Hello All,

I'm trying to display records in a table, that has a button at the end
of each row, that calls a JavaScript popup to confirm the delete.

I'm stuck and would appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Some of the code is attached.



<script type="text/javascript">
function confirmation() {
        var answer = confirm("Delete Record?")
        // how can I pass the record ID from python to javascript?
        // I tried something like ...   recno = "{{=r.id}}"
        recno = '48'
        if (answer){
                // delete the specified record number
                alert("Deleting Record Number# " + recno   )
                window.location = "http://IP-ADDRESS:8000/appname/
controller/delete/" + recno;
                alert("The record was NOT deleted")

{{#  tboffice.id     tboffice.fdesc   tboffice.fprice }}
{{ for r in recs: }}
{{ price = '%.2f' % r.fprice }}
{{ rec_id = '%04i ' % r.id }}
{{ d = r.fdesc }}
 <td> {{=rec_id}}  </td> <td> {{=r.fdesc}} </td> <td align="right">
{{=price}} </td> <td> {{=LI(A("Delete", _href=URL(r=request ,
f="delete/"+str(rec_id)  ))) }} </td> <td> <form> <input type="button"
onClick="confirmation()" value="Delete"> </form> </td>

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