OK. check out web2py.com, the second item after the slides.

On Jul 10, 10:02 am, viniciusban <vinicius...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 10, 11:26 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > On Jul 10, 9:12 am, Vinicius Assef <vinicius...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > What's web2py commitment with backward compatibility?
> > We are fully committed to backward compatiliby. We never broke it in 2
> > years. We do not accept patches that break it. That is one of the
> > reason we call web2py an "Enterprise framework". I thought we said
> > that in the main web page but somehow it disappeared in the last edit.
> > I will put it back.
> Massimo, thank you for your immediate answer.
> I think it is a common shortcomming to companies when they choose to
> adopt new technologies.
> When a big company takes care of some peace of software, i.e, IBM,
> customers know this is on way.
> But, actually, this is not web2py's situation, right?
> I would put it in web2py homepage and I'd enphasize it. With all
> capital letters, colorful, and blinking! (just a joke)
> Just saying "enterprise framework", can mean "able to work with large
> teams", or "good methods", or "distributed teams", maybe "rapid
> development", even "stardards compliant", but not backward compatible.
> I'd also say there what you wrote: "We never broke it in 2 years".
> It's worth reading. :-)
> Backward compatibility is very, very important. Really.
> I've worked to big telecom companies, here in Brazil, and this topic
> was decisive to make some choices. Frequently, money was not the
> problem. Lifetime cicle was. Despite technology or simplicity.
> Congratulations.
> +1 point to web2py. ;-)
> --
> [ ]s
> Vinicius Assef.
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