Thanks for the reply. But it didn't work. I've this simple assign

def assign():
    print request.vars

and it prints this. Note the \r\n as first characters. This is what is
causing the problem

<Storage {'\r\nfields': "{'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':

Just for the ref, I'm using the below python script for sending

data = {'fields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to': ''}}

data = urllib.urlencode(data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()

Hope you can help me out. Thanks,

On Apr 19, 8:10 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> The "assign" function expects the request.vars.fields to be in JSON.
> This should do it but I have not tried it.
> data = {'fields': simplejson.dumps({'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':
> ''})}
> data = urllib.urlencode(data)
> response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()
> Massimo
> On Apr 19, 5:55 am, Joseph Jude <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a function as below. This is called as part of API function
> > rather than from the browser.
> > def assign():
> >     print request.vars.fields
> >     if request.vars.fields:
> >         case_values=json.loads(request.vars.fields)
> >         ret_dict=api.assign_case(db,case_values)
> >     else:
> >         ret_dict={'id': 1, 'msg': 'No parameters received'}
> >     return json.dumps(ret_dict)
> > When I invoke this via,
> > curl -u
> > -d fields='{"id":16,"assign_to":""}'
> > I do get request.vars.fields properly and the function executes as
> > desired. However when I try the same via a python script like the
> > below:
> > data = {
> >                 'fields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to': ''}
> >                 }
> > data = urllib.urlencode(data)
> > response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()
> > There is no input parameter (fields). When I examine the
> > request.vars.fields, it shows like the below:
> > <Storage {'\r\nfields': "{'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':
> > ''%"}>
> > There are \r\n at the begining and % at the end. Is there a reason for
> > this? How can I test my function using python script (ie achieve the
> > same result as curl).
> > Hope my question is not too confusing.
> > Thank you,
> > Joseph
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