I set up my Webfaction hosting with a single web2py install that I intend 
to use for a couple of subdomains pointing to separate apps using routes.py.

I pointed domain.com and blog.domain.com to my web2py app and through 
routes.py told web2py to point blog.domain.com to my blog app that I plan 
on writing. Right now it's just a default scaffolding app. Here is the code 
in my routes.py file:

routers = dict(
    BASE = dict(
        domains = {
            'blog.domain.com' : 'blog',

So... this worked great, until I tried to undo it for some troubleshooting 
purposes. I commented out all the code in routes.py. blog.domain.com still 
points to my blog app instead of my default web2py app (currently Welcome). 
I renamed routes.py, blog.domain.com still points to the blog app.

I thought maybe this was some new default behavior where if a subdomain is 
used with the same name as an app it will point to the app. I made a new 
app and a subdomain of the same name and pointed it to my web2py app. This 
one points to the default Welcome app as expected.

So what is the deal here? Is there some cache of routes.py that I need to 
clear to return a domain route back to default?


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