[web2py] Re: How to use web2py auth using JavaScript+ajax?

2012-04-05 Thread thstart
I found an old thread:

The discussion stopped at some point. 

On Friday, March 30, 2012 7:08:10 AM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:

 On Friday, March 30, 2012 2:22:42 AM UTC-4, thstart wrote:

 Thank you, could you please post an example?

 Perhaps someone else has a full working example. You just need a form on 
 the page that gets posted via Ajax (see 
 http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/11#The-ajax-function), and 
 then check the submitted credentials with auth.login_bare (see 


[web2py] Re: How to use web2py auth using JavaScript+ajax?

2012-03-30 Thread thstart
Thank you, could you please post an example?

On Thursday, March 29, 2012 7:24:02 PM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:

 Now I need to make possible login/logout with just 
 Javascript and Ajax snd calling web2py auth remotely.

 How to implement it so that I get the same functionality
 with sessions, etc?

 If you need to login with an Ajax request, try using auth.login_bare(). 
 That will require you to handle the form creation and submission logic 
 yourself. For Ajax logout, you can write your own function -- it just needs 
 to add the logout event to the db via 
 auth.user) and then set session.auth = None (the event logging is 
 optional). Sessions should work as usual.


[web2py] How to use web2py auth using JavaScript+ajax?

2012-03-29 Thread thstart
I need to do a major rework in order to move client-side
functionality to the browser and using Javascript 
to get more responsive client side experience with
no refresh etc.

That means web2py will give a rich server side
functionality and all client work to be performed via JavaScript
and Ajax. I made several tests and see this integration
working just perfect.

I successfully implemented auth with web2py. 

Now I need to make possible login/logout with just 
Javascript and Ajax snd calling web2py auth remotely.

How to implement it so that I get the same functionality
with sessions, etc?

Assuming this is working, then how to retain the users' 
session state?

Thanks in advance,

[web2py] Re: Python Negative Popularity

2012-03-29 Thread thstart
Guido is working for Google. GAE is having Python as a primary language - 
e.g. all libraries are implemented on Python first, Java and Go next. So we 
a priority for Python. 

So from GAE point of view you better use Python to have an advantage.

If not using GAE what alternatives we have? 

PHP is not secure and is outdated. Google refuses to use it on GAE for 

Javascript is the only possibility for the client side, node.js makes it 
for server side.

Java is bloated, inefficient, etc.

So basically it boils down to two options: Javascript and Python.

On Thursday, March 29, 2012 6:42:08 AM UTC-7, Ovidio Marinho wrote:

 The fall of the python's fault Django and Python 3.0?

Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
 Web Developer
  ITJP - itjp.net.br
83   8826 9088 - Oi
83   9334 0266 - Claro

[web2py] How to get unencrypted auth password?

2012-01-24 Thread thstart
I need to unencrypt auth password having the key.

How to do that?

[web2py] Re: How to get unencrypted auth password?

2012-01-24 Thread thstart
I needed to transfer accounts to a new server. 

It turns out it is not needed.

[web2py] Re: How to get unencrypted auth password?

2012-01-24 Thread thstart
it was not needed to decrypt I wanted to say.

[web2py] Re: How to get unencrypted auth password?

2012-01-24 Thread thstart
Hi Massimo,

Could you please comment on related question?


Tanks in advance,

[web2py] Re: Ho to implement a SignIn with multiple verified email addresses.

2012-01-24 Thread thstart
the simplest way to implement without changing
auth table is:

1) user logs in with email/password

2) my app checks if login passed through

3) if not my app checks if the email entered 
in login matches a list in a different table.

4) if it matches, it checks the password if matches
in auth table and if it matches, the login is OK.

To make this working I need info on 2) and 4)

[web2py] How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-23 Thread thstart
I need to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)

How to do that?

[web2py] Re: How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-23 Thread thstart
Actually I need just to change Remember me (for 30 days) 


Remember mebr(for 30 days) 

[web2py] Re: How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-23 Thread thstart
Thank you  Anthony, will try it!

[web2py] Re: How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-23 Thread thstart
It worked. Now I want to change  *formstyle* and default labels:
1) E-mail to Email
2) The message in red below Email: Invalid email to Please enter a valid 
email address.
3) The message in red below password: too short to Please enter a valid 
too short is actually misleading because I am hitting Sign Up with all 
fields empty.

auth.settings.login_onvalidation = login_email_lower
current.app.auth =  auth

form.custom.submit['_data-theme'] = 'e'
form.custom.submit_button = 'Sign In'

like in:

form_add_email_address = SQLFORM.factory(
requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_EMAIL(error_message='invalid email!')]),
submit_button = 'Add',
*formstyle *= 'table2cols' 

[web2py] Re: How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-23 Thread thstart
This is working:
auth.settings.formstyle ='divs'

This is not working (it remains E-mail):
auth.messages.label_email = 'Email'

Remember me (for 30 days works) - but there is a space above it up to 
password - how to remove it?

[web2py] Re: How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-23 Thread thstart
Also on Sign Up form I got a message 'too short' below the Password field - 
in the book link there is not correspondent function to change it.

Additionally, tried to change 
auth.messages.invalid_email = 'Please enter a valid email address'

But it still shows 'Invalid email'

[web2py] Ho to implement a SignIn with multiple verified email addresses.

2012-01-21 Thread thstart

I need to implement the following. Basically a SignIn with multiple 
verified email addresses.

   1. A first time email/password SignUp.
   2. Registered emails - send verification to the email account and 
   verified from the user after click. (this is done).
   3. Each of the registered emails plus the initial SignUp email to be a 
   valid email address for email/password SignIn. The password - the same as 
   the initial Sign Up.

e.g. the user SignUp with ema...@...com/password, then he 
registers/verifies two more emails: ema...@...com, email3...com. when he 
logs in next time he can login with:


Security is OK because he is the owner of ema...@...com, 
ema...@...com and proves it by SignIn to these email accounts. 
ema...@...com is pending until he does the same as for other email 

How to accomplish this?

[web2py] Re: How is the best way to export/import auth_user database?

2012-01-16 Thread thstart
yes, how to have same ID's?

[web2py] Re: How is the best way to export/import auth_user database?

2012-01-16 Thread thstart
It is a complex case. I am using GAE and already having users. Needed to 
change the database
structure, so I need to move to new GAE app. The simplest option is to 
re-invite the users but they are 100s. They will need to re-register again 
using email/password. Probably not big deal for them but I try to eliminate 
this step - if it is possible to migrate their accounts, then re-direct the 
domain to the new GAE app and when they access the new site, which will 
look the same they just have to login. But the ID's are used in the 
database for their membership. If their ID's are different it will not 
work. I am using the native GAE models for speed. web2py - only the auth 
functionality plus the generated ID's. 

[web2py] Re: How is the best way to export/import auth_user database?

2012-01-16 Thread thstart
you are correct - if I have a way to use GAE to populate auth table - this 
is the best way, but how to do that?

[web2py] How is the best way to export/import auth_user database?

2012-01-15 Thread thstart
I need to migrate to new server. How is the best way to export auth_user 
data from the old and import to the new database and all username/passwords 
to be used with no change?

[web2py] How to do that: Verifying email account ownership

2012-01-05 Thread thstart
Verifying email account ownership - I am brainstorming for the best way to 
know email address is owned by an user.

Something like that - a user enters email address, my app
generates a code and sends an email message with a link with this
code, the user clicks and comes to my app which thus verifies he 
is the owner of the email account.

Similar to reset password. 

How is the easiest wat to do that with web2py?

Re: [web2py] How to do that: Verifying email account ownership

2012-01-05 Thread thstart
I mean a separate functionality from auth. Like the user is
posting a list of email addresses in a text box and my app
gets them and sends verification email messages to these
accounts. Once the user clicks the links to go to my app
and my app to mark this email verified and store it in 
a users' separate database

[web2py] email/password Login cannot enter longer emails like 30 letters.

2012-01-03 Thread thstart
I defined email/password only Login.

cannot enter longer emails like 30 letters.

I see in auth_user 
Field('email', length=512, type='string', default='',

What is wrong?

[web2py] Re: email/password Login cannot enter longer emails like 30 letters.

2012-01-03 Thread thstart
problem solved - it was in the widget - thank you! 

[web2py] How to implement http_user_agents statistics?

2012-01-03 Thread thstart
I am recording http_user_agents info like this:
 *value:* [u'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; 
Trident/5.0)', u'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.7 
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7', u'Mozilla/4.0 
(compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; 
InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; BRI/2)'] 
In order to optimize the app according most used devices.
How is the best way to analyze this info and make a statistics?

[web2py] Re: How to make a function to download a file?

2011-12-28 Thread thstart
*As I see I need this:*
*  stream = cStringIO.StringIO() *
* return stream.getvalue() *
*I have a ready to go content as a string in a variable:*
*content = * '.'*

So how to put this string in a stream?

*My code is:*
*def download():
   response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv'
   attachment = 'attachment;filename=' + file+ '.csv'
   response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = attachment
   content = ',,'
   raise HTTP(200,str(content),
 'Content-Disposition':attachment + ';'})*

[web2py] Re: How to make a function to download a file?

2011-12-28 Thread thstart
file is composed dynamically - I get it from request - it is send like 
?file=name and I get it from there.

can you post the code you just tried?

[web2py] Re: How to make a function to download a file?

2011-12-28 Thread thstart
You mean my original code is working? With IE it is not.
What browser you are using? In IE nothing comes
for download.

[web2py] Re: How to make a function to download a file?

2011-12-27 Thread thstart
I don't use a database to create the CSV content but generate is as a comma 
delimited text. Also I want to set the file name to be downloaded.

I don't see how to do it from the book.

This line has to be changed in order to work:

raise HTTP(200,str(content),
  'Content-Disposition':attachment + ';'})

[web2py] How to add link for downloading CSV file with specifying filename

2011-12-27 Thread thstart
I generate CSV content ready to use as a .csv file; don't use a database 
and have a function to do that.

I want this .csv file to be available for download after click and 
the filename to be set from the application.

How to do that in web2py?

[web2py] GAE+email+a list of CC

2011-12-24 Thread thstart
I want to send an email to multiple users
so each of them to reply to all recipients 
in the message.

I am using GAE and set a CC=[ema...@gmail.com,ema...@gmail.com...]
but only the 'to' email is received and in CC I see CC=None.

What is wrong?

[web2py] Re: GAE+email+a list of CC

2011-12-24 Thread thstart
Here is the code:

cc = []
for to_name, to_email_addr in to_email_addrs:

result = *send_email_message_web2py*(

def  *send_email_message_web2py* (

from gluon import current
request = current.request 
response = current.response

if not isinstance(cc, (list, tuple)):\
to_email_addr=to_email_addr.replace(' ','')
reply_to_email_addr=reply_to_email_addr.replace(' ','')

result = False

sender = ('%s %s'
 % (sender_name, sender_email_addr))

reply_to_email_addr1 = ('%s %s'
 % (reply_to, reply_to_email_addr))

to_email_addr = ('%s %s'
 % (to_name, to_email_addr))

#render the email template
filename_email_template_txt = template  + '.txt'

if os.access(filename_email_template_txt,os.R_OK):
body=('Internal error:%s' % (message_body))

filename_email_template_html = template  + '.html'

if os.access(filename_email_template_html,os.R_OK):
body=('htmlbodyh1Internal error/h1%s/html' % 

#import name in body
 sender_organization = sender_organization,
 sender_name = sender_name,
 sender_email_addr = sender_email_addr,
 sender_phone_work = sender_phone_work, 
 to_name_in_body = to_name_in_body, 
 to_name = to_name,

message_txt = response.render(filename_email_template_txt,context)
except Exception, e:
 sender_organization = sender_organization,
 sender_name = sender_name,
 sender_email_addr = sender_email_addr,
 sender_phone_work = sender_phone_work, 
 to_name_in_body = to_name_in_body, 
 to_name = to_name,
#logging.info('%s: context_html:%s' % (sub, str(context)))

message_html = response.render(filename_email_template_html,context)
except Exception, e:

message_html = message_html.replace('lt;brgt;', 'br')
message_body = (message_txt, message_html)

to = to_email_addr
reply_to = reply_to_email_addr

msg = ('%s, to:%s, subject=%s, message_html:%s' % (sub, to, subject, 
logging.info('%s:%s' % (sub, msg))

cc: list or tuple of carbon copy receiver addresses; will also
accept single object
bcc: list or tuple of blind carbon copy receiver addresses; will
also accept single object
reply_to: address to which reply should be composed

def send(

result = *mail.send*(to=to,

[web2py] How to optionally check IS_EMAIL if not blank?

2011-12-24 Thread thstart
I have this form:

form = SQLFORM.factory(
Field('first_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY() ),
Field('last_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY() ),
Field('email_work', requires=[IS_EMAIL(error_message='invalid email!')]),
Field('email_home', requires = IS_EMAIL(error_message='invalid email!')),
submit_button = submit_button_text   

Right now if email_work AND email_home are not blank I get an error message
'invalid email' which is OK.

What I want as a better solution is web2py not to check if email is valid 
email_work  OR email_home are blank. Only if not blank is submitted then to 
check if it is a valid email address.

How to accomplish this?

[web2py] How to make a function to download a file?

2011-12-22 Thread thstart
I want the visitors to be able to download a CSV file.

here is my code:
def download():
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv'
attachment = 'attachment;filename=' + file+ '.csv'
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = attachment

content = ',,'
raise HTTP(200,str(content),
  'Content-Disposition':attachment + ';'})

When I click on the link download, I get 'Undefined' in the browser
and nothing is downloaded.

What is wrong?

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-16 Thread thstart
OK I added this code after database definition:

db.auth_user.email.requires.insert(0, IS_LOWER()) 

So it is always present with register and login.

Now register is working as expected - e.g. if I
create first an account with lower case email 
and then try to create an account with same 
email but mixed case, the system does not creates
a new  account. So this important part is working 

But now when I try to login I always have to enter 
lower case, with mixed case the message is
'Invalid login'. here is the code:

#auth.settings.login_onvalidation = *login_email_lower*#current.app.auth =  

As you see I commented out login_email_lower and 

I suppose I should return it back.

def *login_email_lower*(form): form.vars.email = form.vars.email.lower()

Re: [web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-16 Thread thstart
How to perform a function to strip out white spaces before

Re: [web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-16 Thread thstart
the issue is I see with the debugger in the case of register - the 
executes after register telling 'Invalid Email' when I copy/paste 
an email with space after the email itself. I want to prevent this
to happen.

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-15 Thread thstart
I used your suggestion for 'reset_email_lower' from this thread
but it doesn't works with register. It works for login/reset_password
but not with register.

I added this code (reset_email_lower) to  registration
too. But I checked the database and see the following:

1) I create a new user account with email all lower case.
2) the app logs in as default.
3) Log out.
4) I try to create a new user account with same email but
first letter a capital. I see in the database that a new account is created
and the email is stored a lower cap but now I have two id's with the same
email in auth_user table
5) after creating the new account the app logs automatically
and in auth_event I see  User # Registered and in user_id column
the user_id of the other account which already was created with lower caps.

Bottom line - when registering - how to convert the email to lower cap so 
web2py to be able to check if the same email is already registered,
and if so to prevent creating of a new account and notify the user that the 
already exist.

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-15 Thread thstart
could you please post a code how to that for register especially?

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-15 Thread thstart
Thank you, I will test it. 

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-15 Thread thstart
great, I set this globally where the auth_user table is defined.
On register got the message
*'value already in database or empty'*

how to change it?

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-15 Thread thstart
Also, when logged in - how to make possible for the user to change
his email?

[web2py] Re: email/password login only: How to change email to lower case at the register page and store as a lower case to the database.

2011-12-15 Thread thstart
I am using email/password as a login.
After login I want to have an option
for the user to be able to change his email
used as a login.

say the user logs in with myem...@gmail.com/
after log in he clicks on a button (change your email),
a form is present where he enters his new email
as newem...@gmail.com. 

He logs out, and now he can login with 

e.g. auth_user.email used to be myem...@gmail.com,
after the change to be newem...@gmail.com