I'm running latest stable release (Bzr r2247) & trying to use this for
a multiselect field:
widget = SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes.widget

But it's not working properly.
The create form works fine - the widget appears to work fine & the
database is indeed populated properly with the expected:
This displays fine in read screens.
However it fails to work in update forms - the checkboxes don't show
up as checked & so if the record is saved then the previous checkbox
states are lost :/

I tracked this down to:
(value = '|8|9|7|')
values = not isinstance(value,(list,tuple)) and [value] or value
(values = ['|8|9|7|'])
k in values

The old, commented, code works fine though:
values = re.compile('[\w\-:]+').findall(str(value))
(values = ['8', '9', '7'])
k in values

I think the change was made to avoid a relatively slow call to 're'
However it seems not to work properly...

Many thanks :)

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