[web2py] Re: GAE for Dummies

2011-05-19 Thread bee
My application is called rtPlanB, In my yaml file I had specified it
with the same capatilisation. Strangely it works when I change it to
all lower case.

[web2py] GAE for Dummies

2011-05-18 Thread bee
Hello All,
I have been trying to run the GAE appserver as descried in the book
and in this slice: http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/126#end

For some reason I cant get it to run.I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and have
installed Python2.5.
Here is the error I get:

:/webdev/google_appengine$ python2.5 dev_appserver.py web2py
WARNING  2011-05-18 18:58:45,989 urlfetch_stub.py:108] No ssl package
found. urlfetch will not be able to validate SSL certificates.
ERROR2011-05-18 18:58:46,158 dev_appserver_main.py:579] Fatal
error when loading application configuration:
Unable to assign value 'rtPlanB' to attribute 'application':
Value 'rtPlanB' for application does not match expression '^(?:[a-z\d
  in web2py/app.yaml, line 6, column 14

Any help would be very much appreciated (I Do have my application
working and running on the live GAE but I wanted to test a run a newer
version locally)

Re: [web2py] Re: GAE for Dummies

2011-05-18 Thread Gary Bee
Thanks for your reply, I have double checked the app.yaml and the app 
name matches exactly that of the application in web2py

I will just check that the softlinks appear correct as per the slice(again)

On 18/05/11 23:09, howesc wrote:

i have never seen this error myself, but it seems like perhaps a type in
your app.yaml file?


[web2py] using janrain

2011-04-25 Thread Resa Bee
this is the error im gettin when i run janrain after i have entered my
username and password
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py, line 391, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py, line 409, in _open
'_open', req)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py, line 369, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py, line 1169, in https_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPSConnection, req)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py, line 1136, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
URLError: urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known

[web2py] help with getting user information from web2py when sign in with janrain

2011-04-25 Thread Resa Bee
i am using janrain which basically allows third party authentication
in web2py and i have a problem with gettin  the user information when
soemone signs in... first of all i have noticed that in windows
janrain is not that effective as u have to manipulate a token but in
linux it works fine without setting up a token (depending on your
proxy settings).. right now mine is a bit messed up as i have changed
it quiet frequently and1) i would like to know also how to get linux
back into its default settings 2) i would like to know how to grab teh
user information from web2py when a user signs in with janrain.

[web2py] changing the view of a function

2011-04-24 Thread Resa Bee
Can anyone tell me how would redirect a controller function to  show
in view that is not its default view
eg functionreadjson to show in default/workpile.html and not in
the default/readjson.html view

NB: there is a function called workpile.htm

[web2py] using ajax to insert into database

2011-04-24 Thread Resa Bee
How can i insert data from a javascript  into my web2py database .. i
was trying using ajax but something was so wrong..(ajax(url..)(but
i am not really sure how to use it... secondly i am using janrain..
and i want to grab the user info.. mainly first last and e-mail but i
cant seem to grab it from users db... i see it in the global but i
dont know how to get it out any help?

[web2py] GAE and sending email

2011-02-10 Thread Gary Bee
I am successfully sending an email from my web2py app hosted on GAE:

   subject=form.vars.Name+' from '+form.vars.Organisation
+' Website Enquiry ',
   message=form.vars.email+' wrote '+form.vars.Enquiry)

My problem is that when I get the email the reply to field seems to be
ignored? I have added the website visitors email to the message to get
around this but it isnt ideal.
Any ideas?

[web2py] Re: GAE Query

2011-02-07 Thread bee
So if using GAE on a subdomain for a homepage would use redirect users
to the subdomain? I think i am even more confused now1

On Feb 7, 4:57 pm, howesc how...@umich.edu wrote:
 yes you have to set your GAE app on a subdomain.  but that is the *only*
 supported configuration that i know of.  google does not allow mapping of
 naked domains as they call it to a GAE app.

[web2py] Re: GAE Query

2011-02-05 Thread bee
I think I understand that.
I have GAE on my primary domain, I have one sub domain with a very
basic site that I was referring all traffic to before I was ready to
deploy my web2py app.
app.yaml is set to ignore all applications except my website app.
routes.py is set to have my website app as the default.

How do I access files at my primary domain that are ot part of my GAE
app? Is this only possible by setting my GAE app on a subdomain?

On Feb 3, 11:31 pm, sc how...@umich.edu wrote:
 this depends on many factors including:
  * DNS config for the domain and sub-domains
  * app.yaml
  * routes.py

 if you have the GAE app on 1 subdomain, and other web services on another
 subdomain that is fine.  if all traffic is going to the same sub-domain
 which is mapped to GAE, GAE will service all those requests.  whether or not
 web2py services a GAE request depends on app.yaml (i believe the default
 app.yaml tells GAE to serve the static files up directly without invoking
 web2py for example).

 hope that helps some.


[web2py] Re: Form to Email

2011-02-05 Thread bee
Thank you I will give that a try!

On Feb 4, 4:29 pm, Alexandre Andrade alexandrema...@gmail.com wrote:
 a sample (in portuguese, just change the name or fields):

 in controller:

 def fale_conosco():
     form = SQLFORM.factory(
         Field('nome', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Preencha o seu
         Field('email', requires=IS_EMAIL()),

         Field('titulo', label = 'Título',
 requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Preencha o título')),
         Field('mensagem','text', label= 'Descrição',
 requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Escreva sua mensagem')),
     if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
         mensagem = form.vars.nome+' '+form.vars.email+'brEnviou
 '+form.vars.motivo+': br'+form.vars.mensagem

         context = dict(person=form.vars.email)

         status = mail.send(to=['y...@email.com'],reply_to=form.vars.email,
                     subject=form.vars.tipo+' - '+form.vars.titulo ,
         if status == True:
             response.flash='Obrigado por entrar em contato. Responderemos em
             response.flash='Ocorreu um erro e não foi possível enviar sua
         response.flash='Preencha os campos solicitados no formulário'
     return dict(form=form)

 in the view, just use:


 2011/2/3 bee beeg...@hotmail.com

  I expect that I am going about this the wrong way but here it

  I am currently designing a form for my web2py website. When the user
  clicks submit I would like  my application to send me the form fields
  via email.

  My hosting provider will supply form mail.php files:
  On Linux hosting accounts, this will re-install the gdform.php,
  webformmailer.php, and gdform.cgi (this is in the cgi directory)
  form-mailer scripts for your hosting account

  Can I utilize these?


 Alexandre Andrade
 Hipercenter.com Classificados Gratuitos e Inteligentes

[web2py] Form to Email

2011-02-03 Thread bee
I expect that I am going about this the wrong way but here it

I am currently designing a form for my web2py website. When the user
clicks submit I would like  my application to send me the form fields
via email.

My hosting provider will supply form mail.php files:
On Linux hosting accounts, this will re-install the gdform.php,
webformmailer.php, and gdform.cgi (this is in the cgi directory)
form-mailer scripts for your hosting account

Can I utilize these?

[web2py] GAE Query

2011-02-03 Thread bee
I am using GAE to run my website web2py application.

I have added the domain to my GAE site settings.
Does this affect the way i can access the files on my website? For
example I have a couple of image files @ root on my host, when I try
to explore to that location using a web browser I get an invalid
I suppose my question is, if I have attached GAE to my domain does my
web2py application take over all requests?

[web2py] Re: Deployment Confusion

2011-02-02 Thread Gary Bee
Just to follow up on my troubles so far...
I have deployed my site using google app engine, just to get it out
there. I have adjusted the setting as described in the app engine
documentation to get my domain forwarded (is that the right term) to
google app engine.
I had no succes when trying 
via SSH, I think because of the limitations godaddy has on its shared
I have it in mind for the future to use an alternative hosting
provider or to upgrade my hosting on godaddy to a dedicated linux

On Jan 30, 7:35 pm, g...@rtplanb.com g...@rtplanb.com wrote:
 Thank you all for your help so far.
 I will try your suggestions. I can get SSH access to my host.
 It runs Python 2.4.3
 and Linux distro is quoted as: Linux
 n1nlftpg005.shr.prod.ams1.secureserver.net 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5PAE #1
 SMP Tue Nov 9 13:34:42 EST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

 On Jan 30, 4:46 pm, Bruno Rocha rochacbr...@gmail.com wrote:

  AS I said,I know only two host options where you can simply put the files
  there and everything runs without the need of configuration. ['Google App
  Engine', 'webfaction']

  In other shared hosts you need to follow some deployment instruction:

  I guess this slice works for 

  or if you have a VPS you can use deployment script on /scripts folder, or
  follow this slices (deppending on your VM 

  Here in Brazil, we have a shared host (kinghost.com.br) that has 'One Click
  Install for web2py' in control panel, but I dont know any other.

  In the bookhttp://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11youcan find
  information needed to setup web2py with wsgi, mod_wsgi and mod_python.

  Python web apps (indepent of teh framework you are using) works in a
  different way of PHP or ASP applications.

  Do you know exactly what is the setup provided by GoDaddy? Python Version,
  Linux Distro?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[web2py] Default Web2Py Application on GAE

2011-02-01 Thread Gary Bee
I have created an application for my business homepage.
When I run web2py locally by default it opens a link to the welcome
application. I have to edit the url to the application of my homepage.
This works fine for development purposes, I can also access the site
via the admin interface.
I have successfully uploaded this to GAE, but by default when I try to
access the application it sends me to welcome/default/index. However
in the yaml file I told GAE to ignore this app so I get an error:
My question is... how do I edit the default application that opens
when I run web2py/GAE?

[web2py] Favicon on GAE

2011-02-01 Thread Gary Bee
I have used a favicon (.png) to get a nice little icon for my website
in the browser. This works on my local web2py installation but now I
have uploaded it to GAE the favicon does not appear? Any ideas?

[web2py] [SOLVED] Re: Default Web2Py Application on GAE

2011-02-01 Thread Gary Bee
I do apologize. I have found init.py and have edited it to my

On Feb 1, 9:08 pm, Gary Bee g...@rtplanb.com wrote:
 I have created an application for my business homepage.
 When I run web2py locally by default it opens a link to the welcome
 application. I have to edit the url to the application of my homepage.
 This works fine for development purposes, I can also access the site
 via the admin interface.
 I have successfully uploaded this to GAE, but by default when I try to
 access the application it sends me to welcome/default/index. However
 in the yaml file I told GAE to ignore this app so I get an 
 My question is... how do I edit the default application that opens
 when I run web2py/GAE?