A try to write my first PDF report (the user fill a form, manager it, .... 
at the end another user print this order).
All the test I read in this forum or in the documentation alwyas end with 
"Le fichier ne commence pas par '%PDF-' Local\EWH-3508-0 "

First test :
from gluon.contrib.fpdf import FPDF
def test():
        pdf = FPDF()
        pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16)
        pdf.cell(40,10,'Hello World')
        return response.stream(open('tuto1.pdf'))
==> I get the message

Second one :
from gluon.contrib.fpdf import FPDF
def test():
        pdf = FPDF()
        pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16)
        pdf.cell(40,10,'Hello World')
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'    
        return XML(pdf.output('', 'S'))
==> I get the message

I remark in the source code, that the "%PDF- + version" is written in the 
_enddoc function, called by the close.
So I try to add "pdf.close()" ... ==> I also get the message.

Other try :
    pdf = FPDF('P','mm','A4')   # A4 Portrait en mm
    pdf.set_font('Arial', 'I', 14)
    pdf.cell(40, 10, "Hello, ExampleServer World")
    stuff = open("stuff.pdf", 'w')
    stuff.write(pdf.output('', 'S'))
==> I file is created, named stuff.pdf. When I try to open this file (with 
Windows Acrobat reader) => "Cette page contient une erreur" (This page 
contains an error).

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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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