Trying to use linkto, so following example in web2py 
to try to understand.

I have copied the example with person and dog tables, in particular in def 
display_form(): I have

link = URL('list_records')
form = SQLFORM(db.person, record, deletable=True,
                  upload=url, linkto=link, labels = {'dog.owner':"This 
person's dogs"})

as described in the book.

The books says the link generated will be 
"/test/default/list_records/dog?query=dog.owner%3D5" but in fact the link 
which appears when I visit /test/default/display_form/1 is 
 "/test/default/list_records/dog?query=list_records.dog.owner%3D%3D1", i.e. 
there is a spurious list.records and a spurious %3D. Not surprisingly the 
link doesn't work. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? 


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