[web2py] Re: web3py status

2016-09-05 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I think the name is the least of our problems. We should debate about what 
is missing to achieve this "web3py", how many people its demands to 
accomplish this new framework, main features, such as test environment 
(!!!), server side rendering or not, etc. 

On Friday, October 25, 2013 at 11:26:36 PM UTC-3, elguavas wrote:
> hi there,
> i've seen peppered throughout this list references to "web3py". i seems 
> like it's mostly the unofficial name of of a concept at this stage, but i 
> also see references to work being pulled into web2py from web3py...  where 
> is this web3py and what's its current state? 
> thanks,
> e.

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[web2py] Openshift + Bitbucket + git submodules

2016-07-22 Thread Matheus Cardoso

Have anyone used a web2py app as a git submodule in Openshift? I used this 
repo  to deploy web2py to 
Openshift. Then I added my project into applications folder as a git 
submodule. However, Openshift tries to updates all submodules when I push 
modifications and fails, due to be unable to access my private repo without 
a password. If anyone already tried something like that, how give bitbucket 
credentials of my project to Openshift? 


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[web2py] Re: E2E Automated Tests

2016-04-22 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I've seen the first link, but the project is really outdated. So I thought 
that wouldn't do the job anymore. I'll look into it again. And the second 
link is broken (404). :(
But is fair to say that this part of the framework is weak or it need more 

On Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 4:08:13 AM UTC-3, Matheus Cardoso wrote:
> What do you guys use as a "solution" to E2E tests? I think this is a weak 
> part of web2py. I know WebClient solution, but it's still uses the same 
> "db" defined in db.py and prevents me to use Selenium, for instance. Let me 
> give a example: in Django, one can write a test.py in an app, define some 
> TestCase classes and then run (*python manage.py test*) in a complete 
> separated "test environment", with separated test database, method's 
> isolation, etc. What is correspondent way in web2py? (sorry for the 
> comparison, but this is my daily routine, django in work and web2py to my 
> side jobs).

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[web2py] E2E Automated Tests

2016-04-21 Thread Matheus Cardoso
What do you guys use as a "solution" to E2E tests? I think this is a weak 
part of web2py. I know WebClient solution, but it's still uses the same 
"db" defined in db.py and prevents me to use Selenium, for instance. Let me 
give a example: in Django, one can write a test.py in an app, define some 
TestCase classes and then run (*python manage.py test*) in a complete 
separated "test environment", with separated test database, method's 
isolation, etc. What is correspondent way in web2py? (sorry for the 
comparison, but this is my daily routine, django in work and web2py to my 
side jobs).

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[web2py] Re: web3py

2016-01-15 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I vote option 2, but with up votes to previous points about web2py does not 
need to stick with 100% backward compatibility and maintain "bad code". As 
Carlos Cesar pointed out, 90% of compatibility is a good level and with a 
good migration guide it would not be a harsh. Python 3 already showed it to 
us, and many other frameworks took some similar approaches (Django even, 
Angular 2 for instance) and they are alive and with many developers around 
until today. 

On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 2:35:36 AM UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> It is another experiment.
> It is a rewrite of some of the web2py modules and supports 90% of the 
> current web2py syntax at 2.5x the speed. It works. It it cleaner and should 
> be easier to port to python 3 than current web2py. 
> We are debating on web2py developers what to do:
> 1) backport some of the new modules to web2py (specifically the new Form 
> class instead of SQLFORM)
> 2) try to reach a 99.9% compatibility and release it as new major version 
> with guidelines for porting legacy apps
> 3) make some drastic changes in backward compatibility and release as a 
> different framework (but change what? we like web2py as it is)
> For now I am working on 2 to see how far I can push the backward 
> compatibility. But there are some functionalities I want remove or move in 
> an optional module (from legacy_web2py import *).
> Feel free to share your opinion on web2py developers.
> Massimo
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 11:04 PM, kelson _  > wrote:
>> I was looking at your recent web3py commits and hoped you could provide 
>> the web3py vision/intent (or point me towards it if I missed the 
>> discussion).
>> Thanks,
>> kelson

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[web2py] Re: web2py resources

2015-12-09 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I just asked if there was one place to gather resources about web2py and 
when Richard shared some similiar thoughts, I did a search on github and a 
quick search on Google and couldn't nothing related (web2slices I already 
know, but I'll get there), even www.web2pyref.com. So I created a 
repository to start something about it. I think web2slices is outdated, not 
friendly and a bit messy. I get more good solutions from stackoverflow or 
source code rather search something on there. My envision is build 
something like:

   - https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python 
   - https://github.com/vsouza/awesome-ios
   - Or https://github.com/juarezpaf/ionic-adventures

But if community thinks that web2ref is the way to go or start, so let's do 
it, but we have to spread the word and make it really open to 

On Monday, April 30, 2012 at 4:49:41 PM UTC-3, Anthony wrote:
> Most web2py resources can be found on web2py.com, but here are some 
> Google Groups topics identifying additional resources:
> web2py help & resources 
> Plugins 
> Signature apps 
> Featured web2py apps 
> web2py hosting 

- http://web2py.com
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[web2py] Re: web2py resources

2015-12-07 Thread Matheus Cardoso
So, I just created this: https://github.com/matheuscas/web2py-resources. 
Shall we?

On Monday, April 30, 2012 at 4:49:41 PM UTC-3, Anthony wrote:
> Most web2py resources can be found on web2py.com, but here are some 
> Google Groups topics identifying additional resources:
> web2py help & resources 
> Plugins 
> Signature apps 
> Featured web2py apps 
> web2py hosting 

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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[web2py] Re: web2py resources

2015-12-07 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Is there a place to gather all this stuff to centralize and make easy to be 
found for anyone? Sometimes, the original documentation e even the source 
(no "Luke" for you) can't help at all, specially for newcomers. If the 
answer is no, I think a github repository would be easy to create and 
maintained by community. 

On Monday, April 30, 2012 at 4:49:41 PM UTC-3, Anthony wrote:
> Most web2py resources can be found on web2py.com, but here are some 
> Google Groups topics identifying additional resources:
> web2py help & resources 
> Plugins 
> Signature apps 
> Featured web2py apps 
> web2py hosting 

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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[web2py] Re: Submissão Python Brasil 11

2015-11-04 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Ari613, o que chamo de framework de nicho é devido a natureza do web2py, 
embora ele tenha influências pesadas de outros frameworks Python, como o 
próprio Django. Mas se você parar para olhar, o web2py tem características 
que o diferenciam bastante de outros frameworks full stack, começando pelo 
PyDAL (alguém conhece algum que não use ORM, fora o web2py?). Coloco ainda 
os migrations automáticos e o, até agora, suportável overhead de os models 
serem sempre executados a cada request, o fato de ele não ser baixado pelo 
pip (isso rende uma discussão daquelas), o uso de Python nas views (em vez 
do clássico Jinja2 ou outro template existente no mercado) e muito mais. 
Isso o coloca, na minha visão, num lugar peculiar (nem acima e nem abaixo, 
pois não é esse o ponto aqui) frente aos demais frameworks da mesma classe 
(full stack). A "incubação" é o uso pesado em projetos pessoais, 
freelancers (como eu) ou uso interno em empresas (como já fiz também) e não 
divulgar para a comunidade - basicamente é isso.  Ah, e sobre a migração 
para o Flask, eu não acho que seja uma questão de ser melhor ou não (não há 
balas de prata, senhores), mas a abordagem minimalista. Eu também quero 
aprender Flask (e olhe que eu tenho total antipatia pelo seu criador por 
causa de uns flamewares dele contra o web2py no Reddit - tem uma discussão 
dele com o Massimo que é épica), mas não por estar descontente com o 
web2py, mas para conhecer uma abordagem não full-stack (mas isso sou eu). 

Quanto à comunidade, faço um mea culpa também. Na região onde morava, eu 
era referência de Python e web2py na cidade inteira (quase 700k de 
habitantes), mas pouco fazia para o resto da comunidade no país. 
Coincidentemente ao clamor do Vinicius, estou escrevendo um post sobre 
update form* para me forçar a contribuir para a comunidade e ajudar outros, 
porque eu me bati numa coisa que eu tinha resolvido anos atrás e tinha 
esquecido (achei posts meus na lista mundial de usuários e "eu" não 
consegui me ajudar hoje - rs). 

Ovidio Marinho, você resumiu minha vida de palestras sobre o web2py (já fiz 
algumas, mas todas aqui na Bahia): eu era um alienígena e os caras com a 
expressão de "que porra de ferramenta é essa que esse cara ta falando?".  E 
todos eram do "mundo" Django ou Flask. Quanto ao livro, é um problema do 
jeito que era (não sei se mudou hoje) feito. Eu fiz vários PRs e nunca 
foram aceitos ou comentados, muito por causa da licença do livro e como o 
Massimo e demais controlavam as mudanças. Na época eu era bem iniciante e o 
que eu podia contribuir era com meu inglês e não rolou - o que me 
desmotivou também (mas sem desculpas). 

Mas um coisa me preocupa. Eu acompanho ativamente as discussões no github, 
e as duas listas mundiais do web2py e vi muitas vezes o Niphlod e o 
Anthony, contribuidores core do framework, se queixando que cada vez mais 
estava difícil manter o web2py. Some isso ao problema da comunidade local, 
mundial, falta de divulgação e, se nada mudar, não é difícil de prever o 
que vai acontecer. 

E um disclaimer: eu uso Django no dia a dia no meu trabalho, mas para meus 
freelas, é o web2py sem pestanejar. Mas ele tem muito a melhorar, 
principalmente em ser mais agradável a comunidade em geral (pip, estou 
olhando para você), melhorar a documentação (ela no geral é muito boa, mas 
quando você se aprofunda no uso, o source é o que salva), deploys mais 
claros e simplificados (no Openshift para fazer um script de deploy - 
embora hoje já exista um não oficial - é um parto e os scripts no contrib 
precisam de um olhar bem crítico para entender o que está sendo feito), 
dentre outros. 

#naodeixeoweb2pymorrer :)

On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 10:17:06 AM UTC-3, Ovidio Marinho wrote:
> Bom Dia Senhores,
> Acho que no brasil hoje temos mais de 5 mil usuarios do framework Web2py, 
> não tenho isso preciso , mas seria uma boa ideia, levantar e publicar, que 
> seja menos esta conta, não nos envergonharia ficar de fora de uma Python 
> Brasil, sendo o framework que está entre os cinco mais utilizados em 
> Python, não estou aqui pedindo para alguém submeter nada, só acho que a 
> comunidade deveria ter planejado e colocado algo. Sabemos da Crise 
> Financeira que atravessamos e os palestrantes mais distantes não tem 
> realmente condições proprias de arcar sozinho com as despesas, mas pelo que 
> me parece tem gente que domina o framework ai perto da regiao do evento. 
> Fica aqui o meu registro. 
> Obrigado!
>[image: http://itjp.net.br] 
>  http://itjp.net.b r
>   *Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto*
>  ovid...@gmail.com 
> Brasil

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[web2py] Re: Submissão Python Brasil 11

2015-11-03 Thread Matheus Cardoso
5K? Eu achei que tinha isso no mundo. :P Eu sempre achei que, no Brasil, o 
web2py é um framework de nicho. E esse nicho somos...Nós. :) O que eu vejo 
é a predominância da dicotomia Flask vs Django (um flameware em cada 
esquina), com o bottle e o pyramid aparecendo uma vez ou outra - e nada do 
web2py. E eu acho que a cara da comunidade brazuca hoje é o que o Vinicius 
falou: muita gente usa, mas estão "incubando" o web2py nos seus projetos 
privados (tipo eu ~~). Tem um canal no slack da python brasil do web2py. É 
um canal fantasma, infelizmente. E sobre a submissão, está foda viajar 
esses tempos. 

On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 10:17:06 AM UTC-3, Ovidio Marinho wrote:
> Bom Dia Senhores,
> Acho que no brasil hoje temos mais de 5 mil usuarios do framework Web2py, 
> não tenho isso preciso , mas seria uma boa ideia, levantar e publicar, que 
> seja menos esta conta, não nos envergonharia ficar de fora de uma Python 
> Brasil, sendo o framework que está entre os cinco mais utilizados em 
> Python, não estou aqui pedindo para alguém submeter nada, só acho que a 
> comunidade deveria ter planejado e colocado algo. Sabemos da Crise 
> Financeira que atravessamos e os palestrantes mais distantes não tem 
> realmente condições proprias de arcar sozinho com as despesas, mas pelo que 
> me parece tem gente que domina o framework ai perto da regiao do evento. 
> Fica aqui o meu registro. 
> Obrigado!
>[image: http://itjp.net.br] 
>  http://itjp.net.b r
>   *Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto*
>  ovid...@gmail.com 
> Brasil

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[web2py] Re: Web2py Developer Jobs

2015-09-06 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Congrats, dude. You also reminded to me to ask to community if we have any 
channel about web2py jobs. Have we? We all know that Django and Flask took 
over the python market and I think it would be nice to broadcast such news 
to community. 

On Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 1:55:30 AM UTC-3, Lane Campbell wrote:
> Hello All,
> I just launched my startup June to help balance the needs of developers 
> with those doing hiring.  In fact, we flip hiring on it's head.  If you are 
> looking for web2py jobs you can sign up and set it as a skill, then 
> companies doing hiring can find you and will pay you to pitch you jobs.  
> Check it out: http://www.joinjune.com 
> Regards,
> Lane

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[web2py] Re: Web2py Restfull API Token authentication

2015-08-27 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Actually with this declaration, you can do update, delete, get, query et 
cetera, because Angular knows what to do in each case. However, you r 
right about not stripping /id, hence it would not works with web2py API. 
But I'll make a long shot guess: considering that you can override 
controllers url in routes.py, I think that you could do the same with API 
urls removing /id. 

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 10:37:15 AM UTC-3, Stefan van den Eertwegh 

 Hi everyone,

 If i search on authentication for restfull API web2py i get basic auth as 
 a result in google and google groups.
 Does anyone know how to use a token authentication for the Restfull 
 service like db.auth_user.token ...?


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[web2py] Re: Web2py Restfull API Token authentication

2015-08-26 Thread Matheus Cardoso

If I'm not wrong you can do the following with Angular:

.factory('API', ['$resource', function($resource){
return $resource(api/product/id/:id, {id: '@id'});

Am I right?

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 10:37:15 AM UTC-3, Stefan van den Eertwegh 

 Hi everyone,

 If i search on authentication for restfull API web2py i get basic auth as 
 a result in google and google groups.
 Does anyone know how to use a token authentication for the Restfull 
 service like db.auth_user.token ...?


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[web2py] Web2py is Badly designed framework and Does not scale

2015-07-15 Thread Matheus Cardoso
In Slant.com 
have some Python Frameworks under criticism. One of them is web2py. But I 
got stunned when I saw two great cons:

- Badly designed framework
- Does not scale

The last one it concerned me more because was Rocha Bruno, a former web2py 
contributor (i guess), that said that. What you guys have to say about it. 
Are they are real two cons? Where truth and where is misconception?

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[web2py] Re: web2py framework as iOS app backend

2015-02-25 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Web2py by itself it is a very easy tool to implement a API REST. However, 
you should attempt to multiple requests to your API, therefore you should 
to look after to your scalability's API. See this subsection in web2py's 
Besides that, try to think more in your infra rather than the framework. 
The first thing in my mind is Openshift. It has support for web2py, 
although not native, and scales for you automatically when multiple 
requests (10 per sec, I guess) raises up over the current capability. 

On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 1:38:29 PM UTC-3, Amit Kumar wrote:


 We are deciding backend layer for our iOS and Android mobile app. The app 
 will interact with MySQL DB via REST JSON service. The implementation is 
 not really complex.

 I wanted to check if web2py is a good option for our app. We have been 
 looking at multiple python framework - Django, Flask and Web2Py... based on 
 the documents it appears that web2py is a good fit. I wanted to check in 
 the group if anyone has used web2py for iOS backend. These are going to be 
 native iOS and Android apps.

 thanks for your time.


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2015-01-27 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Really nice job. I particularly liked the issues division between the whole 
web2py and the dal.

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 12:08:15 PM UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 We have a migration in process and we will be moving all the open issues 
 form googlecode to gihub (thanks Niphlod for handling all of this). So 
 until it is done please:

 - don't touch existing issues on googlecode

 - don't open new ones on googlecode

 - wait a day or two for the complete migration

 - don't open issues on github

 - wait for our approval to start opening/modifying issues on github

 Thanks for the understanding and sorry for the trouble. Everything will be 
 better when done.

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[web2py] Re: Semantic UI instead of bootstap

2014-10-14 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I do like the idea behind Semantic-UI. But still lacks some documentation. 
However seems promissor and more easy to learn and develop.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 11:19:34 AM UTC-3, Ramos wrote:

 is semantic UI a good frontend ?



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[web2py] Re: SOAP API authentication

2014-08-31 Thread Matheus Cardoso
You can find your answer 

And was working like a charm. ;)

On Sunday, August 31, 2014 9:41:01 AM UTC-3, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:


 Does anyone know how to set authentication to a web2py SOAP API?

 Thank you!

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[web2py] Re: Creating a 5 page PDF file to teach web2py -- What should I focus on?

2014-08-02 Thread Matheus Cardoso
It could be a good ideia to create a github repository to allow the 
community collaborates with you. Then, you can control this by issues and, 
who knows, accept some pull requests. 

On Thursday, July 31, 2014 11:05:59 PM UTC-3, LoveWeb2py wrote:


 I'm creating a 5 page PDF to get users acquainted with web2py. I'd like to 
 orientate them with the MVC model, have them define a database, and create 
 a simple app.

 I could add an extra page if needed, but do you think there is a better 
 topic I could focus on other than what I have listed? I'm totally open to 
 input and will share the presentation when complete :)

 Everyone here has helped me so much in the past so I truly value and 
 appreciate your input.

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[web2py] Re: how to Consume external NetTcp SOAP service in Web2Py

2014-07-09 Thread Matheus Cardoso
There are some examples in the web2py's book 
http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/10/services#SOAP and lots of 
more in pysimplesoap repository https://code.google.com/p/pysimplesoap/, 
as Massimo said. Besides, I just created a WS and a SOAP client with basic 
authentication and I used some of many forms of consuming a WS like this:

ws_user = your_login
ws_pass = your_password

#I am using web2py to create the client
from gluon.contrib.pysimplesoap.client import SoapClient
import base64
encoded = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (ws_user, ws_pass)).replace('\n', '')

# The following IS NOT the address of the WSDL from WS
ws_location = your_web_service_location
ws_action = your_web_service_action
ws_namespace = your_web_service_namespace

# Create the client
client_soap = SoapClient(
location = ws_location,
action = ws_action, # SOAPAction
namespace = ws_namespace,
soap_ns='soap', trace = False, ns = False, exceptions=True, http_headers
={'Authorization': Basic %s % encoded})

Enjoy! :)

On Monday, June 23, 2014 2:39:22 PM UTC-3, Gopi wrote:

 Hi All.. I am new to web2py. Is there a way to call external NetTcp SOAP 
 service in Web2Py. What are the best practices to call such  services in 

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[web2py] Re: JSON-RPC calls within controller functions

2014-07-09 Thread Matheus Cardoso
There is any authentication on that? If yes, you should try something like 

server = ServerProxy('http://'+ ws_user + ':' + ws_pass + '

And If you created by yourself the WS through web2py, make sure that you 
put the decorator on your service function load. Besides, try (this time 
is a guess, ok?) return your result variable instead of locals().

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 7:41:44 AM UTC-3, lyn2py wrote:

 I'm wanting to get JSON RPC to work within web2py controller functions, 
 without using pyjamas (which is the example provided in the book)

 This is my code for the JSON RPC call:
 def test_call():
 from gluon.contrib.simplejsonrpc import ServerProxy
 service = ServerProxy('')
 result = service.load(1000)
 return locals()

 (1) Running it within web2py controller functions = It returns an error: 
 ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

 (2) Running it in the browser = it runs into 
 the same error as (1).

 (3) Running it in command prompt = it works like a charm.

 How do I get it to work within web2py controller functions? Thanks!

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[web2py] Re: Paypal Recurring Payments? Any experience? Any alternatives?

2014-04-01 Thread Matheus Cardoso
So, if someone uses Stripe, he will pay only the fee from Stripe and this 
will cover the PayPal's tax? 

On Monday, March 31, 2014 6:57:14 AM UTC-3, Mika Sjöman wrote:


 I wonder if anyone here has implemented recurring payments with Paypal 
 here with Web2py? Any experience with this and how to implement it?

 We currently charge people for lessons with our teachers, but we would 
 like to go over to a payment model where we automatically charge the 
 customers every month. 

 Is there a better way of doing this than Paypal? Market is mostly US and 
 China based. 


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[web2py] Re: Paypal Recurring Payments? Any experience? Any alternatives?

2014-03-31 Thread Matheus Cardoso
For sure, using Stripe is way more easier than I ever seen or used. 
However, it seems that it is a paid service. So you can do with Requests, 
for instance, and for free (at least the development part). I did something 
 PayPal Hackathon in Campus Party Brasil 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil. The 
code is not good, cuz the invoices are fixed on the code and some parts are 
in portuguese. But, you can focus on something like this:

def create_recurring_payments_profile():

 basic_data = basic_request
 recurring_payments_data = {
 'PROFILESTARTDATE': request.now,
 'DESC': 'Revista Info',
 'AMT': 100,

 r = requests.get(sandbox, params=basic_data)
 return dict(details=__response_details_to_dict(r.text))

Worked like a charm. ;)

On Monday, March 31, 2014 6:57:14 AM UTC-3, Mika Sjöman wrote:


 I wonder if anyone here has implemented recurring payments with Paypal 
 here with Web2py? Any experience with this and how to implement it?

 We currently charge people for lessons with our teachers, but we would 
 like to go over to a payment model where we automatically charge the 
 customers every month. 

 Is there a better way of doing this than Paypal? Market is mostly US and 
 China based. 


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[web2py] Re: Important New Year News: Edison Award

2014-01-18 Thread Matheus Cardoso
You deserve it, Massimo. I wish the best for you and to the awesome web2py!

On Saturday, January 4, 2014 1:08:38 AM UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Web2py/me have been nominated for the Edison Award. Please wish web2py 
 (and me) good luck. :-)

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[web2py] Re: DAL read and variables

2014-01-17 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I did not follow you right, but I'll try to help you where I did understand.

In 1. where you say i want to get a link with the text Hier kann man 
Daten eingeben. and a link to eingeben. You could use the A() helper . 
As the following:

A(Hier kann man Daten eingeben.,_href=URL('eingeben'))

It will generates to you this: 
a href=/YOUR_APPLICATION/YOUR_CONTROLLER/eingeben data-w2p_disable_with=
defaultHier kann man Daten eingeben./a


For 2. and 3. I did not understand your doubt. If you want to put 'marc' 
result in a variable, just do this:

newvariable = records[0].name

Got it? And above I did assume that there is only one record on results.

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 7:33:58 PM UTC-3, DAL read and variables wrote:

 Hi guys,

 this question is about tree things at once.
 The first on is as follow:
 I have this code:


 in the models (not so importantthis part works fine):

 dba = DAL('mysql://web2py:test@localhost/testdb')
 dba.define_table('person', Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), 
 Field('email', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))

 in the controller:

 def index():
 a = 'Hallo Besucher. Wie geht es ihnen?'
 b = 'Hier kann man Daten eingeben. ', URL('eingeben')
 c = 'Hier kann man daten ausgeben'
 return dict( Welcome=a, eingabe=b, showdata=c)
 def eingeben():
 form = SQLFORM(dba.person)
 form.add_button('records', URL('ausgabe'))
 if form.process().accepted:
 session.flash = 'form accepted'
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = 'form has errors'
 response.flash = 'please fill out the form'

 return dict(form=form)
 def ausgabe():
 a = 4
 records = SQLTABLE(dba(dba.person._id== 1).select(dba.person.name
 return dict(records=records)


 1. in def index(), you see this:
 b = 'Hier kann man Daten eingeben. ', URL('eingeben') 
 but this does not work fine, i want to get a link with the text Hier kann 
 man Daten eingeben. and a link to eingeben

 2. in def ausgabe(), you see this:

 variable = 4
 records = SQLTABLE(dba(dba.person._id== variable).select(
 it should work like this, the variable in the first line should be used in 
 the dba.person._id==variable

 def ausgabe():
 a = 4
 records = SQLTABLE(dba(dba.person._id== 1).select(dba.person.name
 return dict(records=records)

 ok, lets assume, the first line in the data bank is 1 marc 

 the code on the top leeds to the following output:

 is there some way to get a variable like 
 newvariable = 'marc'

 I hope you can help me, i spent hours in trying, but i didn't found 
 anything that  helped me. the handbook doesnt cover such basic stuff , or i 
 didn't found it :(

 Thank you very much,

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[web2py] Re: Update on multiple tables with one form

2013-12-27 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I've tried the Anthony's idea and it worked, with one difference, though: 
the id could not be any value. It just worked putting the id with the same 
value of request.arg(0). I think that has some relation with the hidden 
input in custom forms where you have to put the id of the instance that are 
going to be updated. But it worked like a charm. :)

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 6:24:53 AM UTC-3, AngeloC wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I'm looking for a clean way to make an update on mutiple tables with only 
 one form and cannot find anything clean/simple searching the mailing list.

 Tables could be related (in parent-child relation) or not related at all.

 I'm missing something or there is no easy way to do that?

 Thanks in advance!
 Profile: http://it.linkedin.com/in/compagnucciangelo 

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[web2py] Re: Update on multiple tables with one form

2013-12-26 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Hi guys, sorry about reopen this conversation, but I got stuck in a similar 
situation. My code is almost equal to Annet's code, except that I'm using a 
custom form and I have to pass session=None and formname to form.process(). 
However, I have a field that has to be unique. So, form.process() does not 
accept the validation because the field value is already in db. But, this 
is not the expected behavior for a update form. How can I solve this 

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 6:24:53 AM UTC-3, AngeloC wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I'm looking for a clean way to make an update on mutiple tables with only 
 one form and cannot find anything clean/simple searching the mailing list.

 Tables could be related (in parent-child relation) or not related at all.

 I'm missing something or there is no easy way to do that?

 Thanks in advance!
 Profile: http://it.linkedin.com/in/compagnucciangelo 

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[web2py] Re: thread._local' object has no ANY attribute

2013-10-14 Thread Matheus Cardoso
I was wondering about that, Massimo. The odd is that sometime before, I was 
running the same code in the same way. And I assumed that the HTTP request 
lives while selenium calls a controller with the Web2py running. I will try 
the command that you stated and to see the discussion that you said. 

Thanks a lot, Massimo. 

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:25:39 AM UTC-3, Matheus Cardoso wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Sorry if the following question was already answered,  but I could not 
 find nothing like this in this list, stack or in others lists. Here is the 
 thing: I wrote some tests that already was working. I got back to the code, 
 after some time, and then: 'thread._local' object has no attribute (in this 
 case, the classic 'db'). Here is my code:

 In models/0.py

 db = 

 from gluon import current
 current.db = db

 In module/my_module.py

 from gluon import *
 def some_function():
   #some db stuff calling current.db

 However, the 'thread._local' object has no attribute db keeps raising. I 
 tried other approach like 
 In models/0.py

 db = 

 from gluon import current
 from storage import Storage
 current.toc = Storage()
 current.toc.db = db

 But then, the same error, but with toc, raises again. Is there any 
 changes in Web2py that changed this behavior? 

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[web2py] thread._local' object has no ANY attribute

2013-10-10 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Hi guys,

Sorry if the following question was already answered,  but I could not find 
nothing like this in this list, stack or in others lists. Here is the 
thing: I wrote some tests that already was working. I got back to the code, 
after some time, and then: 'thread._local' object has no attribute (in this 
case, the classic 'db'). Here is my code:

In models/0.py

db = 

from gluon import current
current.db = db

In module/my_module.py

from gluon import *
def some_function():
  #some db stuff calling current.db

However, the 'thread._local' object has no attribute db keeps raising. I 
tried other approach like 
In models/0.py

db = 

from gluon import current
from storage import Storage
current.toc = Storage()
current.toc.db = db

But then, the same error, but with toc, raises again. Is there any 
changes in Web2py that changed this behavior? 

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[web2py] Re: thread._local' object has no ANY attribute

2013-10-10 Thread Matheus Cardoso
Here is the more complete code from a modulo of mine:

import unittest
import sys
import os
from os import path

sys.path.append('../../../') # we need this to use web2py's modules

from gluon import *

class Stockist(object):
 def __init__(self):
  #some instance variable initialization

 def register_product_input(self, item):

The rest of the code is like above, cuz this class is only to db operations 
in a single table.

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:25:39 AM UTC-3, Matheus Cardoso wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Sorry if the following question was already answered,  but I could not 
 find nothing like this in this list, stack or in others lists. Here is the 
 thing: I wrote some tests that already was working. I got back to the code, 
 after some time, and then: 'thread._local' object has no attribute (in this 
 case, the classic 'db'). Here is my code:

 In models/0.py

 db = 

 from gluon import current
 current.db = db

 In module/my_module.py

 from gluon import *
 def some_function():
   #some db stuff calling current.db

 However, the 'thread._local' object has no attribute db keeps raising. I 
 tried other approach like 
 In models/0.py

 db = 

 from gluon import current
 from storage import Storage
 current.toc = Storage()
 current.toc.db = db

 But then, the same error, but with toc, raises again. Is there any 
 changes in Web2py that changed this behavior? 

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[web2py] Re: thread._local' object has no ANY attribute

2013-10-10 Thread Matheus Cardoso

I am running from tests code. Some acceptance tests with Selenium. 
Something like this:

class TestStockist(TestModuleSetup):
 def test_create_stock_register(self): 
 #item is a mock object with some unique id and some description
 stockister = Stockist()
 stockister.register_product_input(item) #error occurs here, cuz 
calls module method that uses corrent.db

 # fetch db again to assert if item was registered and ends test 

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:25:39 AM UTC-3, Matheus Cardoso wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Sorry if the following question was already answered,  but I could not 
 find nothing like this in this list, stack or in others lists. Here is the 
 thing: I wrote some tests that already was working. I got back to the code, 
 after some time, and then: 'thread._local' object has no attribute (in this 
 case, the classic 'db'). Here is my code:

 In models/0.py

 db = 

 from gluon import current
 current.db = db

 In module/my_module.py

 from gluon import *
 def some_function():
   #some db stuff calling current.db

 However, the 'thread._local' object has no attribute db keeps raising. I 
 tried other approach like 
 In models/0.py

 db = 

 from gluon import current
 from storage import Storage
 current.toc = Storage()
 current.toc.db = db

 But then, the same error, but with toc, raises again. Is there any 
 changes in Web2py that changed this behavior? 

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[web2py] Re: Newby, can't connect to a Postgresl database

2013-09-08 Thread Matheus Cardoso
This is odd. Normally, web2py flushes a html error saying that he tried to 
connect five times (i guess) but with no success. Have you tried to look 
the sql.log? And try check the params that Dragan described to you. 

Em domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013 12h47min38s UTC-3, Sartglider escreveu:

 I'm really new to web2py - less than 24 hours - 
 Trying to follow this example 
 it worked fine with sqlite, so I try to connect to a postgresql database 
 in another server:
 the model is this one:
 db = DAL(postgres://root:password@

Field('eq_id', unique=True),
format = '%(title)s')

 db.equipments.eq_id.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.equipments.eq_model)
 db.equipments.eq_model.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.equipments.eq_id, 

 db.equipments.eq_id.writable = False

 but I get no errors just the browser trying to connect.

 Thank you in advance for your help.

 Postgresq server: debian 6  postgresql 8.4
 web2Py server: debian 7, python 2.7


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