I'm using a routing file which makes my app load by default on
localhost. It works well, but everywhere I have used the URL()
function it prepends the application name to the URL. This of course
no longer works, because my real URLs no longer need the name.

So is there any configuration that will tell URL() not to add app name

In case of need, here's my routes.py:

default_application = "myapp"

routes_in = (
  ('/static/$anything', '/myapp/static/$anything'),
  ('/appadmin/$anything', '/myapp/appadmin/$anything'),
  ('/favicon.ico', '/myapp/static/favicon.ico'),
  ('/robots.txt', '/myapp/static/robots.txt'),
  ('/(?P<any>.*)', '/myapp/\g<any>'),
routes_out = [(x, y) for (y, x) in routes_in[:-2]]

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