Sorry, my example was too simplistic for what I am trying to achieve.
Let me try again.

num = 1
SELECT(OPTION('candy',_value=1, value=num),OPTION
('chocolate',_value=2, value=num))

the result i want is

<option value="1" selected="selected">candy</option>
<option value="2">chocolate</option>

this is based on my understanding of the "value" and "_value"
attributes of the OPTION helper.  here is the relevant text from p.
139 of the manual:

As in the case of INPUT, web2py make a distinction between "
value" (the value of the OPTION), and "value" (the current value of
the enclosing select). If they are equal, the option is "selected".


On Oct 21, 10:42 pm, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote:
> No, if you want that option selected pass it a attribute for selected.
> Anything with an underscore will get passed to the html as an attribute. So
> you could also go _style="..."
> OPTION('candy', _selected="selected", _value=1) should produce what you are
> looking for.
> However, when using SQLFORM the default selection can be set as well when
> you specify field.default =...
> -Thadeus
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Avik Basu <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am a Web2Py newbie trying to use the OPTION helper to create a
> > dropdown menu that will select the appropriate option.
> > I expect that
> > OPTION('candy', _value=1, value=1)
> > should produce
> > <option selected="selected" value="1">candy</option>
> > but it only produces
> > <option value="1">candy</option>
> > Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
> > Avik
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