Nevermind I found the solution. I needed to make imports relative in 
beautifulsoup builder.

for instanc:.
from bs4.element import NamespacedAttribute
changed to:
from ..element import NamespacedAttribute

I guess this is what you get when you simply copy paste modules into the 

Terça-feira, 11 de Setembro de 2012 12:19:53 UTC+1, lcamara escreveu:
> Hey,
> My application is using a module that depends on BeautifulSoup which I 
> have in the application modules folders along with my module, I have 
> installed html5lib on my system as it's a very permissive parser. When I 
> run the module directly from the console I get:
>     registring HTMLParserTreeBuilder
>     registring HTML5TreeBuilder
> But when I run the module by calling it's functions inside my web2py I get:
>     registring HTMLParserTreeBuilder
> This results in me getting the wanted results when calling from the 
> console and wrong results when calling from web2py as it is not using the 
> html5lib parser.
> html5lib is installed on my ms windows python installation and should be 
> available for all python applications.
> Is there a reason why web2py fails to import it?
> I'm running web2py 2.0.8 from source, in windows 7 and using python 2.7.3
> Thanks,
> Leo


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