server='my.ldap.server',

or (if using CN):

mode='cn', server='my.ldap.server',

or you can full customize the search for user:

mode='custom', server='my.ldap.server',

the custom_scope can be: base, onelevel, subtree.

If using secure ldaps:// pass secure=True and cert_path="..."
If ldap is using GnuTLS then you need cert_file="..." instead cert_path
because cert_path isn't implemented in GnuTLS :(

If you need to bind to the directory with an admin account in order to
search it then specify bind_dn & bind_pw to use fo

[web2py] Re: ldap login method bug - Allows any user to log in with blank password (AD)

2012-07-11 Thread Kory Prince
I did some digging and turned up this:

Which says a blank password causes the protocol to be changed to "none."

More specifically http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-5.1.2 tells us

Clients SHOULD
   disallow an empty password input to a Name/Password Authentication
   user interface."

Therefore I submit this patch that simply performs a check for a blank 
password. If you think there is a better way, please let me know, but I think 
it would be best to follow protocol.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# last tinkered with by korylprince at gmail.com on 2012-07-11

import sys
import logging
import ldap
import ldap.filter
ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0 )
except Exception, e:
logging.error( 'missing ldap, try "easy_install python-ldap"' )
raise e

def ldap_auth( server = 'ldap', port = None,
base_dn = 'ou=users,dc=domain,dc=com',
mode = 'uid', secure = False, cert_path = None, cert_file = None,
bind_dn = None, bind_pw = None, filterstr = 'objectClass=*',
username_attrib = 'uid',
custom_scope = 'subtree',
allowed_groups = None,
manage_user = False,
user_firstname_attrib = 'cn:1',
user_lastname_attrib = 'cn:2',
user_mail_attrib = 'mail',
manage_groups = False,
db = None,
group_dn = None,
group_name_attrib = 'cn',
group_member_attrib = 'memberUid',
group_filterstr = 'objectClass=*',
logging_level = 'error' ):

to use ldap login with MS Active Directory:

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
mode='ad', server='my.domain.controller',

to use ldap login with Notes Domino:


to use ldap login with OpenLDAP:

server='my.ldap.server', base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com'))

to use ldap login with OpenLDAP and subtree search and (optionally) multiple DNs:

mode='uid_r', server='my.ldap.server',

or (if using CN):

mode='cn', server='my.ldap.server',

or you can full customize the search for user:

mode='custom', server='my.ldap.server',

the custom_scope can be: base, onelevel, subtree.

If using secure ldaps:// pass secure=True and cert_path="..."
If ldap is using GnuTLS then you need cert_file="..." instead cert_path because
cert_path isn't implemented in GnuTLS :(

If you need to bind to the directory with an admin account in order to search it then specify bind_dn & bind_pw to use for this.
- currently only implemented for Active Directory

If you need to restrict the set of allowed users (e.g. to members of a department) then specify
a rfc4515 search filter string.
- currently only implemented for mode in ['ad', 'company', 'uid_r']
You can manage user attribute first name, last name, email from ldap:
auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth(...as usual...,
manage_user = True,
user_firstname_attrib = 'cn:1',
user_lastname_attrib = 'cn:2',
user_mail_attrib = 'mail'

manage_user - let web2py handle user data from ldap
user_firstname_attrib - the attribute containing the user's first name
optionally you can specify parts.
Example: cn: "John Smith" - 'cn:1' = 'John'
user_lastname_attrib - the attribute containing the user's last name
optionally you can specify parts.
Example: cn: "John Smith" - 'cn:2' = 'Smith'
user_mail_attrib - the attribure containing the user's email address

If you need group control from ldap to web2py app's database feel free to set:

auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth(...as usual...,
manage_groups = True,
db = db,
group_dn = 'ou=Groups,dc=domain,dc=com',
group_name_attrib = 'cn',
group_member_attrib = 'memberUid',
group_filterstr = 'objectClass=*'

[web2py] ldap login method bug - Allows any user to log in with blank password (AD)

2012-07-11 Thread Kory Prince
Hello all. Today I discovered that all my web2py installations are allowing 
any domain user to login as long as they don't enter a password. The root 
of this is that the ldap_auth.py authentication will return True as long as 
a user is in Active Directory. An incorrect password will not work, but a 
blank one will.

My setup is the latest stable web2py with ldap_auth.py from web2py trunk on 

Can I get someone to test this and see if it is an issue for them? I will 
try and fix this tomorrow and submit a patch.


[web2py] Help understanding SQLFORM.accepts/process/validate

2012-06-19 Thread Kory Prince
Hello all.

I am attempting to make a custom field of sorts that is composed of other 
field types. For example this one field will write html for x number of 
fields and will be stored in the db as list of x elements.

If there is some better way in web2py to do this please let me know!

So far this is what I have done. First I created a WidgetFactory:

import gluon.sqlhtml as sqlhtml
import gluon.dal as dal
def MultiWidgetFactory(*fields):
class MultiWidget(sqlhtml.FormWidget):
_class = "multi"

def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes):
_id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename, field.name)
_name = field.name
items = []
for f in fields:
f._tablename = _id
return CAT(*items) 

return MultiWidget

(Yes, setting 'text' is just for debugging purposes.)

next I create a field in a table like so:

Field('schools','text', widget=MultiWidgetFactory(Field('school_name'),Field

Later I call and output form:
form = SQLFORM(db.table,  fields=['schools'])

This works great. The form outputs each of the fields in my multiwidget, 
and each of them are validated.

Now for the issue: for the life of me I can't figure out how to persuade 
form.process/accepts/validate to take my form!

I always get an error: "" despite the fact 
that I directly edit request.vars and add a schools key before calling 
I looked through the code of process, accept, and validate in the FORM and 
SQLFORM objects, but everything I am reading tells me it should just work.

If someone could please help, or suggest an easier alternative, I would 
appreciate it.
Kory Prince