Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
"if the web2py models and raw GAE models are all different models there 
should be no problem. "

Actually the GAE models will stay the same because all the system is 
already tested and working. I decided to move to web2py when I saw it has 
auth and I implemented it for 30 minutes including jQuery Mobile layout. 
Which impressed me and I needed to learn more.

So basically how I see it I will use only auth from web2py database all the 
rest would be GAE.

"for my largest web2py project ( and the associated 
iphone app that talks to the DB)"

It looks cool. Does the web2py handles the traffic in a stable way? 

Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread howesc
i doubt there is any documentation on the subject per-se.  note that the 
web2py DAL simply translates the web2py style schema definitions and 
queries into raw GAE datastore queries.  if you get really bored and read 
the DAL you'll see it's just a wrapper around what you already know.  
you'll also find that there are some GAE features that are not implemented 
in the DAL yet.

if the web2py models and raw GAE models are all different models there 
should be no problem.  if you are accessing a particular model via GAE and 
web2py just make sure that the web2py represent and requires are written in 
such a way that any data that may be inserted by the raw GAE access will 
not cause them to break.

for my largest web2py project ( and the associated 
iphone app that talks to the DB) i do all my day-to-day work with web2py 
DAL, but schema migrations are often done with raw GAE access.

hope that helps.  feel free to fire off specific questions.


Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
What is the status if current stable release regarding
hybrid GAE + web2py usage? Is this documented somewhere?

Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 18, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Constantine Vasil wrote:

> Thank you. Before to post my question I made
> extensive research on this group and web and
> most information is dispersed. For example 
> there are postings about web2py in the "trunk"
> which are addressing these questions but 
> it is not clear at what stage is this.

Right. FWIW, I'm using the current stable release, with some changes of my own 
to gaehandler to support profiling.

Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
+Jonathan Lundell

Thank you. Before to post my question I made
extensive research on this group and web and
most information is dispersed. For example 
there are postings about web2py in the "trunk"
which are addressing these questions but 
it is not clear at what stage is this.

Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 18, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Constantine Vasil wrote:

> But the main part is I have to use the native AppEngine Datastore
> because my database models and code is optimized and tested 
> for thousand users for which Datastore is very good - nonSQL
> is very quick on this.
> The bottom line - how to use the native Google Datastore inside
> web2py? Are there any nasty incompatibilities?

I've been doing this a bit, using web2py's DAL for its auth tables and some web 
pages, and the Datastore for a faceless JSON-RPC service (through a web2py 
controller). It seems to work fine. If you look at the Datastore through GAE's 
inspection tools, you'll see the web2py stuff as entities in the Datastore. I 
don't think there's likely to be a conflict as long as you keep your namespaces 
from colliding.

Caveat: I don't have this in production. 

[web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
I invested a year in a pure GAE (AppEngine) project,
needed to have auth and after much research decided
to switch to web2py. This full stack framework blew me 
away! It is so simple and powerful, but it needs learning.

My plan is to switch gradually to web2py because I have
paying customers and other waiting to subscribe which I am 
holding on. One part of quick switching is replacing the 
Django templates I use with web2py. That part is relatively
easy. The product is developed entirely for mobile using
jQuery Mobile. It has the capability to run on desktop too but 
Internet Explorer creates issues - clicking on buttons
and submit does not fires always. I believe web2py addresses
this - I created layout_mobile.html template based on
layout.html which has IE related code and tested it - it seems
to work.

But the main part is I have to use the native AppEngine Datastore
because my database models and code is optimized and tested 
for thousand users for which Datastore is very good - nonSQL
is very quick on this.

The bottom line - how to use the native Google Datastore inside
web2py? Are there any nasty incompatibilities?

Thanks in advance,
